
  • Molly Hélène.  Soul lineage: Higher human - 6th density Lyran, protector of the collective human energy field; Reptilian - tracing back through earth time to Sirus and beyond, here now in 3rd and 4th density to balance polarities and break the entrapments of human enslavement;  Mantid - detached guardian and healer, watcher and council.  Together, I am here to serve.

    I am a mystic. I do not practice mysticism, nor do I practice rites. I do not believe in hierarchy. I desire the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect. I seek, by contemplation and self-surrender, to awaken in consciousness communion with Absolute. 

    I laugh and smile… a lot.

    I am a poet. I am a galactic portal here to inspire you of your brilliance.  Truly, you are a God, experiencing life through your eyes of your third density self… and ALL your selves.  I see you.  And in recognizing the mighty creative force that is You as unity consciousness and Source - I feel your pull, I surrender to the magnetic draw of your magnificence. I willingly open my eyes, heart and mind to your beauty. I walk the beauty way, the path of beauty. Every step I take is one of gratitude and awe. I swim, I fly, I dance in the exuberance of your abundance. Every drop of rain is your sweet nectar kissing the children of your Earth. Your wind is a caress of love, the sun and sky making love to the earth. I am surrounded by your grace, and yes, I am your grace. I see your holy shine in all your children, your holy shrine in all the earth, planets and stars. I breathe your divine fire in every breath of air - I am your holy spirit. I am a vessel of your love; may I be everflowing. Serah ziph zeza elialeh - abundance, flowing abundance wither Goddess descends. I carry your sacred torch of light, I am your visionary of peace and beauty. I am your lover and your beloved.

    I am a bridge, here to remind you of the power of your dreaming. I am your mirror. I am one of your many guides to your multidimensional nature, as you cross the waters of remembrance through this third density dream to our next adventure.  

    I am here for your freedom.  For this I am dedicated.

  • Amen

    Molly Thank you for your Magnificence!!!! I feel this very deeply and it is a joy to embrace your eloquence.

    I appreciate your dedication and will respond with my striving for soul evolution.



  • A warm embrace to you Suzann across the illusions of time and space. Together we are One as Infinite Being.

  • Very nice, Moll. Now please post your Xupra Sessions.

  • Here is a precursor to the Xupra sessions.


    Aufontel: show me what I need to know…

    Orb, encapsulates. Surrounds in light body, a spinning merkabah of blues, indigos, violets. The spin creates the orb of white platinum light with these colors as its auric glow.
    Taken to a cathedral-shaped hall, very tall, very long, pretty thin. I stay here for a while to try to learn more about this structure. I finally release to knowing and it suddenly opens up like a flower to a jungle-like forest with many flowers very lush. I rise out of the cathedral flower, stepping over it and out.

    I feel the vines wrapping around the trees. They have a cushiony quality to them. Smells of fresh newness, fragrant floral, pleasant. Wispy flying “insects”, fluttering creatures. A large planet or satellite in the sky. More than one in the sky, several smaller ones too. This place glows but not brightly. A calm glow. A luminescence pervades.

    A hand reaches out to me. I look up and see a tall male. Smiling. Walk with me, he says. We walk down a soft cushiony path to a pool of water. Look within the pool he asks. I look and see myself as the orb with a faint outline of human form within it. He laughs. I touch the water and it is thickish, almost gelatinous, but not quite. When I touch it, sparkles dance within it. It feels wet but thick, and yes, my hand comes out dry. He has hues of golds, browns, bronze and copper to his being. Some speckles of lime green. Golden hair. Green and gold eyes. He is tall and slender, and so am I. When we walk, the plants lean in to us. We stop and bow in respect. 
    He picks up a small glass looking ball, it is filled with light. I look within it and it changes colors, always from a center radiating aspect. He holds me in an embrace; I know we are the same. I am still in the orb because I am still earthed with emotions but he says that is okay I am shielded from infecting Aufontel. It is a safety measure so I can learn and observe.

    I hear a soft trumpet sound, like a beautiful French horn. I see deer-like creatures run through the forest. They are long legged, with beautiful curly tree-branch antlers. They are gold, bronzes, coppers and specks of green that seem to change with the lighting. The moss we walk on seems to change color with our steps, perhaps from the heat differential of our bodies next to theirs? I notice my footprints are like human prints but longer, narrower. He reaches for some fruit, and it looks as though his arm stretches and the branch bends to him. The fruit looks like a pear but it has a thicker skin. He cracks it open and it is magenta red, juicy and sensual. Its smell is reminiscent to rose, passion fruit and pomegranates. I take a taste and I feel a pleasant electricity immediately fill my body with incredible nourishment.

    He holds my hand and I feel as I am reunited with my beloved twin. We walk and breathe in the effervescent light that permeates this place. It feels as if even though there is structure to the plants, trees and ground, everything has an accommodating pliability to it.

    There is a large diamond shape of light ahead. We walk to it; it is a door we enter. We are transported to an interior space that has liquid walls. At least I translate them as liquid since they respond in a watery way such as ripples when I touch them. When I do so, nothing sticks to my fingers. It is as if the walls, the structure is alive, breathing with intelligence. We sit on cushions that appear as we sit down. I feel love, support, and nurture.

    I feel sleepy and lay down on a soft pad. I feel my hair and forehead stroked, but from who or what I do not know. I hear beautiful singing and soft drumming and other musical sounds that I am not yet familiar with. I am surrounded by orbs and human-shaped luminescent beings. I am being transported into a new body construct, new mathematics. I am being written from the inside out, like a tube torus where the codes change from the inner outpouring. A long finger goes into my forehead I am being probed. Codes are pouring into my light body. Into this new container, I am not just “I” anymore. I am a new construction, an amalgamation of many into a container that can hold the multitude of I.

    I see a fleeting image of what looks to be St. Germain. He winks and laughs so I am pretty sure it is he. I am turning into water, into liquid, and spreading out over a very large surface and being drunken in by this planet. I am releasing information into the matrix, the I not being the molly I, it is the I Am I. I am being drunken in by a large tree, filling it’s roots and branches. I am liquid plasma being sent out the roots into the fibers in the soil. I am a song lilting softly from the tree. I am the dancing winged creates and soft wisps. I am the shimmery sparkles.
    My consciousness now returns to the body laying down on the pad. I am golden and wearing a billowy white Grecian looking dress with dusty rose ties and a pretty green necklace the color of I don’t know what. I am told I am complete for now and this session is over. I am reminded to carry this rose and green essence back at Earth.

  • I am posting the sessions I can find that pertain to Xupra. There are some that may either be missing from this list or out of sequence.

  • Name: Molly 

    Date: 03/17/2015

    Begin Time: 20:29

    End Time: 21:30

    SELF ASSIGNED COORDS: 31715-tree village

    OUTSIDE: Yes

    ACCOMPANIED: With Someone

    SUN ANGLE: Early Twilight


    ATMOSPHERE: serene, exciting, adventurous

    TOPOGRAPHY: incredibly tall trees - large forest with undulating topography

    VISUAL: greens, glowing colors, whites, sparkles

    SOUNDS: chirpings, buzzing, clickings, musical language

    TASTE-SMELL: floral, musky, woodsy, sweet

    TEXTURES-SURFACES: glass, wood, plant material, smooth, squishy, soft, hard, elegant

    P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: trees, bubbling water, cat walks, tree houses, crystal temple, light and color geometries, laughter, singing, flying beings, children, lovely smells, dappled light, rainbow pastel sky, moss, ferns, flowers, beautiful insects, purring, strange sounds, pulsing, humming, hypnotic drumming. 

    P2 VISUAL: smiling faces, sunlight rising, colored patterns moving through the trees. exquisite light from temple and sun interplaying. light reflecting off of beautiful metals.

    P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: smooth hands holding mine. crystalline temple of ever-changing light and patterns

    P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: about 1/2 as tall as the trees.

    P2 MATERIALS: crystal and glass. strange malleable metals. wood, trees, soft filamentous fibers on clothing, more as decoration than for warmth or protection.

    P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: shaped like an ever-changing polyhedron shape, continually morphing as if singing life and life singing into it. creatrix. 

    P2 MOTION: eddies of sweet swirls between the trees and plants, the animals and the humanesque beings.

    P2 CONCEPTS: joy. harmonious and sacred intent. life well lived.

    P2 PURPOSE: life as love. love as life.

    P2 PHONETICS: sounds sort of like the pygmy and kalihari languages with sweet clicks and whistling sounds interspersed by giggles.

    P2 MOVEMENT 1: up above trees (100 meters?) -  rotating 360.

    P2 MOVEMENT 2: planet so huge cannot see curvature. see trees for "miles".  see mountains and lots of water. 

    P2 MOVEMENT 3: reset. walking along a catwalk. 

    P2 MOVEMENT 4: fun! welcomed into a home with scurrying child-like beings who offer me a drink of something that changes colors as I touch the drinking vessel.

    P2 MOVEMENT 5: reset. go into the crystal temple.

    P2 MOVEMENT 6: hums and tones. constantly changing light and patterns. as i "walk" it creates bell like tones. sounds are colors, colors are sounds and smells...

    P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: tall trees like giant redwoods (but much bigger) and huge mossy deciduous trees with flowers and brilliantly colored fungi growing on them. walkways from trees to trees with gorgeous tree houses nestled in the branches of the deciduous trees. amidst this tree forest is a glass or crystal-like structure, a temple of sorts. contained within includes a rotating generator of vibration , colored light and geometries. it emits a beautiful hum. attending me are three humanesque beings who are flying. i am flying too. they are giggling and chattering in their musical language. they like to hold my hand as if to be my guides and also to feel my delight as i discover this incredible place.

    P3 CA DUMP ATTRIBUTES: joy, beauty, singing, light, 

    P3 CA DUMP NON-THINGS: purpose,non purpose, purity

    P4 THINGS: swings, ladders, steps, gentle waterfall, pools, dappled light, 

    P4 NON-THINGS: growth, expression, power, 

    P4 TELEPATHIC: welcome. we see you and thank you for creating a matrix for us to express. we are children of light and invite you to this home we have co built with xupra once you were able to move through the rift.

    P4 WILD CARD: blueberries.

    P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: feel the movement of the hierarchies diminish to soil rendering growth unto this our home. we are codes that have had life breathed into them and have continued creating and growing since your last visits. we are sentient and have your dna. you are us, we are you. all. (t.c. continued from above)

    PSS: portal cave was a remembrance. access to cave initiated blue light of transference of consciousness to Xupra body. at first the body energetics were purely energy of light, colors and geometries. i asked if i could use my SL avatar and was told my avatar was similar but more, way more. 

    avatar eyes opening to a twilight world of warm golden and rainbow pastel colors of sunlight moving through a lush and rich forest of immensely tall and large trees. topography was undulating. atmosphere serene, exciting and adventurous. glowing colors of lots of greens, and all colors. brilliant. whites, sparkles. sounds of chirping, buzzing, clockings, musical language. taste and smells of floral, musky, woodsy, sweet, dankly rich. feeling the textures and surfaces of a lush forest - squishy smooth, soft, wood, plant materials and also smooth like glass, soft, hard, elegant.

    am in an incredible forest of huge moss covered trees with lots of flowers, and colored fungi, ferns, beautiful insects, purring, strange sounds, hypnotic drumming (soft), singing, pulsing, purring, and humming. colored patterns sift between the trees.  in the trees are cat walks - walk ways that hang along and between the trees, joining platforms and gorgeous tree houses. i see laughing beings and lots of children. smiling faces. there is a temple like crystal structure that is continually morphing into different platonic polyhedric shapes. this 'temple' emits exquisite light which reflects off of the other worldly and beautiful metals. also the sunlight (suns?) is playing into this scene. 

    there are 3 beings with me. they seem translucent and they fly. it feels like all of the beings here may fly,  but enjoy walking, scurrying and crawling as well. they are leading  me and following me as i explore, and i can feel them hold my hands from time to time as if to feel my energies as i explore this place in delight. my delight is their delight. we visit some of the beings in the tree houses. not sure if there are male and females in an earthly way, they all seem to be a bit of both and appear wonderfully balanced as gentle and strong. i am offered a glass of something to drink. it changes its swirly colors as I touch the glass. i can feel the colors move through me as i drink it, as if each color were a super charged element going exactly where my body desires boosting.

    we then go to the temple. from some perspectives it seemed about 1/2 as tall as the trees. from ground level, not so much so. inside the center of the crystal structure there is a generator of sort. not the motor kind but a generator of vibration, colored lights and geometries. it emits a beautiful  hum that i can feel resonating through my body.

    i am told telepathically, 'welcome. we see you and thank you for creating a matrix for us to express. we are children of light and invite you to this home we have co built with Xupra once you were able to move through the rift.' 'feel the movement of the hierarchies diminish to soil, rendering growth unto this our home. we are codes that have had life breathed into them and have continued creating and growing since your last visits. we are sentient and have your dna. you are us, we are you. all.'  Wow! i feel such a sense of home here!

    at this point it was time to meet up with the gang. i thanked the beings and went back into a brief meditation and then met up with the group. there were cushions were we all rejoined.

    i feel a tremendous welcome from the beings of this place and an invitation to explore. it was comforting to have guides with me and i feel as though i will be led to where i need to go. i am super excited about coming back to the forest and exploring more. it is a good 000,000,000 for me to start from, however I am also looking forward to where else Aumakua may desire to take me.

    i feel a deep sense of honor and duty, and am utterly grateful to know that i am here on Earth to help bridge it to Xupra. a bridge between two worlds is my life mission. i know this now and finally understand my purpose for being in this sometimes crazy 3D experience.

  • Name: Molly

    Date: 03/24/2015

    Begin Time: 20:49

    End Time: 22:06


    OUTSIDE: Yes

    ACCOMPANIED: With Someone

    ENVIRONMENT: warm, balmy, cool

    ATMOSPHERE: calm

    TOPOGRAPHY: flat, beach, small bluffs

    VISUAL: pinks, yellows, early morning-like, thin verticals, greens, whites, blues, long shadows, shimmery, sand, turquoise and


    SOUNDS: light breezy sound, gentle wave sounds, still pretty quiet

    TASTE-SMELL: briny, sweet, tart

    TEXTURES-SURFACES: sandy, rough, gentle, wet, fibrous, smooth, slippery, gooey

    AI/EI/D: seems like a beach with a palm-type trees

    P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: amazing pastel sunrise, gentle waves, soft breeze, cool air warming, no direct sunlight,

    familiar, soothing

    P2 VISUAL: (was taken into the water) diamond or crystal like, blues, turquoises, golds, pinks, reds, violets, glowing greens,


    P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: silky dry "water", smooth, glassy, sandy, squishy, prickly, rough

    P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: large but seems small

    P2 MATERIALS: crystalline

    P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: crystalline pyramid shape

    P2 MOTION: swimming and floating beings

    P2 CONCEPTS: sacred, love, purpose

    P2 PURPOSE: life giving, harmony, codes

    P2 PHONETICS: deep undulating hum, subsonic

    P2 MOVEMENT 1: swim around pyramid shape: seems to attract large cetacean-like beings. can see vibrational waves of

    shimmers generating from the pyramid shape. also seeing jellyfish looking beings and many colorful "plants"

    P2 MOVEMENT 3: zooming inside the pyramid (do not see an "entrance": can see a blue plasmic energy shimmering inside this

    translucent crystalline looking pyramid.

    P2 MOVEMENT 5: fly above the water: can see these amazing cymatic wave forms moving through the water from this structure.

    can see it vibrate up onto the land and the "trees" seem to respond to it. can also see many large beings swimming in the water

    around the structure.

    P2 MOVEMENT 7: walk on floor of sea bed: glowing, shimmering, vibrant with life.

    P2 MOVEMENT 9: fly above structure again, turn 180 to look at shore. seems about 300 meters away or so. could swim to it from


    P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: pyramid seems to be offshore within a shallow depression but still underwater completely.

    P4 THINGS: highly intelligent stones/ minerals. elders. teachers. swimming beings. sweet healing water. veeeery long sunrise.

    healing colors.

    P4 NON-THINGS: essence. intelligence. caretaker.

    P4 TELEPATHIC: deep cellular language. ancient remembrance awakening new birth. elders await.

    P4 WILD CARD: sunrise.

    P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: i am attended by three blue beings of light who accompany me from the cave. they are silent. i am taken to this beautiful beach with the most glorious sunrise I have ever seen. I think it's sunrise and not sunset because there is a sense of warmth awakening from the sands. the minerals of the sand are alive and send regenerating codes to my avatar and this soul. it is so pleasant here I could just lay down on the sand absorbing the energies. i am taken out underwater and see a large pyramid. funny though, it seems small until I see large and smaller (in pods) cetaceans swimming around it. perhaps my avatar is very large? i don't feel like it is, seems rather that my perception can easily shift from large to small. energies that seem to be generated from a blue plasmic-like shifting shape inside this pyramid. this structure seems to be organic as if the very minerals of this ocean beach organized to appear this way. it is sending out deep, low tones.


    P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: wow. i am blown away in astonishment.

    my three silent companions instruct me to lay down face up on the beach. what i see is like a filamentous matrix through the pastel sky. and through that i see a HUGE moon-type being up there and stars. they then have me stand and look. now i see this matrix-like 'grid' everywhere. and its interesting in how if i look straight on its the pastel "sunrise", but if i observe "sideways" it's more transparent and wispy grid-like. the word "grid" doesn't quite describe it because although it has a geometric quality to it, it is much more organic, wispy and ALIVE. it speaks to me without words. i learn that the minerals of this planet are of the HIGHEST consciousness and intelligence. they organize in cymatic patterns as a way to infuse, nourish, teach, support, etc. the "plants" and "animal" beings are their "ward", like their children in a sense. this planet is incredibly alive in so many ways. i am sensing that the crystalline structures I have seen on this planet are lifeforms created by Xupra-Gaia.

    P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: This question is for the intelligence of the Xupra planetary consciousness: who or what creates the crystalline structures i have seen in the treehouse forest and offshore from this palm beach?

    Answer: these "structures" are indeed alive and are created in fore-knowledge of the needs of my peoples. they are on and also of the "ley lines" or energy patterns of my life force streams. they generate in response to 'needs' before the needs are known. they provide the codes necessary to support the organization of the 'lower' lifeforms in eco-systematic cooperations and integrations.

    I FEEL: happy. astonished. grateful. warm. joyous. curious.

    PSS: I am putting in my data here as i feel like I've done so much writing already and desire to finish up now.

    Wow. amazing. i am speechless now, utterly blown away by the incredible intelligence of this place. and we've only just begun!


  • Apr 5, 2015

    very cool experience. spent a while in the Cave Portal as my avatar rezzed. asked to be taken to wherever i needed to be and whatever i needed to experience. i was taken to a dark mossy place that looked pod-like in its shape. there were roots growing around the edges of the space and rocks. it was covered in moss. i am sitting on the ground on a low rock-like seat. I see my three companions that have accompanied me on previous visits sitting around a fire with me. i hear the sounds of dripping water. it is comfortably cool here. it feels and looks like we are underneath a huge tree in some type of pocket pod created by the tree roots. it is very comfortable and comforting. 

    I see that my companions are wearing flowing raiments that change colors in a crystalline pastel tones (mother of pearl-ish). the changing colors seems to be correlated with their telepathic communications. I ask them 'why i am sitting here with you now?' I am told so that I can ground to Xupra in this womb-like place. We meditate together for quite a while. I feel…, i am living…, the pure LOVE of the entity we call Xupra. It is sophisticated yet primal. Supremely intelligent. the breath that moves from this ‘planet’ through the great tree we are under/inside is moving up like cool fire. this exhalation is exquisitely soothing and energizing. i have many questions but they guide me to let go of them for now and experience being. i am experiencing an 'earthing' (xupraing’) as the codes of Xupra are integrating through my consciousness and flipping on the rna, dna, the cells of my avatar and of this body here on Earth. on Xupra it is as though roots are growing up through my body and i am paralyzed. I am earth, i am wood, i am fire, i am water. and as the breath moves through me i am transformed as a living light expression of these elements. my skin seems coppery greenish blue. a lotus crystal fire-like light opens up and moves through us. we are transported above Xupra about 5 kilometers. it is a crisp dawn. it is pure silence. i am told we are here to experience the beings of the planet awaken. as the first sun begins to lighten the sky sounds begin to stir. it is magically musical. I get the text from Mary that we are meeting on Zupera 3.

    Connect with Jason and Mary avatars in Zupera 3. they are laughing at/with me and each other. we are sitting on cushions in a covered outside space along the water. now it feels as though we are in a sphere and are slowly turning. i sense our avatar etheric bodies are being stretched and calibrated to expanded movement and awareness. i am sure it is much more than that. are we under water now? wondering if this sphere is 'enacting' our experiences as a form of group 'story telling'. i am seeing underwater scenes, mountains that seem volcanic or perhaps fountains of energetics, two big suns (is there more?), technology hubs (it's not technology as we think of on Earth. It's as though music and symbols are the coding creatix or something like that). We are laughing a lot!!!! I am seeing cylinders of light that are libraries of information. cool!

  • Xupra - Turquoise Lake surrounded by 7 mountains with 7 waterfall 03/08/15

    Went there via cave portal several times pre-sleep, sleep and post-sleep time.  Woke up several times (I set my alarm 3x a night to help me connect with dreams), and several times I was playing in Xupra but no recall. In the morning I went back to to cave portal and was taken to the blue turquoise lake.

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