My Merlin Stone

I received my Merlin Stone 5 days ago on March 28th and it is stunning!  As soon as I took it out of the gold gift box and held it, still wrapped and in the protective pouch, I could feel the energy enter my left palm and then it seemed to enfold my entire body.  I felt like my entire being was vibrating.  As I initially held it in my palm it felt "light" but as I continued to hold it, I felt it become "heavy" -- more than I would have thought possible by it's size.  When I look at it I seem to see different images and even faces -- especially in the center of the concave side; and it looks like that side is also surrounded by a ring of small, sparkling circles (stars?).  I see shifting geometric shapes on the convex side.

On March 29th, I looked at the stone in sunshine under a magnifying glass and I saw rich detail and texture.  It's quite beautiful -- like rays of energy are flowing outward from the center of the stone.  I also see distinctly, on the convex side, the head of a bird -- left eye is prominent as is the beak.  By the shape of the beak it looks like an owl or a hawk.  Pretty cool!   As I write this, I just remembered that last week I heard the nearby call of an owl 3 times over 3 separate, consecutive nights.  Wonder if this was related to the coming of the stone.  This is very exciting!

In addition to keeping the stone in contact with my physical body (in a pocket) during the day, I keep it in a velvet case next to my bed and not too far from where I have my alchemies.  This morning, I noticed that both the Helios Super Gold and Platinum alchemies, which were clear like all the other liquids except the Merlin Lapis Exilis, Lapis Negra and Lapis Rubrum -- now have colors.  The Super Gold has a light purple tint to it and the Platinum has a yellow tint, as you can see from the attached photo.  

Has anyone else had a similar experience with any of their clear, liquid alchemies?


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  • Hello Nancy!

    Thank you for the telling of your "Merlin Stone" story.  Sounds absolutely DIVINE!

    I don't recall any of my alchemies changing colors.  How wonderfully cool though!  

  • Woaaaahhh that purpleness!!!! Hahahaha
  • Congratulations on your wonderful stonefriend! Yes, my Platinum ("Bubbah", who connects me with the energy of Jason) is gold coloured.  The Gold ("Beebee", my Marylink <3 ) is clearer than water. They have a new friend whose name is unknown to me and whose origin I perceive as the world that gave mountains and earth to the current Andean Altiplano. Now as I write I learn his name is Saber, to know. Do any of you know him? Picture below.


  • They change colors all the time. It's not uncommon for them to change colors while sitting in Mary's office, and then change again while en route. It's wild stuff. 

    Nancy, your Stone is going to do amazing things with, through, and to you. Have fun!

  • I want a stone too !!!!!
  • I sure love my stone. It's work is very expansive, keeps going like the energizer bunny! 

  • My stone arrived Saturday 4/16/16.

    Placing the order started a chain of events needed in preparation to receive.  The last couple of weeks have been filled with emotional,mental and physical highs and lows.  On Tuesday 4/12 I went into a complete melt down of such anger I scared myself.  The next afternoon Mary contacted me to say my stone was done.  With that notice a balance returned and I was ready for the arrival.  

    Saturday morning I tried an ABS session feeling very excited my stone was coming.  Half way through I aborted the session for mysterious reasons.  At 10:00 am I started watching for the mail delivery.  Our mail comes around 10:30.  By 12:00 the mail still had not come.  Coming to terms with my disappointment I thought about what might have happened.  My dog had been tied out for awhile.  Maybe the mail person aborted delivery?  At 3:00 pm I see the mail truck on the street behind me.  I run out.  The mail man sees me coming and I see him dipping in his bag.  Getting my signature he hands me the package.  Across the front he has written "Dog Out"!  Hurray!  The rest of Saturday was spent in quiet contemplation as "IT" observed me.

    Sunday morning I'm driving to work.  The song "Long Distance Run Around" by Yes comes on.  There's a line in that song...."hot color melting the anger to stone" that catches my attention nearly causing me to swerve off the road.  At this point I connect my ABS session of 3/29 and the big melt down of 4/12!

    Here's the song if you would like to hear it...

    All I can say is....The Merlin Stone is the highest vibrational piece of multi dimensional technology ever encountered.

    This is what mine looks like....



  • It is way hard to capture the beauty of the stone in the pics .It has to be held and looked at in person.  It has this gold showing through the layer that covers it like a moon or a sun peeking out from the lingerie gown of lacey clouds. :) And it does feel amazing.

  • You know what would be cool?  As a visual aide...  Get one of those flat maps of the world and draw or string lines from Utah to each location of a Merlin Stone.  I bet the energetic grid/mandala is stunning!

  • This one was interesting. As I was adding platinum group metals to one of the home stretch firings, I couldn't actually see how much was falling into the crucible. Consequently, too much of these powders fell in there. The platinum metals melting points are way higher than gold, and so there was too much mass for these to melt, leaving the unalloyed "clouds" to which Mary refers stuck to the outside of it, and also leaving it misshapen. Because of that it looks natural to me, or very old. I checked to the nth degree if it was OK, and the inaudible voice was like, "OK? Ha! You kidding? That thing is sick powerful. Finish the friggin' thing and send it to her!"

    "Righteous," I said back. "It is DONE!"

    Sometimes The Voice can be SO condescending.

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