Get Unreal

I'm starting a media project. A kind of digital fireside. It's aims include providing a live forum for discussion and exploration as well as providing a place to apply what we have learned here to the broader world at large. Or, to even just place the ideas in the context of your life.

I'm open to suggestions. Right now, I would like to hold our little meetings in a Youtube Chat. In the past, we used the conference line. Which we can still do.

The name of the gathering is "Get Unreal."

Here is a link to the Youtube channel I have created. If it interests you, please, comment below.



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  • oh, and here is the link to the Youtube channel i created, i'd like to use for this project:

  • so, here is my first attempt. my llittle midnight experiment. i definitely have some interesting, concrete ideas, at least, as of this recording. i'm currious to see where this might lead.

  • Is there such thing as a unit of real or unreal

  • To assign a measuring schema, while useful does one further thing beyond establish a framework for analysis and an excuse for thought. It establishes the Observer as something separate and places it an a hierarchy where it is charged to define and organize the observed phenomena.

    In one sense, your question feels like a variation of quantum mechanics. An irreducible unit that both is and is not. That doesn't mean it isnt an interesting question.

    One could also say such a prime unit, could and only could be the One Mind. But, then, we should ask, who would be measuring and to whom or what other thing would the data have any meaning apply, if there is and only is just that one thing?

    Its obvious, you mean, how does this concept apply to our world? Maybe you mean, how can we take the insights offered by this idea and apply them to our lives and our technology?

    But, that's really the point. We are the technology. We are the apparatus its theory has proposed. We are the functional result of this base unit. And its lessons stem not from a course of instruction in how to become a master of the universe but rather a master of ourself.

    It is the only thing, nothing, that is real. If there ever was such an idea of real being real itself. And it is nothing like the word, as we know it, at all. The idea is that we are fictional and always were. Self aware geometry, sentient equations building programming, but we never existed.

    And yet, here we are, being. So, if the question is how to apply these ideas to our world, then know you are a figment of imagination in service of the only thing that is real, that being the source of everything at the center, the single anything that ever was. That made you, the universe, and everything and everyone in it. 

    Which is, well, nothing. Just layers and layers of programmed and stratified mind compartmentalized to wander back to a fullness it was never incomplete from. That idea that we were, ever as our characters were programmed to believe, separate from what bore us. We are it and always were.
    Calvin said:

    Is there such thing as a unit of real or unreal

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