Individual limitations

Hey all,


pumped to be a new member here, thanks for having me. I believe with any skill or ability, one can approve drastically with the right intention, but am curious to natural limitations when it comes to mental visualization and even astral projection.


ive tried the white point and sun meditation but its tough to conjure up any meaningful images in my mind. 

My theory is that strong visualization skills would leave to a more fulfilling life experience. 

Is it normal to start off unable to do this? 

thanks a bunch,


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  • Some people do not have mental imagery capacity at all. Not saying that is you but I wonder if you could practice knowing it's there and FEELING it rather than seeing with your mind's eye? Explore with that and see. 

    • Thanks, Mary. I do have visuals when I take plant medicine for example. Hopefully that means the ability is there!

  • The inability to visualize with your mind is known as aphantasia. It is not an on/off type of thing and varies in degree for each individual. I can create a picture in my mind for about a tenth of a second - kind of like a strobe light that flashes once. It is still difficult to do that.

    This affects about one in every twenty-five people give or take because it hasn't been studied or known about for too long. Mary is spot on here in her advice. Like a person with sight based blindness, you simply adapt to other ways of visualizing. You've probably already done this and just didn't know it. Feeling something instead is the easiest option that I know of. Hearing someone describe something is helpful which you can do simply by recording your own voice. I think this one is the most effective, but play around with it and above all have fun. And yes, the ability is there but I think things like trauma can cause a shutdown. The whole universe is mind so disabilities don't really exist there.

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