Eclipse Astrology Information

From Hare in the Moon Astrology

July 26th 2018

Tomorrow's super volatile Lunar eclipse across Aquarius/Leo will activate in you a volcanic purge, an emotional and physical catharsis. For sensitives, empaths and creatives, this alignment is an incredible catalyst out of past conditioning into the power of conscious choice. Something inside you is unfreezing. It’s as if a part of you is coming back to life. It’s subtle, it’s sensitive and it’s inexplicable. This is a version of yourself that is both familiar and utterly unknown to you. It is the new high frequency human experience and you are along for the ride. Your emergent Self is beginning to seed your 2nd Life.
Here are some words from poet Melissa LaFlamme to use as a your North Star during these karmic times :
" When you live from your intuitive core, your belly, your heart, let your soul lead and spirit guide you, your words and actions will be naturally subversive.

You will go to your edge. You will soften. Become wildly tender. Being authentic and soul-centred costs you your ticket to ride from the collective mainstream + to the illusion of safe and secure. And opens the door to your glistening, broken whole heart -- reveals to you the honey of this wildly delicious, messy life. Leaves you and those you touch, feeling radically free. Without choice now. Solid and light. Authenticity strips away all that is NOT real. All that is not made from love, to love. All that is of enriched soul and in-spired Spirit remains. There is no living a soul-centred life without being authentic — without mustering the courage to do the excavating in the dark.

Being too comfortable, amenable, pliable to the point of contorting yourself — is a ticket to selling your soul right up the river. Don't buy it. When you live from your own knowing-ness, from your gut and your wildly-rooted intelligence, you feel alive. Genuinely, madly, creatively alive.

Being real — true to your Self, your soul — is gritty. And grit causes friction, makes fire to clear the way for living a revolutionary act. This act is marked by action that the earth and the soul of the world are crying out for. And the cry is going to get louder, more pain-filled, and grievous before enough souls answer wholeheartedly.

When you get real, it is actually not about you. Your individual program is only the ground from which you step. From which you step and choose whether you will make this life of yours a walk of grit and beauty, or one of accommodation to the forces that insist you do it their way, be well-behaved, produce, consume, make nice, and as the poet, Mary Oliver says, "barely breathing and calling it a life."

Thing is we're not talking a self-improvement project; that's only the gateway. We are being used. By Spirit. One way or the other: we go consciously or we are abducted — individually and collectively, now. So it's a great time to dive in."

New ! August's 5D Report "Dancing in the Flames " will arrive in subscribers' mailboxes tomorrow during Friday's lunar eclipse. To find out what's in store for you during the 3rd eclipse +the most significant month for 19 years- subscribe now:

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