Gaia TV

So a couple of us were chatting about Gaia Channel, so since there are so many mind control commercials about politics and pharmaceutical products, I like to use the Roku and find things to watch there. So here I would like for anyone that is also using the Gaia channel or any of the others, to say what you have enjoyed watching. 

One I watched for my Sunday morning pleasure is "The Path: Beyond the Physical" this is about Robert Monroe's work,  and goes into great detail about remote viewing and explores the many possibilities when using it.  Here is the link to that program, I am not sure if it will work if you are not a member-

What are some of your favorites?

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  •   I too am a member of the Gaia network, I have been watching those series from the beginning.  I chose to pay these folks rather than the other styles of entertainment.  I have found all of the movies to be of a wonderful influence. It seemed to me that all of the programing is designed for an uplifting experience, one which will bring back the memories which will help elevate our frequencies. I have not been able to choose one author over the others as the content is so incredibly diverse yet of the same genre.  I have used my second awareness for choses, I already know (realize) that I am guided and directed at all times,so I tune into this and follow.  

  • "Cosmic Disclosure" with David Wilcock and Corey Goode talk about the secret space program, colonies on Mars, the Blue Avians and The Law of One material. "Wisdom Teachings," also David Wilcock, talks about Sacred Geometry, science/spirituality,The Law of One material." Hidden Origins", with Michael Tellinger, talks about Sound/Vibration, Africa's Ancient Stone Circles/Sites. "Open Minds" with Regina Meredeth,(Randall Carlson) Sacred Geometry.  "Arcanum", I only saw one of these, it was about ancient religious art. It showed UFOs in some of the paintings. Very interesting.

  • Hi Sooz,

    I just happened to watch an interview video to Barbara Hand Clow on the Pleaidians. I really liked the vibes of this lady and did some digging on her workings and it seems she has shared all she learnt in a non-guru way of things that I very much respect.

    Sometime back I read the R. Monroe books and even when to his place for a retreat. It was cool place, had nice meetings and such but it looks to me it had already become a bit commercial oriented. That was around 1995-6. I didn't get to have any OBE there anyway.

  • I watched a video there about Robert Monroe on there too, it has passed through to different people running it now. I am not too far from there, but have never been.

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