Magnetic Pole Reversal

Earth's magnetic pole is definitely on the move. It seems a full reversal is imminent. These do happen, and they are a whole different thing than a crustal or geologic pole reversal. But it makes for fascinating conversation. Here's an excellent article I found while selling some of my astronomy gear.

Let's fire it up!

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  • During the livestream you said, in getting to this level (astronomy?), you realize it's an art form. Could you expand on that? Also what will be the consequences of this magnetic pole reversal?

  • Well, looking at the video on my 40" plasma TV got me to thinking that I was an artist more than an astronomer trying to get high-res images to work on a 1080p format. It was a mini-epiphany and gave me a different perspective in how I set about doing the captures.

    So here's a couple in example.

    Calvin said:

    During the livestream you said, in getting to this level (astronomy?), you realize it's an art form. Could you expand on that? Also what will be the consequences of this magnetic pole reversal?

  • My Believe System Concerning the Switching of Poles, is That These Have Happened; Yes.. Yet, This Won't This Turn Around. The Collectives Polarity Bubble of the Crystallized Supermassive Aquatic Dark Hole We Call Home; Gaia: is Balancing Out.

    The Flat Earth Theory, Energetically; Yes the Earth Was Flat: A Coin or Medallion. Two Sides to Those, and the Magnetic Pole Reversal Was the Flipping of the Coin.
    When This Happened, Either a Rapture Event; We Collectively Had 37; or Cataclysm Would Take Place.

    One Side of the Disc, Gaia.
    'As Above So Below'
    Not the Moon, But its Amplifier; Saturnus.
    On The Other.

    When Collectively We Reached 2012 Our Collectives subConsciousness Field Would Either Decide to Have an Ascension Ride ((Rapture, Soul Groups of 38)) or a Cataclysmic End of a Cycle.
    The End of Days, And Even for the Rest of the Human Collective With the Rapture Events; The Collective Was Culled On Saturnus: the Sound Twin of the Sun.
    Not Light, but Sound. Not Light But the Elements, Ether. The Subconscious of US Views Saturnus As An Etheric Planet, That's How Simple the Subconscious of Us Perceives the World.
    Saturns Geometry Could Form An 8, And in Roman and Greek Mythology; is Known As Saturnus//Kronos the Deity of Time.

    1960s, the Entering of the Photon Belt; We Started As a Collective; To Take in Vital Light Upgrades: But With More Light the Elements Lose Their Balance.
    Gaia Her Prime Elements Water and Fire, Earth and Wind; the Ether ((Æther Now)) On//in Saturnus.
    2012 Marked 5 - the Fifth - Æther//Ether.

    Around 1990-2000 the Waning or Dwindling of the Orchestration of the Elemental Household of Gaia and the Solar System Started. The Sun, More And More Appearing to Become White; Whilst the 90s it Was Orange//Red.. The Sun if the Subconscious is Concerned, is Fire.
    Black - White.. The Sun and Saturnus.
    The Crucible of Elements, Sound and Light.

    So, 2012; Subconsciously the HiveMind of Us All Decided Yes or No. This Time, YES Means Ascension; Planetary. Many, Many Times Over, Our Collective and individual Souls Suffered Cataclysm.. Or a Rapture Event, Whereas Light and Consciousness Was Set Off in the Skies of the Observable Universe for Our Solar System to Receive Through Our Crucible of Time and Space. Wax and Wane, Rinse and Repeat.. Over and Over.. Cyclically.. For 300-1050 Biljon Years.

    When The Apocalypse Happened, the Veil Would Drop On Saturnus.. The Archonic Force and Morgellon ((((All Timelines had To Deal With the Same Prophecies Like the Red-Blue Star Kachina, Holy Legend)))) Meaning Our Collective At and Around 2012 Would Start Trailing the Skies.. WTC in NYE 9/11 Would Always Take Place, Time And Time Again.. Crystallized Nodes or Knots of Time///Space Whereas for instance Nostradamus Could Forsee Events Happening.
    A Famous 'Guru' From The Eastern Part Of Europe, Tsjechië or Bulgaria Or So. This Seer, an Elderly Lady Whom Was Blinded at a Young Age; Foresaw 2- Events Happening. A BETTER New Planet, Being Restored, Rejuvenated With illnesses Known to Modern Society Like Cancer etc.. Would be Part of History.. Baba Vanka, I Believe She Was Called. This Would Be One Timeline the Collective Could Take.. But She Also Saw the Following, Water Would Engulf the Planet.. Water! The Rest I Can't Remember, for Those Are Merely Details ..

    The Last Rapture Event, That Had Taken Place Was Biljon of Years Ago.. In Linear Fashion, That Of the Akashic Record; the Earth: Gaia. Akasha Constantly, at All Times; Set of More and More Crystal Deposits Through imprints of the Subconsciousness Bubble of Mankind + Flora//Fauna//DedAAAna* (Spore*Life).
    Light and Sound, Set Off in Æther; Crystals. Billions of Different Deposits Throughout Countless of Cycles of Time and Space in the Construct of Gaia and Saturnus.

    Nibiru Would Show its 'Face' and Wings Just Before Cataclysm Struck. This Took Place in a Constructed Environment On Saturnus, a Sound Copy of Our Less and Less Luminous Collective.. We Were Slipping
  • Slipping Down the Slope So to Say.. Our Yin Side of Polarity Couldn't Outway the Yang Side. And BOOM the Flipping of WORLDS.
    The Consciousness Bubble Flipped into Saturnus its Sound Orchestrated Etheric Density.. And BOOOM Next Thing.. The Flipping of Worlds Took Place Again.. Flipping Things BACK.. To When.. The Great Floods.. WATER ALL over the PLANET.. An Element With the Characteristics of Being Interdimensional///Multidimensional..

    A New Cycle, Began.


    With New Set Offs in Crystals in Gaia, the Akashic Record.
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