I don't do the Christmas thing, but I will say Happy Yeshuamas to you All! For me, I've refused to join in that massive lie for more than a decade. I say Yeshuamas because his central message was that ALL are Christs. 

If memory serves, he was born in June. As it talks about elsewhere on this site, the elders and priests and rabbis of that time were able to calculate optimal times for conception according to a FAR more sophisticated Sun Sign astrology than is used today, and essentially gave permission (what they would call blessing) for the "windows" in which a couple could conceive. Because the Sun rules women's fertility cycles, this was an added dynamic variable to these calculations, and was, and is, quite a science.

Again, if memory serves, Yeshua's conception was optimal in September, and Joseph and Mary complied with the plan, because it was already known that there was a very real potential that a game-changer human was in the works, and their "numbers" were quite good to bring this "spirit" into form.

The organized intelligence that issued from Mary's womb took on the label Yeshua. His own social memory complex (not sure where that planet is, or was) was about to make the jump to 5th density, but he/she wanted to Wander and asked permission to enter THIS 3rd density experiment to pass along a new message of love, timed perfectly for the shift over 2000 years later, which the Earth evolutioners could then take, and remember, in their stint in 4th density. The 4th density is all about love and understanding, and since he'd/she'd just finished it, he/she was now a high level expert in it and was therefore a qualified teacher.

His whole early life was dedicated to the training needed to navigate the death realms and use the mentalpixels of this simulation to be embodied by an electroplasmic twin of his and Mary Magdalene's creation. When the time was right, during Passover, Mary, his long-time lover and eventually wife, upended a box of spikenard oil on his head. This stuff was more valuable than gold, especially in the markets, which was the first major outrage (a whole box!). She then rubbed his head, stroking it like a phallus, and she did this in full sight of the priesthood, who looked on in horror that this was being done during Passover, and by a WOMAN! This was the second major outrage perpetrated by these two very cool people. Of course those blindbots hated women and were still in the process of authoring laws to further subjugate and oppress them.

Our impetuous hero and heroine in yet another hero's tale did this because they knew it would lead to his arrest and eventual crucifixion - all part of the plan. He and Mary created and endowed the electroplasmic "body" with increasing intelligence and reason through alchemy and sex magick. It was totally holographic (there are a lot of these types walking around), but was nevertheless a perfect likeness, only appearing as flesh, though it did shine. With his will he precipitated this vessel into the sense wavelengths of this simulation at the end of the third day. This is why the creatures that founded Catholicism made his birthday be December 25th, as that was the third (or so) day following the Solstice, to attract Pagans to their new scam, using the Pagan Rebirth of the Sun/Son day for the appeal.

The being once labeled Yeshua in a timeline quite near our own "walked" his own rainbow bridge out of here at least 20 years later and rejoined "his" social memory complex in 5th density, got caught up on his homework, and is there still, of course, working through the 5th density curriculum along with his fellow students, what are called by new agers, Ascended Masters.

I honestly can't say if the entity once known as Yeshua is on a high enough level to visit Xupra (most likely not), but it sure would be fun, wouldn't it, to run into him, or her, there?

As Paul Harvey liked to say, and now for the REST of the story.


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  • Wishing you -- and all the Superbeings -- a joy-filled, successful "mission accomplished" in 2016!

  • I have always been fond of the Siberian Tradition where the Shaman comes through the roof and brings us Amanita's   :)

    When Santa was a Mushroom

  • Thanks Nancy and same to you.Hugs

    Nancy Lovell said:

    Wishing you -- and all the Superbeings -- a joy-filled, successful "mission accomplished" in 2016!

  • May 22th is the birthday of Jeshua if I am not mistaken,

  • Hey, Nathan. I'll answer you this way. According to your level of perception, he died on the cross. According to my level of perception, he didn't, and this is a very important topic to understand, so I hope this reply engenders some discussion.

    nathan fetchko said:

    Jason, you once told me the very first time we ever met, that Jesus did not die on the cross, he died an old man. I'm %100 positive you said that. Can you clarify how he died please.

  • I think it's nice that Christmas is soon and I find myself bumping this thread. I found out that I was writting one of the central ideas in Mary Magdalene's gospel word for word in Greek without ever having read that piece. It was a small letter about the nature of 'sin'...

    Could I ask more information about spikenard oil? I was visiting a temple in a dream and some stranger pushed me backwards while descending some of the stairs and I fell, he then doused me with a liquid that I would identify as spikenard oil, contained inside a small glass vial which also had a small praying mantis in it. As soon as he did that, I was not upset, but I was merely transferred into a deeper dream layer, where I retained absolute lucidity but no control and observed myself inside a buraeu that seemed to be tracking the motions of the (Christian) Logos and it seemed asynchronous, because I remember both when I was a child raised in that institution and as an adult working with a much older man

    I wonder what the spikenard oil annoinment signifies

  • @Jason, in light of your remarks, and that either no one took you up on it, or the responses are no longer, along with the post you were responding to, I would like to hear other's insight on the different levels of perception. In other words, is anyone else up for kick starting this discussion?

    @Paisios, I too am interested in the nature of spikenard, or just "nard" in some translations of the New Testament. I remember in Mark 14:9 Yeshua says, "Truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the entire world, what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her." I've never heard a sermon on this despite what the Bible says, which only fuels my curiosity more. 

    I don't know what words are true in the New Testament, but I imagine that a great deal of effort was done (by those helping us unseen) to preserve his teachings. Also, I seem to remember that the stuff that people have difficulty understanding tends to be left as is. This wouldn't apply to those who did understand, but I'm thinking esoteric teaching, maybe? 

    JD Aliix said:

    Hey, Nathan. I'll answer you this way. According to your level of perception, he died on the cross. According to my level of perception, he didn't, and this is a very important topic to understand, so I hope this reply engenders some discussion.

  • I want to say that everyone has a 'right' to believe things he believes in, without it life would be just too boring.

    Jesus in the bible and other books and Jeshua that was back in those times those are two different persons. One is a book character another is/was a real person.

    I believe that some other guy got to hang-out on a cross.
    Jeshua was a  just way too super high level magi for that kind of stuff.

  • Sure, I'll unload what I know on both the subject of spikenard and crucifixion. I realise now that I worded my previous post terribly, but I was in a hurry while I made it, so ~ well, who cares really.

    The spikenard oil is an alchemical solution that, according to what I've seen in the dream, must have been given by the mantid race to us, the mantid are notoriously 'in' world religions. Allow me to extrapolate by sharing some linguistic encodings: 'Mantis' means 'soothsayer' in Greek and interestingly enough, the greek name is 'Horsey of the Virgin Mary'. I do believe this alien race had set up this whole thing and many LFP friends seem to also agree on the vast alien prescence in our priesthood ranks. It's been this way for eons. As a matter of fact, I juxtapose the mythic centauri to these beings. It's a bit problematic, because there's many mantid races, one of which can be classified as hostile to humans. 
    9856118060?profile=RESIZE_710xPicture by David Gough.

    Anyway, now that the mantid tangent is dealt with, let's unpack the symbolism of the spikenard oil: First of all, it is used on the feet. In esotericism, the feet signify one's lower nature, since the feet touch the earth constantly, they are considered to be the densest parts of the body(-ies). In fact, if you focus on the feet for long enough and dissolve the sensation of physicality, it is said that you can enter into the earth itself, onwards to the planetary core, whereby the densest daemons are to be (encountered). I think of the soles of the feet as a gateway to the 'shadow realms'. If you know how to change the vibration of your body by attunement, whereby you lose yourself in the object of focus, then you can project freely to these places. Problem is, your mind and brain body will change with each attunement in a manner that resembles the object/subject of attunement, in this case, more parts of your shadow will manifest into your conscious state. By annointing the feet of Yeshua Emmanuel Christ, if we call the man by his full name, Mary of Bethany effectively cleansed his shadow (because that's what the function appears to be in this context). She gets scolded afterwards because it was expensive, which should be unsurprising since it is indigenous to Nepal if i'm not mistaken.

    Furthermore, the significance of incense and aromas: they both signify the presence of entities,(in-cense and pre-cense). The aroma ΄(άρωμα- non-aggressive) is merely a byproduct of an entity's projection to the physical world, so that molecules composing the entity's physical makeup openly are carried along with the wind; The reception of smell is either pleasurable or pungent depending on the entity. Olfactory scientists say that the smaller the molecule, then, stronger the smell. So, bearing all this in mind, it's like an allegory where, even Yeshua's shadow (is) divine.     

    Now, my full opinion is that the spikenard oil used by Mary was just a traditional anointment. Whereas the situation I had in a dream, was with an alchemical potion... and it indeed gave me prescence into a world that I had no access to previously. I wanted to know more about it partly due to the little mantid laid inside the glass vial.  

  • I haven't looked at scripture on this yet. I believe there are three different accounts along the same line with various different perspectives in the four "Gospels" (I don't mean to disagree with them as I see all as good accounts even if not accurate). One has Mary washing Yeshua's feet with her tears, one has her dumping the bucket of "perfume" on his head, and I don't completely remember the third account. I'm purposefully not looking these up right now because I just want to work with what I took from my original readings/understandings? .

    I thought there was also something in the Gospel of John, but I fail to remember any of it. @Paisios, I connect what you have said about the anointing of the feet with tears. @Jason, I connect what you have given as the, possibly, mysterious, spikenard, and some possible secrets contained in that. I believe both are significant, but I couldn't even try to explain either. I just want to ponder the connection between the head and the feet in the two different accounts, and why the seemingly different perspectives on what I would think is the same story.

    From a simple Biblical perspective (Protestant version), the head represents the divine, and the feet would appear to represent the body, or the humans/congregation/people present(?) - possibly the foundation of the 3D existence (bit of a stretch possibly). Symbolically, I can see a possibility of the spikenard representing the crown that the supposed sacrifice made, and the anointing of tears as  mirroring the towel and basin story in John's Gospel representing the divine importance of the utmost importance of service to all. That's all I've got at this point.

    Paisios Papapavlou said:

    By annointing the feet of Yeshua Emmanuel Christ, if we call the man by his full name, Mary of Bethany effectively cleansed his shadow (because that's what the function appears to be in this context). She gets scolded afterwards because it was expensive, which should be unsurprising since it is indigenous to Nepal if i'm not mistaken.

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