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You need to be a member of Blue Emerald Social to add comments!
Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
Read more…We want to hear your experiences with the alchemy! Please, post your testimonial with everyone and don't be shy! We’ve all been at the edge of that pivotal moment before delving into the wonder that alchemy is and all it has to offer! It’s…
Read more…This thread is for any questions and discussion on the various alchemies available here.
Read more…Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…Hey group- has anyone taught themselves to astral project? Is it possible for everyone? Would love to hear about the nuances and any how-to'd if applicable!
Read more…Hey all, pumped to be a new member here, thanks for having me. I believe with any skill or ability, one can approve drastically with the right intention, but am curious to natural limitations when it comes to mental visualization and even astral…
Read more…Looking forward to being a part of this group. I am only starting my journey
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Another one about photography! Surrealistic photos without photoshop!
Super cool!
Girl learns to dance in a year time lapse.
That was fantastic and I believe it's more a connection with the higher mind than the brain they are tapping into. Loved it. Thanks for sharing.
Hay nice thread you started Mary Bee. I like to share this Canuck guy's fascinating frequencies, sum of which he posted on line for free here:
Also really get a kick outta listening to his 'digital' amethyst elixir, here:
We get into some interesting stuff during the long Winters of the Great White North. Best, Christtoff Flipper.
That is FUN Christoff!
How does he do it? How would you capture the digital sounds of amethyst?
Here is a really fun video that I would LOVE to see. It mostly performed in Paris though! Dance meet digitization! day...
Thanks for reply Mary.
What comes to mind is playing frequencies:
like with a frequency generator downloaded to a computer and lowering and raising the frequencies,
until the magic moment when I hit the resonant frequency of the amethyst crystal and it starts vibrating.
Gotta contemplate how the hec he does that with magic mushrooms or Iboga though? Maybe someone on forum here knows?
This is coooooel what you shared about dancers in France dancing with digital images. Be so FUN to play with holographic images too, like the holodeck! Best, CF
This is just plain cool to look at.
Stunning eye candy of the largest cave in the world.
Video about identical twins and their shared consciousness art. Very cool!