Prometheus The Dragon

Way back when we were introduced to "Prometheus," an enormous dragon (we're talking 1000 feet long), one of the most powerful, yet gentle, beings I've personally ever come across, at least in this embodiment. S/he has already inspirited the alchemy we'll be announcing on Monday the 17th, which as a step goes through the growing of crystals in a kind of "amniotic" fluid. Here are those crystals. I'll keep a photo diary as they turn to a gorgeous white powder. It's an interesting process.

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  • Thanks for the visuals Jason.

  • Wow....beautiful!  

  • The crystals look like diamonds
  • I would love to know the orders of magnitude betweens Prometheus's crystals and my sister's science fair project in 5th grade. (she won 2nd place!). :-)

  • Thanks for sharing the process for creating this alchemy; especially the photos.  Can't wait to experience the dragon's cleansing, clearing and transformational power.

  • Sooz loves dragons!

  • 2969558724?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • What happens with these crystals is fascinating. I've seen some absolutely impossible magic happen to them right before my eyes before. Fun story, that. Anyway, the live wet crystals harden, evaporate all the water at the same time, and then they begin to transform into a beautiful white powder that is exactly the shape of the original crystals...until you touch them. Then they collapse. This picture doesn't do the powder justice, but you can compare it to the pic above.


  • You can get these here.

    Here's Mary's writeup on Sheena, the alchemy being released simultaneously with Azuron (Prometheus):


    The spirit of this alchemy has a feminine nature, containing a circular journey through the elements of air, fire, water and earth. There is a fierce core of firey strength as it takes one through a scenic inner journey and a gift of awakening grace. She told us her name and upon research we found it means God is gracious. These qualities of grace, compassion and kindness are within this alchemy and the way it brings one to these qualities has to do with the continued work of embracing all the parts of ourselves perhaps cloacked in shadow or reflected in our everyday life through the symbols of the players in this story.

    I researched her elemental aspects and found her to contain many insightful aspects that felt like gifts.

    AIR: She is a mentor, a powerful teacher continuing the guidance through understanding the shadow. A sense of compassion and love not relegated to conditions or opinion. She may show us the imbalances of positive polarity in our thinking. Clearing the fantastic fog of emotional noise created by this 3rd density circus, she asks us to see through these charades, to pierce through the confusion generated by media that may disturb the personality level, to marvel at the movie, to even feel gratitude for the factions in order to gracefully and more easily honor them and ultimately transcend them returning one to a sense of WE and I simultaneously.

    As an example of this lesson, I awoke from an intense dream of epic proportion involving a storyline of a conspiracy drama between factions of the so called light and dark. Within the dream, I being of the light bearing faction fought "valiantly" against the authority and oppression of a large corporate religious authority. The truth was that the religious authority had an IMPORTANT place in the story for reasons I could not see or fathom. I fell for a double secret agent whom I thought was on "our" light faction side and the betrayal was absolutely devastating. All I saw was what I wanted to see all along and in the end as I screamed and fumed and lost my mind in victimhood and loss I was exposed as a fraud of great proportion. I being unable to truly be light in the first place by virtue of my judgements of the so called dark faction. This hypocricy unveiled me to be the dark one, the hidden thing, and the one holding the entire facade in place. My double crossing lover asked me over and over a gentle smile on her face, "don't you get it now? Don't you see we are the same thing?" The immensity of the joke and intensity of the reveal was so impressive that I awoke with a new perspective on the world I was looking upon. The presence of something called unity settled into my being and I suddenly felt like a We and not a single being as separation but of a unit part of something greater.

    EARTH: With this alchemy it has such a beautiful energy, it tickles the cells from deep inside of you with a type of inner light like sunlight through the trees. It is sublime to use right before exercise particularly walking in nature and communing with earth. It increases the empathic connection between you and your environment leaving you in a state of thought-free grace and joyful gratitude. This is an important part because through this simplicity and grace, this awareness of WE connects one to a natural state of ONE. You can feel the trees, the earth, each cell and atom sparkling. An awakening awareness of being everywhere.

    FIRE: For those that feel stuck in a pattern of fear, uncertainty in life, stagnation, apathy and victim mentality, mired in a struggle, where each motion is a desperate stroke at futile change this alchemy can assist. It can do this through getting you back to a calm center to give the situation some space and allow you to reset YOU clear out the noise, and give you fresh direction and allowing an inner intuiton to guide you to action thus allowing a needed breakthrough. It is about simplicity and the elegance of that simple beauty leading you to your inner inspirations, your creative fires, your personal illuminations. If your fire rages too high, if you find yourself bullheaded and angry, foolish, petulant like a child it will school you gently and get you quickly back on the right track. There is a sense of joy, a receiving of ideas and being a host for the sacred muse.

    The alchemy invites you to be aware of the new creations you are bringing forth whether it's a project, craft, art or a new integrity to your work. There is a sense of generosity and exciting possibility. A burgening crystallization of knowledge into an offering and the courage to continue its trajectory and development.

    WATER: This alchemy is about bringing forth an awareness of fluidity, another way of saying grace. The power of fluidity can soften our rigid beleifs, to help us flow through and around obstacles, to dissolve our perceived pain and suffering. Returning to this fluidity brings inspiration to live impulsed by intuition. We become the operating principle of the All through this fluidity. In this state of being and not doing we become more powerful than if we had set out to become powerful. Through this awareness we may see it is only when we pose resistance and insist we know the only ways to act that we suffer.

    This alchemy is both gentle but also quietly powerful bringing about a level of empowerment indirectly through the assimilation of the qualities of fluidity, to be a host and playmate with firey creative expression, to yet deeper embrace all aspects of self to feel deeply a unity with everything thus becoming grace.

  • These aren't embedded in the progression. It's really always a matter of being expanded enough to benefit from the full range of what substances of this vibe and caliber can offer, and ultimately there might be more efficient alchemies to use in preparation, but these will prepare the user for everything they can do, but it could take months, if not years for some.

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