
  • About 7 years ago I was having a very difficult time.  Overwhelmed with sadness, I desired something new in my life.  I took a hike out into the forest and sat down on a log.  Here I sat and cried, wailed, moaned and asked for something to change.  I had nothing specific in mind other than a swift change to the current situation.  After awhile I calmed and sat in meditation.  That evening relaxing on the sofa I hear my husband calling for me in an alarmed voice.  I step outside to the porch where he is.  Curled up in my chair is a most pitiful looking dog.  He is all skin and bones.  Ears chewed up and tail devoid of hair.  He appeared to be young.  Less than 1 year old.  My husband was trying to chase him away.  The dog was not about to leave.  He stayed curled up, thumping his tail weakly as I reached down to pet him.  Of course, I bring him in and start feeding him.  We already have 2 dogs and don't need another one.  But what are you gonna do?  We take him to the vet and start fixing him up.  The dog is crazy!  Severely abused he has separation anxiety from the kindness shown.  He's clawing doors, jumping through screens and escaping out of locked kennels!  Just nuts!

    So, we have him only a week or two and I have a spiritual retreat happening at my house.  My then "teacher" is coming with coaches and about 35 students.  The dog is terrible...taking me away from the business at hand.  Visibly upset, the teacher pulls me off to the side giving me a "lesson" on compassion! After this conversation I decide we need to get rid of this insane animal.  My husband takes him to the local animal shelter.  I cry for days!

    It's now a couple of weeks later.  My husband comes to me to explain some things I am unaware of.  

    After dropping the dog at the local animal shelter he finds out they are going to put him down.  He has some pitbull in him.  He spends several days "fighting" with them to get the dog back.  It's against the rules they tell him.  Relentless, they finally agree.  He gets the dog and takes him 40 minutes away to a "no kill" shelter. I'm breathless with relief!  He asks me if I want him back....he does!  Crying I agree!  We go pick him up and the rest is history!

    His name is Houdini and he's still a bit crazy!  But we LOVE him!2969553952?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 


  • This is the mouse, that fell in the bucket and broke his tail.  We fed him pecans and let him go!



  • Dear Miss Sasha Kitty Bitty, aka Kittananda,

    Thank you for your time spent on earth as a dear companion and friend. We had lots of fun with the routines we created such as you not drinking water out of a bowl, but required lifting onto the bedroom counter with a glass of water waiting for you. Of course it had to be fresh and only drinkable if you had watched me fill it.

    It never ceased to amaze me how you were always there when I was not feeling well. I always felt well looked after by you. And the heartfelt love I am filled with, thinking of how you were always there, sitting on my lap, when I sat down to meditate. Like the Cheshire cat, you would just appear! I will always see you in my mind's eye, sitting in your meditation position with your back even on both sides and front paws tucked into your kitty mudra, as elevated above the earth in this most elevated stated. I believe your purr is the highest form of sound healing.  A master you are!

    I miss your physical presence, but I know you are always here, ready to purr into my soul whenever I open my heart to the thought of you.

    My only wish is that I offered you as much as you gave me. Thank you for granting me the privilege of your presence!

    Your willing servant and friend, 


  • What a babers! Look at them eyes! <3

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