Preparing for ABS

So, I've been on the basic Blue Emerald Alchemy since Jan.  As I've written on a discussion elsewhere, from the moment Alkhem was shipped to me, the deep dream of my life was radically adjusted, rather torn apart, and I was supplanted to another whole timeline/lifeline.  All in less than 8 months.  Crazy!  Well, the deeper I go, maybe not crazy at all.  Just the Real.  

So, I am about to start Phasix and I was dabbling with the thought of entering the ABS Program.  I just read The Superbeings Story and I have a fire within that is raging.  So, I was about to start reading the Wormhole documents and noticed that it was recommended to start Helios.  So, couple questions for someone in the "Know." 1- Should I finish Phasix first.  2 - If not, which Helios product should I start with.  There are several. Or do I just follow my intuition?

Thanks in advance, Bill

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  • You know, Bill, one of the most interesting things about Phasix is that it keeps growing, getting deeper, more profound, and especially more life-giving. One of our main superseers actually went BACK to Phasix after at least a year for a month long course of it from only three or so doses (if memory serves). And so it's not possible to go wrong with it. After this last batch, I found myself using it almost daily, and I had been done with it for two years at least.

    The only concrete requisite for graduation from the ABS will be 7 Rays, but I should think you'll be at least two months in the ABS, and so there's no real hurry on that one. 

    The Helios Gold & Platinum are the only products I've ever made that I continue to use daily, especially sprayed on my face and on my extra-physical fields. I regard them in the same way that I do water. So in my book you get them and use them from now on. But I intuit that you have a hunger inside you to be on the edge, and if I'm right about that then you might look into Helios Osmium. If there is a psychedelic in the mineral kingdom, that's it, but MUCH respect has to be paid to it, with emphasis on centeredness (beyond the scope of grounding). Iridium, especially what I make, issues directly "from the Godhead" (as worded by Peter) and is SO high level, and so replete with light-filled grace, that it might actually be difficult to feel it, but you will know it in your life and how it works.

    Thanks for all your support since your "shatter-through," and I hope this helps.

  • I think it's worth mentioning that the above-mentioned superseer would tell you and anybody else that you would be insane to get Phasix before going through Innerphaz.

  • Bill,

    No need to finish Phasix to start the ABS training. Go for it! The thing to do with any Helios product is to scan through them, read about them and see if any of them stand out or "sparkle" for you. If you go along and continue the training the 7 rays is important as that one does become a mandatory alchemy BUT for later adept level phases because of the energetic preparation involved. For me all of them Helios phase 1 2 3 were necessary but that might be the case for you.  But no- you already have the ability to do ABS even if you had never taken ANY alchemy. That can assist with opening the bandwidth but the system is really so good at developing that it is astonishing. Anyways- LISTEN- get registered and book mark it. it will take you to the "hidden pages of the classes. Read phase 1-3 instructions. Twice. Slowly. Listen to the class. LEt it sink it a day or two. Set aside 20 minutes to do a session be sure to read the ABS mindset page right before it. It makes a HUGE night and day difference. Have fun with it!

  • Thank you both for the advice.  Jason your intuition is correct.  I have definitely been an on the edge guy.  Now I feel way beyond any edges so I'm grabbing my wings to Fly.  :)

    I've ordered Innerphaz twice and just finished it and then got my Phasix in yesterday.  (Btw, the liquid Innerphaz lasted a lot longer than the powder.  I tried to follow your instructions with the powder Mary, but it turned into gel within a week.  Just FYI) 

    I'm ordering the Helios products today as well.  

    Oh also, I spoke to my Twin Flame (I mentioned her in another discussion, the one that introduced me to Blue Emerald Alchemy) about ABS. She wants in to.  So let us prepare.  

    Love You All.  As someone who was late to the party, at least consciously, thanks for keeping it going.  Namaste.

  • Mary and Jason, I am half way through Wormhole document 4 and OMG!  I had only cursory knowledge of the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  NOTHING to the degree of what was shared in that document.  So, why I am writing, let me cut to the chase, on a 22 day road trip to Mt. Shasta and Sedona in July, I was telling my Twin Flame that I think we are the reincarnated Jesus (Yeshua) and Mary Magdalene.  She would laugh but I would tell her I was serious.  Over the last week I have told her a several more times.  She doesn't know quite what to do with it, but our life stories have so many odd similarities and occurrences.  To go along with the deep knowing I have of Our Mission at this important juncture of the transition of densities.  

    Now I realized we weren't the only ones, somehow separated individuals from the collective, but I had this intuition that we were definitely partly their consciousness.  I could go into a lot of details, but Jason you mentioned that all of The Superbeings could come from maybe 3 True Selves.  It sure is an amazing alignment with your story.  My TF has long been into alchemy, at least the study of, and introduced me to it.  I came from a mystical christian background with Hebraic Mysticism truly rescuing me from dogmatic, literal fundamentalism. In fact, it was on the shore of the Sea of Galilee under a prayer shawl that my awakening/remembering began in 2011.  

    Anyways, I was in awe reading that and wanted to share.  Much Love to You both.  

  • It's really fun to contemplate that, isn't it? And you wouldn't believe how many people believe that about themselves, and who are all correct, but if you do the math there are about 28-30 reincarnations for each of them (Mary and I included), as there is 28-30 times the population on Earth now than there was then. Think of yourself as a bee, and you'll get a glimpse of how it works (hint: Fibonacci).

    But even that thinking is flawed. Reincarnation is really just a prosaic way to make sense of The Great Kaleidoscopic One for minds still seeking meaning and context, and to chop the incomprehensible body of shared memory into what are sweetly called lifestreams. If under hypnosis, as an example, you were able to apprehend a memory of being Cleopatra, that means you were Cleopatra, and so were 74,527 other people simply because they tapped into that memory. The harsh Truth is...Cleopatra never existed, and neither did Jesus, so how could anybody be their reincarnations? ;-D

    See what I'm saying?

    Bill Fechtelkotter said:

    Mary and Jason, I am half way through Wormhole document 4 and OMG!  I had only cursory knowledge of the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  NOTHING to the degree of what was shared in that document.  So, why I am writing, let me cut to the chase, on a 22 day road trip to Mt. Shasta and Sedona in July, I was telling my Twin Flame that I think we are the reincarnated Jesus (Yeshua) and Mary Magdalene.  She would laugh but I would tell her I was serious.  Over the last week I have told her a several more times.  She doesn't know quite what to do with it, but our life stories have so many odd similarities and occurrences.  To go along with the deep knowing I have of Our Mission at this important juncture of the transition of densities.  

    Now I realized we weren't the only ones, somehow separated individuals from the collective, but I had this intuition that we were definitely partly their consciousness.  I could go into a lot of details, but Jason you mentioned that all of The Superbeings could come from maybe 3 True Selves.  It sure is an amazing alignment with your story.  My TF has long been into alchemy, at least the study of, and introduced me to it.  I came from a mystical christian background with Hebraic Mysticism truly rescuing me from dogmatic, literal fundamentalism. In fact, it was on the shore of the Sea of Galilee under a prayer shawl that my awakening/remembering began in 2011.  

    Anyways, I was in awe reading that and wanted to share.  Much Love to You both.  

  • Yes, the Fibonacci Bee makes total sense.

    I'm going to do more research on that version of the Jesus and Mary Magdalene story. I found it fascinating. Thx
  • Oh, you won't really find it anywhere. A lot of what's in WH 4 is from memory.

    Came back for an edit. Some of it you could find in written form. I'll have to see if I can get a list for you.

  • Thanks a lot Jason.  I once watched a documentary on Mary Magdalene and the Knights Templar, it wasn't nearly as detailed and didn't go into the metaphysical, but it was still fascinating.  The story, as you shared it, resonates so deeply even as I read the WH4 account to my TF last night.  Reading them unlocked, or activated, distant memories and aligned with so much we have been talking about since the Blue Emerald potent alchemy brought us together earlier this year.  Amazing!  All of it!  What an adventure! Thank you for sharing.  

    Namaste dear friend

    Btw, please do share anything you find.  thx

  • Hi Bill,

    Even if you really were Jesus,you are still gonna want to do A.B.S. to develop yourself.Here is something that might help:

    Until one is committed, there is hesitancy,

    the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.

    Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation),

    there is one elementary truth

    the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:

    that the moment one definitely commits oneself,

    then Providence moves too.

    All sorts of things occur to help one

    that would never otherwise have occurred...

    Whatever you can do or dream you can...

    Begin it now.


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