I-Ching Oracle Practice

Hello Tribe! 

Blessings all! 

So I would like to invite folks that have a question they want answers to to put it here in this thread and I will inquire the I-ching about said query and do my best to interpret the answers. This is for entertainment purposes only and for practice in my oracle skills. If anyone is an I-ching practioner feel free to chime in and give your best interpretation as well. 

The I- ching is a chinese oracle.

Thank you!


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  • Thank you Mary.
    Just for fun and a frankly irreverent curiosity towards world events, what does the I-ching say about the EU's future in regards to its support of continuing war in the Ukraine against Russia? It feels like these situations on the world stage are directly related to our day to day personal lives in regards to the untruths/self deceptions that we may be holding onto regardless of how detrimental they may be in their filtering of our perceptions and resultant well being. I offer this request to the I-ching as a method to help clean up the astral and mental detritus of the human collective.

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