
Hi, I am new here and also to ormus. I am looking for feedback as I am on my 3rd bottle and am taking WPG at the moment. I do feel the energetic difference though i guess i need it to "build up" a bit. I am as I said new to all of this and am searching for more information. I am currently buying from mother earth alchemy on amazon and found this place in my search. I do feel more benefit as i meditate but have nothing to test against as I am the only person i know that takes ormus (or meditates). I have read some of the discussions here , alot of it is above me and i struggle to understand but am certainly interested.I plan on continuing taking ormus and expanding at an exponential rate as I am definitely further along than expected (because of ormus) I feel though that i'd like to test another product. I have only used this one type and have no idea if it's weak, potent or otherwise. I also plan to make some on my own and would like to learn if this is a place for a discussion of that sort as i have been reading on colloidal also   

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  • Welcome Dennis! Your post gave me a little deja vu, so I thought I'd share a thought or two in hopes this helps. I stumbled across this place at a similar point in my journey. I had taken ORMUS, WPG, colloidals and some other basic alchemical preparations for years. They had all helped, but I had plateaued and was searching for something better, thinking that I'd probably have to make it myself.

    After reading way too many books on the subject and trying to figure out exactly how much I'd have to spend on lab equipment to make my own, I somehow wound up on The Superbeings site late one nite. What I saw struck me, so I spent several days reading most of the content on the site, examining the whole alchemical line up, and honestly, feeling not so sure what to do. Like you, I don't have anyone else to talk to about this sort of stuff, so I was little unsure of how to proceed.

    I finally worked up the courage to fire off an email to Jason asking where to begin with all this new alchemy. The reply I got back was, “Right at the beginning.” At first, I was a little taken back. My ego had been hoping to get a little more credit for my past efforts. However, I sensed a genuineness about the folks here that made me say what the heck, I'll roll the dice. With that I ordered Alkhem and the next one in the line up.

    As soon as I tried those I knew what the purpose of my ORMUS was... To get me to this! Yes, the rabbit hole goes deeper. That's the thing that amazes me most about this site and the alchemy available here – it starts off better and keeps getting even better than that.

    There's always lots of ways to look at stuff, but I would consider that if you've managed to find this website, you've done some things right. Congratulate yourself on that and be thankful for ORMUS and the other tools that you've found along the way. They've served you well.

    However, knowing that, know that there's more. If you're feeling froggy, jump on Alkhem and see it compares to what you've been using. As you progress through the new alchemy, things might just start to make more sense.

  • Dennis, I agree with J.R. I too was studying Ormus for a couple of years, and Jason came over to The White Gold forum and said you guys might want to come over and look at what we have going on. At that time we were "The Blue Emerald." To me it all didn't fit in my mind so well, but I like you spoke up and asked questions, and some of the family helped me see more clearly. When I was in the Ormus I went to a conference in Georgia (USA) and was quite surprised at some of the not evolved behavior. I promise if you stick with what Jason says, you will look back and see how much you have grown. I don't feel the same as some people, but I certainly can look back over the last 9 or so years, and can see how much I have evolved. Plus we have some out of this world camping trips, and last year we went to Idaho to watch the total Solar eclipse. We are family, when we are together, it is like nothing I have ever experienced! Welcome!!  

    PS, I met David Hudson at the Ormus Conference. He is the one you read about in the Ormus files.

  • Hello, Dennis, and welcome aboard Starship TSB. The one inescapably true thing about substances of this class is that you're not looking for a product, you're looking for its maker. You're not looking for a recipe follower, but an alchemist, one whose personality is completely removed from these processes. I am nothing but a crystal clear portal through which higher perceptual planes gain access to this perceptual plane. I am their hands. I carry out their instructions, and I openly commune with them all the time. Alchemists who are true to cosmic traditions all know this.

    So as JR points out, start at the beginning, as the beginning here is on a significantly higher level than anything you've used. That would be Alkhem, and if finances allow, get Helios Gold & Platinum.



    We've cut a very clear path to some astonishingly expanded spaces here, and our system works to transform people into an entirely different order of being. Along those lines, a good place to start is with the book I wrote: "The Simple Truth: Fast Path to Freedom." It all by itself is alchemical.


    With any questions, keep 'em coming! We LOVE questions!

  • Thanks so much J.R, exactly the guidance I need. It's smart to move in increments especially when in unknown territory.

  • Hi Sooz, I really Appreciate the input as I am dedicated to this but also new to it all. I've only just learned of David Hudson and you have been to conferences (wow!). I am grateful to have landed here in the middle of real information on this new and intriguing path I'm on 

  • Hi JD, Thanks so much for your words,I really can feel the energetic difference since I've started taking ORMUS. It is a substance that I have been directed to and I want to get as much benefit as possible from the dosage without wasting it and of course take the best quality. I also drink only distilled water and my diet is mostly vegetarian (organic) as i have significantly reduced my cadmium intake. It seems all the discussions here touch on all the subjects i am investigating. I definitely want that footbath! I am currently putting together a system for my entire house as my water distiller only does 6 gallons per day and I plan to incorporate the showers as well. I will definitely go with the first suggestion of alkhem , though I do like the WPG for some reason, it seems to last longer or "build up" faster. I will be working on your reading list as soon as possible. I really Appreciate all the comments here and your time

  • Dennis, I'm not sure what you mean by WPG. Alkhem contains it, as does Lumin, Innerphaz and Phasix. If you're referring to a powder versus a liquid, the liquids are generally more absorbable, always with smaller particle sizes. WPG, as it is reported upon by almost all of the WPG/ormus community is a modern myth. 

    I've been at this 20 years. I can answer any question you have.

    Dennis Castoral said:

    Hi JD, Thanks so much for your words,I really can feel the energetic difference since I've started taking ORMUS. It is a substance that I have been directed to and I want to get as much benefit as possible from the dosage without wasting it and of course take the best quality. I also drink only distilled water and my diet is mostly vegetarian (organic) as i have significantly reduced my cadmium intake. It seems all the discussions here touch on all the subjects i am investigating. I definitely want that footbath! I am currently putting together a system for my entire house as my water distiller only does 6 gallons per day and I plan to incorporate the showers as well. I will definitely go with the first suggestion of alkhem , though I do like the WPG for some reason, it seems to last longer or "build up" faster. I will be working on your reading list as soon as possible. I really Appreciate all the comments here and your time

  • Hi JD, Yes I was referring to the powder vs liquid. I am so new to it though, I am definitely buying yours on next batch. I'm so happy to have found such expertise here. I read THE SIMPLE TRUTH
    FAST PATH TO FREEDOM  last night, what a read! It's my new favorite. 

  • Unequivocally, There is not a better, more powerful, exquisitely transcendent, awe inspiringly crafted, and divinely touched alchemical product available on the planet as offered here. Not a more gifted and elevated alchemist than Jason. It is an honor to know him and has been a thoroughly humbling awakening experience to partake of his masterful work.

    if you want to see what magic can not touch nor science describe nor the greatest wonders of hope pretend to believe possible or true, if you are truly ready to delve into the greatest of all mysteries, then you know what you must do.

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