Glitches/Reality shifts

Hey Beautiful Beings!

So I know we have a glitch in the matrix thread somewhere but I wanted to make a fresh one and ask if any of you know what I am noticing.

Question: Has anyone been noticing that they are experiencing some glitches in the matrix in the last month or so? For me, it's been manifesting in some small strange things. For example, things going missing that I know were in existence at one point and now that thing is not there where it should be.  Another example is packages that I clearly recall shipping but there is no record of it and it never showed up for the person. I know 99% that I sent this package. But when there is no record it makes you doubt your own experience. 

A friend has an interesting story of a glitch. She went to look at a property and there was a utility building on the property. She distinctly remembers this building and she has a witness ( her mom) who clearly recalls that building as well when they were exploring the whole property.  They spoke about what they would do with that building. They went back a week later and the building was not on the property and apparently never was on the property even though they have this very clear memory of it being there.

I don't know what's going on. This is either human error or something strange is happening. 

It almost feels like either my memory is faulty or there has been a "scene edit" problem in my reality where stuff that should make my experience of a timeline consistent in terms of props is just is not there. For example, when making a movie, there is someone on set that will record and know all the details of that scene. This is so that in case they have to reshoot the scene at a later time everything is the same.  You know, like remove the Starbucks cup that does not belong on the table or apply the mole on the face of the actor on the correct side, that sort of thing. 

Are we moving in and out of timelines, moving into a slightly different reality, or having an overlapping timeline experience? I don't know when the shift exactly happened or if it's been happening gradually but it feels like something changed in April? Does anyone have anything like that to share? Just curoius. 

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  • I think we are in two timelines at once.

  • Mary what are you doing today, Exlipse day? What is your best advise for Someone New here? Thank you !
    I’m happy I found you!
  • For today, to add your vibe to the symphony of vibes on a conscious level, go to, which is also our website, sign up there and build something with Imagi. It's fun, gorgeous and cool to do, and very powerful. I'd go into it with NO intent, but let your subconscious guide your design. I say "conscious" level because levels of your being that function outside the Great Lie of this reality are already working with the Eclipse energies and frequencies.

    As for getting started here, get the alchemy and read everything under About, and Mastery.

    Ra said:

    Mary what are you doing today, Exlipse day? What is your best advise for Someone New here? Thank you !
    I’m happy I found you!
  • Yes! Totally!
    Im glad you brought it up..

    I've had things just vanish and then reappear in a place where I left them. I'm getting used to it.
    Also something that adds to the confusion is how vivid dreams can be sometimes. I would dream something that just seemed so natural and 'realistic' that I'd thought it happened.
    How can you tell which dream is which?

    Something that I have noticed and might be offtopic is how vibrant everything looks. Colors are very rich, edges are very sharp. But also, strangely, although picture quality is better, its like the world is dancing, very slightly moving at all times. Nothing is static.

    I feel like this movement between timelines is constant and happens at every moment, it should be seamless, but I guess with the magnitude of things happening now, sometimes there have to be compromises.
    There was a lot going on since last august until winter solstice, that was a big one, and then dust needed to settle for a couple of months and it really picked up speed again in April. 

    Maybe try to have a notebook or something as a crutch for your memory?
    It would be really fun to see something written in there and then the 'reality' just not matching up hahaha.

  • Welcome Ra! 

    Jakoub- what a gas! I love the description of the colors and everything being more alive and vibrant. I wonder if that's because of the higher vibe energy causing the look of things to be extra well... EXTRA. r That makes me remember how I  am experiencing more sensitivity to things in general that involve the senses. Touch, smell and taste are more intense. Sometimes that is awesome and sometimes as happened this past weekend involving a bottle of peppermint oil, it can be too much or the sensitivity can be almost unbearable or unpleasant with the wrong thing.  I think you are right about the dreaming. That might be what is going on. I dreamt I did things that I did not do but it was realistic enough to serve as a memory? 

    Dreams have been more vibrant and full of meaning. And in waking life there seems to be more living sigils of synchonicity. Whether that is coincidental or serendipitous I don't know but I am choosing the funner narrative. :)  For example we see lots of birds. Alisha a member here and I were talking about birds and alchemy. 

    My yard is a bird sanctuary.  It could be the area we live in Colorado but I don't recall seeing so many birds in my life and Salt Lake City had a freaking aviary and wetlands preserve within a few miles of our old town.  I have a hummingbird that lives right outside my office window and I love those little guys! I don't know what it all means but I like it. It seems to report to me that god is alive and magick is afoot.  

  • Was digging through my music playlists and came across this one, inspired by birdsong.

    I don't have anything else to contribute... sorry 

  • Me and my brother R time change dragons and we are going back into time and changing reality away from the evil nefarious entity and making them go away!............Nice to see that your noticing!

  • yes we are bringing more light and magic into the world and uncovering lost dimensions...........we are wiped out from a whole life of keeping it together during this mess splinters our selves and so we are right now going thru all my selves and pulling back missing pieces from my 15 selves in other dimensions, great idea and great plan to put back together Gods tanks................we plead thru the blood of Jesus Christ that me and my brother were designed to fight evil in all its forms

    Mary Betts said:

    Welcome Ra! 

    Jakoub- what a gas! I love the description of the colors and everything being more alive and vibrant. I wonder if that's because of the higher vibe energy causing the look of things to be extra well... EXTRA. r That makes me remember how I  am experiencing more sensitivity to things in general that involve the senses. Touch, smell and taste are more intense. Sometimes that is awesome and sometimes as happened this past weekend involving a bottle of peppermint oil, it can be too much or the sensitivity can be almost unbearable or unpleasant with the wrong thing.  I think you are right about the dreaming. That might be what is going on. I dreamt I did things that I did not do but it was realistic enough to serve as a memory? 

    Dreams have been more vibrant and full of meaning. And in waking life there seems to be more living sigils of synchonicity. Whether that is coincidental or serendipitous I don't know but I am choosing the funner narrative. :)  For example we see lots of birds. Alisha a member here and I were talking about birds and alchemy. 

    My yard is a bird sanctuary.  It could be the area we live in Colorado but I don't recall seeing so many birds in my life and Salt Lake City had a freaking aviary and wetlands preserve within a few miles of our old town.  I have a hummingbird that lives right outside my office window and I love those little guys! I don't know what it all means but I like it. It seems to report to me that god is alive and magick is afoot.  


    Sooz said:

    I think we are in two timelines at once.

  • Hahahahaha! 



    Sooz said:

    I think we are in two timelines at once.

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