So, I am seeing that there are some things here at the Superbeings that are not being worked with any longer, such as Zupra on SecondLife... indeed, I tried to find Zupra there, and it no longer exists, which, is a bit sad, as it seemed like a really neat place.
And I'm not seeing, either, any recent call events listed for Events... nor Gatherings as well. Which is also rather sad, as I remember the 'old days' when we would have weekly calls on various subjects. And how I loved the feeling of community fostered by those calls and gatherings...
It is also sad that Jason has felt the need to begin charging for ABS training, as some wanted to take off in their own directions with it. I for one, when I feel I'm ready, will be manifesting the funds needed to ask him to train me. I feel this is something important... the working with Xupra, with the people there, to build that bridge.
And now we have Imagi! This is a tool, nay, an incredible opportunity, to work with the Matrix Codes outright! There are just over 200 members there, and well over 1,000 here. I should like very much to see those who are meant to step forward to do the stuff we came to do here, to finally step forward and do it!
I know I am one of the worst when it comes to battling the Inertia Monster. I'm working with the Alchemies again, and there is a buttload of toxic stuff not just surfacing, but erupting from within me. I have *daily* multiple challenges. I work with Chakra Cuning, and Source Codes to help me clear stuff out. There have been days when my energy levels are so low, it's all I can do to change out of my work clothes and into pj's... all I want to do is veg and surf the 'Net.
However, I am also finding a loss in interest in mundane stuff. Social media doesn't really 'do it' for me any more. I want to play with the Codes, and do Chakra Cuning! I want to read the articles here, and Lyssa Royal's stuff! I want to empty my mind of all the 3D detritus, get clear and empty! And the 3D world doesn't support that, does it?
But I don't fight it. I just accept it, love it, Thank it. And I Flow. And every time I feel myself fighting the Flow, I just tell myself to Let It Go.
It's getting easier, and then harder again. I get SO tired mentally, emotionally, physically. I have crying spells almost every day. I will get outrageously angry over the littlest, dumbest things. I want to beat myself up over it. And I hear MetaSelf remind me once again to be easy with myself. That this is tremendously huge, what I'm doing...
I made a little something for all those here that find the Path we walk to be challenging:
In Love,
Oh my goodness, yes! Work, yes! Doing the work takes integrity... and it doesn't even need to be that much of it, either. You can start with a little, tiny, tiny bit of it. And you just keep adding a bit more, every day. Then suddenly, BOOM! Inertia Monster might still be there, rearing it's head, roaring at you, but, it gets easier and easier to stare it down, and say to it, "Dude! Chillax!"
It truly is NOT that we get rid of it, as being the sign of 'success'. Merely that we let that go...
And Thankie for the compliment!
Marie, Thank you for your gifts of sharing, openness, encouragement and iMagic. You rock!
So much Thanks and so much Love to you, Molly! I'm clearing and emptying and Loving it!
Molly Helene said:
Yes, it's plain Sianna is all in on this clearing and cleansing. That's the thing. You're always all in!