
  • I hope tonight’s call inspired  and supports you in-body -ing that which gives you joy.  Feel free to post your questions here.  I am happy to answer questions that I am sure will arise later on.

    thanks for participating.

  • Big time, thanks Winnie!



  • thanks Winnie,

  • This is double powerful because it makes you think about new things to do and makes you realize the true worth of what you already do

  • How awesome Calvin that you are giving the MB a go.  It's so true what you're saying.  

    I know that I encouraged you guys to use a  journal  I thought though you might want the ledger anyway because it may simplify things for you.  I noticed the price on Amazon is soooo expensive.  It's $45.

    If you purchase it from the school directly (HMI) it is $20 before taxes. The link is below

  • Winnie you are a gifted hypnotist! I am really loving our calls so much. Going to apply what I learned tonight and see what happens! Call will be posted soon.

  • Tonight's call was so cool for me (April 4, 2019). In so many ways it's almost like I started out advanced in life and now I'm just working my way backwards. I understand more than I have in my whole life things on visceral, instinctive, automatic knowing ways, but for 3D practical technique and simple understanding goes so far, and will come in so handy. We're definitely going to continue on this line of learning together.

  • Learned a lot tonight. Thank you all. Objectives for me: use the time before sleep carefully, relax by letting go of things that don't serve me, recognize on a deeper level how it all starts with the body, create the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious in meditation

    edit: also that the learning doesn't stop, if it did, you wouldn't be perceiving

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