
  • Hi Will, I can help you with any Hebrew inscriptions except that I can't find the image itself.

  • Looks like the image is right below Will's post in an attached Jpg form. 

  • Thanks Mary. OK found the image, however, it is not Hebrew. It looks more like latin. Also, its not the star of David in the middle, it looks more like magic ceremony symbol (not sure if black or white magic).

  • I can tell you the geometry is secondary to the language. I've seen this symbol many times, including in Latin, and it's as alchemical as it gets, and was made, beyond any question, by an alchemist.

  • Tis beateous hulk my lord messaging flower. Corpse and choir. The divine metal carrier. Hello canst thou here me? Hello is anyone there? Into silence then static and then whispers.

    And then as old time her self simply gone. And oui dying into her arms abliss enblossom.
    and it is the flower.
    spoke the flower.
  • And one day sir walking foolishly late into the haunted wood you shall meet a tall dark stranger and by his magical command instigate a query. This subroutine will organize the chaotic self deconstruction of your viable self concept (like a puddle melting into a bigger puddle) and you will float disembodied above your (robot voice) body looking down a (manu voices) diminishing (distorted chorus fading crescendo silence) body held in final embrace as the darkness comes and you will (christmad tree) see the star children (eaasy bake ovens) and thou wilst (medieval magical gandolf dude) giggle witb them in their domain. Being sneeky and devilish as good playful heart things do.
    (A portal into my mind opens as a stairwell into the floor. I invite you but hand you the vision goggles

    And he shall ask to what for what as what


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