Mass Psychodynamics and Temporal Intersections

So, here's a question for y'all, especially the old timers (well, those who are old enough to remember the JFK assassination and to have seen it on the news, for example).

Without doing any searches, drawing from memory alone, how many people, including the Kennedys, were in the car when he was shot?

This is fascinating stuff, so please play.

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  • I was in 4th grade and remember the feeling ... the impact it had on everything around me at the time for sure... But my memory for those kinds of details stinks... I'd guess 3

  • This is fun! So I don't know what the number is but the reasons for why your asking (playing with the idea of the phenomenon) sounds like the Mandela Effect. Where we have certain memories a certain way but its totally not. And other people believe the memory to be true in the shared conscious so it starts playing as it is. Or that we are the one who came in from a different memory timeline. 

    A great example is the movie Dazed and Confused. There is a scene where they are playing with a globe and there is totally another continent on it that should not be there (west of Australia). So did we exit a time line where that was the case? or vise verse? Hahaha I don't know but check it out cause its cool.




  • Just for the sake of playing, and I was not born yet --  I am going to say 4  people in the car based on the recollection of videos I have seen

  • Artem, exactly. I'd forgot all about that Dazed and Confused one, but given the movie's subject matter we shouldn't be surprised at glitches!

    As for the JFK Glitch, I remember four. My mom remembers four, and this was a devastating event for her. There was the driver, Governor Connally in the passenger's seat and the Kennedys in the back seat. I remember the car having front and back seats, and that's it. I might recall there being Secret Service jogging behind and to the sides, but that might just be a crossover memory of seeing other motorcades. All of the re-enactments have the four. All the model displays in various museums have the front and back seats and Kennedy mannequins in the back seat.

    Now the car has three rows of seats, and Governor Connally and his wife are now in the middle seats, with an unknown male passenger in the front passenger's seat. There's also a divide between the front and middle seats that looks like a roll-bar and maybe plexi-glass or something. Although overlapping parallels are just standard for me, maybe for y'all too, no stranger than a smartphone, this one is an excellent example of how this stuff happens all the time and we just have never noticed it until we could all compare notes on the Internet. Of course as the spacetime matrix continues to break down, the incidence of these events will accelerate.

    It's also possible that some people saw, live, six, and some four, and it just never got discussed between them! That's a thought that tickles me. What were they supposed to do, stop in the middle of the newscast and say, "Hey, Margaret! How many people do you see in the car?"

    Maybe Mary could share the link of the "glitch" site she enjoys.

    I had one today. I had a disappearing attachment. A Merlin Power Stone owner sent a testimonial to me attached as a Word Document maybe a week ago. I actually clicked on it and opened it, couldn't get to work on it because of other priorities, and so closed it a day or two later. Now the attachment doesn't exist in the email, and I can't find it on my computer. Of course it wouldn't be on my computer anywhere because I hadn't saved it. That attachment was still there yesterday because I almost opened it again to have a look at it. The paperclip was still with the email. Now there's no paperclip.

    This Mandela Effect page talks about the Kennedy Glitch. In the pic you'll see there, I see no jogging Secret Service guys at all, and although I don't think memory is all that reliable, it sure seems they'd be there. On the other hand, I seem to recall discussions somewhere about it being a conspiracy because of the glaring absence of Secret Service personnel.

    The psychodynamics of it fascinate me, however. Why six? Why the hexagon on Saturn? What mass subconscious manifestation does that point to? We're of course 666, carbon, 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons. Our world is cubic, six sides, to geometrically describe three coordinate space. I don't know if these are legit correspondences, but it's fascinating nevertheless.

  • Also, if you look closely at that globe and the map below it, you'll see other differences in the islands north of Australia. 

    But then, I survived the '70s, and I know for a FACT that was a different universe! ;-D

  • Hey Everyone- For those who love a good story and these are SUPPOSED to be true. I present my favorite internet coffee/tea intrigue spot :

    These tales are so fun. Sometimes you have to wade through some ones that aren't so glitchy and are possibly explainable but I really HAD NO CLUE all this stuff was so common. Some are true head scratchers.


  • Here is a bonafide good one:

    NOTE I just copied and pasted this from the sub- reddit site. It is not MY glitch. A gal named MCK193 posted it.

    This is my first time posting on this sub-reddit.

    Today I met my boyfriend at the bank. We did our business, then walked back to the car. He wanted to go to the grocery store to buy some dinner for tonight, but I didn't want to. I wanted to walk there later to get some exercise.

    We flipped a coin. (Yes, we did). It was his idea. He won.

    I wore a sour face, which made my boyfriend angry, so instead of shopping for dinner, we stopped at a convenient store to buy a simple jar of coffee beans. It was about a two minute inconvenience. I was happy – I got my way. :)

    This is where it starts to get creepy. On the way home, traffic was slow. We were in a long line of barely moving cars. Now, if the coin flip had gone my way, we would have been about seven or so cars in front (I'm guessing).

    In front of us I could see a car with the same make and model as ours. The same colour. The same dint in the side, and in the same spot (or close enough from what I could remember). I counted eight cars ahead of us. The road kind of snaked in a semicircle, so it was easy to see the cars in front.

    That morning I had written the word “hello,” in the ice on the back window. The sun had melted the ice by now, but you could still see the shape of the word in both our car and his car.

    By now I'm starting to get excited, and freaked out. I'm not so sceptical of anything, and try to keep an open mind, but I also don't jump to strange conclusions, especially when it could simply be a coincidence - but these coincidences were very similar. I eventually tell my boyfriend, “hey look, doesn't that car look like ours. Even has the ‘hello’ on the back window.”

    The man in the car double, turns his face to look out of his window. It looks just like my boyfriend, I swear, even wears the same blue jumper my boyfriend wears every day for work. There is someone sitting next to him in the passenger seat, only I can't see if it's a boy or a girl.

    Traffic moved on ahead, and we slowly creep up behind the traffic in front of us. We drive, and we are getting closer to our car double. My boyfriend shouts, “WHAT THE F*CK?” Made me jump out of my seat. “What?”

    He said, “the licence plate is the same.”

    We follow the car into our estate, but when we turn the corner towards our house, they're gone.

    My boyfriend gets out and checks the licence plate. It's the same.

    That's all I've got. I apologise for my bad description. I know it sounds so far fetched, but I swear on my fathers grave it happened - saying that, I wouldn't believe it either.

    My conclusion. I would love for this to be a glitch, but I just can't say that. I'm thinking the licence plates were different but similar enough (one or two numbers off) for my boyfriend to get excited.

    I've given you true details of what I've seen, and what my boyfriend has seen.

    What do you guys think?

  • Four in the back compartments and two in the front compartments.  Along the side of the car where agents.

  • Interesting, Michael, and that doesn't match either my mother's memory or mine, at all. Nor the guy who did the page at the link above. But hey! Okee doke!

    I've seen many times that aboriginal peoples talk about the previous worlds, or ages, some say four, some say five. I wonder if it's possible that the next one is actually the sixth. There's a quiet bell somewhere ringing when I think that. I wonder if it's possible the hexagon on Saturn is pointing at that?

    Michael McKinney said:

    Four in the back compartments and two in the front compartments.  Along the side of the car where agents.

  • I asked my parents and they said there were 6 people present in the car. They are pretty clear in their memory for stuff like that.

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