
  • Coordinates: Xupra 21/09/2015
    Name: Jb
    Date: 21/09/2015
    Begin Time: 9:15 a.m.
    End Time: 11:12
    Session Form: Xupra
    OUTSIDE: Yes
    ATMOSPHERE: serene
    TOPOGRAPHY: open, flat, wide, close, far
    SOUNDS: breezy, ripples,
    TASTE-SMELL: salty, ocean like, 
    TEXTURES-SURFACES: open, natural, up close, airy, natural, lite, airy

    P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Initially, I have palpable activity in my solar plexus and high chest region of my body. I have spontaneous muscle movements, as if I was walking, calve muscle contractions, movement in the feet and ankles. Waves of heat buffeting my face and chest. This has all calmed down. I am in a silence, yet there is activity within my solar plexus still. I feel immersed, waiting. The overall quality of feeling is exquisite, loving, alive. I feel alone, yet this may prove inaccurate. I have a early morning, dawn scene opening up to me. Cool, refreshing, sweet darkness giving way to pinks, hues of early morning. I have an impression I am emerged from an inside space, to the cusp of a doorway to an open airy outside scene. I say emerged and not emerging because I am just there now. I have a pulling forward sensation now.

    P2 VISUAL: blacks, grey, pinks, soft yellow, white, blues, indigo, dappling of low lights, shimmers, blends, medium contrast,
    P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: sandy, grainy, slick, smooth, rough, coarse, wooden, dry, wet, hard, semi soft, natural, 
    P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: verticals, horizontals, substantial, insubstantial, solid, light, 
    P2 MATERIALS: stone, rocks, sand, water, plant, wood
    P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: tall, wide, flat, slopes, rectangles, curves,
    P2 MOTION: slow, 
    P2 CONCEPTS: Peaceful,
    P2 PURPOSE: to visit, open up to
    P2 MOVEMENT 1: Move me to the appropriate scene .

    P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: The simple movement exercise as suggested, brought a lot of data of a natural environment. Matter being superimposed on this scene for me to adapt, feel comfortable and relaxed. 
    P4 THINGS: land, rocks, boulders, sand, water, plants, wood, 
    P4 NON-THINGS: sound of water, waves, ripples, dawn light, cool breeze, colors, soft hues of dawn, receding nightlight, shimmers, reflections, 

    P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Beautiful sense of observing and being immersed. Familiar setting, photo memory coming alive. Sense of being surrounded by the natural scene. I am aware of being just outside of the mouth of the cave. It is behind me a few steps. I am aware of the ground where I am, rocks, small, large, plants, trees. Very solid perceptive feel. My outer view seems to be a childhood memory being brought forward for me to acclimate perhaps, adjust, allowing this exquisite sense of energy to do whatever it is doing. 


    P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPRESSIONS: Scene stays consistent and solid as a natural environment. Ocean shoreline, sandy, grainy pebbled with small to big rocks and boulders. Logs, bleached, splintered, scatter the beach. To my left are trees bordering the shore. Typical pines, Arbutus, tall, with low brush and scraggy low branches. Sand, rocks, pebbles stretch from the tree line to the ocean tide. Waves ripple in, I can see the rocks under the water line, reflective, shimmery. As I type I realize the light has shifted from dawn to late morning. I feel the heat, the breeze and can hear the waves, smell the ocean. I seem to have changed location, from being just outside a cave like entrance to being close to the damp shoreline, maybe a 100 feet from where I began. Beautiful blue sky, sunny day,reminds me of the holidays taken to the beach on the Island I live, as a child. The scene seems to stretch out in all directions, yet I sense that prior to my looking, the scene is vacant!
    Until the light of my Mind observes first, allowing the projection to be reflected for myself to experience second. A beautiful sense of peace and love saturates me. This is funny, I realized there are no birds, and as soon as I thought that I heard seagulls and see them flying overhead. 

    P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Q: Do you have any extra information for me to take away from my first visit to Xupra?

    A: Visualize this scene, allow the feeling of it to become familiar. It will help you handle the experiences you are having. You have recently had a shift in frequency to a new, for you, perceptive station. With one foot in the old and the other in the new. Adjustments, equalization is behind the sensations you are having. This will be good for you. 

    I FEEL: This session made me feel very relaxed. Open and receptive to what I was experiencing. Felt familiar, like a childhood memory being opened up to. Felt like a holiday, a sense of freshness and adventure saturated me. The energy was exquisite. Very loving and happy experience. 

    PSS: This session was my first visit to Xupra. I felt immersed almost right away. 

    Initial data: I have palpable activity in my solar plexus and high chest region of my body. I have spontaneous muscle movements, as if I was walking, calve muscle contractions, movement in the feet and ankles. Waves of heat buffeting my face and chest. This has all calmed down. I am in a silence, yet there is activity within my solar plexus still. I feel immersed, waiting. The overall quality of feeling is exquisite, loving, alive. I feel alone, yet this may prove inaccurate. I have a early morning, dawn scene opening up to me. Cool, refreshing, sweet darkness giving way to pinks, hues of early morning. I have an impression I am emerged from an inside space, to the cusp of a doorway to an open airy outside scene. I say emerged and not emerging because I am just there now. I have a pulling forward sensation now.

    The session unfolded with a childhood beach scene memory. Dawn shifted to late morning. Sun overhead, blue sky, hot. I seem to have shifted my local to down near the shoreline, trees to my left behind me some meters away. Everything was sensed as in smell of the ocean, sound of the waves, a breeze. I did notice the absence of birds and as soon as I noted that seagull were flying overhead. 

    I did not so much sense a 'body' of any type as me. I felt my perceptive abilities were what I was.

    Beautiful energy, loving, relaxing. 

    I asked 1 question : Q: Do you have any extra information for me to take away from my first visit to Xupra?

    A: Visualize this scene, allow the feeling of it to become familiar. It will help you handle the experiences you are having. You have recently had a shift in frequency to a new, for you, perceptive station. With one foot in the old and the other in the new. Adjustments, equalization is behind the sensations you are having. This will be good for you.

    I do not know to 'who' I asked this of nor who answered. What was stated is true enough for my own experiences and I knew this had occurred. Either I fabricated that Q and A or it is spot on.

    I will do as suggested. Overall this was a wonderful fist visit from my perspective. Thank You.

  • I would like to add a few of my post session notes and thoughts about my sessions, from my journal.
    A compilation of my notes, organized to be readable. :) They are all based on post sessions, and are not about how the ABS training is conducted or what the training is about. Same for Xupra sessions. This is after the fact notes. Observations purely from my perspective. They are not and have nothing to do with what anyone else experiences, and are not about what anyone will experience or won't experience. Just my notes on my own experiences.

    They result largely from the ABS training, sessions to Xupra, and a few to the White Fountain Temple and not just from my above first session to Xupra after graduating from the ABS training. Although the above session has some of the features I note below.

    The most interesting one from above session, was the experience of being relocated w/o my sense of movement or discontinuity of awareness during the session. I am coming to the conclusion that particular relocating experience, is related to senses we are opening up to through the physical senses, but are not originating from physical senses. The physical senses are an entry point purely, and the inner senses as I call them, have their own parameters of conscious awareness parallel to, but mostly undetected by what we call our physical senses. They are there, but not sensed consciously.

    Anyways, these are my condensed observations, experiences, discoveries of my own deepening perceptual nature. A summary of my own findings and contemplation, so far. I would like to share. I hope it will be helpful to have a window to look through. My window. :)

    Notes: Each session is different, but has a similarity of expression. I began to twig onto this, and it became more noticeable with each target done, then sessions to Xupra and The White Fountain Temple.
    I noticed a pattern from my sessions concerning the way I perceive, interpret and experience my data before I record it. Sometimes out of order of the session format's catagories. I realized, I feel the data in my physical body as the effects of what is being perceived before the data becomes a 'word'.

    I can get heat, cold, muscle movement. I feel breezes when there are none in the room. When my eyes are open or closed I sometimes have spontaneous eye movement happen, as if I am looking somewhere, other than the screen I am working on. Or if my eyes are closed they suddenly orient to something unseen to me. Not done by 'me' the conscious me, as far as I know. A sense of sound often precedes this. Most auditory data is a low hum. Lasting often times the whole session. Sound of wind or water is second. Third has been the sound of birds, or muffled voices off in the distance. I am hearing this, but it is not in my environment where I do sessions.

    A few times I felt as if I am speaking to someone. The physical sensation of speech, in the throat was palpable, although I am was not speaking aloud. It was so intense I felt that if I let go a voice would begin speaking, not mine, another's. I feel motion, as if I am moving with acceleration, or sometimes a slow undulating spiral. I notice it most in my solar plexus and chest. Some call these areas chakras. I am always sitting on a chair doing sessions but my senses register otherwise. Taste and smell are experienced as textures oddly.

    I get pressure in the ears, and lately the sensation of bright light play beyond what my eyes register, it made my eyes tear. This has been invaluable to me on many levels because it validates some of my experiences in my past with what would usually be called paranormal. They were beyond normal for sure, but not in the way usually explained. The work I have done to see beneath the surface of those past happenings are further understood via the training.

    These are like side effects the training and Xupra sessions are having on me. I take care to follow and observe the structure of the protocols. With all of that, I am discovering much about myself in the process. Like there are many many levels I am perceiving, whether I realize it or not, and receiving the data connected to it. This is where much paranormal experiences can be understood from a deeper perception. I for sure, am far more in the 'act of catching' my deeper perceptions in action than before. The ABS training really helped me to realize that and understand how it happens for me. However, if I didn't go over my sessions frequently, I might not realize what I am actually experiencing on different levels of Awareness.

    More Notes: I have noticed a consistent set of words, language that I use to record the data with. Words as symbols, cleverly designed as perceptive channels, the signal line idea. They are personal to me within the common overall meaning. Meaningful in the way I use them, because of my experiences with them, imprinted by the experiences associated with, but not necessarily so for anyone else. Therefore, Respect for everyone's unique way of perceiving including the function of personal interpretation, becomes one of the kindest acts one can do for another daily, while comparison and doubt fuel misunderstandings and create limits.  I am not interested in that but I see how it operates and the trouble it causes.

    Words, information subjective to my experience of them, come forward as data when applicable to the scene, assembling itself through my objective open lens. What I end up with is a compilation of how I am designed to perceive-interpret-experience anything, anyone, in my subjective version of reality and that includes the targets. I find that very exciting! Through all of this I am finding out how I am designed to creatively express my unique energy signature.

    My reveals are sometimes close to what the Target is, but often times I am closer with my data assembled through language, recording how the data made me feel according to my physical senses, expressed in the Post Summary Sessions where this allows the session/scene to be detailed, pieced together.

    This includes all the movement exercises and subsequent data gleaned from that.
    It is truly fascinating how this training reveals to me and I suspect each participate how our use of concepts, metaphors, ideas, analogy, words, all belonging to our unique perceptive lens, can accurately be trained to be used to record blind targets geographically far away. It opens up the Truth that we as people are multi perceptive on levels known and unknown as of yet only because we don't exercise our minds with new ways of learning to perceive. Sessions to Xupra, expands all of this in ways that the ABS training lays the preparatory foundation for.

    Xupra sessions because they are not Earth based targets allow more leeway in how we receive data and the recording of. The Second Awareness exercise really allows this to shine, as well as the " How This Makes Me Feel" categories. Very immersive, revealing and all designed to expand conscious Awareness to include 'here' and 'there'.

    I am enjoying the idea that I am, and all people are, life is, a multi level perceptive system, a living information database, a loving subjective personal library capable of creating with words, symbols, concepts, metaphors, based on life experiences of personal meaning, our own subjective reality, which can be shared. Each of us is a unique creative interpretation design participant, cloaked as people. End of notes.   I hope this was helpful, and thank you for reading.

  • Thank you JB for the above notes.  These are most helpful in digesting my own experiences and visits to Xupra!

  • JB your words ring loud and clear and resinate true.  Thank you for so clearly describing what I have a problem putting into words.  My life interpretation seems to be build up with pictures and symbols which I try to put into words and feelings.  Good job JB

    JB said:

    I would like to add a few of my post session notes and thoughts about my sessions, from my journal.
    A compilation of my notes, organized to be readable. :) They are all based on post sessions, and are not about how the ABS training is conducted or what the training is about. Same for Xupra sessions. This is after the fact notes. Observations purely from my perspective. They are not and have nothing to do with what anyone else experiences, and are not about what anyone will experience or won't experience. Just my notes on my own experiences.

    They result largely from the ABS training, sessions to Xupra, and a few to the White Fountain Temple and not just from my above first session to Xupra after graduating from the ABS training. Although the above session has some of the features I note below.

    The most interesting one from above session, was the experience of being relocated w/o my sense of movement or discontinuity of awareness during the session. I am coming to the conclusion that particular relocating experience, is related to senses we are opening up to through the physical senses, but are not originating from physical senses. The physical senses are an entry point purely, and the inner senses as I call them, have their own parameters of conscious awareness parallel to, but mostly undetected by what we call our physical senses. They are there, but not sensed consciously.


  • @Shelly~   Thank you Shelly!  That is nice to hear, and it makes me feel happy I decided to add them.  Maybe you will add some of your post session insights?  I would love to read those too. 

    @ Michael~  Thank you for your kind words Michael. They too make me happy I posted my notes. I have a feeling you would love visiting Xupra.  Maybe you will join us in the near future?  That would be great!  

  • I have been so very fortunate to have been with the Roundtable group on, now I think 5 trips to Xupra . Now, if you are referencing an ABS trip, that trip I am so looking forward to and will when I have reach that level with my training.  I see my personal time will be changing soon for more training with my advancements in the ABS; I am looking forward to being able to change these values. The group here is so nurturing    

    JB said:

    @Shelly~   Thank you Shelly!  That is nice to hear, and it makes me feel happy I decided to add them.  Maybe you will add some of your post session insights?  I would love to read those too. 

    @ Michael~  Thank you for your kind words Michael. They too make me happy I posted my notes. I have a feeling you would love visiting Xupra.  Maybe you will join us in the near future?  That would be great!  

  • Coordinates: WFT 111015
    Name: Jb
    Date: Nov/10/15
    Begin Time: 9:00 a.m.
    End Time: 10:58 am

    Session Form: WHITE FOUNTAIN

    OUTSIDE: Yes
    ACCOMPANIED: With Someone
    ENVIRONMENT: temperate,mild,
    ATMOSPHERE: serene, active, relaxing
    TOPOGRAPHY: open, wide, flat, rises, hilly, undulating
    SOUNDS: off in the distance chirps, silence,
    TASTE-SMELL: fresh, sunny,
    TEXTURES-SURFACES: natural, open,

    P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Body is deeply relaxed. Feel an emphasis on my perception, a felt sense of energy gently attending me from behind my eyes. Initial impressions of a sunny mid morning, green grassy hill, summer breeze, blue sky and a knowing sense of a return to the memory of child like simple joy.

    P2 VISUAL: yellow, blue, light green, white, high contrast with luminosity
    P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: porous, insubstantial,
    P2 MATERIALS: grass, sun
    P2 MOTION: steady,
    P2 CONCEPTS: love, kindness

    P2 MOVEMENT 1: Move to target and describe.

    P2 MOVEMENT 2: M1: colors most prominent feature next to high contrast and luminosity. No shadows, so maybe not high contrast. Insubstantial, intangible feel, designed setting,

    P2 MOVEMENT 3: M1: yellow color, sun, blue sky, green grassy hill, white essence is felt. Primary colors,.

    P2 MOVEMENT 4: M2: move to a guide who can provide information : I am feeling warmth in my sun center moving up to my Heart center into my throat. Warm, active, gentle,...

    P2 MOVEMENT 5: M2: the yellow sun symbol is the relationship of information continually being sent/received for the purpose of providing continuity to ever expanding Conscious Awareness.

    P2 MOVEMENT 6: The green grass is the symbol of growth, fresh growth as the symbol of perception of clear reception, steady application of the information into fertile experience.

    P2 MOVEMENT 7: The blue sky is the achieved clarity of understanding. The White essence is the foundation of Love which allows movement, expansion into beneficial information/experiences of higher sensory perception.

    P2 MOVEMENT 8: The symbol of child like joy is the state of being without the limitations of beliefs intruding as fear and doubt.

    P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: The data and ME brought colors, in the form of symbols. Sun, grassy hill, blue sky, child like essence/white color. I did a ME which asked for a guide and the explanation of the symbols came forth. The scene was so simple, clear, I felt the energy as a living force, sentient, and the presence of the energy behind my eyes was very palpable. In fact, when I think of it, I had the presence of energy when I woke up. I think this is what led me to do a trip to the White Fountain Temple.


    P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPRESSIONS: This simple scene feels deeply alive. I feel an energy Presence behind my eyes, and I feel the symbols are projected for me to experience, but is another way to say 'Guide'. The ME data is forming the idea of energy centers. Each center -color- has a symbol of info for me. Overall I feel the message is actually a way to express what the concept of Love Is. The function of Love, the sustenance of Love and the foundation of All That Is, which is Love through the medium of information, accessed by levels of Conscious Awareness and the perceptive faculties. Purer receptivity is that which is not limited by fear or doubt in the form of beliefs, but superseded by direct experience - knowing - which is objective yet essentially subjective. Lastly, to receive is to give, to give is to receive, choose the foundation of Love in all information which is shared simultaneously to receiving. Know this Consciously without cessation as the content of thy will, Will be done, and affects All. Love is the creative continuity of that which sustains and builds up, promotes life and the experiences of, while fear harms, decreates and limits beneficial information.
    I heard, ' Do you understand?" I acknowledged i did.

    P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Q: Is what transpired above correctly recorded?

    A: This is a reinforcement of the knowledge already contained within your Conscious Awareness design. The reinforcement serves to help you stay Aware and aligned each moment with the Foundation of Love which you choose to Serve. Yes, you heard and recorded it correctly.

    Q: Is there more?

    A: Enough for now.

    Q: Thank you.

    I FEEL: I feel like I have been connected with, encouraged and given some information that will continue to help me grow within the Service of Love.

    PSS: When i woke this morning I had a palpable presence gently making itself known. Behind my eyes, an energy, a gentle intensity. I truly had the thought to visit the WFT to open to this Presence and I am glad I made the time to do so.

    I understand this is primarily for myself, my journey to understand this energy presence. The visit was deeply relaxing, refreshing. The data was sparse, simple but efficient in the information contained. I felt immersed in a scene reminiscent of my childhood, a time when my field of consciousness was free of fear or doubt. I felt the colors assembled a lovely sunny grassy hill top scene related to the energy centers in the body and mind. Yet related to the simplicity of the primary colors one learns about in elementary school. Not complicated, easy to understand and use. Making the connection to how I receive information and simultaneously give information, it is One function, that either benefits All That Is as Love or does not, was a reinforcement of the way I think, perceive and deepen to a Knowing.

    I deeply appreciate the opportunity given to me to visit the beautiful White Fountain Temple. My flower was a white daisy.
    End of session.
    Post session notes. Just after, and down the road a bit. *My perspective, my take, ...

    This session has stayed with me. The simplicity, the ease, and information that came forth later, seemed to be waiting for me when I woke up that morning, which I noted. The overall body effect was deep relaxation, same for the emotions and mind.

    A few other sessions post this one, I have had the same experience of being aware of an energy presence, or a pulling feeling to do a session to either Xupra or The White Fountain Temple when I wake up first thing in the morning. I am learning that is a message, a request.... an invitation to do a session. It is like a Presence is felt behind my eyes, or maybe just off to my peripherial vision.

    It is a dual feeling. Mine, and another set of (my) perceptive lens. The window or door idea waiting to be opened. To slip through.

    A 'Guide' making itself known. Not obstrusive or demanding. Not even as an individual. More like a packet of information waiting for me to open up to it. Feels like a gentle energy that is information based. **Quote from session fits here: " Overall I feel the message is actually a way to express what the concept of Love Is. The function of Love, the sustenance of Love and the foundation of All That Is, which is Love through the medium of information, accessed by levels of Conscious Awareness and the perceptive faculties. Purer receptivity is that which is not limited by fear or doubt in the form of beliefs, but superseded by direct experience - knowing - which is objective yet essentially subjective. "

    More and more I am finding this is my Truth. I am a receiver and transmitter, simultaneous, the idea of a 'transceiver' of information/life. And I am designed to decipher into meaningful experience.

    My symbols seem to be another way to say 'Guide'. Intelligent Information assuming forms, symbols, a way to communicate with me, according to how I am designed to understand.

    The primary colors were fresh and vivid. That brought up the feeling of being a child again. Simplicity. The symbols were felt as a source of Joy. It also felt like opening up to a deep imprint that was always there, just not known to me.

    An information imprint of the Essence of Love. I can access anytime now through memory recall. Palpable, fresh as in here and now energy. A gift. * I have visited this session many times since. Each visit is just as strong, fresh and vivid. Very relaxing, healing, a return to my Essence.

    The message in the session is one I feel with all my Heart. How I participate, choose to serve, share, receive, share, information, simultaneous on levels known and unknown. Absolutely in the Service of Love as Love. I truly feel all Life is this, or is the potential of. My secondary impression is this is a reinforcement, encouragement.

    {This feels like 'A do not forget message!' No matter what, maintain alignment in service, on the Foundation of Love. Don't take the bait of distractions, aka drama, negativity hooks, all kin to fear, doubt (especially promoting self doubt) don't waste energy reacting to those who need to diminish others, or compare, judge, change others, criticize...the list is endless... good grief!}

    Fragment scenes of my childhood, data assembled as a memory. Sparse visuals, but full of beautiful feelings which contain pertinent information.

    An expansive feeling, open, unenclosed. A natural, gentle undulating sense of topography with a rise, with lower flat land. The Hill data. <---- Noting this type of data, the feeling of it, the sense of motion, the undulating sense of movement, is I suspect, 2 pieces of important information.

    1) this feeling indicates to me I have crossed the threshold from beta consciousness to the alpha range, maybe even theta. Immersed below the surface partitioned conscious everyday mind. This sense of motion, the feeling of, is my signal I am in a deeper level of awareness with symbols being more accessible.  *Following the protocols for sessions opens one's perception up to these brainwave states, BUT when not doing a session, just being aware of this feeling state is a heads up I crossed the threshold into deeper states of Awareness.   

    2) The 'inner senses', not only the usual 5 physical senses, are expressing through the data as motion, movement, as an expansive feeling,... associated with the idea of motion. Fluid, floating, joyful...Greater Awareness is another way to say this.

    I can only use concepts as a way to describe the 'signal' that I am accessing the inner senses. Even at that, concepts, words do not define these senses correctly, or at all maybe. They have to be felt in an interactive experience, like these sessions. They do not originate from the physical I suspect, but become accessed at this level in alpha or theta state, as a 'feeling sense'..... a way for me to learn to recognize this set of perceptive communication so it becomes a 'known' entry point, and entered into.

    I think Artists, right brain people, very creative individuals know exactly what I am trying to explain.  Creativity is the inner senses language.  

    Anyways, this kind of sense data was present in my ABS sessions. I pick it up with non physical feelers? Invisible antennae. I like to think of it this way, helps me understand it. To solidify this inner sense ability. Make it familiar. Be quicker to spot it in everyday moments of perception. They are the open windows and doors idea.

    Any visuals reached for beyond this scene were not there. As if beyond my perceptive eyes, nothing else was there to be sensed. Vacant. Not even the concept of nothing. Void. Zip. Words trying to express what cannot be expressed.

    A soft breeze was felt. So SO reminiscent of my childhood playing outside. Light green grass, a wide open space, a beautiful sunny day, a sense of joy. Heartfelt. Time standing still. A sense of forever is contained in this scene. Happiness, carefree Essence. A place in time free of the fears, doubts, worries that erode childhood.

    The White Essence, luminosity, is the palpable feeling of a Loving Presence, as I call it, the Foundation of Love. It is that which All is Sourced from that is beneficial, good, even in times of great challenges. This whole session is my reminder to maintain my alignment to and as Love.

    The breeze data was felt on my face. (No open windows.) As was the warmth. Detected by physical senses but originate from inner senses at work. Inner Senses functioning on different levels, layers of reality, I am beginning to become Aware of on this level, ...even in my dreams.

    *Something further, these inner senses have been noted and worked with by many Advance Remote Viewers like Ingo Swann, Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute, just to name a couple. They are not new nor are they easy to define, yet they are accessible under certain conditions and training. (ABS)

    *I did not see my body. I definitely was participating in the scene through my data, but my 'self' was intangible. Yet the value in this experience whether I had a body or not, is priceless. I received a wonderful gift doing this session, one I would not have had if I didn't put value in the feeling to do this session.
    * This brings me back to a truth I like, use, and need to remind myself of, which is: Concerning anything, IF the experience has Value to me, is beneficial, harmless, respects my being and others, helps expand my perspective, offers life affirming growth, and expands creativity in life giving ways, then it is true for me, real for me, whether it is provable or not, and what anyone else believes doesn't matter nor does it concern me. That kicks self doubt, including the doubt of others, out the door, while allowing my Awareness of choice to flourish. My Value system, which I am centered in, has allowed me to open up to ideas I might not have otherwise. Such as all my decisions to purchase Alchemy going way back to the Blue Emerald days, participating through the incarnations of, including the ABS training. All good and beneficial choices for me.
    I was accompanied by 'someone' as noted in the session. That someone was not seen, only felt. Felt upon waking...Experienced in the Second Awareness category as a Being, a Presence...Sentient Information. The information was just there, waiting to be opened up to and recorded. A voice is not always 'heard'. It is more that the words are felt, (my feelers/antennae at work here) then understood.  (Transduced frequency signals from waves -sounds-interpreting into patterns of language making it understood) and I record them. A few times however, a voice was definitely heard as if someone was speaking to me. These times are noted in each session when they happen.

    *Noting the 'active warmth in solar plexus, rising to my heart, moving up to my throat' data... This was one of a few sessions with the feeling of 'another's' voice beginning to make itself known. Didn't put 2 and 2 together at the time of this session. This experience was subtle compared to the session done after this one, where this perception was stronger. Taking the time to go over sessions helps connects the dots for me.

    No relocating occurred that I had awareness of. The scene stayed consistent. No other scene developed. *Unless it includes, when I woke up with the feeling of being pulled to do a session?  Maybe that is a beginning of becoming aware of the bi locating idea?  Possible.

    The colors in the session associate with the chakra system. *I have never really been sure of those descriptions. They don't seem to happen to me. I do relate to colors as libraries, information centers, full of my own experiences, (with my way of interpreting).... past and future ones, with many levels beyond this known reality system. Potential. All available to be tapped. This Session really confirmed this in the way the symbols were the information/message. The ABS course was invaluable learning how to accomplish this. I would not be this fluent w/o it.

    These primary colors take me right back to childhood. Arts n Crafts, coloring, elementary school. Creative energy, spontaneous self expression, happiness, an expanded sense of Loving trust. Living through the Heart. Aligned with Love. The sense that 'all is right with MY world'.

    Very loving. Again a reminder of how I was as a child before I began to forget my Truer Self, beginning to live through the intellect, no longer aligned with my Heart. *This reinforces my commitment to Stay Aware. Keep remembering to SEE through the layers of belief, conditioning, programming, all part of the default system this world maintains as one works to remember, align with the Essence that is, the Truer Self.

    What came forth in the session, I totally relate to AND it is how I choose to participate in life. Maybe I needed to hear this, remember this, have it reinforced on all levels. Maybe to share it. (*Yes. Turns out this was a perfectly timed session for me to use as a focus during some challenging times that cropped up some time afterwards. I did and Am I grateful!)

    In summary, the scene is meaningful to me. Layers of information. I felt fully immersed. Opened to the information w/o resistance of any kind. It reminds me that this is who I am. Who everyone and everything is, Love. Whether seen or not, it can be remembered and respected.

    This session flowed beautifully. The WFT for me, has this beautiful serene effect. Very loving and attentive. Lasts for days. It has been said, The White Fountain Temple will provide a person with what is needed as an experience. It did. The Alchemy of the WFT is one of my very favorites too.

    Lastly, I ordered Helios Seven Rays Alchemy... Aug. 28/15, received in Sept/15, and used exclusively for 10 days. Then as guided, such as each session to Xupra and this session to the WFT dated Nov. 10/15. Seven Rays, primary rays, colors, lens, ....I believe I know 'who' one of my Guide was for this session now. Wow!  How absolutely perfect!  End of notes.    ~Thanks for reading.~

  • Coordinates: Xupra-271015  (Second trip to Xupra)
    Name: Jb
    Date: 27/10/2015
    Begin Time: 9:40 a.m.
    End Time: 11:42 p.m.
    Session Form: Xupra

    OUTSIDE: Yes
    ACCOMPANIED: With Someone
    ATMOSPHERE: calm
    TOPOGRAPHY: open, close, flat, uneven,
    SOUNDS: wind
    TASTE-SMELL: fresh
    TEXTURES-SURFACES: natural, surrounded,

    P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Sitting relaxed, quiet, I have energy movement in my solar area, above the heart and throat. Quivers, contractions, activity as if, I have to say it, as if I am reacting, speaking, to someone I cannot from my physical perceptions see or hear.  My body is reacting as if in the presence of someone. Warm energy is moving through my upper body, and my throat is feeling as if I am speaking.  I am aware of a cool environment, stillness and sense i am outdoors, sitting interacting with someone(s).

    P2 VISUAL: dark, low contrast,
    P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: dry, smooth, coarse, wooden,
    P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: insubstantial, vertical angle, wide, yet dense, solid as focus narrows.
    P2 MATERIALS: soil, sand, wood, plant, water, smoke, stone,
    P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: circle, flat, wide,
    P2 MOTION: steady, direct, relaxed
    P2 CONCEPTS: focused
    P2 PURPOSE: to invoke?
    P2 PHONETICS: voices

    P2 MOVEMENT 1: Move to target and describe.

    P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I do not have a lot of data.  I feel activity within my body as if I am interacting on some level with others.  I sense the scene is night, cool, topography in this place is level, somewhat flat, natural with a large wide circle.

    P3 CA OFF-LOAD TERM: ritual
    P3 CA DUMP NON-THINGS: magic, invocation, circle work, focused feeling, symmetry
    P4 THINGS: wood, branch, trees, water, people, ground,
    P4 NON-THINGS: voices, movement, outdoors feel, cool air, night, center focus


    P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPRESSIONS: I feel much activity in my chest, and throat area.  Palpable fluctuations, and sensation.  I am becoming deeply relaxed.  I have a vibration in my throat as if I am speaking.  I am not.  I have a sense of energy activity within my chest higher than the heart area.  I feel like I am seeing two locals that relate to each other. 

    Sense impression of outdoor scene, night, gathering of people, natural scene.  Synergy and focus is the purpose.  This is the surface scene.  I have a second visual, a sense impression of coming up from within the Earth, intangible data, earthy soil, rock, embedded sediment, yet all as large and small particles that are penetrable like air. Vague earth soil colors. My focus is upwards, as this impression shifts through the layers of Earth. It now looks like I am observing through the top layer of ice, a layer that is translucent.  I am looking up from below the surface of the ground and seeing the bottoms of shoes of people in a circle.  This, that is rising from below, is in response to what is occurring above.

    P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Q:  What do I need to know or is helpful to know with this session please?

    After sitting listening for some time, I got no answer apart from some sense of perhaps tuning into work already done in this new space, and I am now part of it, or perhaps some integrative work is being done on my physical perception. To deeper expanded perceptive faculties, that can sense see and interact below the surface senses.  Other than that I do not know.

    I FEEL: Made me feel like I am being adjusted, integrated with perceptive faculties available in this new place.  I feel as if my throat area is being enhanced for some purpose.

    PSS: This is my second trip to Xupra.  I had the sensations of movement, activity within my chest moving upwards to my throat almost as soon as I began the session.  Cool breeze. Data forms an outdoor natural scene, night with a low contrast of luminosity.  Feels focused not on data details but feeling contents.

    A deepening of my already relaxed state with the impression I was speaking to someone(s).  My body had the feel as if I was in the presence of someone or something intelligent, close and communicating.  The energy was palpable.

    The textures and topography brought forth visual of being in a outdoor forest area, natural, cool, night.  Feel sense of branches, trees, earth, rockery. A camping local. The only symbol was a circle.  Water was felt not seen.  Beyond the scope of the data there were no further visuals, just a blackness.  It felt like what was needed from the light of my Mind was projected sparsely, yet was sufficient for this session.

    Here is my free form descriptive:    "I do not have a lot of data.  I feel activity within my body as if I am interacting on some level with others.  I sense the scene is night, cool, topography in this place is level, somewhat flat, natural with a large wide circle. "

    This began to form in my mind the concept of magic, circles and group work.  I off loaded all of that, reset my perspective and carried on.

    The activity in my throat continued.  Warmth, vibration in the vocal cords, as if I was speaking or toning intensified. (As I recorded, I was not physically speaking).  Slowly a dual impression unfolded.  I recorded it as such with the Second Awareness Exercise:

      " feel much activity in my chest, and throat area.  Palpable fluctuations, and sensation.  I am becoming deeply relaxed.  I have a vibration in my throat as if I am speaking.  I am not.  I have a sense of energy activity within my chest higher than the heart area.  I feel like I am seeing two locals that relate to each other.  Sense impression of outdoor scene, night, gathering of people, natural scene. 

    Synergy and focus is the purpose.  This is the surface scene.  I have a second visual, a sense impression of coming up from within the Earth, intangible data, earthy soil, rock, embedded sediment, yet all as large and small particles that are penetrable like air. Vague earth soil colors. My focus is upwards, as this impression shifts through the layers of Earth. It now looks like I am observing through the top layer of ice, a layer that is translucent.  I am looking up from below the surface of the ground and seeing the bottoms of shoes of people in a circle.  This, that is rising from below, is in response to what is occurring above. "

    I posed a question and it was :

    "Q:  What do I need to know or is helpful to know with this session please?

    After sitting listening for some time I got no answer apart from some sense of perhaps tuning into work already done in this new space, and I am now part of it, or perhaps some integrative work is being done on my physical perception to deeper expanded perceptive faculties, that can sense see and interact below the surface senses. Other than that I do not know."

    Perhaps the session related to the adjustments made in the Cave area.

    This concludes my second visit to Xupra.  Thank you.

    My post session notes will added after the next 2 sessions are posted.

  • WOW JB this is so incredibly active; meaning after reading, my essence is vibrating from your projections. Well done, Thanks

  • Thank you Michael~!  I appreciate you sharing your reaction and support very much.  I know you said you are in the midst of the ABS Training.  I am SO looking forward to your Xupra sessions!  Everyone has a unique perception, and that is what adds to the enjoyment of doing, then reading each others amazing sessions. Always something new to learn while soaking up the good vibes!  Have a beautiful Saturday!  

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