Mercury will shower us with an awesome and rare event on Monday, May 9, starting at 7:12 am Eastern Daylight Time, and finishing at around 2:44 pm Eastern Daylight Time. The whole process promises to deliver high level energetics in stepping up what we sometimes refer to as the Great Division, which is a reference to those having chosen 4th density evolution and those who haven't, and likely won't.

Although this doesn't really apply to those of us in TSB, our "physical" selves will make that shift this year, and the alchemies here are going to make this transition much smoother than for those not using it. And for those paying attention there will be no question whatsoever that it has. You'll know you're standing in a new world, even though it will look mostly the same, but most people, especially evolutioners, won't be aware of it. We have to simply remember most of us in TSB are here merely to assist in this transition. We're where the bow of the ship meets the water and we create a powerful wake to be used by those in the evolutionary transition.

The May 5 call covered this to some extent:

Although there are several ways to check in with it below through streaming sites, our Mercury image is a perfect way to connect deeply to this event. We suggest you check in here, on TSB, several times that day to see if anybody would like to commune as a group on this page:

Streaming Sites:

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  • Not sure this is relevant, but suspect it is. Reading the comments about orbs on Shelly's Xupra posts, the following sentence entered my mind. "Orbs are the purest form of matter to embody conciousness/intent". I thought it interresting because the voice was an unusual mix of neutral and authorative. I do not quite grasp the implications, but I have been getting the feeling that all this orb stuff relates to some really core elements of Le Gran Plan (that would be ours) and also to the coming Mercury event. 
    In alignment with suspicions, this is what popped up on my computer about orbs:

    "They are real, interdimensional vehicles. Known to the Egyptians as 'sun boats' and referred to in the Bible as 'merkabah'. This is not an exaggerated claim. ... It is where we go and how we get around after this life. The phenomenon known as an out-of-body experience involves this aspect of our spiritual makeup. Another little-known aspect of our own existence. ...  High  Electromagnetic distortions create 'Temporal Event Horizons'  which allows the orb to pass through with no difficulty. The Temporal Event Horizon acts as a buffer helping to keep the orb in a state of constant energy and stability while slipping just outside of time and space." Interresting...

    OK, so my theory is this; Tomorrow will provide a magnificent opportunity for all our glorious "animators" - that would be our lovely higher  selves - to come knocking... We only need to open the door, and they might even stick around and totally pump up the volume of Le very same Gran Plan!

    Being a total Gematriaficionada, I got the idea to put the questions "What is Orb?" and "Who is Orb?"  (into a gematric converter/database).  Waddaya know...!? Their numerical values are identical to stuff such as "The God Within" "Worm Hole" "Light of Life" "Hiram's Key" "Freemasons" "Trinity"  "Everyone" and  "Life Elixir"  + countless phrases with similar meanings.
    Not only that... The question "Who is Orb?" (in Jewish gematria) equals 1189 same as - get this!! - "RAINBOW BRIDGE" <3

  • Today at 4:49 am CDT is my that significant ??? skg smile May 9th

  • The transit begins in less than an hour.  I will be communing with Mercury from 7:15 to 7:30 am eastern if anyone is available to join me.

    Here's the link again....

  • As I'm going to be asleep for the most of the transit (now 10.47pm here) I went and did a pre-transit session and it turned out to be about the choice it brings up.  I would stay up for at least some of the transit but I'm a shocker if I don't get my zzzzz's!  Have fun everyone. 

  • Anybody else with a whole new band of tinnitus - a lower frequency than normal and very loud..?

  • Nigel Slaughter said:

    Anybody else with a whole new band of tinnitus - a lower frequency than normal and very loud..
    Niguel my ears have been ringing out....very high pitched for me.
    the buzzing and popping has been very loud at times.
    Last week for 3 days I was a dish rag and could not function.had 3-4hr naps.
    this cleared on saturday.Feeling very energetic today.I truly feel that we were clearing for the whole planet last week.I have been using Lumen and feel the power of the exchange of energies.
    Sleep well.
  • Yes, my ears are ringing. Very loud and something else that is more of a feeling of change to come. not sure what that means yet. Love, Doe.

  • I had a pitch change in my tones that was absolutely bizarre last night while watching a movie. I don't have constant ringing- it's just occasional shifts. It was different that the others in a way that is hard to explain. It was like the sound "curved?" I find the energy today to be incredible. I loved communing with you all. It felt like we were in a circle and touching hands bringing through something amazing. I feel really really grateful to have you in my life. We have been laughing this morning. :)

  • I have constant ringing in my ears and have had it for several years now (my ears have always been sensitive and consequently, I have always avoided places with loud or high volume noise).  I did perceive a difference when I woke up this morning.  Wonder if the holographic code that is being downloaded has been influenced by Mercury's Transit of the Sun or perhaps we are getting something new -- an upgrade for us --  that will synch with or be activated by Mercury's energy and journey.

  • It's still there this morning though the pitch has changed - feels like it's here to stay. A new member of the tinnitus family!
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