
  • What's up Christine! I highly recommend the new Alkhem under the Blue Emerald in Alchemy tab. It's amazing starter stuff and apparently there's a new batch that has come through. Other than that start using your intuition with these products cause they are as aware of you as you of them. So whatever makes you feel good, even if your not ready. Maybe ask Jason about how you feel on some Alchemies and he can give you a look-see. :-P
  • Hey Christine,

    First of all, let me say WELCOME! I am glad you made it here to the Superbeings! This message is FOR YOU and for anyone else with these same important questions. I work for the Superbeings  and do the shipping ( It's Jason doing that this week however) and I am always here to answer any questions. We have many wonderful veterans of alchemy around here and  really just about anyone here who has been around a minute could help you and give you insight into their experiences with the alchemy.  I would love it if folks might post here on this thread their experiences in the beginning and now.

     We have many alchemies and it is good you asked because there IS an important progression or set of steps with the alchemy.

    Some people assume that the levels refer to potency but IMO are actually references to their DEPTH. So for those that are wondering, it is not a good idea to order Phase 5 Phasix without some energetic preparation for the steps that come before. I know that probably sounds like a sales pitch or something but I know my products and I know we have studied how to get the most out of the experience, so please just know that ahead of time!

    Alchemy is excellent for cleaning out the emotional body of your emotional detritus and the detritus you have collected consciously and unconsciously from the world around you. It is wonderful for dissolving any attachments and for raising your vibration. There is a beautiful exploration of perceptual awareness and many other beautiful experiences hard to translate into words. So starting at the beginning with very very high vibration alchemy (EVEN at level 1 it is very powerful yet gentle stuff)  is the way to go!

    We strongly recommend starting with our phase 1 alchemy even if you have already had other monoatomic products before.  If finances allow the way to go would be Phase 1 helios Platinum and Gold spray combo ( 2 separate bottle of each plat and gold AND AlKhem liquid in a half oz or 1oz size.

    If finance is tight at the moment. Get Phase 1 either or Platinum and Gold. 

    The links for those two things are right here:  under the ALCHEMY tab at the top of the page.

    Under the Helios  Sun Alchemy line: GET both or Platinum or gold 

    short cut link: - phase 1 Helios Platinum and Gold Spray.

    After you choose that product and you are in the shopping cart and you want to get Alkhem liquid as well

    and when you go to check out you can" continue shopping" and it will take you back to the alchemy pages and let continue to shop and add items.

    *If anyone is not within the US and is using google chrome for a browser to order alchemy on our pages you might want to try firefox instead as google chrome has given some folks a hard time during checkout autofilling out information that is not correct.

    Then after it takes you back to the alchemy pages Under Blue Emerald Alchemy choose Alkhem liquid.

    Since you are in New Zealand you might want to order several things at once to save on shipping costs. Shipping is $25.50 for priority mail which is about a week to 2 weeks for delivery to New Zealand.  

     The Alkhem liquid is the latest batch and I am gaga over it. We have the powder as well, sold in 1 gram or 1/2 gram amounts. It also does a beautiful job of preparing you for the later stages of alchemy. The liquid is probably a little more potent because it is NEWER.

    Merlin Alchemy and Heatwave require some energetic preparation unless you just plan on keeping them untouched  on your altar for the next year while they prepare you themselves over that time period and you adjust to their energy. :) 

    If you order the higher phase alchemy like Merlin and Hearthwave and ingest it without the previous phases to prepare you the body generally will just flush it and it's wasted money and effort. This has been our experience and we totally would prefer to set up a stellar experience for you. :)  

    SO... After Alkhem and Phase 1 Helios Platinum and Gold spray - WHAT NEXT?

    Here is my suggested guidance on the alchemy we offer post the entrance initiatory level.  You have so many choices here! Inner guidance is KEY.

    You you can continue down the trajectory of the Helios Sun alchemy and get Phase 2, 3 and or 4.

    ( OR skip right to 7rays which is the blend of all of the 7 noble metals of phase 1, 2, and 4

    You can continue down the trajectory of the Blue Emerald Line after Alkhem with Lumin, Innerphaz and Phasix ( In that order!)

    You can also order from both lines of alchemy. These are subtle substances. They are shamanic sacraments of the mineral kingdom. They are sentient and ready to meet you and work with you. 

    It is like nothing else on earth. I have explored alchemy a year ago that has born fruit in my awareness only now and I have taken alchemy that changed my perception and life instantly:) Timing is perfection on every level. 

    If what we have going on with Superbeings is something that excites you, then I think the Helios path would be next for you. After that I would go to Heatwave and then Merlin alchemy.

    There is NO MAD RUSH. 

    This is not a mad dash to a finish line but there is also no need to finish an alchemy before you start a new one. Sometimes you come back to it later. :) Each new alchemy generally calls the person to it and the alchemy also lets you know when you are finished with something for the time being.  It's all a beautiful and cumulative process that just happens before you eyes. I

    t is an absolutely joy for me to witness this process in the people that find us and begin this "journey"  for lack of a better word. 

    I hope that was clear. If you or anyone has any questions on the above information or anything else click on my profile and send me a message  or try me on the chat through here. 

    All my best,

    Mary Betts

    The Superbeings/Blue Emerald Alchemy


    We have a new liquid and it's brilliant and I use it all the time even though we have "higher level" alchemy. 

  • Welcome Chris
    Mary Betts offered much wise words. Alkhem is definitely the first step. For me it provided the foundation onto which other alchemies would flourish. I remember a few days after placing my order, I was awaken in the middle of the night by Jason's translucent symbiosis twins. ( Do a search for TST. An explanation is under random beautiful things??? Thread. Date October.24 2014). He was quite shy and so respectful of one's space.

    I first ingested Alkhem the morning of summer solstice. Alkhem beautifully brought out the royal self hidden behind emotional dust.
    The morning I ingested Alkhem left me in awe. I was heading to work and I saw two construction workers back to back. Each one of them, removed their hat and just like perfect gentleman greeted me by bowing their head down. Such sincere and pure act moved me as I observed communication happening between "true self."

    In sharing my experience I hope you will recognize the power and purity of the alchemies and the importance of the alchemist producing them.
    May you receive to the highest true unfolding before your eyes.
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