This is intended to facilitate an open discussion on all matters pertaining to Galactic and Planetary level Management, off world civilizations, and anything else that may come up. I will jump in at some point , as I am still gathering my own thoughts at the moment, but I wanted to get the thread going in case someone else has some input in the meantime.

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  • Sam, I would like to comment on the energy you described in your hands. While the sensations I get are a little different than you are describing, it sounds similar to what some Qi Kung/Chi Gong practitioners describe. I learned the basics of Qi Kung in a yoga class when I was 13, and have been developing my own skills with it ever since then. What I tend to feel is more akin to what you feel when you try and press two magnets together, with the same polarities facing each other, and you feel them repel apart.

    If you rub your hands together and slowly pull them apart, you may be able to generate this energy and control it. You can make it bigger and smaller, and eventually increase the density and size of your own aura, or electromagnetic field. What the Chinese call Qi, is basically subtle electromagnetic energy in Western terms. Though what you described seems to be on the more “electric” side of the EM spectrum, that may very well be what you are sensing in your hands.

    I use Qi Kung almost always when I meditate. Instead of the usual “clear your mind of all thoughts” method often used by Western meditators, I will often do something like produce a ball of energy rooted in what the Chinese would call the lower Tan-Tien, which is basically located in your genital area. I will allow that energy to expand outward in all directions until my aura field begins to expand and become more dense.

    If done correctly you will tangibly feel it surrounding your whole body, much like the energy you felt in your hands was obviously quite tangible. Meditating then becomes a sort of fixation on maintaining this energetic envelope, instead of simply emptying one's mind, though one can incorporate that as well.

    I don't feel I'm in much of a position to comment on much else in regard to your post. I've been working with Qi for almost 20 years now, so when I read that part of your post it grabbed my attention so I thought I'd give some input.

    If you're interested, here's a video of an acupuncturist in Indonesia who can work with Qi at a much higher level than I currently can. He can deliver types of electric shocks through his hands, through acupuncture needles, and perform different types of telekinesis. I first saw him in an old documentary from the 1970's called “Ring of Fire”. One of the brothers who filmed the documentary later tracked the guy back down, but this time they had a group of people with a sort of skeptic mindset come and put him to the test. It's only 10 minutes or so, but it's very worth watching. There is also a book written about this guy called “Magus of Java” if you want to pursue this further.

    Check it out:

  • Replies are below preceded by >>.

    Sam Singer said:

    When i was a kid I saw hieroglyphs in front of my eyes and saw ghosts and other weird stuff my mom thought I was a bit loopy (who here isn't?) and then my vessel got dirtier and dirtier and it faded to just seeing floating specs and fields to seeing nothing but this. My question is why are things forced upon us by our parents and surroundings which are bad for our development before we are able to establish a mental framework to decide for ourselves.

    >> First and foremost, you're not an individual. You're a component in an enormous organism that has a plan irrespective of the fake self's wishes. That's the most important thing for you to understand. Free will is an illusion. If you want to start now and begin tearing through to higher levels, you have to let everything Sam go and embrace the assimilation of a self you've not even got the tiniest glimmer of. Why? If you could apprehend the full scope of what you are, you'd burst into flames, no exaggeration.

    >> Almost 2000 years ago the Catholic Church came into being. It's evil to the core, always was, and is to this day. It's job was to destroy the old gods, nature spirits, natural remedies, everything pagan, in the collective mind of humanity. Naturally, due to mental programming, people are going to be outraged about that. But here's the truth. Earth's intended trajectory is technological, and the only way the planet was going to go in that direction was by subjugating the feminine mind, the right brain, and push the world towards left-brain thinking. Technology is male. Humanity tends to overdo everything, and so it turned the feminine subjugation into persecution, torture, rape, etc. In subjugating the feminine, which is all about intuition, the pineal gland needed to become atrophied, because it is a point of contact to everything pre-Christian. The Age of Reason came on and further solidified what is now thought of as rational thinking. Ghosts and whatnot aren't rational to believe in, and so your parents are doing nothing but functioning in a shared consciousness way, according to the 3Der plan. Generally, people refuse to believe in them because the alternative is to believe in something that is scary. 

    >> Earth is now firmly on the technological path, and the technologies coming are going to copy consciousness, clone it, and put it in things. This is the method by which the 3Ders will eventually go post-physical. Patterns are difficult to overcome, especially among the 3Ders, because their awakening path is so different than ours, and on such a lower level. You could say that all we're doing is RE-awakening, while the 3Ders are awakening bit-by-bit for the first time. If they were able to see the way we could 2500 years ago, it would do them a huge disservice.

    >> The point is that the trajectory is firmly set, and this is why it became time to so strongly bring back in the feminine principle. Now the two sides can be safely merged without sending humanity back into pre-Christian beliefs. All of our kind are pagan, of course, but 3Ders don't even know people like us exist. That's how insulated they are and how they must remain. Have you read my book, "The Simple Truth"? Sorry, but I can't remember. 

    Also kind of a random question I had a very strange feeling of energy in my hands almost like if you got shocked by a low level electrical outlet and you could feel it moving the other day and I was wondering what that means and whether or not alchemies are bringing about changes too soon.

    >> It's impossible for anything to not be on track, so too soon isn't possible. The energy is your meridians and nervous system amping way up, because our alchemies increase the photonic efficiency in cellular and mitochondrial communications. At the same time, as you get clearer and clearer, you'll become more sensitive to those energies.

    Also can't help but notice people keep staring at me and trying to show respect or get to know me as where they passed me by before its quite amusing actually.

    >> You've become a way more powerful attractor. You can't even come to this site and not have that start. That's what we do around here. While most "ormus" producers think a little tingle in the head is a good thing, we're all about how the world changes and responds to you by getting purified.

  • We're going to be introducing a product for the mainstream soon. It's powerfully regenerative and repairative, and is incredible for physical and mental energy. That will help, no question.

    Sam Singer said:

    Qi gong sounds super interesting and I have heard nothing but good things about it. I do at least an hour of Hatha yoga asanas every day and I am getting closer and closer to a meditative capability with every day, my problem is my body was so destroyed due to a multitude of factors that its going to take me years of cleaning out and I just starte

    d 4-5 months ago even though I have made monumental progress there is still a ways to go. I feel my soul will naturally feel the pull of the practice when i am receptive enough to achieve a benefit from it.

  • Hi Sam,
    first off, I don't think energy can be killed, but I get where your worries comes from

    Your body needs some time getting used to the increased amounts of life force it has at disposal.
    However when it comes to "drawing" energy up, I would be careful.

    Even among taoists who are kundalini veterans, there are disagreements when it comes to this.
    Some say you should draw it up, others say the energy is intelligent and knows where to go on its own when the conditions are met.

    If you want, give me your email and I can send you two books, one for each stance and you can experiment and decide for yourself.
    Sam Singer said:

    Count me in. I've been working a lot with bandhas lately and I had a hypothesis that since I am still partially calcified when I bring the energy up if it were to touch my pineal gland where there is still flouride and god knows what else would that kill the life-force upon touching it and would it be a better idea to withhold from the practices until I feel a natural pull to do so because at this point I am doing it just because I know it is a good way to deal with the pain that arouses in my testes due to me not wasting my energy sometimes it gets to the point where I cringe from the pain. Im sure there is no "right answer" im just looking for advice.

  • Student: Guru, what's enlightenment like?

    Guru: Before enlightenment, we are fascinated by higher beings. After enlightenment, we are fascinated by people.

  • *smiles*

    JD Aliix said:

    Student: Guru, what's enlightenment like?

    Guru: Before enlightenment, we are fascinated by higher beings. After enlightenment, we are fascinated by people.

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