Levitation in Dreams

Aloha Friends!

So I did the 4-11 breathing and meditation in the middle of the night last night. I have been having a whooshing and ringing going on in my ears almost consistently and the only way I can calm myself is by deep breathing. I was doing the 4-4-4-4 or 4-16-4-4 breathing. In-hold-out-hold. 

Anyhew... I did this new breathing and an interesting thing happened in my sleep. I dreamt that I could levitate. It was a certain feeling I felt when I could feel my body was going to lift. I levitated right up to the ceiling in my dream and it felt so good, and really easy. Almost like I was floating on the top of water in the ocean.

Has anyone else had these kinds of experiences and what did you receive from it? What does it mean in your perspective?

Also, what are the thoughts on using 4-12 breathing as well, is there a specific reason for the '11'?



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  • Not much to add on the breathing part , but I have been experiencing a sudden surge in levitation experiences while sleeping. It is indeed effortless there and is as easy as breathing ironically.

  • Proprioception comes to mind

    "It was a certain feeling I felt when I could feel my body was going to lift."

    I think that's important and you should delve into that more. I had an experience yesterday where I felt totally in control of my thoughts. Felt waves of energy from center radiating outward.

    What does it mean? Why do any of us ever have a bad feeling/thought about anything we can't control?

  • Sometimes when a new alchemy is being born or even used in our group for the first time I will feel it's presence. It's incredible.

    It's got an unmistakable feeling to it. It's like a boyant floating feeling and an ecstacy will enrapture me for about 10-20 minutes. It's very high vibration and very loving. It's happened off and on ever since I joined up here in 2010. I think it's this higher vibration that I am coming into contact with. 

    As far as the 4/11 breath we got that from the Wisdom Master press books and it seems to work really well for dropping one into a deep meditation especially for remote viewing ABS training.

  • Thank you so much Mary <3

    Yes the feeling does feel pretty euphoric for sure!

  • I love that question, about trying to control a thought or feeling, and perhaps thats just it, not to control it. Just to observe it like you would a tree as you drive past it on the road...

    Calvin said:

    Proprioception comes to mind

    "It was a certain feeling I felt when I could feel my body was going to lift."

    I think that's important and you should delve into that more. I had an experience yesterday where I felt totally in control of my thoughts. Felt waves of energy from center radiating outward.

    What does it mean? Why do any of us ever have a bad feeling/thought about anything we can't control?

  • Think about it like this, total unfeeling is numbness, absolute feeling is... harder to describe but probably like pins and needles, uncomfortably overwhelming. What's EXACTLY in the middle?

  • Well if you are in observer mode you may be in touch with it very deeply but yet not consumed by it in the sense of how empaths can get overwhelmed by something and take it on?

    Mastery of thoughts is great! That's what I want. Or at least to be empty enough to be a glove for the Tao to fill out and use me to do somethng awesome.

  • Maybe we have bad feelings about a thought we can't control because we are in a state of non acceptance. We think- ohhhh I should be feeling this instead. That's a judgement. What if instead we just honored the process and allowed ourselves to feel something. Or at least honor its presence. Okay. There is this uncomfortable thought. Here it is. It's just here. And then embrace it. Now there is no resistance to it. I am finding that causes it to fall away. It has no STICKY to it. When I reject the thought that makes me uncomfortable ( I should not be having this thought) then it follows me around like an unloved step child until I get to work on the integration part of it. Does that resonate or do you all notice this as a technique that helps you? 

    Beverley Buckley said:

    I love that question, about trying to control a thought or feeling, and perhaps thats just it, not to control it. Just to observe it like you would a tree as you drive past it on the road...

    Calvin said:

    Proprioception comes to mind

    "It was a certain feeling I felt when I could feel my body was going to lift."

    I think that's important and you should delve into that more. I had an experience yesterday where I felt totally in control of my thoughts. Felt waves of energy from center radiating outward.

    What does it mean? Why do any of us ever have a bad feeling/thought about anything we can't control?

  • I used to just wonder if I was gay sometimes. Somehow it just went away. I wasn’t attracted to any male in particular I’d just be laying down and have anxiety about the possibility. When I was less experienced with cannabis I would have intense anxiety around wetting myself. One day something clicked, I thought, ok, whatever if I pee myself I pee myself and I’ll just do damage control from there.

    How is that relevant? Even if I was gay, what’s it to anyone? If I did wet myself? Fear of being judged. Fear of dealing and adapting to changes on the fly. It’s hard. When you first start driving and downtown areas are so hectic and you’re driving around in unfamiliar territory it’s scary, but if you face it, you’re training your adaptation ability.

    Being is hampered by allowing others to dictate how you feel about yourself. Communications and relationships, most problems can easily be figured out, and for everything else, Alchemy

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