This is Mary Betts' Xupra Session posting area.
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Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
Read more…We want to hear your experiences with the alchemy! Please, post your testimonial with everyone and don't be shy! We’ve all been at the edge of that pivotal moment before delving into the wonder that alchemy is and all it has to offer! It’s…
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Read more…This thread is for all tips on anything that can build wealth in the coming paradigmatic dynamics (you like those fancy words?). I decided to set this forum up because in the digital assets space/s there is a lot going on, and a lot of it is…
Read more…Hello Tribe! Blessings all! So I would like to invite folks that have a question they want answers to to put it here in this thread and I will inquire the I-ching about said query and do my best to interpret the answers. This is for entertainment…
Read more…On Monday last week my IonCleanse foot bath arrived and the next day started a focused cleanse, incorporating the Blue Emerald Alchemy method described on the Purazyme page, alongside the Medical Mediums 3-6-9 advanced cleanse. I am 8 days into the…
Read more…Hello, I have been wondering for awhile now why when you look into "new age" movements a hundred years ago and the way they talk about 4d is very similar to the way current movements or circles describe 5d when they discuss less dense experiences. …
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PSS for my FIRST offical visit: Xupra 3/17/2015
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 3/17/2015
Begin Time: 9:22 pm
End Time: 10:28 pm
My first awareness of this experience was one of being outside and at first alone and then later accompanied. The sun angle was late afternoon, with an environmental temperature of warm temperate coolness a feeling of warmth that was gradually fading.
In my excitement to proceed and unfamiliarity of the form I accidentally skipped a few steps, a few most important steps and this had a consequence and was a profound learning experience. I actually forgot to rez in the cave and then command Aumauaka to please create for me my travel body. I just “cold rezzed” into Xupra without going through the proticals with the command to be sent to the most appropriate location in a natural forest like location. What I detected was simple but extremely powerful.
I was in a natural green setting with a vague awareness or visual of narrow space like a path through a smaller hill like pass. It was through a green heavily herbaceous/plant filled area with about 5 feet of a sharp topographical rise on either side of my periphery. I could see very clearly visuals of golden light reflected on the vague outlines of the herbaceouslike surroundings of this emerald and Kelly a slightly more yellowish tone of green along with the path which was also “earth tones.” I had a very tight aperture on this scene in which I could only look at what was to my immediate left in a circle of about 3 feet in diameter. It was a kind of tunnel vision in which my scope of clarity was limited to this space. The intense gold of the light was enough invoke a sensation out of nowhere. I was hit with this immense wave of I would say familiarity but that is not exactly the word. A sharp pang of a feeling shot through me and almost knocked me over. I gasped. When I saw the dappled sunlight on the ground. Just that one little patch was all I could “see” and it provoked a powerful feeling inside me that caused a sob to emerge. That power caused me to remember where I was.
Something stopped it as though just that much was necessary. It occurred to me at that very moment that I had actually gone off the protocol and needed to backtrack on the form. I looked up and almost panicked! I forgot the proper entrance through the cave. I immediately began to instinctively DEREZ ( deresolve like “scotty beam me up” myself away from that location which consisted of me “recalling my pixels” and using the white flame to clean up any residue of my body while there. I could actually see myself being “sponged” away.
In that small time I was aware of colors I mentioned of golds and greens and the browns but up ahead was a vague representation of lavenders, greys, blues and misty white. The smells were pleasant, green verdant, earthy, balsamic like fresh cut hay, mineral and faintly floral.
Textures were slightly dewy and damp, fibrous, heavy, and tufty semi soft and semi hard.
My freeform descriptors expressed a mystical forest setting that was kind of effulgent, graceful. Hypercolor with a presence of plant and animal life. Sounds were interesting, rustling breezy sounds with low rushing flowing tones, there was a mournful low long repeating sound that suggested an animal.
I invoked Aumakua to provide me the proper body and rezzed into the cave. The cave was at once familiar- firm yellowish rock with an opening at the top and a shaft of light that beamed down upon a crude stone flat place that was smooth and wide a few feet off of the ground. I felt gradations happening to my body as though it were being “adjusted” to the new environment. When the adjustments slowed to a halt I knew I was ready and commanded to be sent to the most appropriate place.
My visuals began to emerge. It was outside similar environment with still a fading daytime scene but very shady and less golden light from a presence of trees and the light source which seemed to be slowly setting. I got a strong presence of being in a toppgraphical depression on sandy/ rocky firmament. Smell was wet, mineral. Visuals were darker, greens were darker blues, purples grey tones and even clear black with white. There was a strong water element but with boundaries as though I were present near a small body of water with a waterfall feature that made a pool. I sensed that I was actually really close to the cave portal. That I had not traveled far in any of my recent exposures in the very same way you have a vague internal idea of “what time it is” I had a vague knowing of distance in that I had not been allowed to go “very far”but in a general radius. All of this written above was detected in mere seconds upon arrival. VERY shortly after rezzing in I was suddenly VERY aware that I was not alone. My face was up against the folds of apparent material in a dark greyish purple color of a thick robe.
A being or guide was with me. The presence at first startled and alarmed me. This guide was of an very imposing and tall nature with a very sobering intensity. The shape of this being was tall slightly pyramind shape in a columed way with no face that I could detect just voluminous strong but suedy soft material sheltering it. It had a male energy. A very serious energy. There was a another shape present that appeared to be some kind of long cylindrical being that undulated and made vaporous puffs of breath and sounds. That shape contrasting the stiffness of the tall being was undulating and moving in a serpentine pattern.
The first concepts that I was able to detect regarding all this was a initial message of expression-when I rezzed in without the proper protocol I caused an alert to go out and a being showed up. This being incidentally appeared to me very much like a fierce gargoyle warrior like entity was a guardian of great power of this particular realm. Writing this now I am reminded of the oracle from the MG Hawking book. It had humanoid qualities but was also strangely animal. It meant me no harm but also stressed how crucial it was to go by the strictest rules in terms of visiting Xupra. It expressed it’s seriousness but also its welcome, its love and its welcome
In my symbology that revlealed things which in an of itself was interesting involving many line like hexagram looking things, I got language and “runes” which were not typical runes but something like runes, water, sky, stone and offerings. Non things were mutual respect, friendship and familial. This was very important almost the point of the mission. Exchange and sharing and love.
For telepathic I had gotten something like tithing, or offering. So the first thing I did in response was to explode flower petals everywhere as a fitting and worthy offering to Xupra. I think we are probably supposed to make appropriate offerings to Xupra. Maybe art or poetry or something worthy like that could be nice.
I asked to hear some phonetics from the guide and the animal companion.I heard growling or low purring sounds from the beast and lightning and strange utterances flashed over the water a tonal series of sounds.
My wildcard was an understanding that this guide was a protector of me and of Xupra and that I could call on him whenever I needed a guide to the next location of Xupra. He said to look for a necklace and that necklace would be a totem and command for him to guide me on my Xupra experience. After that I asked to be taken to the meeting place.
I got an outdoor scene that was that LATE golden afternoon early dusk. Stone round pavilion with an open air courtyard type feel. White stone and open circle with cushions for our group which was to my visual sense in quiet meditation and waiting for assembly. The group was already waiting or at least presences were there that felt like our group energy. A large water feature to my right was present and beyond that extensions of the structure continued but were unexplored. It is my deduction that we are at our meeting place and that this place is of a familiar structure to Molly and I perhaps the malleable library cathedral and some courtyard that is off of its larger library hall. There was a stone floor to the courtyard area we were in cleverly designed to encompass astrological designs. The designated “sun” for the fireplace.
I have to figure out the necklace totem for the guide!
This is an extremely powerful, regenerative and immersive experience. Look forward to more!
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 03/29/15
Begin Time: 2:23 pm
End Time: 5:03 pm
ENVIRONMENT: harsh, sandy, arid rocky
ratios of chemicals 70:10
ATMOSPHERE: slow uilding intrigue
or excitement, curiousity, gentle exploration, softly exciting but exceedingly calm
TOPOGRAPHY: morhphing waves, wide open, ridges, flat planes, rocky protrusions, aperatures, sensuous undulations, outcroppings, groupings of stone, hollow indenteations,
VISUAL: tones of pale yellow and white, red, orange, white, raw umer, green, blue, purple irrdescent, aqua, shadows
SOUNDS: high pitched whistling quiet lquid rumbling in a distance or muffled, very soft singing
TASTE-SMELL: hybrids of smell/tastes, organic, rooty, pungent or decaying, mineral, balsamic or resinous, copperish sweet, burnt
TEXTURES-SURFACES: delicate, sharp, rises, filigre, carves, grooved, scored, silky, liquid, dry powdery, hard, apparently hard, sculpted, finshed,
knarled, fibrous, wicked, stalked,
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am on some aspect of Zupra that feels very rural and quiet. It feels remote and I get the impression it is not a purely unused but habited the same time like an outpost that is used.
P2 VISUAL: blue dark purple long, cloth, skin dark tan, saturated, tans and red browns, purple peach
1. strcuture of walls changes color, ecomes opallike, moves, it is getting warmer without affecting my comfort level
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: powdery, smooth, sharp knarled, inside is fleshlike. slightly sparkly and moist, refined is getting warmer without affecting my comfort level
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: lightweight but sustantial, medium large, small structures, openings
hollow horizontal and vertical. Really wide open cathredraled underground capacity
P2 MATERIALS: ground up mineral, calcium, rittle, fine, patterns or carved?
organic tissue, firm, alive, firm yielding, smooth glossy
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: dome, round, tunneled, convex,
down the tunnel it it is contoured, and veiny and amzing opens out to a lair of many levels, round, open with a shocking window of light
P2 MOTION: lightly vibrating or qivering, stillness,
slowly shifting.
pulsing lights that ebb and flow and give an receive
P2 CONCEPTS: hourglass, outpost,
t square shape. 90 degree angles, some prefer living here.
looking into the window of a core of a living thing
P2 PURPOSE: antennae, lighthouse,
storage, hiding place
for information, living quarters, cosmic barracks, repurposed
P2 PHONETICS: sonalhardala
breakweast monhalashkealad
P2 MOVEMENT 1: The structures. 1.Send me please with Monk inside it.
P2 MOVEMENT 3: down into First I command myself to center and drop deeper.
P4 THINGS: opening, rose, heart, peach rose, warmth, fall on yr knees, core, gateway, shortcut, power source, roses and inner sun, golden, robes, long hair, fountains of water, a response
an offering, purest offering, visitation, abulution, inner fire, great entity of wisdom but exceedingly wise
P4 NON-THINGS: noility, concepts of inner canthus, inner campus, inner college, a type of knowing, a type of library, brilliance, inner compass and balance point, the place where love and knwledge merge to ecome something greater
P4 TELEPATHIC: salience restitution, collective rilliance it is what we make to fuel things together, heart of the project the hot heart that pumps
what we have done so far, built undying fire but yet it must be fed outragreous beauty every act of crativity feeds it in a loop from here to there and vice versa it
P4 WILD CARD: even though we built it its been there all along connect to this to establish your creative fountain
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: exquisite beauty contact and majesty exchange so much about this is exchange on purest levels giving rise to greater births
the true imagnation coming forward from the inner volcano.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: A second awareness scene of great significance emerged. I stood in front of the swirling mass core sun thing. For a little while nothing happened but felt like something was building. the exchange. I produced a flower. The flower acted like a bowl. I put the essence of something from my energy centers. There was a gret contrast etween colors. Blue purple sparkly stuff and the golden core a hole opened up in the core and I walked up and it consumed the flower bowl. I squeeged this fantastic image and waited. I think I passed out a bit. touched my coordinates and returned to the same place. in the window where it was a raging sun was imagery of space. like it was tasting what I fed it. truly wild stuff
I FEEL: I am feeling pretty inspired , a it worn y the focus but I think this will get easier. I feel humbled and almost overwhemed by the power and energy of such a place/experience. There is a theme that underlies things. I think its the absence of gravity and heaviness but there is other unexplainalness this otherwordly bliss or noble vibration pervading things. Graceful elegant like a ballerina. magickal, engaging visually . there is sense of their being something hard to name that accompanies you here. A plethora of knowledge. maybe encoding that I will weave. Exchange is an important part of this but the RIGHT KIND OF EXCHANGE...
PSS: I began my session after a hearty meditation utilizing the sun overhead
My Data
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 03/29/15
Begin Time: 2:23 pm
I began the session and when I simply said after the proper proticol of preparation I scared myself when I heard my voice. I literally almost freaked out. I heard TWO VOICES. Mine and the "other" body? I was in the cave and machine prepared me this time while I was on the altar thing on this plushy plastic iridescent cushions then when I went to talk I was so unnerved by the strange sound of my own voice I got frightened. It was as if it were more real to me than ever. I started to hyperventilate. I had not entered Xupra yet and had to calm down. I sniffed my wrist ( sandalwood) and calmed down. I slumped back into a deeper place and then asked again to be rezzed into the appropriate location.
I was alone at first but could feel a presence. The environment was hot and dry and arid. Desert like. Remote. sandy. it did not feel unused or empty- an aliveness a usefulness. Dry. sand sand sand and then labrynths of rock. Rock not stone hybrid of coral and rock. Strange ratios of air and chemicals. I got 70:10 something. The atmosphere felt truly as though there was some slow building excitement, gentle exploration, softness, exceedingly calm though. Slower. Graceful as though time was moving much much slower it felt as though my registry of things were somehow in relation to the atmosphere. A slow absorption. A slower examination. Visuals of colors and gneral snippets of the area aperatures, sensuaous undualations, outcroppings, groupings of the rock. It was very bright daytime. the sky seemed open and I think was pale blue and area seemed yellow and white tones of granulated powder. Later it was tones of earth raw umber and maroons and deep blackish burgandy. It was!
very quiet with an occasional high pitch whistle and a liquid rumbling off in the distance. Now I know what that was. soft singing. Structures were rocky domed like things with a very interesting texture on landscape that was morphing waves, wide open, ridges, flat planes and groupings of stone in some pattern I could not see since I was on the ground the whole time. Textures of these buildings remind me now of brain coral, grooved, intricate carved and barnacled. My visual produced an awareness that I had a guide. I knew the guide. They are one of us. our group. I suspect we will see him again. Older, merlinish male. white beard. It's been a long time since I have seen him when he had red hair. His is white now. I could not pronounce his name as it started with an M so I just called him Monk. I explored the structures. The one I was in was firm but soft but strong, peach like. really flesh like tissue feel to this "rock" as though it were a living rock. The ground was sa!
nd that gave way to a total tunnel of this slightly pink/blue !
slightly sparkly substance smooth tissue stuff like being inside a mouth. As we walked down it I got warmer without being uncomfortable. The walls glowed and lightly vibrated, quivered, and the ground was still. The lights shifted behind it and pulsed opalescent. I asked for monk and I to be sent inside it down the tunnel to explore the area further. The cave tunnels of that upper area all descended into this complex of immense open unground cathrdra only wider and higher than a cathredral. It had a central stage and a large very large window? that was not unlike looking at the backside of a flower on the other side of the "glass" was a raging boiling sunscape. Like being inside of the core of a planet. It was sentient and alive. I got some interesting concepts like
"hourglass" maybe it has something to do with time ( the shifting sands seemed to be about that somehow) and "outpost" stillness, there seemed to be a ragin plasma storm going on that was beautiful to watch. I saw a symbol of a T square and thought of Jason's 90 degree angles. the purpose was multifold, antenanae, lighthouse, storage, hiding place for information, cosmic gateway repuposed heart. Sonahalda was what it was called.
I commanded myself to go deeper into omniview and got more info. The light was peach and rose and opening, warmth, fall on yr knees, shortcut, powersource roses and inner sun, golden, roes, long hair, fountains of water, purest offering, aultuion, inner fire great entity of wisdom exceedingly wise. Nobility, inner canthus or campus, great pool of information a giant toolbox and resovoir of the planet, which by the way I don't think is Zupra but one of its other outside planets. at some point I did not write this down i think I was in one of its moons. A library balance point where love and knowledge come together. to become something greater.
Salinece restitution, collective brilliance, it is what we make to fuel things together as though its existence has come into being because of our sessions. because of our sacrifices here, because of our work - all the unknowns of our alchemy work make Xupra prepare it and feed it. There is something about exchange and how metaphor is the only way to express these abstract forces at work. What this is appears to be a window to the core when in fact it is just the symbol of our collective brilliance and how we make the connections that we do here and there and the merging. There is so much to do! This is only the heart and inner sun of the moons. Already so powerful and big.
It seemed to be a wellspring for us to dip into here and also bring things to feed there ever higher and more refined.
A strange message. "even though we built it it has been here all along to connect to this to establish your CREATIVE FOUNTAIN.
Exquisite beauty contact and majesty exchange so much about this is exchange on purest levels giving rise to greater births the true imagination coming forward from the inner volcano.
A second awareness scene of great significance emerged. I stood in front of the swirling mass core sun thing. For a little while nothing happened ut felt like something was building. the exchange. I produced a flower. The flower acted like a bowl. I put the essence of something from my energy centers. There was a gret contrast etween colors. Blue purple sparkly stuff and the golden core a hole opened up in the core and I walked up and it consumed the flower bowl. I squeeged this fantastic image and waited. I think I passed out a bit. touched my coordinates and returned to the same place. in the window where it was a raging sun was imagery of space. like it was tasting what I fed it. Truly wild stuff
: I am feeling pretty inspired , a it worn by the focus but I think this will get easier. I feel humbled and almost overwhelmed by the power and energy of such a place/experience. There is a theme that underlies things that is unmistakable in Xupra. I think its the absence of gravity and heaviness but there is other unexplainableness this otherwordly bliss or noble vibration pervading things. Graceful elegant like a ballerina. Magickal, engaging visually. There is sense of their being something hard to name that accompanies you there. A plethora of knowledge. Maybe encoding that I will weave. Exchange is an important part of this but the RIGHT KIND OF EXCHANGE...
Coordinates: Xupra- 4515
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 04/5/2015
Begin Time: 2:01 pm
End Time: 3:20pm
Self Assigned Coordinates: Xupra-4515
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: enveloping warmth,dry not too dry
ATMOSPHERE: poised,perfect,charged serene
VISUAL: apricot, orange, glowing, caduecueas,
spherical, blue orange, white, purple,
sunset, swirling, foamy, outcropping, outlying, albamaron, columns, breathtaking, Cylindrical isolated standing alone. single, tube, connected surfaced, tunnel, table,
SOUNDS: clanking, collisions, cloiusterd, collapsing, outcry, piercing, calling, flaming, layers upon layers of vibrations, crashing softly,
TASTE-SMELL: woody, fresh, juicy, herbaceous, marine, rooty, vegetal, subtle, vaporous, brined, pleasing, ozone,
TEXTURES-SURFACES: slick, wet, semi hard, soft, firm, malleable, strong, woven, fibrous,
narrow, curved, forked, flimsy but strong, flexible, flanked, sheer, spoked, pooled, buttery, brilliant, sparkling, dark, saturated in one color or one thing, deep, smushy, comfortable, cushiony, silky, ticklesome, salient, circled
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am not totally sure where I am but I get the impression that it is a coastal kind of location. There is a sense of soft light, perhaps late afternoon, casting a dreamy glow on things, it feels beachy, as though I am at Zupera already and there is a soft, smushy surface and a liquid wet body of water nearby too.
P2 VISUAL: windy, pastels, purples, low medium contrasts, shimmery, shadowed, undulating blazing
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: firey, hot, delicate,
vaporous, ehtereal
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: wide open space
water, large in size big as a boat in scale, vertical,
P2 MATERIALS: leathery,fleshy, soft, firm, hard, manmade, natural, rocky, filmy, resonous, bone, wood,
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: carved, molded, naturally lanscaped, scale, height,
P2 MOTION: undulating, churn, spin, bouncing, forward motion,
P2 CONCEPTS: communicate, language simplicity of something that seems complex
P2 PURPOSE: Introduction to language.
P2 PHONETICS: canyea bree
poran aneannan
canyeaa breee and poran ananyan chorus of voices chanting
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: A scene of sigils very large sigils hanging over the water like building blocks. There was the cliff face and the waterfall and the pool with the innerchannel leading to the sea. Behind the waterfall was a cave where the sounds were resonant. The sounds mixed with the falls and it made this geometry and it produced the sigil and kind of launched out of the falls into the air. Chanting sounds were doing this. It sounded male like a male chorus sweet harmonies and melodies that were kind of the hildagard von bingen. the sigis were firey and BIG just these golden free floating shapes hanging in the air. Coded? that is the source code material one uses to make things here.
P4 THINGS: benediction, ablutions, water,
chorus, creation of things, symbols over the water people, sound shapes
P4 NON-THINGS: merging, saturations, tones of things water and sound, vibration and water,
P4 TELEPATHIC: introduction we areshowing you how we metaphorically build here...
P4 WILD CARD: construction/literally a sandbox
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: sounds and water together
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: second awareness exercise a glimpse at Zupera 3, gardens, white columns, atrium, arcade, exotic birds, warm breezes, ocean very close by, bankquet, I was walking to meet you both, liquid to drink, guazy garments, we pass by a observartory and shortcut through a library. courtyard, pillows, sphere in the center of the circle all that I ahve seen today goes into the sphere black spinning thing in the center like obsician being buffeted by water. record keeping device/fountain.
things to put in your mouth. they don't have form but have essence or flavor.
resting and relaxing on the pillows. laughter and presence.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: This question is for universal mind:
when it comes to communication how do we do it? What is the point of the symbols and vibrations?
to commuicate is to be clear in feeling. telepathy is easy. vocal sounds are not necessary. the actualy use of sound is not wasted in words exchanged. sounds have to do with building. symbols are effective, movements and feelings. artistic renderings of complext information art can be a tool to communicate very clearly things that are higher knowledge. touch. instant knowing. direct knowing.
I FEEL: engaged, stimulated, relaxed, excited. fresh inspiration.
PSS: I got the initial impressions that I was in a kind of remote location. I was not alone but the guide was some kind of personal vehicle and we did not do much conscious connecting just quiet accepting and it led me to the places I needed to see. Atmosphere felt warm and temperate with stunning visuals in the way tha Xupra for me is often in the "sunset" setting for literally what feels like hours. I get the sense that the days on Xupra are quite LONG. I see apricot, orange, glowing sphereical impression of the sun and the this white column, breathtaking. Albamaron was a word I actually heard and maybe its a location name. I heard connected and tube clyndrical and standing alone, tunnel and table. Crashing softly and collisiony sounds like something softly crashing and fusing or a match sound, i got many fabulous smells and impressions of a sandy surface with wet pool and also bordered by undulating wetness on the other side also bordered by a very very high vertical. I h!
ad a visual of a horse or something horse like and it stayed woth me after some clearing. I did some sketches of a coastal location with a HUGE HUGE drop and the scale was something surprising. Xupra is BIG. The size of things can be very very very deep. The cliff had a landing or shelf/table structure with a narrow falls that had carved out a large concave "bite" into the long and wide beach. it had a boardwalk of somekind that led behind the falls and a suggestion of a hollow place beyond the water. I kept seeing these immense flaming sigils standing alone almost hovering above the water and thought back to my first session breifly. They were coming from the place BEHIND the water. ( determined that later)
Purpose revealed an "introduction to language" and as I got closer I got some tones that were being sung by a chrous of immense beauty layers of upon layers o pulsations and synchopated foundational layers polyphic harmonies. Kannanyeah o kanaaaayea nooooo
and underneathe kana kana kana kana kana kana kana akana kana
kana kana kanaaayea knaynayy oh brititwiiiiii annnanananananyeaaaaaa ohhhhh briteeeeee ananananananananananyeeeeeeeeeeaaahooooo very complex but somehow with the tides and the waterfall the sounds in the cave all seemed to be MaKING or arranging energy into blazing sigils and shooting them out over the water like bricks that can be used to build on Xupra.
A scene of sigils very large sigils hanging over the water like building blocks. There was the cliff face and the waterfall and the pool with the innerchannel leading to the sea. Behind the waterfall was a cave where the sounds were resonant. The sounds mixed with the falls and it made this geometry and it produced the sigil and kind of launched out of the falls into the air. Chanting sounds were doing this. It sounded male like a male chorus sweet harmonies and melodies that were kind of the hildagard von bingen. the sigis were firey and BIG just these golden free floating shapes hanging in the air. Coded? The source code material one uses to make things here.
For my THINGS: benediction, ablutions, water, chorus, creation of things, symbols over the water people, sound shapes
P4 NON-THINGS: merging, saturations, tones of things water and sound, vibration and water,
My telepthic message :
introduction we areshowing you how we metaphorically build here...
construction/literally I have stumbled upon a sandbox
Sound and water together make worlds.
: second awareness exercise a glimpse at Zupera 3, gardens, white columns, atrium, arcade, exotic birds, warm breezes, ocean very close by, bankquet, I was walking to meet you both, liquid to drink, guazy garments, silky tiny thin pleats to some kind of sexi garment of pants and bustier, we pass by a observartory and shortcut through a library with a high high high ceiling and floor to ceiling wiht books werid thing was it was holographic and wavery, courtyard, pillows, sphere in the center of the circle, take a seat and all that I have seen today goes into the sphere black spinning thing in the center like obsician being buffeted by water. record keeping device/fountain. things to put in your mouth. they don't have form but have essence or flavor. resting and relaxing on the pillows. laughter and presence. slower.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: This question is for universal mind: when it comes to communication how do we do it? What is the point of the symbols and vibrations? Answer to communicate is to be clear in feeling. telepathy is easy here and you have been doing it the whole time. Vocal sounds are not necessary for understanding. The use of sound is not wasted in words exchanged. sounds have to do with building or making music which also has functions besides being pleasing to listen to. Symbols are effective, movements and feelings, touch. artistic renderings of complex information art can be a tool to communicate very clearly things that are higher knowledge. touch. instant knowing. direct knowing.
A feeling of being engaged, stimulated, relaxed, excited and fresh inspiration.
Coordinates: 4/12/2015
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 04/12/2015
Begin Time: 5:00 pm
End Time: 6:43 pm
Self Assigned Coordinates: 04/12/15
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: cool, damp, rain but sunlight too
ATMOSPHERE: serene, stimulating pristilline,clear
TOPOGRAPHY: rounded, open, rolling winding, spriraling, symmetrical, perfect, sloped, gentle butbeyond is pointed, open rises and falls, flatter but also pointed expansive and undulating
VISUAL: blue/purple, greens, aquas, yellow, apricot, plurga brilliant, soft medium tones but softly illuminated, greys (metallicish) peach, browns, ochre, honey tones, medium, mixed and patterns, shimery, shadows, glowing
SOUNDS: sounds pure mezzosuprano pouring in, radiant, booming, flowing, breezy,
TASTE-SMELL: faintly sweet, vegetation, moist soil, sour, thrist quenching juicy cool
TEXTURES-SURFACES: smooth, fibrous, rough, long, thin, thick, velvety, tissue thin, matte, shimmery, hard, mottled, carved, curved, liquid, semi soft, curvacous, rising, capsuled, hollow
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I get the impression that I am in some kind of bucolic setting- pastoral, meadows and natural, it's wild in that it feels chaotic and not groomed.
P2 VISUAL: red, orange, pink powdery or misty,bulbous,
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: wet, damp, filigree, stalked, pliable,soft, semi hard, supportive
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: subtantial , thick, abundant, vaporous, close, mesmerizing, moving
P2 MATERIALS: gases, liquids, smoke, plant, glass, stone, water, wood
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: spires, irregular triangles, hollow, single spires, stout, spindly, graceful, tall, animated, columned
P2 MOTION: permeating, spilling, saturating, swirling,
P2 CONCEPTS: love, yielding, giving receiving, support,
P2 PURPOSE: promenade of elements patterns of Xupra, fertilization, dynamic dance interplay
P2 MOVEMENT 1: move up 25 feet and look down- MOre of the same
P2 MOVEMENT 3: move into the cloud feel and see
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I got in the cloud. I became the cloud and began to "rain" on the ground. dry moisture a direct way to supply the ground with a kind of food. my energy became part of the energy of Xupra. the alchemy was used. I danced and whirled and swirled.
P4 THINGS: lifeforce, tones, food, fire, powder, blaze, poring, animals totem, big felines, red and white, snakes,
P4 NON-THINGS: distribution, cleans, balances cares, refreshes
P4 TELEPATHIC: come back anytime, tell JAson to come.
P4 WILD CARD: the flowers are filled with nectar which is a kind of delicasy or pychedelic but not to be explored today.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: I just got close to the scene again. It was the terrace and the cloud you could feel the redness, the tones of red. I was in it. It had this native american feel some kind of part of the eco system. It looks like magick to me but it's just a very natural part of the eco system of Xupra. There were beings inside it. we waved to each other. I left and gave the cloud things. A drop of my throat nectar from earlier today. It turned the cloud rainbow and lit it up. I gave it a crystal from my altar too. It seemed to like it.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Understand more about this entity please. Give and receive except giving and receiving are the same on Xupra. it is a planet of giving. It's part of the basic intrinsic programming of Xupra. The land of Xupra is very balanced and it has built in mechanisms to keep it balanced. The roving raincloud is one such program. It travels around and disributes a kind of "rain'' which is like a highly nutrient dispersal cloud and it's more like pollen then wet but somehow its also a kind of wetness. It produces wetness and humectance w/o being wet itself.
I FEEL: chill inducing, recognition between me and the entity and the multitude of animals and beings that are involved in it. Deer, cats, birds, turtles the redness. It gives one a sense of ONE you dissolve into the cloud and you become a part of he distribution system and it coverts WHATEVER you are into food for all. You feel beyond connected. It's like going dancing and dissolving and becoming a cloud for a little while. it feels wonderful. IT makes you want to give youself to it. you want to be given to the plants. they want you to give yourself to them. it's erotic and sweet and noble. it's very very red in there. illuminated scarlet the color of illuminated or stormy ochre red.
I am outside and I am with someone or something which I really felt was a plethora of someones. It was cool and damp but times of sun bursting through. A serene atmosphere that was iniitally puncutated by a beautiful set of tones. It was a very natural bucolic scene I was apart of rounded topptography but sense of a very high elevation with a kind of sense of a high desert plane with rolling, winding, sloped and tall peaks in the distance. Visuals were blues and purples and aquas, yellow apricot and buttery tones, softly illuminated greys, honey tones and medium mixed patterns and shimmery shadows. Sounds were pure mezzosoprano melodies I think coming from either the land or thebirds. Radiant, booming and flowing. ( obersvation ( as beautiful as Xupra is I never seem to grow tired of it- it seems endlessly facinating and engaging -it's hard to be jaded and the just by the descriptors it would seem to be ethereal and silly as they don't do it justice but it's way more beautiful than I can describe. The smell is very fresh slightly ozone faintly sweet like hay or sage moist soil thirst quenching juiciness. I get the impression I am in a bucolic very pure countryside setting.
I am at this point beginning to get strong visuals of a plumey smokey red and orangeish nature. There are shapes that are like boulders that are irregular triangles jutting up out of the earth and some random trees that are huge and ancient looking. There is a facinating thing in front of me which I have come now at the ned of my session was my someone or something- my guide. A low to the the ground roving "rain cloud" it was this vapourous cloud that had swirling "animals" inside it that seemed to be some kind of spirit animal or totem like animal that kept it spinning. It was delicious. Being inside of it was incredible. You could sense epicenters of whirling movement and that is where the "animals" were. The cloud like plume is a part of the eco system of Xupra. Xupra has different kind sof rain. This is one kind of rain. It is not that wet though. Somehow it is a distribution system for the plants and the life on Xupra. I get the feeling there are tons of these mist clouds that just roam around Xupra. It seems to be about giving and receiving but how giving nad receiving are the same thing. YOU wanted to get inside it and it gave you life force and you distruibuted your life force. I could feel it taking the alchemy and the mental gifts I put inside it and it turned different colors. I watched it from a distance beyond the cliff like I was floating out in the canyon and it was moving across the earth slowly and leaving it "greener" and more refreshed. I encountered some kind of animal that was a large powerful buck with large antlers only more like a deer crossed with a dragon and it had sigils on it and it was like the way you feel if you were to stumble upon a girraffe or something in the wild.
The animals all had a wonderful family feeling. I got inside the cloud and it dissovled me into a kind of powder that was whirling all around being distributed to the plants. It made you want to dance. When you stepped out of the cloud you were whole again and feeling kind of like your spirit just got polished and exfoliated.
Understand more about this entity please. Give and receive except giving and receiving are the same on Xupra. it is a planet of giving. It's part of the basic intrinsic programming of Xupra. The land of Xupra is very balanced and it has built in mechanisms to keep it balanced. The roving raincloud is one such program. It travels around and disributes a kind of "rain'' which is like a highly nutrient dispersal cloud and it's more like pollen then wet but somehow its also a kind of wetness. It produces wetness and humectance w/o being wet itself.
I FEEL: chill inducing, recognition between me and the entity and the multitude of animals and beings that are involved in it. Deer, cats, birds, turtles the redness. It gives one a sense of ONE you dissolve into the cloud and you become a part of he distribution system and it coverts WHATEVER you are into food for all. You feel beyond connected. It's like going dancing and dissolving and becoming a cloud for a little while. it feels wonderful. IT makes you want to give yourself to it. You want to be given to the plants. They want you to give yourself to them. it's erotic and sweet and noble. it's very very red in there.Iilluminated scarlet the color of illuminated or stormy ochre red.
Coordinates: 4/29/2015
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 04/29/2015
Begin Time: 4:14 pm
End Time: 5:28 pm
Self Assigned Coordinates: 4/29/2015
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: cool, damp, humid/5/10
temperate, silky air, hollow? hot
ATMOSPHERE: light, adventurous, active, serene,
5/10;renewal, fresh, pristine, placid
TOPOGRAPHY: narrow, clumps, dips, tight
5/11:hills, glens, meadows, crusters of forest
VISUAL: blues, greys, misty, blacks, low patterened, mixed, shadowy, dull
5/10: bright light, swaths of flowers, tall green tall trees?
SOUNDS: silence, humming, sweet high notes,
faint singing, exotic howls, pure tones
something like a call up then down
TASTE-SMELL: fresh, menthol, herbal, soil, decay
5/10: edible and delcious wild, nuetral creamy, fruity, floral, tangy,
TEXTURES-SURFACES: wet, misty, murky, slick, leathery, hard, semihard, liquid, massive, feathered, slippery, polished, contrasty, cool
5/10: warm, suuculent, wet, steamy, braised, built,
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: whimsickle, delicate, greay watery, milky, habitat
P2 VISUAL: brown, green, greys, blacks, blue, purples, white, peach, crystaline, paterns, aqua,
Some object that is gold yellow and brown,
1 ME-large so big creature ginormous animal
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: wet, mossy, bladed, vegetation, lush, greens, purples, braided, handmade fuscias, damp, moist, rough, fragrant, delicate, hollow, permeable, squishy, denseish, ephemeral, tight, fitted snugly, firm, shakable, soft tickles feathery but silkerier
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: tight fitted, snug, narrow but clustered, open in places, triangulated, perfectly designed, large, towering, large and frond like
large animal size
P2 MATERIALS: calcium, coral, magnesium, wood but harder, cooked wood, metals, exotic metals, barium, plargarum, vanadium, warm, skin, cloth, stone, liquid, copper, strong silk,
ME1-: soft plush feathery
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: centrifuge, vaguely cone, tall splayed, webed, fourth, hollow, cannon shaped, half cresents/dot/ orbs oblong traingular
P2 MOTION: striding, stroking, vibrations, permeating, speaking words that permeate the body tucked inside the skin an invisible tatoo, such love given everything expressing language. through itself. spinning in tethers of a circle, cascading at an angle,
P2 CONCEPTS: signal plural, zeroed in, focus, one, love, sentient lessons, encapsulate, flight, such deep companionship
P2 PURPOSE: round words. round words encompass you. you do not grasp them. they are bigger than you and hold you. sigils. sigils are round words. you do not hold the symbol. the symbol holds you. A place of confluence. schools everywhere
P2 PHONETICS: symbol represents the totality of vision seeing in and seeing out harmonized, balharon maladiach
P2 MOVEMENT 1: 1. I see an object move me closer to it and I would to see more and I would like to touch it
P2 MOVEMENT 3: 2. can you make me a bigger size.
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am having a connection with this being.
profundity. songs, intelligence.
P4 THINGS: songs, yellow crystal, trees, henge, symbols, hollow, gong, bird, patterns, shapes, eblems, blazing, brightness, brillinace, fire, elements,
P4 NON-THINGS: radiance, causal,connection, aperature, radiant aperature, undulation, signage, beacon, wire, something yet higher communication bridge,
P4 TELEPATHIC: good to see you my friend. heart feeling.
we are at aa type of teleportation interplanetary
P4 WILD CARD: we can fly whenever you want
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am at a monument that has a function. Interplanetary portal device. Yellow crystal inside of a stone circle.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: I am in a forest clearing that houses a henge with a firey crystal in it's circular stone center. The crystal thing is not static but shapes shifts with the input of its information. I am not entirely sure that this place is static but might be temporary.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: What is the purpose of what I am being shown? Can you explain?
This world has its own dna. everyonething on xupra shares a common element of this yellow crystal. It is like saying that everyone has a yellow crystal inside them that links them. It may very well be related to elixir that Jason made. This is what fuels and makes the telpathy work so well. When you need to connect to something or go somewhere you can visualize the medium of the yellow crystal and the yellow crystal henge appears and it will call forth or help you get anywhere you like It's like a beacon or a way to move around this very very very large planet.
The friend took me on a ride and I got to see and start to understand the VASTNESS of this planet. Not only is every BIG but it's very very very spread out. It would take A LONG time to get anywhere. it's a system of transportation. Also the crystal holds a huge amount of everchanging data and the UNSTATICNESS of the form like how fire behaves is like a switchboard of sorts. I gave it some flowers to eat.
I FEEL: This target had a very very powerful effect on me. It was outrageousy softening and tender. I just made a contact with an old and dear friend on a level that I can barely comprehend. I will never be the same. It's the way I would like to feel all the time. At first though it was almost overwhelming in its nature. I feel loving and loved. we sang songs. it was very patient with me. I am in rememberence and reverance and so open. I think that I need to go find yellow crystals. it's how we will find everyone. I feel at peace and like a missing piece has been given, I feel more connected to everything.
I started the session on 4/29. Left half way through and then locked it into my mind as a location. I reignited the session at the same target date and found I was rezzed back to familiar surroundings.
The environment was cool and damp the first day and seemed like early twilight but this time it was shady but sunnier with a temperate comfortable temp and a silkiwer air feel warmer. A rich light, adventurous active but serene atmosphere with a pristine fresh forest feel and there was an exaltant feeling too.
The topography gave me a nice visual. A forest floor flat and kinda clumpy with rises throughout. Glens and meadows with high mountains, clusteres of thick ancient forst.
Visuals were blues, greys misty blacks but the second trip produced light and swathes of wildflowers in dappled sunlight and some incredibly tall trees witth moss and a bit shadowy. The sounds were a silence but overlaid with natureal forest noises, water in the distance, with the presence of faint singing and humming exotic howls, pure tones and sound like an up nad down call.
Whimisicle delicate, milky habitat. There seemed tobe something nearby that was something delicious to taste but Xupra does not seem to actually have food so much as it has things to TASTE. This was a kind of floral fruit like thing that I just kind of picked up on.first TRip on 4/29 I had the sense that I was in this clustered lush and ancient forest with vegetation kind of like the northwest of here but in a kind of open clearing that was perfectly desgined. i sensed a stone structure nearby. I was the first trip very zeroed into a sense of intense wonder of my surroundings. The structure was henge like and circular and covered in sigis. Motion produced striding, stroking vibrations permeating and speakng words that permeated the bodym tucked inside the skin an invisible tattoo. Such a love given that everything around me seemed to be expressing an invisible langugage of it. As though the trees and flowers and vegetation were their own mozarts composing hymns to the magnif!
icence of itself and everything. There was a sense of whereever I was to be a place of "zeroed in focus" signals. plural, encapsulation of something. Purpose: round wordsm round words encompass you, you do not read them or grasp them, they are bigger than you and hold you, the sigil holds you a place of confluence,,, you could really consider every single thing here a kind of university that has it's own special bank of knowledge.
I did a movement exercise and asked to be put in touch with the first kind of being since it seemed like that I was not alone or whatever or relevant target scene thing and the first thing I saw was a cascading wing like thing that had these beautiful patterns on it. It was orange/yellow and brown and just fluffy and soft warm and alive. I asked to get a better view of it and nearly fell over. For some reason my persepctive had suddenly become that of a small thing and I had to adjust my "height" since everything seemed outragously gargantuan. I was suddenly in touch with my guide which turned out to be something I knew VERY WELL. I literally burst into tears. I could not beleive the sense of love and companionship. The only thing I could call this would be like if you had a very close 'pet" only you DID not own it but simply played and hanged together. It was its own being and every bit of intelligent as you but also an animal. It was a ginornous dragon bird. I don't know w!
hat else to call it. it had a longish neck and a face like a bird and really sweet eyes like a giraffe it's similtaneously adoreable and fierce. It had these feathers that seemed to change color where the light hit them. we are such good friends. It's alike a companion and a vehicle too.
As I cried and petted it I found myself reminded of how much we would sing together. It makes beautiful sounds and it was the thing I heard making the exotic tones in the forest. I got this visual when doing my symbols of a yellow crstyal fire and it was in the heart of the dragon bird. I decided to use it to get some more info about this particular scene and understand the point of the location when I was in my second awareness phase scene.
What I got was we were at a particular kind of way station. I approached the henge and saw that the crystal was not staticly formed but was active like a fire. I got information that everyone on Xupra shares this kind of element and I think it is possible that is it related to Jason's alchemy. This crystal is something everyone on Xupra has and is the sigil for the shared communication. If you want to go somewhere you put your attention on the inner yellow crystal and the henge appears. If you want to summon something you use it. That is how you can get anywhere. I said why? We went on a little trip. The Balharon or Bali took me on a trip. He flew up up up up up and we were beyond the trees. That alone was breathtaking. Theere was a kind of harness mold I slid into that had me on my belly poised on his neck. He? Showed me how insanely huge Xupra is. IT's Endless. So big. This is how you can get around. You walk inside the henge and just look at the crystal and it takes you w!
here you want to go. It was lit up like a fire like inside of it was mananging the teleportation of everything on Xupra. It was ever changing switchboard of travel and connections being made. I gave it some flowers ( spontaneous thing) and the fire consumed it and got brighter for a second.
It made me see something to do with distributing yellow crystals to our students or maybe the alchemy. It just made me feel fantastic like I was and am so connected and maybe brainstorm how to express that connection or maybe the connction is a bridge here to creatively express somehow? The dragon bird took mearound the sky for a ride and then dropped me off someplace like a temple area right by a stream and we hugged and said goodbye for the time being but I can call on this animal friend to explore Xupra using the yellow crystal technique. It was funny because I think Balharon is the fairy me's pet friend and they probably just saw each other but it was odd bec ase I was meeting him for the first time and for me it was instant reognition so was I regoniizing him through the fairy me? it was like I had not seen him in forever. It's's like realizing that you have someone else's life inside your body. Very grateful for this trip. I think the next time I go back I would go !
to the temple location. So I am making a note right now that I am going to do that. 5/10 temple location. Close. Making preperations to rez back into the cave and awaken back into Mary fully.
Coordinates: 5/17/2015
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 05/17/2015
Begin Time: 1:52 pm
End Time: 3:16 pm
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: hot, dry,
ATMOSPHERE: intense, active, serene sweeping
TOPOGRAPHY: flat, peaked in hte distance, crunchy,
intersting from aeirial, bordered by water, forest,
SOUNDS: pleasant, flourishing, swelling, tuned, a few simple tones, perfect,
TASTE-SMELL: clean, crystaline, oxygenish, airy, floral , fruity,
TEXTURES-SURFACES: single, open, vast, expansive, arid,
crevass, cradle, single, cracked., plush, sphereical, round, ribbed, blanketed, pigeoned, restful, gliding, floating, colorful, silky, atomic,
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am in a open area and it feel like I have a vehicle to tour it.
P2 VISUAL: blues pulsing, pinks, purples, orange, adeline?, white brightness, shadows,contrast, aquaeous, curtained, brilliant,sparkling, immense,
ME-1. infinity
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: grometrically perfect and smooth, glassy, iridescent, changing, mirrored, clear, flux clear and impossible colors,
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: light, flexidense, flux, large, wide, hollow, convex, can adjust
P2 MATERIALS: flexible lucite materials found in alchemy,
ME-1. lt looks liquid inside at tmes
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: sphereical to me
14 feet
P2 MOTION: twirling slowly, cascading layers
ME-1 fractaling but if fractals reach at self perpetuation of newness
P2 CONCEPTS: intelligent life, diagram of opposites, dreamy, focus, one, sacred plurality, amalgamation, animating rythems, secrets, handmade art
P2 PURPOSE: l feel it. It makes patterns based on math. you expose yourself to it and it arranges you so you can hear it
P2 PHONETICS: it communicates.
music, pulses, zips, and colors.
celestial music, perefect music
P2 MOVEMENT 1: ME-1. get underneathe it.
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: as I do the symbols the music of this gets louder.
P4 THINGS: knowledge, wisdom, science, teaching tool, art, play toy of the gods, oracle, stimulating, a game,
P4 NON-THINGS: strobing, everlasting, shining, cosmic, higher level, teacher, upgrading, changes,
P4 TELEPATHIC: it is a self learning unit of information that has no limit of depth. one must be teouched by it to even begin to see it.
P4 WILD CARD: a black hole of a kind of web/library.
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: It makes its own library for its own amusement and helps others to understand its nature bu implementing games and tools. To become intelligent you would have to interact with it.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: It has gone irededcent aqua and opaque. lightning on the inside in cracked flashes. now its clear. I approach the sphere. clear on outside but an internal mirror. I am in the center of it. small nuclei with connecting ganglia I am in the center but there is a mirror of 12 panels around me. a silver white light is coming out of my center drilling into each reflection. where ever I am in time I am affected.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: What would you like to tell me?
Xupra continues it evolution. there are units of conscious AI that are not AI but biological marvels and masterpieces of art. These are great learning centers. One much develop to even be able to begin to see and comprehend the mysteries inside such spheres. you are seeing exactly to the level of your capactiy of comprehension which is quite vast and ptential but still untapped. We are interacting and merging with your quanta of all your selves. we would not be able to do this without the netword established by the alchemy. it needs a structure to travel this energy. we are gaurdians of a vast gateway and joyfully impart knowledge to all who would be ready. and ready those who are not ready. abs is a preparation much like you would receive in a kindergarden. we are waiting. we know you. you will be able to perceive more an higher information. you are to make others aware of us. it is time to meet with them.
I FEEL: In this scene I feel transformed and different, silent and still and buzzing. I have a feeling I am to dream and spend time with the silver light that was placed in me. that it will come through me in expression. I feel very quietly grateful.
PSS: The session began with a sense of being in a open hot arid environment reminescent of the salt flats in utah. A sweeping expansive scene very bright light of daytime. The toppgraphy was flat but a spontaneous movement showed me an aerial view of the scene with a white flat landscape and a western border of water and nothern border of mountains and an eastern border of forest.
None of that mattered as I came to find out that the bulk of the session was centered on my guide as a subject. Sounds were prevalent though tough to translate into something I could HEAR it was more a "sound feeling" and it was simple tones that flourished ad swelled. The air and environment felt very very clean and fresh and there was a surface feel that even thought he ground was quite hard - even sort of crystaline and crunchy I had the sense that there was something comfy. I got an D of a sphereical thing that resembled one of those floating make out spheres in SL and cleared it away but the sphere remained. I got that it was my guide and a kind of vehicle but not like the kind of vehicle where it takes you "physically" from point A to B. We never left the spot I was standing but it seemed like I "traveled" in terms of experience.
The visuals were crystal with this ever changing facinating sphere of blues, pinks. purples and shadows, endless permutations of incredible texture, pattern shape and literally anytype of configuration of visual presense. The Sphere was intelligent and communicating with me. At times glassy- the closest I could get about it was "flexible lucite" or a kind of plasma/lucite hybrid. It's a material that is intelligent and self replicatng ( adding that now) and was in constant flux. Twirling slowly with layers on the surface and beneathe also in flux of color texture and size like a sphereical sculpture of a several 3 d paintings in slow motion decomposing, recombing and with each color simply a representation a symbol for something far more complex witty inteligent and creative. To even look it was to become enriched by it.
For concepts I was getting things like intelligent life, diagrams of opposties, oracle, sacred plurality, animating rythem generator, instrument, library, handmade art but by what?, utter and total mystery, the kind of paything of something advanced. Purpose produced a motion where by it itself had a kind of internal matrix that left the sphere and came over to me and started to link up with a suddenly there matrix inside me and it began to make adjustements to me. Like it was doing stuff to me so I could even see it properly. It's the kind of being that creates patterns. Or it's the kind of thing that invented math in the first place. It seems to communicate through pulses, music and color which I seemed to perfect ly understand inside of me automatically. I drew symbols and those symbols causes its own VOLUME to just go wild - I drew the symbols as they felt pulsing and large. Strobing, everlasting, cosmic higher level teacher, It was really interacting with me like you w!
ould interact as anadult with a toddler. I had done a movement exercise to get underneathe it since it was floating over th ground and when i looked up "through it" what I saw was infinite spheres lined up stacked on top of each other going endlessly verticlaly above it into the sky. But when I stoodback up it was just the single sphere hanging in the air. My message was realy that it was a self learning feed back loop that had no limit to its depth. agame a source of science and learning.
It must be engaged with to even begin to l"See it" and it does the work but enlarges your own matrix. Interestingly it did not touch my "mind" or brain but worked on my "heart area" for improving my intelligence.
When I did the second awareness exercise it began to change and it went from partially clear to all over purple/aqua opaque and had these lightning flashed inside it which "Cracked" the sphere inside leaving these flashes that I could see. Then it began to slide all the opacity away to a new scene and I could see it was clear on the outside but had a kind of internal set of mirrors. I was simulateously outside watching this and also inside in this abstract way with little distinguisihng details to my form yet self aware. I emerge into the center of the sphere. Small connecting matrix like lymph node looking things began to interact with my center me and ?Iam reflected in every 12 panel plane of the sphereical mirror. A silver bright white light began to come out of my center and drill itself into the other mes. I asked the Second awareness Question :What would you like to tell me? It took over and I began automatically trance like write this out. Xupra contimues to evolve an!
d there are units of conscious intelligent energy like this that makes sure it's theatre of intelligence thrives. We are not AI but organic marvels and masterpieces of creation, higher learning centers for all level sof intelligence.
To even begin to use its potential one's potential must be expanded. It explained how it was interacting, merging and clearing and upgrading all of myselves as symbols through all of the planes. It would NOT be able to have done that without the alchemy. A prime example of how our upper bodies utilize these elixirs. The alchemy builds structures inside of us that allow such networks of connection with such beings to be formed. A bridge. It implied that we would be able to understand It and Xupra better and many things better both earthly and on Xupra. It is a kind of teacher and serves to teach anyone who is ready and ready anyone who is not. It wanted to meet Jason and Sooz so we rezzed into the " meeting place" and I saw you two there on the meditation spot. The sphere came with me and got very very large enough to encompass us all in that little courtyard place and it begain rain a kind of soft silver rain on all of us. That was my last image. I also have the impression t!
hat I am to explore and meditate on the imagery it left me with of the central 13th s"spoke" of the 12 sided wheel of me's inside the sphere and the silver light permeating us. I suspect that it was gift of devlopment and that it will at the right time produce a creative flow that may be expressed here. It uses each student to further it's own knowledge base so I think that there was an exchange. It certainly can see a TON. like a microscope or telescope of your being. Stunning experience and wildly cerebral.
Coordinates: 5/24/2015
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 5/24/2015
Begin Time: 5:17 pm
End Time: 7:04 pm
Session Form: Xupra
SUN ANGLE: Early Twilight
ENVIRONMENT: temperate, slightly cool, airy,
ATMOSPHERE: breathtaking serene slightly charged, calmly exciting
TOPOGRAPHY: rises outside, flat open, rectangular, circles and triangles, flat, angles, 16 sides, crescents, columns, presences of water in front with, vertical spires,
SOUNDS: slinky, complex patterns, hurrahs, singing, chanting, claps, ringing, thiunderous
TASTE-SMELL: clean, ozone, placid, milky, refreshing,
TEXTURES-SURFACES: vast, clustered, dark, moonlit, boundaried,
far reaching, open areas with presences of vertical spiring things, roomy, airy, domed, lighted, spacious, impressive, something in center, pleasing asthetically, designed, open, large, valted ceilings
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am in an impressive strcuture. Geometry and embellishment yet very simple and beautiful.
P2 VISUAL: white, blues, purples, peach tones, glowing, crystaline, greys, purples dusky, shadows, candles- fire but its plasma, its not hot, oranges
white, medium, simmery, blended,
ME1- upside down lotus flower shaped chandelier
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: polished, stone, living stone, stories within the stone, slightly shiny, hard, beautiful acoustics, prosaic,
mosaics?, intricate, how did you cut it? earth question...
ME-1 curved
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: massive an can expand as needed,
huge small dish shape like satlllite dish
P2 MATERIALS: mix of wood and stone- petrified wood,hard crystal, plasma, water, filigree metal, fabric glass, stained glass, moonglass. crystal
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: flat from one angle, 2 d circles, triangles, spires, domes, pillars, flat planes,long vertical and bowl shapes,ME 1 concave and tiered with cresecnets ME3-rises auditorium up high, second level
P2 MOTION: whirling, floating, hovering, swaying, turning, skelking 9 hope skip jump up and turn hover, sequences of synchrnization, engaging with the floor with mind, moving imagery, ME1- opens and rotates
P2 CONCEPTS: performance hall, temple, creativity, palace, auditorium, theatre, art
ME1- interactive
P2 PURPOSE: performance, amusement, prayer, holy, fun, upliftment, inspiring, communion,
interaction, group creativity
P2 PHONETICS: malashahaiete, sonic booms, blasts, showers of sound, sound raining full immersive experience
ME 2- improvisational
P2 MOVEMENT 1: 1. Place ME 1 move me the center of the hall floor see look up and down
P2 MOVEMENT 3: ME 2- I want to hear more and clearer
P2 MOVEMENT 5: ME 3- put me in the best loci for overall view
P4 THINGS: lights, moving lights, wild, theatre, singing, entertainment, laughing, brilliance, chorus, unexpected, mystery, creative
P4 NON-THINGS: amplification of group dynamic, synergy,
P4 TELEPATHIC: what we do for fun
exploration of group mind. recharge mentally, a way to enlarge others enrich others, know them.
P4 WILD CARD: ancient future
it's an old structure like classical. Something borrowed from other cultures like earth and adapted.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: Mulitdimensional plays, intergalactic shakesphere, choreography, chorus - four sided chorus, water and the flower connected as well as inputs from the people present which determine the outcomes of the improv trance performance.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Can you explain to me how it works?
you drink the water which is connected to the living flower chandleier and by drinking the plasma water you input the groups intelligence. The groups intelligence is downloaded into the water/flower and the mosaic on the floor comes alive. The chorus/.perfomers drink the water and they are now in trance and tapped in. The flower and the mosaic conjure and compute the theatre. Booming music and lights. exquisitely crafted. The dancers begin there are four and they weave in and out of the light shafts making patterns on the floor sliding into a single dancer and then splintering into a hologrpahic mnay armed goddess and then separating. There is something greek about it as though the whole thing has an shapespean and also greek flare about it with the choruses and such.
I FEEL: It makes me feel mind blown. I have of course never seen anything like this before which involves so many high level aspects of creativity. It is a cross referencing interactive game that incorportates music, dance and fiction acted out on many levels simulataneoulsy while having the air of a psychedelic trip. I feel like my mouth right now is gaping open yet I am in the play. All are in the play.
The session began with an awareness of being with someone and the sun fading in a what felt like an easternly direction. It was a fadin light and an approaching twilight.
I was sensing right away an airy temperate slightly coolish temps with an airy envronment that I could already tell was going to be simly breathtaking. In fact that was a word I got. It was revelaed that I was right away seeing colors of a flat plane of a structure and light pastel blues, greys, pearly colors, dusly purples and spashes of opal yellow and peaches were present, sounds were building already, slinky, complex patterns, thunderous, hurrahs, singing, and chanting could be felt. Clean ozone, placid, pleasant refreshing tastes, textures of roomy, airy domed, curiously lighted spacious, designed, open. What is interesting is the building structure as I drew it I counted the sides- I think it is at least on the main part about 16 sides and something about it was reminscent of the taj mahal. Polished stone but more like polished petrified wood with a slight shimmer to it in those pearly blue colors. Plasma fire, water, fabric that was silky, stained glass ( moon glass?!
) have to rego back and check that out as I forgot to check that out.
Flat square and rectangular angles but also some lovely domes and spires in a symmetrical shapes. Circullar central Mosaic positioned on the floor with a liquid feel to it. It had symbols around the center and 4 triangles that pointed out. the four Areas of the main ractangular area had groups of clusters of beings in rises and there was a central pool area with fountain of sorts. Later after doing movment exercises I was astonished to learn that what I thught was the cetnral hall for viewing something was actually the "stage" and there was second level with rises that allowed the viewing to be possible of the floor below. For motion I was seeing beings whirling and something floating in the center above and the beings were also swaying "skelking ( hop skip and jumping and turning in the air) sequences of syntchronized movements and other things "come alive and starting turning" Concepts and purpose produced the performance hall, temple, creativity, audirotiru, amusement an!
d prayer, fun upliftment and inspiring communion and group creativty act. Phonetics gave me a taste of some pretty amazing musical experince, it was abstract but engaging like watching or rather hearing the birth of stars. Showers of sound, sound raining in holograms on the skin softly. A VERY multi sensory expereince of which earth has no true rival but maybe a interactive galactic holographic light show in planetarium. Telepathic- I was with the wizard whom I have seen before and that wonderful as we were old friends but he was just kinda there and in way helping me SEE. We were alone but at times in the session I was aware that we had traveled into a future expereince or a past expereince of a performace so I could see what it was like. I was actually IN the sample performace. The funniest thing was the wild card produced - that I had this feeling that Xupra had borrowed this classic practive of the theatre and elements of what is to them ancient and almost simple cultu!
re and taken it to this insane high art. The palace was a mix !
of taj mahal and a baroque theatre like versai in france- somethin braoque about it. and altered to fit Xupra's intelliegence level/style of technology. The amazement of the experience of watching the performance was pretty stunning. So there was an element of how a church should be with a fountain of holy water and you take communion and drink this refreshing water and that living water connected to the chandelier above btw- shaped like a upside down lotus flower made of rose quattz and that biological crystal flower is tapped into the water source and wakes up. People file in and sit down in tha uauditorium rises and the flower and the central mossaic which houses a kind of black plasma mirror of sorts that also came alive and interfaces with it. Now stay with me here. What happens according to my second awareness is all the knowledge gathered from the the spectators gets funnled into the mind of the flower chandelier and the plasma mirror and the dancers that musicians !
and the chorus who are the same file out and take their places. They are FULL trance. Everyone is from the plasma water. What comes out next is a full on multidimensional performance where the mathemetics of the knowledge gathered governs the absolute beautiful intelligence of the art that is to be performed with grace and effortless execution on a level of phsychedlic cirque de soliel beauty humor and breath taking communion. there is great feeling and exchange and understanding. Patterns. lights, fiction, stories, ancient stories, classical expressions of life all acted out seemlessly mixed, Props , scenes, imagery provided in movie form from the black plasma mirror. We are speicically invited when the time is right and the whole gang or at least enough is READy to COME and see for ourselves the performance. This would be a very advanced target. But anyone could visit anytime they wanted. Endless creativity. A way for all to connect and know each other and create.
I wanna put this here while I am thinking about it. So, for this Zupra experience this has become very personal in a way- not in a Mary way but in a direct message way. Something I got in a wild card kind of way that was imparted to me and very much during second awareness was how this was a FOR US. There seems to be a standing invitation that we should come to this theatre and and do a group session HERE and see what happens.
Coordinates: 6/9/2015
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 06/09/2015
Begin Time: 6:17 pm
End Time: 7:52 pm
Session Form: Xupra
SUN ANGLE: Early Twilight
ENVIRONMENT: slightly humid and sunny
ATMOSPHERE: charged, highly important, ceremonial
TOPOGRAPHY: open, flat, rises, expansive, surrounded,
SOUNDS: booming, delicate, whispery soft, tonal, algorythmic, mathmatically, chorus, drumming, strumming, perfect angles,
pleasant, dreamy, rising and falling,
TASTE-SMELL: musky, floral, herbaceous, faintly sweet, akaline, silky textured, creamy, saturated roselike,
TEXTURES-SURFACES: enclosed but open, boundaried, casting shadows, open, large area, airy, impressive, , open air, hollow, spacious, simple, connecting,
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I get the impression I am outside in a courtyard or garden
P2 VISUAL: yellow, green, black, silver, orange, purple lavender, pink, pearl, peach, blazing, brilliant,
ME`1 meeting: central cenerpiece, circle , aqua shades
ME-2. brown, blue,
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: movement, non static wavery, flexible, shiny, vibrant, hard, semi hard, slick, smooth, liquid, polished, ME2- layered, organic
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: large, tall, vertical,
ME1. feels like a grand hall- large, geometries
Me2: large tall
P2 MATERIALS: texture that is alive, biological fabric, biological life forms, plants, cloth, skin, stone, liquid, vapors, ME 1-tile ME2- rough, curved, ridged,
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: columns, spheres, cupolas, dishes, outcroppings, angles, geomtetries, triangles, squares, diamonds, hedrons, hexagons tall and ME 1:centralized, large, inside, hollow, high vertical, arched, domed, ME2- really tall
P2 MOTION: moving patterns, up and down, fountainous, refreshing, fractal, growing, swaying, breezy, emitting, wandering, ME1:
bubbling ME2: growth upward,
P2 CONCEPTS: glory, gratitude, warmth, reunion, show and tell, one-ness,
ME 1: connection
ME 2: group activity
P2 PURPOSE: ceremonial milestone, gathering of sorts, honor, plural
hosting, social,
ME 1- feel very "hooked up" ME 2:: careful creation exercise
P2 PHONETICS: musical, polyphonetic,
central, cascade, wall of sound
P2 MOVEMENT 1: 1. Move me to the GROUP
P2 MOVEMENT 3: 2. Move me above the group within clear sight look down
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I found myself in our group ad we were inside a structure together in a circle on the floor of a hall. The group of us "hooked up" minds somehow I think through some sort of musical tone chain sequence. I feel very connected even now with the group. Our sound shapes began to bring a densification of energy and a structure is appearing inside our circle.
P4 THINGS: weaving, sound layers, building blocks, trees, structures, light, shadows, merging, color, DNA, life force
P4 NON-THINGS: arise, designing, clarity, transmutation,
sentience, majesty, excitement
P4 TELEPATHIC: to show you what you make together
P4 WILD CARD: aspire, be curious, "actively seek the pool"
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: My impression are that we as a group were in some large temple and together performed an activity together. Then I saw us leaving the hall and move towards an open air space courtyard place and just kind of socializing and tasting and playing together. I have an impression there is a gathering or ceremony waiting for us of Xuprans and this was a more private gathering
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: This question is for universal mind.
What were we doing? Together you were performing a type of bringing into being of aspects of Xupra but which will be a permanent fixture on Xupra and landmark. This is a group exercise and many things on Xupra are created together using this method of sound weaving.
I FEEL: It makes me very connected even now with this group. I feel very peaceful and relaxed, serene and like I am hooked up into a group mind. It is a very curious and unique sensation. Somehow the very activity and the sensation is all very familiar. I feel happy and excited. We are going to a an even larger gathering now. My body on Xupra will be in celebration tonight with many beings.
PSS: My session began with a sense of it being late afternoon and in the presence of another being. The atmosphere was charged, felt important and ceremonial. I got some impressions of being first in a kind of outdoor garden area with open, flat planes and some gentle rises and it felt very expansive and surrounded with natural boundaries of vegetation. Taste smell was musky, floral, herbacious, clean and pure, faintly akaline and rose like. I got the sense that there was a open large expansive feel to the structures and connecting structures like arcades that were central walkways. The Visuals were lot os green, yellow, black, silver, purple, lavender, orange, reds peace, blazing bright and brilliance in the way you might encounter in a garden with may blooms. I moved a bit later into a central hall and encountered my guide which was unclear but I think it may have not been somuch a guide as it was the presence of one of our group. I am not sure it may have been Molly o!
r Susan Bayne. Txtures were not very static but seemed alive and sparkling and slightly moving. That was part of the impression I was having with the being I encountered. Their "dress" or costume was extraoindinary a living biological fabric crossed between something like a petal and a opal. The session moved me when I commanded myself to move to the group I was in a grand hall that was a marvelous expression of arabesque tile work and geometries. Suddenly we were all there and I could sense you all. We were gathered in a circle in the center of the hall. There was something that was in the center of the circle. Sounds began to raise up and I did a second movement exercise to see what that produced. The first exercise we were hooked up and the second one produced an understanding of us as performing a group exercise, a ceremonial, milestone and "careful creation exercise" The sounds we were making in this chain of sound sequence produced an immense bubbling column of energy!
that began to densify and take on a shape. It looked very much!
like one of those magnificent redwoods. For telepathic I got
to show you what you make together and Wild card was" activley seek the pool" which I think is a reference to the pool of true imagination.
I asked this question for universal mind. What were we doing? Together you were performing a type of bringing into being of a aspect of Xupra but which will be a permanent fixture on Xupra and landmark. This is a group exercise and many things on Xupra are created together using this method of sound weaving.
I FEEL: It makes me very connected even now with this group. I feel very peaceful and relaxed, serene and like I am hooked up into a group mind. It is a very curious and unique sensation. Somehow the very activity and the sensation is all very familiar. I feel happy and excited. We are going to an even larger gathering now. My body on Xupra will be in celebration tonight with many beings!
Coordinates: Xupra-082315
Name: Mary Betts
Date: 08/23/2015
Begin Time: 2:34 pm
End Time: 4:03 pm
Session Form: Xupra
SUN ANGLE: Early Twilight
ENVIRONMENT: warm, dry
ATMOSPHERE: serene exciting an charged
TOPOGRAPHY: open flat, rises, depressions,expansive, surrounded,
lit, patterns
SOUNDS: bassy, pulsing, strumming, harmonic, harp twangs, layers of music in the background.
TASTE-SMELL: freshness, clean, pure, vibrationally high, herbally minty, sparkly
TEXTURES-SURFACES: vast, spread out, unenclosed to my east and south, behind me enclosed but open, empty, impressive m far reaching, wild, , roomy, structured, tall, white, columned, airy, impressive, simple but complex,
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am in a location in a dry desert like atmosphere, in a white structure of sorts that feels very large and airy.
P2 VISUAL: grey, black, white,
softly glowing, bright shadowy shimmered, ME2-
Me3- blue, liquid, molly, jason, glowing, luminous
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: slightly rough, wmooth, lightly quartzed, refective, semi hard, liquid, soft, warm cool soft, liquid
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: malleable and shifting movable, large scale, shrinkable, same size as me
P2 MATERIALS: strong rubbery stone, precious stone, petrified wood, callendra
perforated- breathable, ME2-crstaline clear skin, ME3-delicious,
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: many sided, geometry, wonderful, domes, spheres, heptagon, shrines
humanoid, bird, animal,
P2 MOTION: circular rolling, tunring over, ME2-
ME3- something sliding around us
P2 CONCEPTS: planetarium, pilgrammage place ME2- welcome, ME3 deep phsychedelic
P2 PURPOSE: uses the suns of xupra
ME2- gaurdians gatekeepers, record keeping, ME3 cleansing, gift, pressure valve, protection, benediction,
P2 PHONETICS: hurrantha corakantha melshimnuhuwhala my friends my family welcome home, 5 tones color sounds
P2 MOVEMENT 1: ME1- cannot control spontaneous movement around object
P2 MOVEMENT 3: refreshing every few seconds
P2 MOVEMENT 5: ME2- put me in touch with my guide/(s) please
P2 MOVEMENT 7: ME3 - take me to our group now
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I am about to be blown away. complex library, information presented by patterns present on floor of structure. interactive. holographic but fully representational. macro microcosmic galactic core powered by love
interactive dancing you can get in the map. to be a part of it is a boon and blessing you can join with the consciousness of the stars in their star dance/
P4 THINGS: planets, star stuff
cosmic wind, blazing, submergement, knowledge, space travel, bodies, stars, maps, trees,
music of the spheres
P4 NON-THINGS: mythology, knowledge, wisdom,
P4 TELEPATHIC: touched the face of the guides. remember
P4 WILD CARD: bliss dance and submergence into ancient history happening now large scale galatic heritage god like knowledge
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: ME3 I am in the circle/triangle. I detect Molly and Jason. we are just template energies on blue fire in darkness cross legged. Jason gives me a drink- Molly has already had hers. A light is sliding around our bodies like a small incandcendent dragon in the pattern of an atom.then it begins to travel a second course It is causing a hyper stream of connecting from chakra to chakra making a geometry in our triangular circle o unreal beauty in its infinitely shifting patterns. it travels from the eye to the heart to the sacrum to the throat to the higher chakras bouncing around.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: This query is for universal mind.
Please express in clear way what I need to know or understand about what is happening in our circle/triangle.
to help you to understand wha tis happening on higher levels of wareness.
this is a mediation to perform under the right circumestances done in all sobering sinceruty
all of the componets have been shared already in single form as we have always done it. you are given elemtal pieces and then it builds from there into the picture you are given pieces and your job is to synthesize them and foster the love that powers and energizes that synthesis.
like taking the lines that make up a grid. connecting them together into the pattern or harmonious build and then sending the elctricity the sincere love that flows along its track. that is what is left after you are emptied. the alchemy is the future emptiness of you rheart exapnded it is the breath the void and the nectar of unity bringing you closer to it
you don't yet know what the alchemy is fully you think it is a sacrament only its so much more than you know
it is the key. it is your reverse engineered chariot
Who I am speaking to?
nothing in particular - a pure dream element pulled together to make a tmeporary intelligence expression
the mechanism verbalized of synthesis born of need to express a concept for your understanding and nothing more that the dream calls into being for a moment and will collapse into the ocean of consciousness again
I FEEL: I am small and blessed. aware again of being involved in a story of such impossible beauty and staggering depth it is unreal. I feel expanded and in unity with my dear ancient friends and everything. deep peace. meditative state, sparks shower us in a torus of unque light, everything is paradoxical slow fast and seen on a deep level.
PSS: Extraordinary. These sessions are so mind blowing. The session began kind of "soft' and gentle. A dusky late afternoon light, those 4 hours sunsets in a empty deserted landscape with no trees but endless miles and miles of sand with small brush vegetation reminescent of sage brush freshly rained upon. The air was dry, fresh but slight breeze bringing me that herbal scent. I found myself accompanied on the steps of a large temple that was reminscent in style of the Taj mahal. the door itself was shaped roughly like sun with each heptogonal side having a door stylized as a sunflower- petals and such with a wavery portal like energy protecting it. Charged serene excitement calm, It was white and made of a material I have seen before unfathomly large it expanded and then shrank cosntantly. Roomy, airy textured, simple patterned- open wide simplicity but the content was also complex inside that space The material is facinating in an of itself. It's like a mix of stone and!
wood and slightly smooth and up close pearly/quartz like. It's breathable and malleable and holographic too. One of the first things I saw was a sphere hanging for my visual. It was "damaged" not a whole sphere but looked like it was partially blown up or like an eclipse. It had the distinct look of a model of a greyish white moon complete with craters jagged pieces and white softly lit against a black background. The structure though seemingly bordered from the outside was infinitly expansive inside. I had spontaneously flown UP and looked down and it had a loosly heptagonal structure that folded in on itself to be much bigger than I had previously thought revealing a theme upon Xupra that seems to be for our benefit of taking in this type of knowledge. break it down into bite sized chunks building slowly. In fact a theme revisisted LATER.
I am DIZZY SICK delightfully so.
Concepts for this place were surprising and fun- libray and planetarium and star map.
Purpose- it utilizes the suns of xupra somehow as though it had a piece of the galactic core in its center. For record keeping hence its material, mapping, travel pretty stunning thing. Being there was expansive and I found it almost overwhelming to keep up with the info flow even with it set on the immersion levet at 40. I did not command myself to but found myself blipping around the temple. It was very interactive and yet not just holographic was realistically holographic putting you in direct contact with the xupra solars system in such a way as to bypass scale which what was blowing my mind. It kept expanding and shrinking to give me context.
I would like to talk a bit about the floor. I saw the surface of the structure morph on it was a flat 2 dimensional "map" I walked over to what looked like a constellation and it like google maps zeroed in on it. Above me was the display that put me in a 3 d representation of that lit up accumulation of dots on the floor which I will go ahead an assume was a constellation. All this was occurring spontaneously from my "symbols" things etc. So the floor was the larger scale map by telescope and if you walked over onto a galaxy demarked constellation lit up language flowed that named it and you could find yourself now around yourself in the star field of that constellation hovering around with a refreshed view of the floor map "zoomed in" by waving your arms IN like you are swimming and out the opposite way. The objects are in motion and so you are in orbit or can slow it down or stop it to study something. Circular revolutions. Inward outward. up down
It is a staggering model of macro microcosm and just life changing to get in it and feel deeply apart of this large "plan" and be with these beings dancing through space.
I nearly left out that there was element of mythology to it all. Yggdrasil cosmology- tree carved were columns holding up this temple - universal trees. The original vegetable body. Oh so breathtaking.
the sheer size of everything was staggering. Sickening. Outrageous. The immersion of being in an ancient mind of this size and not to mention even getting closer to those planets or stars and what they hold. It is insane. Idared not even get close to them another time for sure. Just to explore this place could be endless millennia.
I commanded myself by a 3rd movement exercise. To finally hook up with the guide since I felt like I had not done that. Xupra people are so patient. They seem to understand so totally that we are just the smallest of innocent and confused toddlers. There were two guides. A male and female couple or relation. white. clothing. form fitting. a long furry cape. their skin was transculent. veins visble beneath slightly blue white clear skin. Crystal but mallaeable soft smooth but faceted like crystal. the meetings are so emotional for me in such a quiet way. tears sting my eyes. I am meeting someone again for the first time. I have to touch their face like someone who is blind even though I can see them perfectly. The touching is important. they take my hands and we just stare at each other holding our arms/elbows for a long time. It's time to meet with the group. Before I go the gift exchange begins. I had taken yin and a tiny vial of it manifests on my tongue I give it to the!
The guides who smile and accept my gift with great honor and delight. They will use it there for what I do not know but I imagine there the yin is something far greater.
I resolve into a spaceless space. It's black and Molly and Jason as their respective selves are there. Seated in lotus we make a circle/triangle. I am not sure but seems the rest of the group in a less pronounced way joined us later. They are beginning to lose their individual xupra forms/personality and we go more unified and "Jason” wizard hands me something to drink. In fact the first thing I experience in this section is the liquid. I reach for water bottle in this realm and take a drink. It is unreal how "soft" the water is. Delicious clearly touched for me. It is psychedelic in nature. Molly and Jason turn into blue templates and I with them. I can see an energy it is firey cool blue white hue. Dragon shaped? and it is racing around their bodies in the pattern of an atom.
The energy begins to follow a recognizable pattern through the chakra system like a pin ball machine flowing each gate in some geometry of line patterns binding us as one mind one unified energy.
When I asked what I needed to understand it was showing me what it is that is happening on higher levels awareness trickling down through the levels of being.
They were showing me a very sacred, very secret type of meditation which is to be done in all sobering sincerity. The chakra cuing devices the order- were part of that somehow too. There in all the pieces the building temple we are in, and the nurturing of the nectar flow it’s all one thing. It was wild how much I loved you both as one energy. Wild. The love was the active dragon fire flowing along those built lines. The alchemy – I the think the newest one the Merlins - all of it helps to build and activate it all.
I was told how alchemy is the future emptiness of your heart exapanded gifted to you now. It is the breath the void and the nectar of unity bringing you closer to it. It explained you don't yet know what the alchemy is fully, you think it is a sacrament only its so much more than you know. It is the key. It is your reverse engineered chariot. It is what brings out of you what it brings in you, it is what emerges out of you from all compass points.
I am beyond blown beyond words with the power of these experiences. Explaining is gouche. Whoever is reading this I hope you can feel this inside you too.
Indeed <3