
  • The longer you look, the deeper you go, and the more you see! I love it too!

  • Me too!!!!

  • ok.. what IS G Space?

  • G SPACE is an experience... it's under SUNSPACE at the top. Thia have you explored the site much? We have so many tools that maybe people do not even know about. We take it for granted that people click on everything here. 

    You can read about it on this link to know what it is-

    But you can gaze, meditate and FEEL it here.

    You immerse eyes open or closed, FEEL, play with it with the mouse to send the energy ripples out. You can dive solo but it is really the best with a group. It is a powerful portal and digital alchemy in an of itself. Truly beautiful energy. The image will change frequently and we use it in our group calls on Friday night. :) Enjoy!

  • Hey there Thia....I was on this site for maybe 2 months  before i sort of knew what all was there.Its kind of like a maze,one door opens to a whole other path.It is awesome to play here and feel yourself expand.I was to shy to ask for help.welcome.

    Thia Belajonas said:

    ok.. what IS G Space?

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