
I'd like to read any and everyones meditation styles/procedure/etc. I understand that we have breathing meditations such as the one on this site for energy replenishment, but does anyone just sit and be aware of the breath without consciously controlling it? I'd imagine after consciously doing say the oval breathing for so long that it would become a permanent way of breathing so you wouldn't have to control it and only be aware of it. Correct me if I am wrong please.

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  • I am not a hindu budha meditating master.. but for me my meditation comes daily in moments when my mind is allowed to stop thinking conciously. Even during tedious jobs at work where my body is so used to doing it , i dont have to focus ny mind on it. Meditation is completely no focus or worry on anything, so definately i would say, dont over think your breathing
  • Yesterday, I read an article about a cool optical illusion.  It was the author's tagline, "Are these colors even real?" that grabbed my eye. 

    After reading, I started thinking that maybe the image could be used for meditation purposes.  Although, I suppose stilling your eyes doesn't necessarily mean stilling your mind, could be interesting to try out as a practice.  If others try it, would love to hear your experience!

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