
  • I am doing well Calvin. Thanks for asking. That river picture is really cool. How are you doing?

  • That's great to hear and no problem, thanks for answering. I've been feeling primal, emotional, excited, grateful, present in the classroom, physical.

    Sending out the energy of a supportive, reassuring, resolved hand on the shoulder

    Let's be each other's wings

  • Its funny I see your post now of all times. There are times I feel like this entire existence on Earth is a test of sorts. My whole life it feels like I've been treated like crap and no matter how much good I've done the universe just smacks me in the face, people don't make things any easier. If I am the creator of what I observe, then I'm very much done with myself and want it to change and now. I've never felt so done with everything to the point where I'm going to burst. Such hate and disgust. Six months now wearing the MPS and yet nothing has changed. How much longer must I wait?

  • The longer you have to wait the more valiant your true self must've been to take on this assignment. I really hope you can figure out how to find peace bro!

    As for the MPS, maybe another one would provide the necessary shift?

    I hope you don't burst and you can figure out a way beyond the hate and disgust. I'm here for you, and I'm trying my best to figure out being human too! Love you, admire you bro!

  • I hear what you are saying Terry!  This rock is a tough place.  During my worst times (there are many) I just kept reminding myself it's all perfect.   If it was/is supposed to be different it would be.  Dig deep to see the perfection in it all.  It's there.  Once you accept a situation and take responsibility for it.  Things start to ease and slowly improve.  The struggle keeps the sameness in place or creates more chaos.  It's not easy and I am notorious for putting up all kind of road blocks.  Each of us finds ourselves hanging on the edge of the cliff by our fingernails.  Let go!  How much longer do you want to struggle?  Even if you claw yourself back up....what's waiting for you?

    Terry Jackson said:

    Its funny I see your post now of all times. There are times I feel like this entire existence on Earth is a test of sorts. My whole life it feels like I've been treated like crap and no matter how much good I've done the universe just smacks me in the face, people don't make things any easier. If I am the creator of what I observe, then I'm very much done with myself and want it to change and now. I've never felt so done with everything to the point where I'm going to burst. Such hate and disgust. Six months now wearing the MPS and yet nothing has changed. How much longer must I wait?

  • Hey, Terry. Here's a burst of energy to cleanse you of the thoughts you included in this post. Now, I personally need to hear what's going on. What's happened to you in the last 14 days (or whatever duration you want) that would make you say everything you just said?

    Indulge me, please, and thanks.

    Terry Jackson said:

    Its funny I see your post now of all times. There are times I feel like this entire existence on Earth is a test of sorts. My whole life it feels like I've been treated like crap and no matter how much good I've done the universe just smacks me in the face, people don't make things any easier. If I am the creator of what I observe, then I'm very much done with myself and want it to change and now. I've never felt so done with everything to the point where I'm going to burst. Such hate and disgust. Six months now wearing the MPS and yet nothing has changed. How much longer must I wait?

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