New Movie: Arrival

Hey Gang!

So Jason and I just got back from Arrival, the new movie about contact with people ( ETs) and IT WAS WAY GOOD. It touches on SO MANY amazing concepts that we have often talked about. I would like to say more but I don't want to spoil the movie experience.  I just thought it was a great story and its message was masterfully told and acted. We were pretty blown by it and we are HUGE movie watchers! So if you have the $14.00 bucks DO go see it and do it soon. It's one I would see on the big screen. If you want to discuss ithere those who have seen it- be mindful not to post any spoilers!

Hands together,


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  • What is blowing me away about movies, this one in particular, is that as just one example recently a member had a sound on a recording that sounded VERY like a sound in that movie, VERY like a sound in the video game we play, VERY like the sound I've been hearing with respect to my novel, and there are correspondences in it to the novel I'm writing that had me sitting in the theater shaking my head over the insane thing going on here, such as a character in my novel figures out what a symbol means or points to because it was in a DISNEY movie. This is ALL about contact, and it's being made through movies.

    Because of the blatant idiocy of movies like "Independence Day," it's equally clear, and has been for some time, that Hollywood is a battle forum for the two sides, one side doing everything it can to make people fear "aliens," and the other side doing everything it can to promote the opposite effect. Causing the fear vibe of course turns the contact off like a light switch, and so it's very successful in what it's doing. That we were in a crowded theater on a Sunday afternoon was, however, nicely encouraging.


    An incredible short story written by the very same author ( Ted Chiang) of the book "The Story of your Life"  which Arrival was based on.

  • Well, with these fine young minds are raving to see the film, that's all the convincing I'll be needing! Time to buy a ticket!!
  • I don't want to spoil the movie experience for others by discussing the details. But I was blown away that Hollywood (the system) greenlit this movie. The same sense of kinship expressed by the main character towards the "aliens" reverberated through me. It was a sentiment that felt buried in me from long ago yet at the same time is being experienced as new.
  • Ah, well, Hollywood is as divided as the world is, weighted in our favor. It's a battleground for minds, but there have been quite a chain of movies that are even more dangerous for "our side," as it were.

    The buried sentiment, though? Here at TSB, we're in touch with them every single second of our lives, consciously, unconsciously, conversationally. They're our dearest friends, associates, partners, joint venturers, guides, teachers.

    Maybe I'm confused? You meant something else?

    Theo said:

    I don't want to spoil the movie experience for others by discussing the details. But I was blown away that Hollywood (the system) greenlit this movie. The same sense of kinship expressed by the main character towards the "aliens" reverberated through me. It was a sentiment that felt buried in me from long ago yet at the same time is being experienced as new.
  • By buried sentiment --  what I mean by that - is a sentiment that seems to have been always present but was unknown to me, not operating at the level of my awareness.  I believe I might have met 2 of TSB's friends.  And each day the remembrance of that encounter does not fade away.  Instead it is more profound.

     I felt I had a similar connection as the main character in Arrival had towards the aliens.  (I hope I am king sense.)

    Jason said:

    The buried sentiment, though? Here at TSB, we're in touch with them every single second of our lives, consciously, unconsciously, conversationally. They're our dearest friends, associates, partners, joint venturers, guides, teachers.

    Maybe I'm confused? You meant something else?

    Theo said:

    I don't want to spoil the movie experience for others by discussing the details. But I was blown away that Hollywood (the system) greenlit this movie. The same sense of kinship expressed by the main character towards the "aliens" reverberated through me. It was a sentiment that felt buried in me from long ago yet at the same time is being experienced as new.
  • I feel like contact and communion is something that can continue to deepen in scope and depth with alchemy and this path we walk.  It's wonderful. Today I was identifying and getting to know some herbs that I ordered from a company online. I was tasting them and separating them into their respective piles and then weighing them trying to figure out what was what and all their names both chinese and english. I felt a kinship develop and an awareness of them as potent sigils of data all compressed into these herbs and all their qualities of taste and smell and visual nature. They all had personality and sentience. I have always known this about plants and minerals like the alchemy but it's taken on a fresher and deeper more visceral feeling and it came on - not as an invocation or my imagination but it's like it just happened. I love them and those connections. So I do understand Theo. <3

  • It could have been that yes. Maybe it opened it up more and the alchemies since then have nourished it.

  • I haven't seen the movie or the trailer yet.  Yesterday morning (early) CNN did a short blip on the Russian Star getting vandalized!  Here's an article....

    nathan fetchko said:

    I haven't seen the film yet, but when i was watching the trailer, one of the military intelligence officers in the film says "Russia just executed one of their own to keep their secrets". I recently came across a news article claiming that inside sources inside Russia are saying that the man serving as Russia's leader is not Vladimir Putin, he is either a clone or a stunning look alike. 

  • Shelly that is a hilarious piece of graffiti. Thank you for sharing :-). 

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