
  • XUPRA - 21816 - GRADUATION

    Coordinates: 63491 0331
    Name: Nigel Slaughter
    Date: 18/2/2016
    Begin Time: 15:10
    End Time: 16.52
    Self Assigned Coordinates: 18216 - green/orange crystal
    Session Form: Xupra
    INSIDE: Yes
    ACCOMPANIED: With Someone
    ENVIRONMENT: dry, cool-warm
    ATMOSPHERE: adventurous, active, exciting, charged
    SOUNDS: flowing, rhythmic, silence
    TASTE-SMELL: aromatic, pleasant, vegetation
    TEXTURES-SURFACES: far-reaching, airy, spacious, crowded, impressive, immense, lighted, intricate
    P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: large room, windows / openings, light streaming through. Sound of water flowing. Quiet but a lot of calm beings present.
    P2 VISUAL: greens, -oranges, -blacks, medium contrast, brilliant, shadowed
    P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: smooth, -wooden, flexible, semi-soft, polished
    P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: insubstantial and substantial, immovable, dominating, towering, diagonals - crossing
    P2 MATERIALS: crystal
    P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: complex, triangles, rounded, geometric, towering, intricate
    P2 MOTION: still, spiraling, ponderous
    P2 CONCEPTS: gratitude, submissive
    P2 PURPOSE: clearing, balancing, preparing
    P2 PHONETICS: ringing - high pitched, melodious
    P2 MOVEMENT 1: Draw symbols for what I am requested to do here
    P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: There's a tall crystalline structure, multi-faceted, in front of me. Emerald green and orange, perhaps orange swirls inside. It's rotating slowly and I'm getting strong vibes from it. I feel that this is the sole purpose for this room. It is in the centre of the room and reaches from floor to high up ceiling - there are windows letting in bright beams of light. There are many beings around the circular room. I feel I need to move to analysing the symbols. 
    energy charging and balancing - third eye focus, balancing with heart
    crystal, grounding
    counter rotating - there is a second crystal inside the first rotating clockwise - outer crystal anticlockwise, like liquid crystal rather than solid - energetic.
    mode of transport, portal, symbol for the location
    A place to communicate - as questions, get answers, grounded - like a lightning rod grounds energy
    P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Very simple and very clear - I need to walk round the twin energetic crystal tower in a clockwise spiral. While walking I breath from third eye to heart to ground. Then when I get to the outer edge of the room I clear by breathing from above my crown and all the way through to crown, white light, clearing and grounding. There is an option to ask questions and get answers once this is done. 
    THEMES: realignment, integration, gathering place
    TYPES: natural structure, artificial scene, people
    P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: I walk around the room doing the breathing exercise. I only need to do the second exercise once at the end to clear all the way through. There is a continuous bench that runs around the outer wall of the circular room. I take myself outside and see the room is in a mountain peak. There are long windows, not made of glass but some kind of energy. I go back inside and sit on the bench to ask questions. My third eye feels like it's trying to burst out of my head.
    P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Q. Do I ask questions of the crystal?
    A. Yes.
    Q. What is the purpose of this space?
    A. For second awareness consciousness to function clearly the third eye needs to be grounded via the heart to earth, otherwise there will be a lot of static / noise - you will not hear or see clearly. It needs to be connected to ground through the heart as love/wisdom is core to clear communication. 
    Q. When should I come here?
    A. as often as you like. Coming here will prepare you for clear communication and remove any blockages that you have created in yourself.

    This question is for the universal mind.
    Q. Why did I come here?
    A. Because we (together) are opening up a permanent channel of communication and the signal needs to be as strong as we can make it. This clears barriers out of the way. It is like you now have a great big pipe into your head. If you feel blocked you can come here or do the exercises. Coming here is more powerful. 
    Q. Why does my heart feel heavy?
    It is channeling a lot of energy - it will ease off quickly and then feel lighter than it has in a long time. 
    Q. Anything else I need to know about this place?
    It is called rag-a-nair - if you want to give it a name. 
    I FEEL: I feel like my heart is three times its normal weight and my third eye is buzzing. I feel energized and a little jittery. I feel happy that my first trip brought a completely unexpected place that came across so clearly!
    PSS: I invoke Aumakua to produce a body and feel like I have a ball of energy for a body rather than something solid. 

    I enter and waited for the all clear to move from the crystal temple (no impressions), then asked to be taken somewhere. With the initial data I quickly got the impression of sunlight streaming through high windows, but ignored it and carried on gathering data. When I come to materials I got a very clear 'crystal' which with with further data became a toweringly tall crystal which was slowly turning and making a high pitched, ringing, melodious sound. For concepts I got gratitude and submissive and for purpose I got clearing, balancing and preparing. I draw symbols and then describe the scene as follows:

    There's a tall crystalline structure, multi-faceted, in front of me. Emerald green and orange, perhaps orange swirls inside. It's rotating slowly and I'm getting strong vibes from it. I feel that this is the sole purpose for this room. It is in the centre of the room and reaches from floor to high up ceiling - there are windows letting in bright beams of light. There are many beings around the circular room. 

    I only do one movement exercise (as I feel no need to do more) which is to draw symbols for what I am requested to do here.

    As this stage I feel I need to move to analysing the symbols. As usual, I go through these one by one:

    SY1 - energy charging and balancing - third eye focus, balancing with heart 
    SY2 - crystal, grounding counter rotating - there is a second crystal inside the first rotating clockwise - outer crystal anticlockwise, like liquid crystal rather than solid - energetic. 
    SY3 - mode of transport, portal, symbol for the location 
    SY4 - A place to communicate - ask questions, get answers, grounded - like a lightning rod grounds energy.

    Second set of symbols - what I am requested to do here:

    ME1Sy1 - walk around in a spiral, starting close in and moving outwards
    ME1Sy2 - breath from third eye to heart to ground.
    ME1SY3 - then breathe from above crown all the way down through to clear / align - this finishes the process once spiral has been completed
    ME1Sy4 - personal instruction to use my third eye tunnel to go and talk to the entities in the big quiet empty space - I do so and they simply say 'you can hear more clearly now'.

    It is very simple and very clear - I need to walk round the twin energetic liquid/energetic crystal tower in a clockwise spiral. While walking I breath from third eye to heart to ground. Then when I get to the outer edge of the room I clear by breathing from above my crown and all the way through to crown, white light, clearing and grounding. There is an option to ask questions and get answers once this is done. 

    For my second awareness part of the session I simply follow the instructions. I walk around the room doing the breathing exercise. I only need to do the second exercise once at the end to clear all the way through. There is a continuous bench that runs around the outer wall of the circular room. I take myself outside and see the room is in a mountain peak. There are long windows, not made of glass but some kind of energy. I go back inside and sit on the bench to ask questions. My third eye feels like it's trying to burst out of my head!

    Q. Do I ask questions of the crystal? 
    A. Yes. 
    Q. What is the purpose of this space? 
    A. For second awareness consciousness to function clearly the third eye needs to be grounded via the heart to earth, otherwise there will be a lot of static / noise - you will not hear or see clearly. It needs to be connected to ground through the heart as love/wisdom is core to clear communication. 
    Q. When should I come here? 
    A. as often as you like. Coming here will prepare you for clear communication and remove any blockages that you have created in yourself. 

    I then ask questions of the universal mind: 
    Q. Why did I come here? 
    A. Because we (together) are opening up a permanent channel of communication and the signal needs to be as strong as we can make it. This clears barriers out of the way. It is like you now have a great big pipe into your head. If you feel blocked you can come here or do the exercises. Coming here is more powerful. 
    Q. Why does my heart feel heavy? 
    A. It is channeling a lot of energy - it will ease off quickly and then feel lighter than it has in a long time. 
    Q. Anything else I need to know about this place? 
    A. It is called rag-a-nair - if you want to give it a name.

    At the end of the session I feel like my heart is three times its normal weight and my third eye is buzzing. I feel energized and a little jittery. I feel happy that my first trip brought a completely unexpected place that came across so clearly!


  • Super huge Congratulations, Nigel!  A most beautiful session/visit to Xupra!  You got it!

  • Welcome Brother. Wonderful first visit. Much Love Doe

  • Here's my very bad drawing of the place!


  • Much Love Nigel! Congratulation on all your hard work and dedication. You are very respected and are of the highest Honor. Thank you
  • Thanks...and thanks for me introducing me to this crazy place!

    nathan fetchko said:

    that's a pretty decent sketch Nigel, well done and congratulations on graduating.

    Nigel Slaughter said:

    Here's my very bad drawing of the place!

  • Congratulations, gratitude and respect for your comittment and achievments, and for you exellent storytelling  :)

  • PSS from a visit to the White Fountain Temple

    I entered the scene outside on a warm night, nature all around and with pleasant smells of flowers and vegetation, perhaps something like incense burning. It feels awake, exciting and intense.  There are strong sounds of steady flowing and weaker sounds of humming - like a forest in the distance alive with insects / creatures.   I have the feeling of standing outside while being in a building - the feeling of standing on a balcony or at the top of steps in a portico.  The space is impressive, cluttered, shadowed, intricate and roomy with muted colours - mostly grays, whites and blacks with some orange/yellow, medium contrast, patterned with some bright/brilliant features.  Some surfaces are smooth, semi-soft and dry, others are wet, flexible, polished and slippery.  Masses are substantial, immovable and dominating (weakly - like dominating the scene), also average which usually means the presence of a being.  Materials are liquids and water (both strongly), stone, cloth and skin (weakly - usually means skin-like).  Shapes and structures are intricate, rounded, spherical (strongly - usually means a head), geometric and tall.  I feel that I and everything else is still and for concepts I feel gratitude, love, one-ness and focused.  For the purpose of the scene I draw symbols - described later on.

    I do not feel the need to do movement exercises as I feel that I am exactly where I need to be - I need to move on to the second awareness stage to get the most out of the scene.

    A this stage I still feel that I am standing outside but within or at the edge of a building.  I am with someone that has the appearance of a person but it's more of an energy than a regular person - person shaped, clothed and tall.  There is water nearby.

    I review the symbols one by one giving the following for the whole scene:

    SY1 - Releasing separateness, joining as one
    SY2 - Allowing outer appearance to match inner being, releasing the outer, realising they are the same.
    Sy3 - Fountain as a metaphor for energy having temporary form, energy as a spiral wave being perceived as water.
    SY4 - Place of becoming whole / one with everything, place that you can come to to dissolve the separate self temporarily

    I immediately reviewed the symbols for the purpose of the scene:

    ME1SY1 - Destination, place to visit.
    ME1SY2 - Rabbit hole - can choose how far down to go, self-learning, place to instruct the self on letting go of self
    ME1SY3 - Showing that the construct of self and the reality of self are similar but different - showing what is real and eternal and what is a construct and temporary.
    ME1SY4 - A chance to look within, looking inside the darkness, the place where you don't like to look.

    It looks like I'm here to reflect on what is and what isn't real and to use the place to become one with everything (although as I already am, this is perhaps more about dissolving the separate self temporarily). I have the feeling that I can go as far and as deep as I want to and that this is a guided process. I can ask questions, though it feels up to me to reflect deeply. I am perhaps going to use the water to guide the reflections.

    For themes I get integration, teaching and gathering place (this one weakly).  For types I get artificial and natural scene, people, vehicle and water.

    I get permission to talk to the entity.  Then I try lying down for the second awareness, mentally wandering around, but I feel that I just need to go to the water and ask questions and this needs to be done through automatic writing. I move over to the water / fountain and the circular disc of water is then brought up in front of me like a mirror. I'm supposed to look into it to see a true reflection of self but it is very uncomfortable - I know I can choose to look deeply, but that it difficult. I see myself choosing to reflect back things that I perhaps admire in other people and/or the paths they appear to be on, but know I need to find a true own self to reflect back. Once I know that, then I remove my barriers to one-ness with the whole.

    Someone talks to me: "Different people have different purposes for coming here, for their training".

    I need to be clear on mine - once this is clear the path itself becomes self-evident.

    "You should not be looking at what everyone else is doing and thinking. These are things that you may have already gone through many hundreds of thousands of times and if you try to go that way the path will be foggy, difficult, slow and unrewarding".

    I try the mirror again. I see someone who wishes to help but who is scared of letting go.

    'You need to follow the joy - where joy lies is what you need to be doing - that is an inner guidance system".

    My joy is in learning / teaching, it is in nature, it is in creation (painting, making things, music), it is in making up and telling stories that expand the horizons, it is in doing new things and in remembering skills from previous incarnations - joining the dots and knowing they are as much a part of me as breathing, it is in helping others to awaken to their higher/larger/more complete selves, it is any task that seems to make time disappear. These aspects of my separate self are what I am and those things that are in harmony with my chosen path.

    I look into the mirror and see other aspects of my life and how they connect or do not connect - family, work, friends, social media and so on. This is food for personal reflection later - what creates joy and what does not.

    I pull away and jump into Q&A.

    Q. I feel I should call you the lady of the fountain - would that be right?
    A. Yes, did you enjoy the brief look into yourself?
    Q. Yes, helpful. How does what I am doing here tie into my previous lives as a student of planetary evolution?
    A. You are to use this place as a further source of knowledge to study. In your visits you will be taken to places which will provide you with what you need to know - all is available to you. We need to start with basic building blocks and build up but you will enjoy the process.
    Q. How does this fit in with the Superbeings?
    A. Many hands make light work, do they not? And many hands with different skills make a broad task manageable. You bring a set of skills from your many lives that mesh with those of the others and those to come. You need to be confident in these. Question them only to improve them. Follow your intuition on who to work/study/play closely with - you will be drawn to each other like moths to light.
    Q. Is there a particular path to reading in everyday life that I should follow?
    A. You are currently on the path you need to be on here and you will move into deeper texts on ancient civilizations - but your research here will point to more.
    Q. Will we succeed?!
    A. You already have - there is no need to question!
    Q. Thank you. All is clear and simple, though with plenty to think about. One step further. I will be back!
    A. Good, go with love.

    At the end I feel very calm and contemplative - looking forward to taking the time to work through this.

  • Nigel, congratulation on a well constructed and well worded visit to Xupra.  You are aware and open Thanks for your sharing,  great contribution 

    Jason Davis said:

    XUPRA - 21816 - GRADUATION

    Coordinates: 63491 0331
    Name: Nigel Slaughter
    Date: 18/2/2016
    Begin Time: 15:10

  • Here's the sketch - this was done after the session.  I didn't 'see' it in this sort of detail, but I think it captures (at least for me) the feel of the place. 

    Nigel Slaughter said:

    PSS from a visit to the White Fountain Temple


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