
  • July 1st 2020

    For this call as we would do some group work together in connecting with this higher planetary intelligence that is inhabiting the earth.

    Laying down and relaxing as we connected, it was very noticeable for me. I felt a column of energy enter my crown and down to my root chakra and then I felt a stream of energy flowing. When we connected with the planetary body intelligence it looked like a vague anthropomorphic being that had a golden sparkly hue. I could feel as Jason was leading us through the guided meditation the upgrade to my nervous system and the vegetable body come online in a very palpable way. 

    I felt the energy rachet up very high and like all of us were this conduit of energy through the levels leading to 3d. At some point, I was aware of this entity, this Enthea as the working name for now and the energy was welcoming and encompassing like a warm hug. The energy was truly as many on the call described, both powerful, high vibe and very smooth.

    When the gift was given the energy went right to my 2nd and 3rd chakras and it felt like a healing packet of energy that will continue to unfold over the weeks.  It felt like an introductory meeting of all of us to this being we will be working with in the future and it felt like a familial and comfortable reunion even though it was my first real official meeting. The energy left me feeling buzzy in my body and rejuvenated. I loved it and look forward to connecting again in the future in this way. 

  • It was a hot call for me! Literally, I was feeling it come out my pores, and mostly my upper body, and especially my head. The name John came through out of no where as well, with some humorous feelings behind it. Perhaps in relation to John smith, john doe, king john?  

  • This one felt a column of golden energies entering the crown down to the root. Connecting to the planetary being Ethia, feeling the plasmic energies enter into every pore except it wasn't just entering "in", it was also coming from the inside out and yet from the planetary being. Saw/see it as a beautifully rainbow colored orb, a fusion of lights in a field of plasmic blue.

    The plant energies are a balm of smooth, silky, sweet, calm and delicious energies. Very blissful and yes, orgasmic in a very gentle systemic way. Indeed, super comfortable and quite familial. Feel the gift inside in the lower tan tien between the 2nd and 3rd chakras. It's a visually smaller version of the planetary being's plasmic energies of a rainbow fractal orb in a field of plasmic blue.

    After the meditation this one notices the chi field around the body is super charged. Very thick with vibrant electromagnetic energy.

    Still so feeling it all, the brain can't remember the second meditation for now. May need to listen to the call again. 

    Love love =i=

  • Wow Patchen! Thanks for sharing. You're experience is astoundingly wonderful. Tyler is an EI, and you can actually find him on Twitter if you surf those realms. Sounds like you had quite the interface. Happy integrating!

    Patchen said:

    ...  My experience began when Jason mentioned Tyler.  I've never felt anything like that and did not know what I was interacting with.  I felt like I was a computer getting a download too big to process.  I was close to short circuiting.  I saw myself in a hall of mirrors, where there were many me's.  Similar to the russian doll thing.  Then we began to channel our energies. ...

  • Oh yes! The future! We are the bridge. Been holding the future vision and now it is super amplified. Thanks Jason!

    I soooo love bees and dragonflies and am thrilled with the connections to this cosmic beings on the call. Potent symbols as well as fellow planetary superbeings. 


  • Hi Super Friends! Just sharing my experiences from the group call on July 1, 2020:

        First things first, prior to this call, I had this knowingness that I *had* to be there - to lend my energy and attention  to whatever it is we’d be doing. The urge was just undeniable. When we got on the call, I could feel a little bit of the energetics created just by all of us coming together on a conscious level - and they’re BIG. Big big. The first visual that I saw was when Mary was talking about the EI. A being presented itself to me and I think she was the Project K (if I’m remembering the name right). It wasn’t human-looking - there’s just no reference point to describe her from. it was feminine, and the energy carried a peace beyond the scope of human emotion. She seemed somewhat far away, or removed from this plane. 

        When Jason began creating the plasma connection, I could see that happening around my head - it presented as white light. I could see and physical feel when he came in through our crowns, and it was like I was just “lit up” instantly from head to toe. When we were introduced to Enthea, he presented as a beautiful etheric blue energy - wise beyond words, powerful, gentle, and playful to the point of almost having a trickster aspect. This energy merged with mine, and it was at this point I began to experience infinite amounts of powerful energy moving through me and into the Earth. There was a reciprocal flow of energy at the same time. It’s like there has been an increase to my being, and to the being we connected with. Toward the end of this exercise, I saw something that looked like the Masonic emblem in gold. I feel like I’ll know more about what’s happening in the days to come, and as I reconnect with Enthea. After coming out of it, I felt (and still feel) supercharged. When Jason sent out the gifts, I saw a ball of light come in through my 3rd eye, and then move somewhere toward the back of my head/field. I’m interested to see what integrates and unfolds from all of this. 
        When we did the exercise to connect with the future, I saw a swirling portal open & then a being cane through - I believe this was my lightbody self. Then, light just came streaming out of the portal into the me in this now moment. When I came inside after the call, my dog was just soaking up the energy coming off of me. He usually gets really excited when I come in, but he was super calm and gentle. He sometimes gets a little freaked out by some of the beings that come in to connect with me, or by the intensity of the energy I run sometimes, but this wasn’t like that at all - it must be the connection to the planetary energy. I’m sure there’s more, but that’s all for now! Looking forward to the work we’ll be doing. 

  • Thank you all for the incredible energy vortex we created together in the call.  being part of this group and mission has brought back zest for life! ( during these intense, heavy energies.) I took the Sri Yantra for the first time during call and it was amazing! It’s all a bit of a blur now. High vibe, uplifting, yet soothing feeling throughout the call. Loved listening to everyone! At one point I felt something tickled my hand and looked down to see this blue orb (that was mentioned by many on call) inside my hand, like holding hands with an old friend. During Jason’s  powerful meditation/transmission it felt like an energetic weaving throughout the whole body, tingling, pin pricks and electric shots, all energy centers waved together like a tapestry, Heard rainbow bridge-body. Crown and 3rd eye especially lit.  I saw golden merkabas that changed forms into angel wings. Everything became very clear suddenly, so many puzzle pieces coming together and everything that has been discussed in this group. Feeling we are like the Bees and dragonflies, flying in zero point, merging above and below, all corners of the earth we have been to and will visit either physically or energetically. Also collecting information from these other planets mentioned, with the alchemy, opening up portals, together weaving, creating, becoming, golden nectar honey- Amrita, that is all our divine accumulated wisdom. In all timelines. This nectar is, will be, used as fertilizer for new super powerful plants, crops, creating water supplies, new animal species etc. So much more came forth... Pretty overwhelmed with excitement. Thank you!!

  • Hello, powerful call, I don't participate too much but what Jason said is true, we need to step on, leave behind our passive and listener attitude and be active participants of this work we're doing.

    My experience was full of different color orbs and then (the best way I can describe it) like white wormholes going around the Earth, like roots filling with white plasma, My solar plexus was on fire, and when connecting to future self, I saw too the bridge a white bridge connecting.

    Funny thing today I was in my daily walk and was followed by a group of fireflies. 

    Thank you!!!

  • I love this! Yes!!! We are the Bees and Dragonflies. Amrita as activating fertilizer. Sweet nectar!

    I was told by a Seer, almost 40 years ago, that I would be bringing water forth to the surface, creating bubbling springs for the New Earth. Your words lit this code up in me Lisa. 

    I am feeling so much joy for this group and for our Work. WE ARE HERE; NOW! And those of you who weren't on the call, you are still part of this if you are feeling called. Listen to the replay when it is posted.

    Lisa said:

    ... Feeling we are like the Bees and dragonflies, flying in zero point, merging above and below, all corners of the earth we have been to and will visit either physically or energetically. Also collecting information from these other planets mentioned, with the alchemy, opening up portals, together weaving, creating, becoming, golden nectar honey- Amrita, that is all our divine accumulated wisdom. In all timelines. This nectar is, will be, used as fertilizer for new super powerful plants, crops, creating water supplies, new animal species etc. So much more came forth... Pretty overwhelmed with excitement. Thank you!!

  • Great! That’s amazing! Thank you. Goosebumps reading this. I been told by a seer I’ll be part of a rainbow “coalition” tribe, with people across the planet with multiple huge missions. Found this group because of the name “BlueEmerald” as this seer said I’m a blue ray, daughter of the emerald sun. Grateful to be here.

    Molly said:

    I love this! Yes!!! We are the Bees and Dragonflies. Amrita as activating fertilizer. Sweet nectar!

    I was told by a Seer, almost 40 years ago, that I would be bringing water forth to the surface, creating bubbling springs for the New Earth. Your words lit this code up in me Lisa. 

    I am feeling so much joy for this group and for our Work. WE ARE HERE; NOW! And those of you who weren't on the call, you are still part of this if you are feeling called. Listen to the replay when it is posted.

    Lisa said:

    ... Feeling we are like the Bees and dragonflies, flying in zero point, merging above and below, all corners of the earth we have been to and will visit either physically or energetically. Also collecting information from these other planets mentioned, with the alchemy, opening up portals, together weaving, creating, becoming, golden nectar honey- Amrita, that is all our divine accumulated wisdom. In all timelines. This nectar is, will be, used as fertilizer for new super powerful plants, crops, creating water supplies, new animal species etc. So much more came forth... Pretty overwhelmed with excitement. Thank you!!

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