This area is for Nancy Lovell's Xupra Sessions.
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Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
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Read more…This thread is for any questions and discussion on the various alchemies available here.
Read more…Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…Hey group- has anyone taught themselves to astral project? Is it possible for everyone? Would love to hear about the nuances and any how-to'd if applicable!
Read more…Hey all, pumped to be a new member here, thanks for having me. I believe with any skill or ability, one can approve drastically with the right intention, but am curious to natural limitations when it comes to mental visualization and even astral…
Read more…Looking forward to being a part of this group. I am only starting my journey
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Coordinates: 63491 0331
Name: Nancy Lovell
Date: 02/27/2016
Begin Time: 12:55 PM
End Time: 04:15 PM
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: cool, damp, wet, water
ATMOSPHERE: serene, refreshing, misty
TOPOGRAPHY: open, flats, wide, undulating, surrounded, rises, tall, narrow
SOUNDS: flowing, whooshing, splashing, steady, quiet, chirping, humming
TASTE-SMELL: sweet, floral, sunny, pleasant, fresh, wet
TEXTURES-SURFACES: natural, open, airy, surrounded, immense, impressive, roomy, natural, airy, spacious, cavernous
AI: beautiful
EI: breath-taking
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: An outdoor natural space. A large body of water. Tall cliffs and a waterfall that surrounds the water in a semi-circle. Lush vegetation and flowers. Fragrant and fresh scents.
P2 VISUAL: pastel blue, lavender and pink, whites, greens, yellows, blues, reds, oranges, medium and patterned contrast, bright, shimmery luminosity
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: smooth, soft, silky, wet, slick, hard, semi-hard, soft, semi-soft, rigid, solid, natural, flexible, liquid, warm
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, substantial, solid, immovable, thin, insubstantial, mobile, large, wide, horizontals, towering, narrow verticals, U-shaped
P2 MATERIALS: water, plant, stone, sand, soil
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: oval, rounded, wide, flat, tall, towering, narrow, arches
P2 MOTION: power, churning, fast, slow
P2 CONCEPTS: oneness
P2 PURPOSE: healing, aligning, integration, wholeness
P2 MOVEMENT 1: Move to center and SEE
P2 MOVEMENT 2: Move 100 feet above and SEE
ME1- large, deep body of liquid with slow undulating movement; fast moving powerful liquid flowing over tall, high rocks; mist, sparkling light and/or droplets of liquid; varied and colorful vegetation, open, airy space, sweet smells, peaceful, serene, inviting, healing
ME2- It's like I'm looking through a spyglass telescope and can only see what is visible through the lens -- as if I'm not supposed to see anything more at this time. What I can see is a natural environment with green vegetation dotted with multiple colors which surrounded a flat oval-shaped body of liquid that has three separate flowing rivers of liquid that flowed downward over rock that splashed and churned into the flat oval surface below.
P4 THINGS: sparkling clear lake, 3 waterfalls in a semi-circle, lush vegetation, flowers that changed shape and hue
P4 NON-THINGS: rainbow colored light, sweet, intoxicating fragrances, love, healing
P4 TELEPATHIC: Here you begin your first lesson and experiences of the oneness of the All.
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I get the impression of a natural scene of jaw dropping beauty. I sense a sparkling clear lake that is partially surrounded in a U-shape -- by 3 separate, tall, narrow waterfalls. The light seems to give off translucent rainbow colors and everything feels alive and interconnected. There is a feeling of being loved, healed and supported by the water that flows from the falls and fills the lake.
THEMES: cleansing, realignment, integration, teaching
TYPES: natural scene, water, land, plant
PSS: After leaving the Crystal Temple, my first visit to Xupra began with the impression it was daylight and I was alone and outside in an environment which contained water that was cool, damp and wet. The misty atmosphere felt serene and refreshing. I got the impression of a varied topography with open, wide and undulating flats surrounded by tall and somewhat narrow rises. The sounds I detected were of a steady, flowing, whooshing and splashing sound, interspersed with quiet and occasional chirping and humming sounds. The sweet, floral smells were sunny and pleasant and the taste was of something wet and fresh. The natural outside space, while surrounded also seemed open, airy, immense and impressive. Inside space felt natural, airy, roomy and spacious too and in some places it felt cavernous. The AI and EI I felt was of something with breath-taking beauty. I got the impression I was perceiving a natural outdoor space with fresh, lush vegetation and fragrant flowers which contained a large body of water that was surrounded in part by cliffs and a waterfall.
Visually, I initially got the impression of pastel blues, lavenders and pinks. I also detected primary colors of reds, blues, yellows, oranges, greens and whites. All colors were in a medium, patterned contrast and a bright, shimmery luminosity. The textures I detected were of things that were smooth, soft, silky, wet and slick. Surfaces were natural but varied with some that were hard, semi-hard, rigid and solid and others that were semi-soft, soft, flexible, liquid and warm. I detected masses that were mixed: some were thick, substantial, solid and immovable and others were thin, mobile and insubstantial. Dimensions were also mixed with horizontals that were large, wide and U-shaped and verticals that were towering, narrow and also U-shaped. I got the impression of shapes that were oval and rounded, flat and wide, tall, towering, narrow and arched. The materials I detected were natural: water, plant, stone, sand and soil. I got the impression of something with a motion that was fast, powerful and churning and something else that was slow and almost motionless. The one concept that I sensed was of oneness the purpose of which was to promote healing, alignment, integration and wholeness.
For ME-1 (I moved to the center), I got the impressions of a large, deep body of liquid with a slow undulating movement; fast moving powerful liquid flowing over tall, high rocks; mist, sparkling light and/or droplets of liquid, varied and colorful vegetation, open, airy space, sweet smells, in a peaceful, serene, inviting and healing space.
For ME-2 (I moved 100 feet above), I got the impression I was looking through a spyglass telescope and I could only see what was visible through the lens -- as if I wasn't supposed to see anything more at this time. What I can see is a natural environment with green vegetation dotted with multiple colors surrounding a flat oval-shaped body of liquid that has three separate flowing rivers of liquid that flowed downward over rock that splashed and churned into the flat oval surface below.
Omniview impressions from my symbols were of a sparkling clear lake, 3 waterfalls in a semi-circle, lush vegetation and flowers that changed shape and hue for Things; rainbow colored light, sweet, intoxicating fragrances, love and healing for Non-Things. The Telepathic message I detected was, "Here you begin your first lesson and experiences of the oneness of the All." I got the impression of a natural scene of jaw dropping beauty. I sense a sparkling clear lake that is partially surrounded in a U-shape -- by 3 separate, tall, narrow waterfalls. The light seems to give off translucent rainbow colors and everything feels alive and interconnected. There is a feeling of being loved, healed and supported by the water that flows from the falls and fills the lake. The themes I sensed were of cleansing, realignment, integration and teaching. The types I detected were of a natural scene containing water, land and plants.
My Second Awareness Impressions were: I perceive an outdoor natural space and see in front of me a large body of crystal clear, sparkling water which is fed by three tall yet somewhat narrow waterfalls that surround the water in a semi-circle. The waterfalls seem to consist of water and also of light. Each one appears to be a different translucent color -- pale blue, lavender and pink. The land surrounding the body of water is lush with green vegetation that is mixed with beautiful, fragrant and multi-colored flowers the like of which I've not seen before. Everything seems to breathe, shimmer and be alive, with shapes that sometimes morph and change. I also sense quick flying things, like bright sparks or small orbs of light. When I look across at the far side of the lake I see what appears to be a unicorn drinking from the water. After it is finished, it looks up and directly at me. As we make eye contact, I have a knowing that when I return I'm to look for this special being who will act as my guide on the first leg of my Xupra journey.
The scene makes me feel that I arrived at a starting point in a very special place. One that is very much alive, guiding and supportive in each and everything perceived and experienced. It is here where my consciousness is being realigned and integrated so that learning how to work and create within the hologram/ matrix/ energetic field of infinite possibilities can begin.
Coordinates: Xupra-3616
Name: Nancy Lovell
Date: 03/06/2016
Begin Time: 01:30 PM
End Time: 06:15 PM
Self Assigned Coordinates: 22716-crystal lake with 3 waterfalls
Session Form: Xupra
SUN ANGLE: Early Twilight
ENVIRONMENT: cool, misty, dry
ATMOSPHERE: exciting, light, intense, charged
TOPOGRAPHY: open, flats, undulating, far, expansive
SOUNDS: waterfalls, a flute-like sound, small bell-like sounds, various tones
TASTE-SMELL: fresh, clean, sweet, floral, pleasant
TEXTURES-SURFACES: cavernous, natural, spacious, impressive, lighted, simple, intricate
AI/EI/D: AI - stately, noble EI - awed, humbled
P2 VISUAL: clear and intense gemstone colors: ruby and garnet reds, emerald greens, blue topaz, blue sapphire, purple amethyst, golds, silvers, whites, sky blues, lavenders, medium to high, patterned contrast, bright, glowing luminosity
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: hard, solid, smooth, soft, flexible, permeable, polished, slick, warm, cool, liquid, wet
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, substantial, solid, thin, insubstantial, mobile, light, large, towering, verticals, horizontals, concave
P2 MATERIALS: skin, water, plant, stone, wood
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: simple, intricate, circles, rectangles, triangles, cubes, rounded, arches, column, geometric, concave, tall, towering, huge
P2 MOTION: quick, spinning, spiraling, churning, power, slow
P2 CONCEPTS: love, healing, rejuvenation
P2 PURPOSE: prepare for the next level of learning and experience
P2 MOVEMENT 1: ME1- Move me to the prominent feature of this structure
P2 MOVEMENT 2: ME2- move back to time spent at lake and 3 waterfalls
P4 THINGS: an etheric temple-like structure, clouds, stone, water, golden sky, symbols or geometric patterns
P4 NON-THINGS: tonal sounds, voices singing, varied colored clear and brilliant light, a ceremony, celebration
P4 TELEPATHIC: "Well done. Mission accomplished!"
THEMES: cleansing, adjustment, realignment, integration, healing, preparation, ceremony, celebration
TYPES: natural scene, plants, water, natural other-worldly structure
PSS: I am copying and pasting the free form descriptive paragraphs here for ease of reading and flow. They incorporate all the raw data and summarize my experience during this session.
P1 Freeform Description: I started out at the lake with the 3 waterfalls of pastel light from my prior session. But as I approached what I took to be a white unicorn in the first session, morphed into a being of opalescent white light. Because the light emitted was quite bright, I wasn't able to detect specific facial or other features except the most intense, dark sapphire blue eyes. They were very penetrating and seemed to emit an almost electric spark or energy from within as I looked into them. I became aware of light, tonal sounds that seemed to come from everything around me. It was very harmonious, like everything was singing joyfully. The next thing I knew I found myself transported to the inside of a structure that seemed to be situated high in the clouds. My 3D association was that it looked like a Greek or Roman temple of sorts, except that the walls were translucent, almost transparent and the roof -- also transparent -- was supported on all sides by large, smooth, white colored marble-like columns. The sweet, fragrant air seemed alive and flowed freely and gently around me, in a caressing manner. I could hear little bell like sounds and something that sounded like a flute. The sounds seemed to fill my body with a wonderful feeling, like it was being loved and nourished. I realized I was also sensing this in my 3D physical body, specifically in the crown, 3rd eye and heart chakra which started to vibrate and tingle.
ME1: As I looked around the structure I was transported to, I noticed that the floor on which I was standing, which seemed like stone, also had a translucent quality to it. I noticed geometric shapes or patterns in the stone that seemed to light up as if from a fire within. I can detect circles, triangles and cube shapes. I became aware of two other light beings standing next to the first one who brought me here. These too had the same penetrating, spark-filled dark blue eyes. While I could sense the power each one contained, they also emitted a loving vibe too. I am guided to stand in the middle of this shape and the 3 beings take their positions -- one at the head of a triangular shape and the other two stand on either point of the base. I then see and feel a golden light that seems to surround me from both above and below -- vortex-like -- and it penetrates every part of me. I feel like I was opened to receive and then given knowledge and the power of how to use it wisely and responsibly. It was then that a memory flowed back to me, that I had spent my time in-between visits at the lake and waterfalls with these 3 light beings who helped cleanse, heal and rejuvenate me.
ME2: Each one worked with a separate waterfall. And I recalled that behind each waterfall was a small, room-like cave where I could rest and meditate. Each waterfall had some of its water collected in a cistern-like container from which I drank deeply and often. There was also a small protuberance of rock that ended just under each waterfall so I could stand there and let the water fall over and around me. Even though the water fell from a tremendous height, it fell lightly over my body which tingled at the experience. I understood that the water from one fall healed my mental body, the 2nd my emotional body and the 3rd, my energetic body. After I had spent time at the third and "last" waterfall, I was then able to drink from and swim in the crystal clear lake. The water felt as if it entered every "cell" and part of my renewed body. The surrounding flowers and vegetation supported me with a feeling of being wrapped in loving and nurturing energy.
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I get the impression that many are watching me – although I am not able to see anyone -- as I step into the geometric pattern or symbol in the floor and bathed in the golden light. I feel that they are bearing witness to the ceremony as well as celebrating my accomplishments and return. It reminded me of a scene from a movie about Camelot, when a medieval knight who has successfully fulfilled his quest returns to the castle where King Arthur and Queen Guinevere honor and reward him. Except, for this ceremony, the "reward" is stepping into the next stage of knowledge, power, growth, expansion and creation.
Q. Is this temple-like structure located on Xupra?
A. No.
Q. Was I in the Crystal Temple?
A. No.
Q. Was I taken to the White Fountain Temple?
A. Yes.
Q. Was the ceremony performed to fully prepare me and open me to learn from Xupra and ultimately be of service to The Superbeings and the mission?
A. Yes.
Q. Is there anything I should remember and take with me from this ceremony when my attention returns to my 3D experience?
A. Yes, honor the space in which every being, thing and event you encounter exists and love it, for it is your creation and has manifested for your continued growth, evolution and expansion.
I FEEL: I have a feeling of lightness and much joy. I feel like I have come home after a long journey and time away. I have the impression that I learned and accomplished much and am now ready to go on to the next level of knowledge and service.
Coordinates: Xupra-4916
Name: Nancy Lovell
Date: 04/09/2016
Begin Time: 12:36 PM
End Time: 4:25 PM
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: damp, humid, jungle
ATMOSPHERE: adventurous, fun, , exciting, anticipation,
TOPOGRAPHY: flats, rises, wide, close, open, expansive, surrounded
SOUNDS: chirping, breezy, humming, flowing, steady
TASTE-SMELL: wet, sweet, fresh, earthy, floral, pleasant, vegetation,
TEXTURES-SURFACES: natural, immense, spread out, ample, , natural, airy, close, simple, lighted, shadowed
P2 VISUAL: greens, browns, reds, yellows, oranges, pinks, blues, purples, whites, medium to high blended contrast, twilight, glowing shimmery, shadowed
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, smooth, silky, wooden, coarse, wet, slick, hair-like, hard, semi-hard, soft, semi-soft, natural, flexible, liquid, solid, slippery, permeable, squishy, warm
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, solid, substantial, dense, thin, light, insubstantial, mobile, large, towering, wide, small, big-ish
P2 MATERIALS: skin, water, plant, stone, wood,
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: simple, intricate, columns, tall, towering, huge, wide, rounded, spheres,
P2 MOTION: quick, slow, spiraling, spinning, speed, power
P2 CONCEPTS: excitement, joy at being alive
P2 PURPOSE: to learn and grow from everything and everyone encountered
P4 THINGS: energy field/portal, a wooden staff which contains a rounded triangular shaped opalescent stone at the top
P4 NON-THINGS: the air feels somewhat electric, a sense of magic and wonder, creation, responsibility
P4 TELEPATHIC: Things are not always what they seem to be. You choose and attract what you want to experience, always. It depends upon your intent and level of consciousness.
THEMES: adventure, fun, discovery, teaching
TYPES: natural scene, water, land, plant, animal
P5 Here and Now I FEEL: I'm excited and can't wait to discover all that I will experience and learn on my visits to Xupra. I feel a sense of adventure and playfulness that is tempered by responsibility.
Note: As with my prior Xupra postings, I have cut and pasted the P2, P3, P4 free form descriptive paragraphs and the SAE in the PSS for ease of reading and flow.
PSS: When I arrived, I got the impression it was night-time and I was outside but not alone. I detected the presence of several glowing orbs of light. The environment felt damp and humid, as if I were in a tropical jungle. The atmosphere felt fun, adventurous, exciting and filled with anticipation. Topographically, I sensed I was in a wide, expansive and open area that also felt close and surrounded which contained flats and rises. I detected chirping, humming and breezy sounds as well as a steady flowing sound. I sensed tastes that were wet, sweet and fresh and pleasant smells that were floral and of earthy vegetation. I got the impression of natural textures and surfaces that were simple, which felt both airy and close, and lighted and shadowed.
Visually, I detected greens, browns, reds, yellows, oranges, pinks, blues, purples and whites in a medium to high blended contrast under a twilight luminosity that had areas which were shimmery, glowing and shadowy. I got the impression of natural surfaces that were hard, semi-hard, soft, semi-soft, flexible, permeable, liquid, slick, slippery, squishy and warm. Textures were rough, coarse and wooden; others were smooth, silky and even hair-like. I got the impression of objects some of which were big-ish, large, towering and wide and others that were small and mobile. Masses were solid, thick, substantial and dense; and others were thin, light and insubstantial. Materials were a mix of skin, water, plant, stone and wood. I got the impression of structures and shapes that were simple and intricate, tall and even towering columnar shapes; and other shapes that were huge, wide, rounded and even spherical. I detected motions were slow, spiraling and spinning and others were quick, speedy and powerful. For concepts I sensed excitement and joy at being alive the purpose of which was to experience learning and growth from everyone and everything encountered.
The Omni-View of my symbols brought in what I perceived to be an energy field or portal and a curious wooden staff inset with a rounded, triangular shaped opalescent stone at the top for Things. Non-things was an electric feeling to the air/atmosphere which also contained a feeling of magic, wonder, creation and responsibility. Telegraphic Messages were: "Things are not always what they seem to be. You choose and attract what you want to experience, always. It depends upon your intent and level of consciousness."
My P1 Free Form Description of my experience was:
My P2 Free Form Description of my experience was:It was dark and I found myself standing in a circular clearing that was surrounded by thick vegetation and large trees. I was greeted by 7 small, softly glowing orbs of light that at first surrounded me and then started to lead me on an earthen path -- which at first I didn't see -- through what I detected was a jungle. As I passed, I could feel the aliveness of everything around me and there seemed to be a soft light being emitted by everything, so that I had no trouble seeing where I was going. The intense colors and fragrance of the flowers and the strange calls of birds? animals? which inhabited this place were beautiful and seemed to cause my being to vibrate in unison, making me feel one with them and my surroundings. I felt like I was symbiotically experiencing their existence by their sharing their energy with me and vice versa. I truly felt like I was one with everything around me.
I am led to another small clearing that is at the edge of a high cliff. I hear a loud roaring sound. As I touch the trunk of one of the many surrounding trees to steady myself as I try to look over the edge, I feel myself merge into the tree. I feel myself rise to the very top of the tree's foliage where I experience the breeze blowing through and rustling the leaves of which I am a part. It is thrilling and magical to experience myself as multiple, individual pieces, each moving and swaying together, tickled by the breeze. From this height, I can see how extensive the jungle is and it surrounds high cliffs in the center of which is a waterfall whose mist sparkles with golden flecks and dances in the light which I can see from this height, is coming from a huge blue-ish white moon. The water falls into a deep lapis blue pool that I flows into a river. I find myself on the earthen floor again, in my Xupra body again. I see a large white-ish light approaching from the shadows and as my sight adjusts, I see a beautiful, large white horse, with intense, deep chestnut brown eyes that seem to penetrate me to my very core. It tells me telepathically, that s/he knows my love of horses on the Earth plane and so has come to be my first guide and companion as I explore Xupra and experience/learn all she has to offer.
P4 Free Form Description of this additional experience was:
I feel my heart space opening wide, like a flower. I also feel my solar plex forming a strong and unified connection with my heart chakra so that whatever I create will spring from the dual and unified energy of love and the will of the Universal. I wonder what or who the staff is for and I get the message that I will find out in subsequent visits.
The impression derived from my Second Awareness Exercise was:
I see someone standing on what looks like a huge outcropping of rock that is over a vast, undulating body of dark matter. With arms raised high it looks like flashes of light come from this figure and enter or act upon the dark sea below and then like magic, beautiful and wonderful things materialize and "come into existence".
Q: What is the image I am seeing?
A: It is a representation of the field of infinite possibilities, the energy that is "acted upon" by thought and feeling to cause to come into existence that which is desired.
Q: Why am I being shown this?
A: On Xupra, creation is instantaneous and you must be mindful of your thoughts and emotions when you create. As you have experienced on this visit, everything is alive and you, by coming here, become and are a part of everything.
Q: I am concerned, can I cause harm to anything/anyone on Xupra?
A: No, but you could have some unpleasant learning experiences. But that is the reason why you are allowed to visit here -- you are ready to learn, grow and expand.
P5 Here and Now: I'm excited and can't wait to discover all that I will experience and learn on my visits to Xupra. I feel a sense of adventure and playfulness that is tempered by responsibility.
Lovell SK1 Staff Xupra-4916.jpg
Coordinates: Xupra-51516
Name: Nancy Lovell
Date: 05/15/2016
Begin Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 01:00 PM
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: Cool, natural, greenery, flowers, water, soil, rocks, airy, open
ATMOSPHERE: serene, light, exciting, fun, enchanting
TOPOGRAPHY: open, close, surrounded, rises, flats
SOUNDS: breezy, chirping, flowing, steady, humming, quiet,
TASTE-SMELL: sweet, floral, sunny, pleasant, sweet, fresh, wet
TEXTURES-SURFACES: natural, open, immense, impressive, surrounded, , spacious, roomy, airy, natural,
AI/EI/D: AI - beautiful
EI - loving, nurturing
P2 VISUAL: whites, pastel colors, medium, blended, mixed, patterned, glowing, shimmery, shadowed
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: fluffy, puffy, silky, smooth, dry, soft, fluid, insubstantial,
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: light, insubstantial, mobile, tiny, small, average, big, large, verticals, horizontals, concave, convex
P2 MATERIALS: water, plant, stone, liquids, wood, sand, soil,
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: simple, intricate, circles, rounded, spherical, geometric, columns, tall, narrow, wide, flat
P2 MOTION: slow, quick, spinning, spiraling,
P2 CONCEPTS: love, focused, one-ness
P2 PURPOSE: Use thought, love and sound to create form and living things.
P2 PHONETICS: Various harmonic tones, light tinkling of little bells or chimes
P4 THINGS: variety of life forms and natural objects: butterflies, birds, animals, flowers, trees, water, rock formations,
P4 NON-THINGS: joyful creation, harmony, love, respect, trust, interdependence
P4 TELEPATHIC: Here you will learn to use your crystal staff as a fulcrum to direct sound and create life forms.
THEMES: teaching, integration, fun, discovery
TYPES: natural scene, water, land, plants, animals, "people".
PSS: When this session began I found myself outside in a cool, open, airy and natural environment; one which had lots of greenery, flowers and water. I got the impression I am with someone, but can't make out who/what just yet. The atmosphere was serene and light, but also exciting and fun, with a hint of enchantment. I sensed a topography that was both open and close. I felt surrounded by different natural elements and also detected areas with rises that towered over an area that was rather flat in comparison. The sounds I heard were of soft chirping and humming; a quiet, breezy sound; and something with a louder, steady, flowing sound. Smells were sunny and pleasant mixed with something sweet and floral. Tastes were sweet, fresh and wet. Surfaces and textures felt natural, airy, roomy and spacious. The AI I felt was of beauty and the emotion I felt was of being loved and nurtured.
As I got my bearings and the visit unfolded I realized I was at or near the same place I had started in my first visit -- the clear pool of water that was fed by waterfalls -- and the lush greenery and flowers in the land surrounding it. As I walk around the area I see my white horse guide (now I realize who it was I sensed when I first arrived). When I approach we greet each other, touching foreheads. It feels like I'm home and I sit on a rock, take in and just enjoy the energy of this magical place.
I start to hear a light or faint tinkling bell-like sound. I turn and see a bright, tall, oval shaped light approach. I can just make out a faint shape within the light which gives me an impression of a head, torso, arms and legs. I get up and as I walk near, I hear -- inside my head -- I'm being greeted and invited to follow this being. I notice that the being moves effortlessly as if floating just above the surface of the ground -- on unseen air currents -- and quickly. In order to keep up, I ride on the back of the white horse who is able to move in a similar manner. After traveling for some distance we approach a clearing and I now hear more tones -- all harmonious and pleasing to the ear but different. I see I've arrived at a community of these beings and I notice that they are using the sounds they make/generate to create life forms and the natural beauty and landscape that is in and surrounds this place.
Visually, I detected pastel colors and whites in a medium, sometimes blended and mixed contrast and at other times the contrast was patterned. The luminosity was for the most part glowing and shimmery with a few shadowy spaces. Surfaces seemed soft, fluid and insubstantial with textures that were dry, smooth, silky, fluffy and puffy feeling. I got the impression of vertical, horizontal, concave and convex objects that ranged in size from tiny, small and average to some that were big and large. Surprisingly, nothing seemed solid -- the mass of all felt light, mobile and insubstantial. Materials I sensed were of water, plant, stone, liquids, wood, sand and soil --but these too were more like fleeting impressions that seemed to dissolve when I removed my attention from them. Shapes were a mixed bag: some were simple and others were intricate; many were circular, rounded, and spherical with geometric patterns or symbols; I also detected tall, narrow columns and other structures that were wide and flat. I sensed spinning, spiraling motions some of which were slow and others that were quick. I felt a concept of focused love and one-ness the purpose of which was to use thought, love and sound to create form and living things. The phonetics I detected were of different harmonious tones and the light tinkling of little bells or chimes.
I watch in rapt awe and attention as these beings of light create living forms out of "thin air" using different sounds and tones. The creations are infused with love and are alive -- even what we in 3D would consider to be non-sentient things or objects -- these creations move and dance for joy because they are living energy. I can sense a deep, close and intimate relationship between the creator and created. Then after a while, almost as if they fulfilled their purpose or reason for existence, these ephemeral creations dissolve into a wispy haze, vanishing as quickly as they appeared. But I am given to understand that the cycle of creation is continuous here and so there isn't any feeling of loss or sense of ending and each form, after it dissolves, becomes part of a new life form and so on, eternally. It's as if "ok, I experienced this life form and now I want to experience life as something else".
The omni-view of my symbols brought in a variety of natural life forms and objects -- butterflies, birds, animals, flowers, trees, water, rock formations for Things. Non-things were joyful creation, harmony, love, respect, interdependence and trust. Telepathically, I received the message: Here you will learn to use your crystal staff as a fulcrum to direct sound and create life forms. Themes were teaching, integration, fun and discovery. Types were a natural scene with water, land, plants, animals and "people".
SECOND AWARENESS IMPRESSIONS: I am given the wooden staff with the rounded, triangular shaped opalescent stone atop (which I saw in my last visit) and I'm shown how to use it to attract/gather and focus different tones that will create different life forms and natural objects. I begin to understand that each form has it's own tone or sound or combination of tones and sounds. I am told to think of what I would like to create, then "ask" the tones necessary for that creation to gather into the crystal in the staff. Then, with focused intention and love, I am instructed to send the sound out from the crystal and observe as my creation takes shape. At first, like a child just starting to draw or put building blocks together I am only able to create small, simple things -- a rock, a flower, a butterfly. I am told I will have to practice under a mentor and with close supervision -- like someone learning to play an instrument -- and demonstrate proficiency with the "small" things before I can move on to more elaborate and bigger creations.
Q: Am I being taught this new skill so that I can use it in service to others on Earth?
A: Yes, but you must first learn to create from a space and energy of Love, before that will be allowed. You must become the Master of your feelings, emotions and thoughts and raise your vibrational frequency so that the lower vibrating energies no longer emanate from your 3D physical self and infuse or contaminate your creations.
Q: Should I return here in subsequent visits to Xupra to continue my training?
A: No, your higher aspect will continue this training after this visit ends and your 3D physical self will start to see changes as you progress and advance.
I FEEL: I am very excited and looking forward to learning from and working with these wonderful, loving beings. Just spending this short amount of time with them helped me see that all things are possible to manifest when created in, from and through love. It was a joyful, magical and wonderful experience.
Thank you Jene. I really feel like it is Xupra herself that is using me/channeling through me when I write the PSS of my visits. Xupra has been a truly beautiful world and experience for me (so far). I am very happy you are getting an idea of what Xupra may offer you once you become an ABS graduate. I am looking forward to reading the PSS of your visits to Xupra, so please keep going through the training. <3
Coordinates: Xupra-52716
Name: Nancy Lovell
Date: 05/27/2016
Begin Time: 2:05 PM
End Time: 4:20 PM
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: damp, cool, hot, dry, stormy
ATMOSPHERE: charged, heavy, intense, active
SOUNDS: loud, clicking, steady, rhythmic humming
TASTE-SMELL: bitter, pungent, salty, minerally, dry, burning, friction
OUTSIDE SPACE: natural, open, big, empty, spread out, boundaried,
INSIDE SPACE: natural, cavernous, shadowed, hollow, dark, empty, solid
TOPOGRAPHY: open, flats, rises, hills, wide, pointed, expansive, surrounded
AI – harsh EI - cautious
P2 VISUAL: grays, black, dark blue, whites, purples, high, stark, dark, twilight, shadowed, bright
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, coarse, smooth, dry, hard, rigid, natural, solid, slick, polished
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, substantial, heavy, immovable, impenetrable, solid, large, dominating, towering, narrow, verticals, horizontals
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: simple, tall, towering, huge, wide, flat, rounded, rectangular, pointy, angular
P2 MOTION: stationary, power, quick, spiraling
P2 CONCEPTS: imposing, dominating
P2 PURPOSE: respect, warning: "approach only when one is deemed ready"
P2 PHONETICS: very loud cracking and crackling sounds
P4 THINGS: sparse landscape, rocks, hard soil, barrenness, emptiness filled with energy
P4 NON-THINGS: creative power, destructive power, tremendous intelligence, knowledge, energy
P4 TELEPATHIC: We've been waiting for you and the others.
THEMES: megalithic, contact, encoding, realignment, integration
TYPES: artificial structure, natural scene
PSS: When this visit began I found myself alone and inside a structure. I sensed two environments: one damp and cool, and the other seemed hot, dry and stormy. The atmosphere felt charged, heavy, intense and active. I heard a steady, rhythmic humming sound that was mixed with an intermittent loud, cracking or crackling sound. Tastes were bitter, pungent, salty and minerally and I detected a dry, friction-like or burning smell. I got the impression of a natural outside space that was open, big, empty, spread out, and boundaried. Inside space was natural, cavernous, shadowed, hollow, dark, empty and solid. I detected an open, wide and expansive topography that had flats and rises and which seemed surrounded by what felt like pointed hills. The AI I felt was of something harsh and the emotion it generated was cautiousness.
P1 FREEFORM: I feel like I'm in some kind of a natural, stone enclosure-- either a cave or a room made of stone. Inside it feels damp and cool and I feel protected from what looks like a raging, charged storm of some kind that is outside. Because it is late twilight, I'm only able to make out bits and pieces of the outside area which light up with each electrical charge that "explodes". The thunderous sound accompanying each flash of light is almost deafening and it echoes off of the stone walls of my enclosure. As it does so I can feel the vibrations rumbling through my body. I'm not sure where I am or why I am here, but I do sense I need to exercise caution because of the harsh conditions of the outside environment.
Visually, I detected grays, blacks, dark blues, whites and deep purples in a high and stark contrast. The luminosity was a dark and shadowed twilight with occasional blasts of brightness. Surfaces seemed natural and felt hard, rigid, solid and somewhat slick and/or polished with textures that felt rough, coarse, smooth and dry. Amid surrounding objects that were thick and solid, substantial and heavy, immovable and impenetrable I got the impression of a large, dominating/towering object that was solid, somewhat narrow with defined verticals and horizontals. The only material I could detect was stone which had various simple, mixed shapes: tall and towering, huge and wide, rounded and pointy, rectangular and angular. I sensed a predominantly stationary scene that contained a quick, powerful, spiraling motion in the center. I felt an imposing and dominating concept the purpose of which was to generate an atmosphere of respect and a warning: "approach only when one is deemed ready" message. Phonetically I heard very loud cracks and crackling-like sounds.
P2 FREEFORM : As my vision gets used to the pulses of flashing light that explodes in the surrounding darkness I am able to make out a rough and rocky landscape that looks like hills or mountains surrounding a central area -- almost like the caldera of an inactive volcano. After another flash of light I now see a towering, dark, rectangular shaped object which is situated at the center of this depression. Tendrils and waves of electrical energy pulse around this object -- almost like it's a protective barrier keeping uninvited "intruders" a good distance away. In between the loud flashes, I can also make out a low humming sound. Although I would like to get closer I am hesitant because of the tremendous power I feel emanating from and around it.
The omni-view of my symbols brought in a sparse and barren landscape with rocks, hard soil and an emptiness that was filled with energy for Things. Non-Things were creative power and destructive power, tremendous intelligence, knowledge and energy. Telepathically, I received "We've been waiting for you and the others." Themes were megalithic, contact, encoding, realignment and integration. Types were of a natural scene containing an artificial structure.
P4 FREEFORM : I sense tremendous power and energy here. While the tall rectangular object looks solid, it also gives me the impression that it is alive, too. I feel a strong pull toward the towering structure -- like a moth to a flame -- it's power is truly imposing and somewhat scary. It almost feels as if it knows I am here and watching it from the protection of the stone cave or room. I get the impression that this monolithic structure nourishes and sustains Xupra. I also get the impression that it's energy and frequencies are also being directed to lower vibrating planes and consciousness levels -- specifically, that it is monitoring Earth and the progress of the galactic experiment that is unfolding there. I also sense that it has the ability to catapult someone -- who is ready -- into higher consciousness and higher dimensions. I get the feeling that I should not approach without permission or invitation.
SECOND AWARENESS IMPRESSIONS: I get the impression that when the "critical mass" of 102 Superbeings is reached and all are using ABS to visit Xupra, we will then be able -- as a group -- to use the monolith's energy (direct/channel it), to collapse the space-time matrix.
I FEEL: WOW! I am truly humbled and excited to be a participant and assist in this grand, galactic experiment in this small way.
Coordinates: Xupra-6516
Name: Nancy Lovell
Date: 06/05/2016
Begin Time: 06:15 PM
End Time: 9:30 PM
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: cool, dry
ATMOSPHERE: light, exciting, adventurous
TOPOGRAPHY: expansive, wide, far, flats, rises, surrounded
SOUNDS: silence, intermittent tinkling sounds -- like glass wind chimes, steady, rhythmic, low thrumming or beating sound
TASTE-SMELL: crisp, fresh, pleasant, fresh, dry
TEXTURES-SURFACES: vast, immense, open, far reaching, spacious, airy, impressive, hollow, lighted, shadowed, solid, immense
P2 VISUAL: whites, greys, blacks, silver, gold, low to medium contrast, glowing, shimmery, shadowed, bright
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, smooth, dry, hard, rigid, solid, natural, cool, shiny, wet
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, substantial, impenetrable, immovable, huge, gigantic, concave, verticals
P2 MATERIALS: stone, crystals, minerals, water
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: tall, towering, pointy, spires, intricate, columns, arches, concave, huge, wide,
P2 MOTION: stillness, slow, flowing,
P2 CONCEPTS: sacred space
P2 PURPOSE: learn from the ancient ones
P4 THINGS: rock, stone, stalagmites, water, minerals, crystals, star maps, holograms, energetic fields, swirling symbols and/or geometric patterns and shapes,
P4 NON-THINGS: managing, overseeing, directing, building, organizing, purposeful action, excitement
THEMES: contact, discovery, gathering place
TYPES: natural structure, people
PSS: When I began this visit I got the impression it was nighttime and I was accompanied by my white horse guide and inside a structure. The environment was cool and dry and the atmosphere felt light, exciting and adventurous. Overall, I heard mostly silence but I also thought I detected intermittent tinkling sounds -- like glass wind chimes -- and a steady, rhythmic, low thrumming or beating sound. The taste I detected was fresh and dry and the smells were of a pleasant, crisp and fresh nature. Outside space seemed vast, immense, open, and far reaching. Inside space was spacious and airy; impressive and immense; hollow yet solid; lighted and shadowed. The topography seemed expansive, wide and far reaching but also surrounded with flats and rises.
I get the impression I am moving through a brightly lit tunnel or over a covered bridge of some kind with my white horse guide, whose name I'm told, is Quicksilver. I can't really see anything outside because of the enclosure which feels protective and alive. I ask where we are going and I'm told "down into the heart of the mountain".
Visually, I detected whites, greys, blacks, silver and gold colors in a low to medium contrast. The luminosity was a mix of shadowed and glowing with some shimmery areas. Surfaces seemed natural and felt rough in some places and smooth in others. They were also hard, rigid, dry, cool and solid. Some were also wet and shiny. The objects seemed thick and substantial; impenetrable and immovable; huge, gigantic, concave and with verticals. The materials I detected were stone, crystals, minerals and water. Shapes sensed were of things tall and towering with pointy ends or spires; intricate columns and arches; in a space that was concave, huge and wide. Initially, I sensed a predominantly stationary or a still scene that also had a slow, flowing motion (this impression changed after performing the omni-view of my symbols and during the Second Awareness Exercise, which follows). At this point, I felt the dominating concept was a sacred or holy space the purpose of which was to learn from the ancient ones.
I get the impression I'm in a huge cave with vertical crystal outcroppings that glow from within with a warm, soft white light. As I look around, I see what at first I take to be 12 tall, solid rock or stone stalagmites -- about 8 to 9 feet high -- in the cave's center. These are in a large, circular formation and surround a geometric pattern or symbol etched into the cave's floor. As I get closer, they seem to come to life and start to move. They change into bright, white, shimmering crystalline light forms. I get the feeling they are ancient beings of great wisdom, knowledge and power.
The omni-view of my symbols brought in rock, stone, stalagmites, water, minerals, crystals, star maps, holograms, energetic fields, swirling symbols and/or geometric patterns and shapes for Things. Non-Things were managing, overseeing, directing, building, organizing, purposeful action and excitement. Themes were contact, discovery and a gathering place. Types were of a natural scene containing people.
I'm sensing that what I originally took to be a still and silent cave, is really a place of great activity and high energy. I get the impression there is great purpose here and many have traveled very far to take part in whatever is occurring. I get the impression of much coming and going, and I sense an air of anticipation and excitement, too.
SECOND AWARENESS IMPRESSIONS: It was as if my first perception shifted and I saw the large boulders and rocks in the cavern suddenly came alive and the whole space was filled with many different beings all working together. They seemed to be observing and guiding life both from both horizontal and vertical dimensional perspectives and across galaxies. The 12 original beings seemed to be central to the space and activity, and worked with holograms. I feel a bit out of my league and don't understand or know why I am here, but at the same time I am thrilled to be observing it.
After getting permission to focus my attention on the group I was observing, my Q & A was:
Q: Is this place on Xupra?
A: Yes
Q: Why was I brought here?
A: So you would remember that we are overseeing and guiding the unfolding of the great plan/experiment in which you and others are participating. Know that everything is going as it should.
I FEEL: I feel happy and grateful to be given this brief glimpse of those who are assisting us in this endeavor and are happy with the progress being made.
Coordinates: Xupra-4516
Name: Nancy Lovell
Date: 06/12/2016
Begin Time: 11:00 AM
End Time: 1:30PM
Self Assigned Coordinates: Xupra-4516
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: cool, temperate, natural, built
ATMOSPHERE: serene, comfortable, light, exciting
TOPOGRAPHY: open, expansive, flats, rises, hills,
SOUNDS: chirping, steady, flowing, breezy, humming
TASTE-SMELL: sweet, fresh, wet, sunny, floral, pleasant
TEXTURES-SURFACES: natural, open airy, populated, average, big, surrounded, , roomy, spacious, built, airy, simple, complex, lighted, solid, shady, populated
AI/EI/D: AI- classical, beautiful, tasteful
EI -- comfortable, relaxed, peaceful
P2 VISUAL: yellows, greens, tans, browns, reds, aqua blue, pinks, whites, oranges, medium, mixed, blended, patterned, bright, shimmery, shadowed
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, smooth, sandy, wooden, soft, fluffy, silky, cloth, dry, wet, hard, semi-hard, semi-soft, soft, rigid, natural, flexible, liquid, solid, built, permeable, loose, slippery, warm, cool,
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, substantial, solid, heavy, bulky, immovable, thin, light, mobile, loose, large, biggish, narrow, wide, verticals, horizontals, concave
P2 MATERIALS: skin, cloth, water, plant, stone, wood, metal, sand
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: simple, intricate, arches, squares, squat, circles, rectangles, columns, rounded, concave, tall, wide, narrow
P2 MOTION: slow, flowing
P2 CONCEPTS: knowledge, wisdom, insight
P2 PURPOSE: Use wisdom to understand and apply knowledge in order to gain an awareness of the underlying essence of truth.
P2 PHONETICS: soft whispers of conversations, flow of water, bird calls, insects humming
P4 THINGS: high ceilings, tall vertical rows of books and scrolls, polished wood tables and chairs, people looking at/reading the books & scrolls, high windows letting in much light, marble floors and columns, domed ceilings, huge building seems to go on forever
P4 NON-THINGS: instruction, learning, knowledge, exchange of ideas, preparation
P4 TELEPATHIC: Here one gains insight and a truer understanding of life and the bigger picture of how and why things are inter-related and inter-connected.
THEMES: gathering place, library, school, teaching, self discovery
TYPES: natural scene, natural/built structure, water, land, plants, people
PSS: This visit began with the impression it was daytime and I was outside with someone. The cool and temperate environment felt natural with some built aspects in it. The atmosphere felt comfortable and inviting due to the serene, light and exciting qualities I sensed. I got the impression that the outside space was surrounded, but seemed natural, open and airy, average in some places and big in others and it felt populated. Inside space felt solid and built but it also felt roomy, airy and spacious with some places that were lighted and others that were shadowed. I also detected inside spaces that were simple and others that were complex. Inside space seemed populated, too. Surrounding topography felt open and expansive with rises, flats and hills. At first, I detected a breezy sound and then heard chirping, humming and a steady, flowing sound. I got the impression of sweet, fresh and wet tastes and smells that were sunny, pleasant and floral. My AI was of something classically beautiful and tasteful which generated an EI of peaceful and relaxed comfort.
I get the feeling I'm in a courtyard which has lush, green vegetation -- some climbing up trellises -- and sweet smelling flowers and plants that are in pots situated all around the perimeter. In the center of the courtyard is rectangular pond which has a small rock waterfall at one end that fills and circulates the water in the pond. I detect movement in the water and seem to make out fish swimming. There are arches surrounding the courtyard which lead to shady walkways which encircle it and which also lead to doors where one would enter the big stone building I detected. There are a few people just sitting and softly talking in the open air or slowly strolling in the shady walkways close to the main building. Near me, I sense 5 or 6 people who, like me are new visitors. All of us seem to be in a state of excited anticipation and ready to explore. Each of us are moving away, in different directions, toward whatever is attracting us. Overall, I really feel welcome and comfortable being in this peaceful, relaxed space.
Visually, the colors I detected were yellows, reds, oranges, browns, tans, greens, pinks, aqua blue and whites in a medium, mixed, blended and patterned contrast within a bright, shimmery and shadowed luminosity. I got the impression of a mixed bag of textures: some were rough and others smooth, some sandy and others silky, some wooden and others soft and fluffy, some were wet and others dry. I also detected cloth. Surfaces too were mixed with some being hard and semi-hard and others that felt soft and semi-soft. Some were rigid and others flexible; some were solid and others were liquid; some felt natural and others built; still others were permeable, loose, slippery, warm and cool. Likewise the mass of objects varied with some seeming thick, substantial, solid, heavy bulky and immovable and others that were thin, light, mobile and loose. Dimensions ranged from large and biggish, to narrow and wide. I got the impression of skin, cloth, water, plant, stone, wood, metal and sand for materials. I got the impression of a variety of structures and shapes: some were simple and others intricate; some had a square and rectangular look; others seemed to be rounded and concave. I also detected tall columns, wide arches and some narrow shapes. The scene had a slow, flowing motion to it. Concepts I detected were of knowledge, wisdom and insight the purpose of which was to use wisdom to understand and apply knowledge in order to gain an awareness of the underlying essence of truth. Phonetically I got the impression of soft whispers of conversations, the flow of water, bird calls and the humming of insects.
As I look and move around this outside space, I notice a group of beings -- they seem to be of varying shapes, sizes and complexions -- who are sitting in a semi-circle facing a being who is standing and talking to them. The being is tall and slim, dressed in what looks like a long, loosely fitting tan tunic over brown pants that were also loosely fitting. The face is a bit angular -- but not severely so -- and has deep set, dark blue eyes and shoulder length light brown hair. He -- I'm interpreting that this person is a male, although I get the feeling that s/he is androgynous -- seems to be giving a talk which generates thoughtful questions and exchanges from the group who is sitting around him.
The Omni-View of my symbols brought in high ceilings, tall vertical rows of books and scrolls, polished wood tables and chairs, people looking at/reading the books & scrolls, high windows letting in much light, marble floors and columns, domed ceilings, and a huge building which seems to go on forever for Things. Non Things were: instruction, learning, knowledge, exchange of ideas, preparation. The Telephathic Communication I received was: "Here one gains insight and a truer understanding of life and the bigger picture of how and why things are inter-related and inter-connected."
I go inside the building which has very tall stone or marble walls, high arched doorways and domed ceilings. It feels very big, spacious, cool, light and airy and seems to go on "forever". Natural light pours through from tall, high windows. It looks like it may be a library or other place of learning, knowledge, records, etc. because the many walls are filled floor to ceiling with what look like books, scrolls, etc. There are many tables and chairs in the center of each hall with people sitting reading and writing. For the most part it is quiet inside the bigger halls but I do pass some small rooms situated off of these halls where it looks like instruction is taking place -- similar to the group I observed outside in the courtyard. I am sensing many different beings from many different planets and galaxies. Although it is relatively quiet and peaceful here, I do get a sense of excitement, eagerness and a deep gratitude for the opportunity to be here from those I see.
Second Awareness Impressions were: I go back outside to the first group I saw in the courtyard. I notice that the being I interpret to be the teacher is now demonstrating something to his audience. He is using holograms to create various scenarios that are playing out in front of the group so they can see how different variables can influence the outcome of an intended plan of action.
Second Awareness Q & A
Q: What is this place?
A: This is a place of learning for those beings who have evolved to a 5th density consciousness level.
Q: What is being taught here?
A: Inter-species, inter- galactic respect, cooperation and consequences of creating without wisdom, forethought and insight.
Q: What will they be creating?
A: They will be assisting in the ever expanding, ever evolving life plan in this universe.
Q: Will they be assisting Earth's evolutioners?
A: Yes, but it will be in a dream-state level or experience until the evolutioners are ready for direct, one-on-one contact.
I continue to feel honored and grateful for the level of love, care, guidance and support we Adept Level graduates are being shown when we visit Xupra. The experiences and insights we are being given the opportunity to have are truly amazing and humbling. It helps me to put things into perspective whenever I get caught up in and/or worked up about the "small stuff" that comes into my 3D experience. Forgetfulness does have it's place in this 3D play we're all acting in, but a bit of remembering helps one to stay centered and not take this lifetime too seriously -- after all, it isn't real or permanent!
Coordinates: Xupra-7616
Name: Nancy Lovell
Date: 07/06/2016
Begin Time: 01:55 PM
End Time: 04:00 PM
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: damp, cool
ATMOSPHERE: heavy, intense
TOPOGRAPHY: close, surrounded
SOUNDS: silence, dripping
TASTE-SMELL: salty, minerally, wet, old, salty, musky
TEXTURES-SURFACES: big, empty, boundaried, close, shadowed, hollow, narrow, natural, dark, empty
AI/EI/D: AI - unknown, uncomfortable, unable to see
EI - confusion, cautious, on edge, a bit afraid
P2 VISUAL: whites, greys, blacks, purples, blues, medium, bright, glowing, shimmery,
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, coarse, smooth, dry, wet, cloth, hard, natural, soft, solid, slick, polished, cold, liquid
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: substantial, dense, impenetrable, solid, large, wide, verticals, horizontals, diagonals
P2 MATERIALS: skin, cloth, water, stone, crystal minerals, wood,
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: simple, rounded, circles, rectangles, pointy, arches, dome, concave, huge, wide,
P2 MOTION: stationary, slow,
P2 CONCEPTS: imposing, focused
P2 PURPOSE: To channel, expand, empower,
P4 THINGS: books, candles, table, catch basin collecting and filled with water, part of the cave roof is open to the night sky, stars, many bottles of different shapes, colors and sizes filled with liquids and powders, scrolls, various symbols/signs
P4 NON-THINGS: magic, wizardry, alchemy, creation, manifestation
P4 TELEPATHIC: Time to remember a little bit more.
THEMES: teaching, realignment, integration, discovery
TYPES: natural structure, artificial scene, people
PSS: This visit began with the impression I was alone and it was dark or nightlight; it felt like I was inside a tight and confining place – laying face down on a hard, rough surface. The environment felt cool and damp, but the atmosphere seemed heavy and intense. I got the impression that the outside space was boundaried but also big and empty. Inside space felt natural but close and narrow, hollow and empty, dark and shadowed. The surrounding topography seemed close and surrounded, too. Initially, all I could hear was a deep or deafening silence and then I seemed to detect a far-away dripping sound. I got the impression of salty, wet and minerally tastes and smells that were old, salty and musky. My AI was of being in unknown, unseen, uncomfortable surroundings which generated an EI of confusion, caution and of being on edge and somewhat fearful.
I feel confined. I feel compressed, squeezed. It is dark, I'm on my hands and knees and I cannot see although my eyes are open and straining. I get the impression I am inside of a, tight, enclosed space. It is pitch black and I am feeling my way around with my hands. I detect a coarse, rough, rock like surface which makes me think I'm in some kind of a cave-like tunnel. The silence is intense and almost deafening - it weighs on my senses. I hear a very faint dripping sound which I feel drawn to as I inch my way forward through what may be a narrow tunnel. Finally, I can stand up and feel the vertical surfaces with both arms outstretched and use them as a guide as I slowly move forward. As I progress, I detect a faint, white, pinpoint of light ahead and I walk toward it. As I get closer, it lights up the interior section through which I am traversing and I am able to make easier and quicker progress toward the bright light up ahead.
Visually, the colors I detected were whites, grays, blacks, purples and blues in a medium contrast within a bright, shimmery and glowing luminosity. The surfaces I detected were primarily hard, natural and solid with some that were soft, liquid, cold, slick and polished. Textures were of objects that were rough, coarse and dry with some that felt like cloth and another that felt wet. The mass of objects seemed dense, substantial, impenetrable and solid with large and wide dimensions containing verticals, horizontals and diagonals. I got the impression of skin, cloth, water, stone, wood, minerals and crystals for materials. I detected structures and shapes that were huge, wide, concave, simple, rounded, circular, arched and dome-like and others that were rectangular and pointy. The scene had a slow almost stationary motion to it. Concepts I detected were of something imposing and focused the purpose of which was to channel, expand and empower.
I approach and enter a large cavern whose walls are filled with clear crystals which seem to glow, shine and shimmer from within. This appears to be the sole source of the light I was drawn to. As I look around, my eyes adjusting to the brightness of the light after walking for so long in almost total darkness, I see the figure of a tall man, cloaked in a robe of dark blue. He has shoulder length dark hair, fair skin and intense eyes of violet blue color. He smiles at me and beckons me to approach. I get the feeling he has been expecting me. I also sense an immense power emanating from his presence and an agelessness about him. He reminds me of a wizard from Earth days long past. He points to a chair at a large wooden, rectangular table and invites me to sit, as he himself sits in the one adjacent to me which is at the head of the table.
The Omni-View of my symbols brought in a huge cave which had a portion of the roof open to the night sky and stars; books, scrolls, a catch basin that was collecting and filled with clear, sparkling water that seemed to come from the crystals, a wooden table and high backed chairs, candles, bottles of different shapes, sizes and colors that seem filled with liquids and powders, scrolls with various signs/symbols for Things. Non Things were: magic, wizardry, alchemy, creation and manifestation. The energy of the space was serene yet charged, exciting and intense. The Telephathic Communication I received was: "Time to remember a little bit more."
As I look around I see a room filled with objects and things that are familiar to my 3D consciousness. I get the feeling that they and the room are appearing to make me feel more comfortable and at ease -- to give me familiar references -- even if they come from stories I have read or movies I have seen.
Themes were of a teaching, integration, realignment and self-discovery. Types were of a natural structure and an artificial scene containing people.
Second Awareness Impressions were: While the first impression I got was that I was in a crystal cave, it changes to have more familiar surroundings and contents of what I -- my 3D consciousness -- would imagine a wizard's habitat to be like. I also get the impression that I/we are nowhere physical at all. That what I am viewing is all "smoke and mirrors" to make my second awareness feel more at ease, open and receptive; to help it understand the experience that is and will be unfolding. The tall man is talking very softly to me and seems to be showing me things in a very old book as well as having things materialize in front of me. As I am observing this scene, the Master turns and looks directly at me -- the me that is doing the Second Awareness Exercise -- smiles, eyes twinkling and reaches out his hand and touches the third eye location of my forehead and all goes black, as if I'm being returned to a deep and dreamless sleep.
Second Awareness Q & A
Q- Where am I? Am I on Xupra?
A- You are neither here nor there and yet you are there and everywhere. All is now. All is a matter of consciousness; of desire, of the unfolding.
Q- How do I know I'm not just imagining this, making all this up?
A - Why is that of concern? Ultimately, all is from the One Mind, one imagination, a dream of sorts. You desired to know, be and contribute more and so you were brought here. We find you are ready to progress on your path of remembering.
Q- May I know your name?
A- I am what you might call an aspect of the greater one that is called Merlin. It is not a coincidence that you always were attracted by tales of wizards, shamans and magic.
Q- Will my 3D consciousness remember what I learn here?
A - Some you are already experiencing. As you gain mastery, you will experience more of the collapse of space/time you have been desiring.
I get the feeling I will be spending a lot of time here learning from and working with this being. I also get the feeling that I am in the presence of someone very powerful who brought me here to further my remembering so I can be of greater service to the cosmic plan.
Coordinates: Xupra-71316
Name: Nancy Lovell
Date: 07/13/2016
Begin Time: 02:00 PM
End Time: 04:00 PM
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: warm, cool
ATMOSPHERE: light, fun,
TOPOGRAPHY: open, wide, close, surrounded
SOUNDS: chirping, breezy, flowing, humming
TASTE-SMELL: sweet, fresh, wet, floral, vegetation, sunny, pleasant
TEXTURES-SURFACES: natural, open, airy, surrounded, , roomy, natural, airy, lighted, shadows
AI/EI/D: AI -- natural beauty
EI -- happy, joyful, childlike
P2 VISUAL: reds, greens, oranges, yellows, pinks, violets, blues, medium, mixed, patterned, bright, shadowed
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, smooth, wet, dry, grainy, fluffy, hard, soft, semi-soft, natural, flexible, liquid, solid, permeable, loose, warm, cool
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, thin, substantial, solid, light, mobile, loose, large, wide, narrow, smallish, tiny, normal
P2 MATERIALS: water, plant, soil, rock, liquids, wood, skin,
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: simple, intricate, wide, narrow, squat, tall, rounded, pointy, spire,
ME1- circles, geometric, huge
P2 MOTION: gentle, flowing, slow,
P2 CONCEPTS: gratitude, love, one-ness
P2 PURPOSE: appreciation, support, interconnectedness
P2 PHONETICS: bird calls, animal snorts, splashing
P2 MOVEMENT 1: Move 100 feet above and SEE.
THEMES: adventure, fun, discovery, mystery
TYPES: natural structure, natural scene, water, land, plants, animals
PSS: This visit began with the impression it was daytime and I was not alone. The environment felt cool and a bit warm. The atmosphere felt light and fun-filled. I got the impression that the outside space was surrounded but was also natural, open and airy. Inside space felt natural, roomy, airy with areas of light and others with shadows. The surrounding topography seemed close and surrounded but also wide and open. The sounds I detected were of a breezy, chirping, humming and flowing nature. Tastes were sweet, fresh and wet with sunny, pleasant floral and vegetation smells. My AI was of being in natural and beautiful surroundings which generated an EI of childlike happiness and joy.
I find myself relaxing in a shady spot in a green setting. I see green vegetation and beautiful, exotic flowers all around me. Flying or flitting nearby are small, very quick birds, they remind me of humming birds, going from one flower to the next to feed off the sweet nectar. The ground feels cool and is wonderfully soft beneath my body. I hear the sound of water flowing gently over and around rocks and notice a small brook at which some deer-like and other animals are drinking and swimming. I feel totally at ease here and I get great enjoyment just taking in the beautiful, natural environment around me and watching the different woodland animals as they walk nearby, totally unafraid of my presence.
Visually, the colors I detected were reds, greens, yellows, oranges, pinks, violets and blues in a medium, mixed and patterned contrast within a bright and in some places shadowy luminosity. The surfaces I detected were natural and a mix of hard, solid, soft, semi-soft, flexible, permeable, liquid, loose, warm and cool. Textures were also a mix of rough and smooth, wet and dry, grainy and fluffy. The mass of objects seemed thick, substantial and solid in some places and thin, light, mobile and loose in others. Dimensionally, I got the impression of wide and narrow objects that ranged from large and normal in size to others that seemed smallish and tiny. I got the impression of skin, rock, wood, soil, plant, water and liquids for materials. Initially, I detected structures and shapes that were round with some that were simple yet intricate, others wide and narrow, squat and tall, and some that were pointy and spire-like. After the aerial ME1 movement I also detected huge circles and geometric shapes. The scene had a slow, gentle flowing motion to it. Concepts I detected were of gratitude, love and one-ness the purpose of which was to provide support, appreciation and a feeling of interconnectedness.
As I move above the scene I notice that I am in a large, circular and enclosed natural garden-like setting. It seems to be a part of a much larger, vast area that is laid out in a pattern or design that looks a bit like a spoked wheel or even a crop circle -- with 12 circular and various "resting" places off of a central circular hub area. It looks like am in one that perhaps is the starting point from which to explore the rest. I can make out a series of paths that run through the vast design and which lead to and connect to each of the other different circular stopping places. I wonder if I'm meant to explore each circle and experience whatever is waiting for me within each one. The one I'm currently in is very pleasant to the senses -- the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch are exquisite -- and makes me want to stay and just drink it all in.
The Omni-View of my symbols didn’t bring in any new information. I kept sensing things spiraling around in front of me, like a vortex, but none were stopping so they could be identified. I get a sense of adventure and mystery and one that will unfold and reveal its contents and experiences as I move from one circle to the next
Second Awareness Impressions were: I continue to get the impression that each circle will contain different environments, teachers and experiences; and each will build upon the other and I won't be able to progress to the next circle until I have mastered the circle I "land in" at the start of each successive visit. Once I complete all 12 circles, then and only then will I be able to move to the 13th and center circle.
I really love a mystery and I feel excited to find out what experiences and knowledge each circle is holding in store for me.
Lovell SK1 Aerial View -Circular Ground Pattern Xupra-71316.jpg