That was a mighty experience. Any experiences to describe, all of which are teaching tools for all of us, please do that in this thread.
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Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
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Read more…Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
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I went so out there that I stayed in the temple until I teleported into a straight up long nap. WOW. It was really refreshing and magickal.
We traveled in our beautiful little personal pyramids inside of the bigger pyramid and got washed by the mists. I merged with the consciousness dreaming me and it was in the archetype of an all seeing eye. This appeared to be utterly and completely profound to me as it flowed information and codes as I sat and gazed at it. It reminded me of our sigils in the fountains of code. A communion.
I walked the halls and gardens of the temple and walked past what seemed to be fountains and large cystal pyramids. I realized this time how absolutely HUGE the temple truly is - like this time it was a cathedral of space. There were all kinds of classes going on or at least the temple showed me that - I know it is a clearing house and will show you what you need to see but for me I think it was showing me how on other levels we are constantly learning. There were many classes but what was interesting was how cross dimensional subject the classes were composed. For example I saw something resembline a kite that this was being used to teach a kind of philosophy and mathematics as well as superarts all at the same time. Another class was some sort of art/philosophy class that involved creating elements of a universe using a loom of pure colors/light as creational forces in icy tones of purple and blue. Another class was doing something similar using music. Astonishing visit. Cannot wait to go back and see where it takes me!
delicious to experience through your words Mary. mmmmmm.... surrounds in coded visuals.
me, it started with the relaxation. the violet mist with green delighted my throat area with pleasing sensations. heightened experience rising,filling the head. thrill.
pyramid pods building upon in co-residence, fun. i smile at the image of all us being inside our structure, carried in a sphere.
bathing in the mist of the fountain. cells open, breathing in pleasure.
we are called and dive in the white fountain. swirling.
a vortex spin of flame. we are not we. identity consumed. burning in an upward spin.
a double helix. rotating. a galaxy born of rna specks, stars blazing in their nursery.
i am that which observes the observer observing me observing me.
observer observed observing.
like a baby anointed in laughing waves of vortex flames, i as we experience supreme joy.
ha la la, orgasmic in a non-localized way. that's the whole point i somehow understand.
Beautiful Mary...thanks for this sharing and description.The vastness of this temple will take a while to explore it all.
Mary Betts said:
Thanks Molly for this view of the temple.The mists are so soothing aren't they.
Molly Helene said:
Oh man this temple is intoxicating.The whole process is beyond delightful.A thought just went by and I missed it,it was something really important I wanted to add....oh well.
I will listen and listen to this many times as I got in my pyramid that is white quartz with citrine top and I just wanted to stay there.
When I got to the temple I got up the white marble stairs and I did not get very far into it but what I had to lie down on a white leather couch and just absorb the rarefied energies.I watched myself from the observer position.I really like this perspective.
Jason is it okay I brought the pyramids and the temple back and they are here over my house.I opened the door of my house and invited the energies in.This journey was and is sooo ,again there are no words,peaceful,blissful,rarefied,clarity........
The words Welcome to the "Temple of Isis" just dropped in...You are home.
The journey continues....
Love and Blissings all.
Got to go bathe in this.
Mary, I think "Schoolspace" (made that up just now) is where the White Fountain sent you.
Marsha, the Temple isn't something you can bring home with you, no, but of course It wouldn't object to you imagining some analog of it for use on, in, and around your home on this and nearby astral levels. Remember, this is a place that you can't enter without first being scanned and adjusted by the Temple itself, cleansed of all psychic detritus hung up in your multi-fields. And the fact is that you can't NOT accumulate that stuff just by being in this world from one minute to the next. So it's pretty straightforward to surmise that it isn't something that could be brought here. However, the pyramid is yours to use as you see fit, including adjustments in its size. If you use the same pyramid, however, for next week's visit, it too will have to be cleansed, which the Temple's mist will do.
Does that make sense?
Yes thanks Jason....Thanks for explaining.I w ill imagine it up there above as it is "somewhere".
Jason Davis said:
Hi Jason....questions
could you explain the using the seemed to be an offering?
the 13 steps into the this significant? and placing the flower on the step I chose 5
is there a significance to this?
and last The White Fountain Temple...what is this significant of or for?
Sorry to be a pest.just want to understand this more fully.
Hi Marsha,
I will begin to answer your first and last questions and then perhaps Jason can add to this.
The understanding I have from the transmission given by the Lady of the White Fountain, is that the flower is a focal point for our transition to the temple. It is localized reverence for transitioning to a non-local state. Yes it may be considered an offering, but in essence the offering is to yourself, a tool to hold on to as the mind and the detritus is cleared. The power of the flower is in the holding during the transition and the releasing upon the steps. And, there are coded purposes to the flower that can be explored as you develop in the Supersensory training.
Regarding the White Fountain Temple, one of its many "functions", and the one that was first revealed to us, is as a temple of inner world connection to the waters of "this world" - the earthly world of our 3D existence. Water is within all life on this planet, and the entire body of earth itself. The means by which information is spread in the collective human and entire Earth consciousness is through the intelligence of water - a medium by which information "travels" faster than the speed of light, literally spontaneously. As emotions are linked to water (in particular the often destructive human emotions), they are monitored by certain beings within the temple in service to the Earth herself. This has served to promote a balance here, albeit still precarious, for the forces are many and great that could tip the Earth into imploding by the gravitational weight of their intensity.
The White Fountain itself is in essence a balm that flows throughout/within Earth, facilitated through the conscious and superconscious activities of certain 3D and non 3D beings operating in an agreement of service.
Nicely put, Molly. I would add to the flower part that it's an archetype of fantastic power, which is why 5th density people, known in modern times as Ascended Masters, rain flower petals down on us when we make particularly striking breakthroughs FROM the difficult density of this plane.
The significance is far harder to elucidate, other than these levels or temples are primary to Creation itself, like saying a CPU for Everything. Molly's done an excellent job of it from a Terra-bound perspective. To understand these "temples," or levels of One Temple, would be to grasp a Universe-creating equation, and to do that deliberately because you have that level of knowledge. The White Fountain Temple document tries to do that with the English language, and manages only to obfuscate the whole matter by making it a linear set of concepts. It's only in the FEELING nature that we can penetrate those mysteries, and I don't mean emotions. And the feeling nature can only have word symbols ascribed to what you are..well...feeling. But that feeling could have implications on many planes all at once, none of which have words to define things.
The significance of the step on which the flower was left is beyond me...but in matters like that I always just choose to trust the process, which leaves me further proof that I need no attachment of any kind to anything, especially to anything on the Terran plane on which these words are being typed.
I will add to all this that there is an inner circle here, and that the initiation into that inner circle is the Suprasensory System Training. It isn't about exclusivity. It's about the responsible acknowledgement that Information is the very definition of Power, and there are certain "disclosures" we can't just willy-nilly make in an open forum kind of way. In addition, there are certain elements of the Mysteries I can convey authoritatively, and others that I can't because I cannot claim to have direct experience of them in the present form called Jason, but it will be within the private group, to which all are invited, that we will be sharing what is being taught.
Marsha, do our replies help?