At the end of our call last night, Mary suggested that we share any experiences from our visit to the White Fountain Temple.  While I wasn't as fortunate as Artem to meet and receive communication from the Lady of the White Fountain Temple, I did have an experience that I thought might be of interest to other TSB members. 

Once we/I entered the meadow I saw some flowers which were not of the Earthly variety I am used to but to which I was immediately drawn.  Their outward extending petals had a shape similar to the Fibonacci spiral (long and curving out and under) and their color was a mix of violet and blue -- very intense and almost iridescent.  They also had an intoxicating fragrance which seemed to be a blend of both lavender and lilac.  Once I picked one of the flowers, I immediately found I was in and at the same time watching my Xupra Avatar body as it continued on and experienced the rest of the journey. 

When we arrived at the temple and stood around the fountain, I found I was surrounded by at least 7 orbs of light which seemed to come from the center of the fountain.  I watched as they moved away from the fountain and into a more private area of the central courtyard. There the orbs changed to tall, elongated light forms.  I felt drawn to them and when I moved into their presence, I felt surrounded by an energy that was being emitted from this group which seemed to fill every part of my being. It had a light, almost a cleansing feel to it -- and I felt as if my energetic body was being increased.  This felt very pleasant almost as if I were expanding and floating.  It also seemed like the Avatar body was starting to shift form -- as if it had become lighter or brighter, or perhaps it was shifting into having an appearance (substance?) more of light than of physicality (if that makes any sense). 

The interesting thing was how I felt when I woke up this morning in my 3D Earth body.  I truly felt and still feel much "lighter" and "brighter" than I had before making this visit.  It's hard to explain, but it's almost as if whatever I/my Avatar experienced in the White Fountain Temple was transmitted or transferred to my physical body here on Earth.  Throughout the day today, I really felt different -- not as "heavy" and more like I was floating and that everything from now on would "flow" more easily and be more delightful and joyful to experience.

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  • Nancy! How lovely to read of your WF experience. The beings of the White Fountain work with water. They clear emotional fields and memories carried by water. I am delighted that you saw and interacted with these beings who are my 5th density family. Hugs to you!

  • Oh Molly, I can't tell you how welcome and joyful your words are for me.  Thank you so much for sharing! I hope you will honor me by accepting my friend request. 

  • With all due respect and a deep desire to keep from stumbling upon anyone's toes, but that temple is way, WAY, beyond 5th density, and there are no actual people there. The temple itself creates whatever the visitor needs to perceive in order to benefit maximally from the experience. In fact, the temple itself is a projection to match deep psyche label-forms, as the "thing" itself is not a temple.

    Although I haven't looked at it from this angle before, as I type I see that it is a 5th density "body" we use to go there, and when the temple creates "people" for our visit, they're drawn from deep-psyche imagery as well and are set to vibrate at the 5th density level of our visiting bodies so they may be perceived.

    I guess you could say that it is like a codon of Creation, and there are in fact 64 of them, and they do function on levels, like a multi-tiered fountain, making a single "multilevel fountain." They are at the machine level of all in form, each with a critical function for holding many levels of many realities as variably fixed continua for projects such as the one we're involved in now. As it would be with many 3D planes, it is at the mechanical basis of this one.

    All 64 of them have stunning security, vetting, clearing and adjusting mechanisms, the visuals for which for the one we visit is the flower and the mist we have to pass through. Very few people have the inner geometries to visit one, to have the ticket, as it were, and even fewer have the "pass" to visit any but the one we do. This is one of the things alchemy does - gives the ticket. I have been told that by the time we've finished with our project here we will have visited several others and absorbed into our many  levels of self, including the physical, what each holds.

    Maybe it's time to start looking into that (smile).

    Molly Helene said:

    Nancy! How lovely to read of your WF experience. The beings of the White Fountain work with water. They clear emotional fields and memories carried by water. I am delighted that you saw and interacted with these beings who are my 5th density family. Hugs to you!

  • Thanks for this clarification Jason! Magnificent!

  • Hi all..... I just want to jump in here and say I am here and very much a part of this superbeing energy.I did not know how strongly I was connected till this past week.Thursday nights call.I forgot to go on the computer but I was hooked up anyway as the energies amplified and at 0100 I was still bouncing and could not figure out why.... I was blaming the full moon :)..... then I went wow wait a minute it was thursday night and I missed the Superbeings call.....NOT.

    I want to say how glad I am in this group and how much I have learned to unlearn.I recently went to Peru and what a marvelous trip back in time but really forward as these people live so simply.The energies there in the rocks is something else.At one sight we went through a maze carved out of a huge rock.It was totally black inside,you were bent over and just putting one foot in front of the other.I stopped for a moment to feel all the beings that had been there before me.When I emerged out the other side I felt like I had been through the spiritual car wash and was wiped clean off so much sludge.I was dizzy and needed to lie down on the ground to have pacchamma recalibrate me.This was alchemy of the rocks. I Love what this site is about and I treasure Jason's wisdom and guidance.

    I woke up this morning thinking about this site and how I am technologly challenged or I would be more involed.Thank-you.Have a Super Sunday.

  • another way of understanding what it is meant by the machine level, is just to say DNA. which, itself, is a symbolic pictorial, a diagram of the various levels and mechanisms of code level mind that produce any and all realms that peoples may inhabit and experience.

    a central clearing house, visual bands, strands of DNA, depicted as twisting and folding back on itself in a simultaneously descending and ascending spiral staircase, but more densely. Standing as a great pillar, organizing all observed and experienced data-forms and any entity who would then occupy a position in the various levels of simulation or dreaming, to render what has been materialized through their act of perceiving of it.

    most of these "off-world" but really "in-world" code level realms, are collapsed programming realms. creating spaces and control rooms only when beings who think of themselves as occupying space deem it necessary to visit for any given reason. as a feature of these constructed spaces, mechanisms like holographic projectors are established to "project" the image of a presence in that space that can then "interact" with that space. which is all just a metaphor for accessing one's own code on the machine level. it's all representational but still is as real as anything else is. just in different ways.

    because it is a space one seems to inhabit, and you are bi-locating your essence there, to that space, a template body is materialized that is appropriate for the density and level of mind that defines that space. which is never 3rd density. an appropriate body type to process your expectations of an individual experience.

    it's really clever stuff, if you think about it, and truly is a technology beyond technology. when mind is the medium and not a circuit board.

    worlds, cheese sandwiches, weather, crumbs in the couch, and god beings wearing fedoras as blind men on the street begging for cash to pay for the alcoholism. and the cash to purchase a six pack.

  • Thanks Roy for putting this so clearly.Brilliant.

    roy rios juvera jr. said:

    another way of understanding what it is meant by the machine level, is just to say DNA. which, itself, is a symbolic pictorial, a diagram of the various levels and mechanisms o

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