I-Ching Oracle Practice

Hello Tribe! 

Blessings all! 

So I would like to invite folks that have a question they want answers to to put it here in this thread and I will inquire the I-ching about said query and do my best to interpret the answers. This is for entertainment purposes only and for practice in my oracle skills. If anyone is an I-ching practioner feel free to chime in and give your best interpretation as well. 

The I- ching is a chinese oracle.

Thank you!


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  • Thank you Mary.
    Just for fun and a frankly irreverent curiosity towards world events, what does the I-ching say about the EU's future in regards to its support of continuing war in the Ukraine against Russia? It feels like these situations on the world stage are directly related to our day to day personal lives in regards to the untruths/self deceptions that we may be holding onto regardless of how detrimental they may be in their filtering of our perceptions and resultant well being. I offer this request to the I-ching as a method to help clean up the astral and mental detritus of the human collective.

  • What does the I ching say about the EU's future in regards to its support of continuing war in the Ukraine against Russia? 

    It wouldn't really give me an answer on whether or not is WAS going to be successful or it defintely is going to war with Russia to defend Ukraine but it seemed to suggest the type of outcomes that were in potential play. 

    16 is interesting. 16 is also about illusion and vibration. Think like a loud concert or rave. But could also be the fog and illusion of war. Delusion and granduer that comes from hasty excitement on a powerful potential in idea but not a well thought out plan. 

    16 1, 4, 5 -3

    Hexagram 3- difficulty and chaos in the beignning

    present  context- chaos and difficulty  disorganized and too many elements to get a clear direction on how to handle the situation. A mad scramble.

    16- Enthusiam
    16 line 1 False enthusiam they will announce their support but it's going to be so lame- burnout around war unlikely this war wil be popular after all the corruption has been exposed

    16 line 4- they could be successful ONLY if they have lots of support and rally together EU into a unified force and have everyone on the same page but can they get there realisitically? 
    16 line 5 - they will still be ineffectual weak and will have to work extra hard at 'winning" -a lost cause type situation  sickness and anxiety in persisting in thsi undertaking. Is it worth the cost?

    59 2, 5, 6-- 2

    2 Receptivity - This hexagram describes the current situation or context. Where it feel and appears like the EU has inherited this problem bc we as the USA are not going to continue funding the War. Or maybe it's describing a kind of passive weak role or stance. 

    59- is the dissolving of boundaries- dispersal. 

    59.2- seeking support - I think the EU will attempt to get support 
    59.5- they wll make a rallying cry or proclamation to continue to fight Russia

    59.6- this feels like a warning that there will be too much blood shed if they continue to get involved.  I think this is saying that they are literally overstepping their boundaries and you can take things too far by dsipersing forces across borders. I think it bleed the lifeforce of the countries who now have to fund or handle this war project which no civilians actually desire despite hard feelings about Russia

    It's possible to dissolve one boundary too many; some things, like blood, are better kept on the inside. When all barriers are down and anything is thinkable, when blood - or vital energy, or extreme emotion - starts to flow, you are very vulnerable. Don't over-commit yourself and become trapped here; get to a safe distance.

    59 dissolves boundaries so there is universal flow. Some boundaries, though, are not meant to be dissolved. Keeping the red stuff on the inside is not just a convention. (HJB)


     How does that track? I am not well educated in EU situation at all.

    • Wowzers! It is spot on.

      • I was wondering about what the future might look like for the EU in regards to the effects of its position regarding the proxy war, but the I-ching gave an answer that reflects these more immediate moments in time. Which makes sense since there are many variables that can change future outcomes. So it seems it is more of a snapshot of Now tool versus a forecasting tool, although I imagine it can forecast as far as the current situation 'can see'.

        • Sometimes you can get an answer like - If I do this, I can expect this as an outcome in the future but sometimes it does not at all want to play that and will tell you a more accurate picture of the layers of the now. Thank you for the question. It was really fun trying this out in that context of current events. :) 

    • So your notation is saying it starts at 3 and changes to 16?

      16 1, 4, 5 -3

      Hexagram 3- difficulty and chaos in the beignning

      what order is this in basically?

      • Yes! So the major hexagram was 16 turning into 3 but I found out that reading it from left to right is wrong. The second hexagram is not the future ( most of the time) It can work that way occasionally as oracle readings a bit flexible as you know but apparently the second hexagram 3 it's describing the context of  current situation and the main hexagram 16 is the one to focus on.  I was interpreting my readings incorrectly for years based off this supposedly incorrect assumption that the second hexagram represented a future expression. 

        • WHAT? haha crazy. Where did u find that out?

          • From the website Iching Clarity which is full of people who are I Ching nerds. I mean I have never seen break downs like I have over there.  I think it's a UK site and it's got forums for interpreation and education. Been around for a long time. 

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