It all started with a book..

Hello everyone, after years of researching here I am. Taking phasix now, after ormus, origin, curents and Platinum. Interesting path. We need more videos and reviews. I’m eagern to know more. Am YouTube channel maybe or social media platform. It took me 7 years to get here…it might help someone to shorten his ascending path. Thank you so much!

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  • Definitely! I think that's a great idea. I don't want to clog up this space with reports. Might be nice to have a designated forum for these products. 

    Especially since these are BRAND NEW TO THE WORLD. 

    I'm going on a castor oil/turpentine/argentine/enterosgel detox to kill off the little aliens in my intestine. Castor Oil is truly amazing stuff. Will probably be taking Purazyme until the world is toxin free (i.e forever).

    After intestines are resolved, its on to Lumin, Origin, and Shimmer. Phasix and Sri Yantra scheduled for next year (hopefully). 

    Best of luck with Phasix and Currents. Sounds like wonderful stuff. Do tell your revelations when complete. 

    What book, one wonders?

  • Thank you for your replay Daniel. The first books that made me diging deeper was Mainly P Hall ( The secret teachings of all ages).
    Then Blavatskaya, Yogananda, Babaji and many others.
    And here I am.
    Castor oil, I bought it last week, haven’t started yet.
    Meditations, I need help with those. I still resonate with YouTube guided ones. Hard to follow a script and do it myself!
  • Alchemy is a strongly personal subject and thus experiences vary: there are testimonials but that's not what you asked for.

    Out of all the social media, youtube might be the most impactful because it communicates more than words, a person can see the end-result of alchemy as well as come to terms with the underlying philosophy behind The Superbeings.

    It's best to ask the site owner (Jason- JD Aliix) about branching out. We could have a thread where we can share videos of ourselves and they'd be uploaded to a main channel or perhaps a hashtag. (But a hashtag cannot be moderated)

    However, one should consider that with popularization comes a dilution and simplification of the underlying ideologies. Having said that, I agree and even offer to make a video review, if this is greenlit.  

  • I've yet to read The Secret Doctrine and The Secret Teachings of the Ages. Theosophy is such heavy stuff. I'm working through some of AAB's work but its all way beyond the logic mind. I actually thought the The Light of The Soul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali was about Yoga Asanas, if you can believe such ignorance. Yogananda gives a very benevolent download towards the end of Autobiography of a Yogi. 

    There are MEGA meditations online from Ophena & Sikaal on Youtube. And extra awesome guided meditations on their Divine Light Academy course. They call in the masters (Babaji, Germaine, Sananda, QY, Mary, etc) in all of them. I set out to work on my Merkaba but was strongly guided to their meditations to provide a proper energetic framework first and to simply relax and receive. 

    Castor oil will rip through you, but it offers a complete intestinal reset and a nice liver cleanse too. It opened up areas I have not felt in quite a long time (or ever). There are more gentle methods, but it's time to get thorough and leave nothing to chance.

    Clean thine intestines!

    Best of Luck!

  • Thank you Daniel and Paisios.
    Vibrating on the same level. Love Opheana and Sikaal!
    And Germain with Merlin!
    If you know more pure energy meditations please let me know. I’m still resonating being guided.
    Also if there is a how to’ castor oil cleanse white paper-I would be grateful!
    I feel so good after getting your messages. Thank you!
  • O&S are as good as it gets IMO. I'm full up with all their meditations and those upgrades are phenomenal. Solara Anra does have some short 10 - 30 minute meditations that can leave you high as a kite with nice upgrades. Super high frequency. 

    The intestinal flush thing is very much subjective. It's your guts, get it? The '3 Simple Steps' to castor oil approach isn't going to work. But there's a lot of fascinating castor oil info online to get an idea. Or just take a spoonful in the morning and get a very visceral idea.

    I'm following a protocol from a guy called Josh Macin (The Detox Dudes) who recommends half a teaspoon of turpentine followed by a tablespoon of castor oil followed by L-Argenine and Enterosgel about an hour later (for cleanup). This is specifically for the destruction of parasites though it's also a complete cleanse of the intestines (minus heavy metals). I've only done the castor oil thus far, with great results. If you're just doing the castor oil cleanse, there's a lot of research and it's 100% safe, though 'thorough'. 

    What I can say from the castor oil is that it's about gut-level intuitive choices and empowerment. You'll feel it when the colon is clean and the stomach area revitalised. I associate killing the parasites and removing the toxins with a sense of autonomy. Time for a full revitalization, starting with an ambitious and aggressive flush. 

    Do update on thy results.


  • Be extremely careful with turpentine. Its red flags outnumber its green flags by miles, and it can do real damage.

    Daniel O'Keeffe said:

    Definitely! I think that's a great idea. I don't want to clog up this space with reports. Might be nice to have a designated forum for these products. 

    Especially since these are BRAND NEW TO THE WORLD. 

    I'm going on a castor oil/turpentine/argentine/enterosgel detox to kill off the little aliens in my intestine. Castor Oil is truly amazing stuff. Will probably be taking Purazyme until the world is toxin free (i.e forever).

    After intestines are resolved, its on to Lumin, Origin, and Shimmer. Phasix and Sri Yantra scheduled for next year (hopefully). 

    Best of luck with Phasix and Currents. Sounds like wonderful stuff. Do tell your revelations when complete. 

    What book, one wonders?

  • Thank you for the advises!
  • Hi JD - Appreciate the advice. I'll either completely remove or take tiny amounts for a shortened time period, cheers. 

         JD Aliix said:

         Be extremely careful with turpentine. Its red flags outnumber its green flags by miles, and it can do real damage.

  • @Daniel - When you do it, just tell it to stay away from your heart.

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