Testimonials and Results of the alchemy

We want to hear your experiences with the alchemy! Please, post your testimonial with everyone and don't be shy!

We’ve all been at the edge of that pivotal moment before delving into the wonder that alchemy is and all it has to offer! It’s intelligent, perfectly safe, and will change your life.

What do you have to say about it?

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  • I was wondering if anyone who has tried the new alchemy Devas  would be willing to share their experience?  I am looking at getting some next week and would love to know how its worked for you?


  • I'm feeling as though there is a lot of stuff beyond my comprehension behind the scenes and the me typing this is simply along for the ride. I can't entirely grasp what's going on but perception is beginning to widen ever so slightly. Just a general sense that things are rapidly moving in the right direction. More on this as it goes.

    Street Poet said:

    I think the point is that you honor and nurture the sincer and authentic need to allow that part of yourself capable of being apart of a community. To be vulnerable and open. It's good to hear your paying attention. So what else might be speaking that your careful listening might still have missed?

  • Hi Sande

    I posted my experience with Deva and Origin on the WP thread — around end of December. Hope it helps

    Sandy said:

    I was wondering if anyone who has tried the new alchemy Devas  would be willing to share their experience?  I am looking at getting some next week and would love to know how its worked for you?


  • Hi everyone, I haven’t seen a lot posted on people’s experience with Empathia, Shadow, and Sunshine, so I thought I would share mine. I bought all three at the same time, but started out with empathia first. Not knowing what to expect, the feeling began quite subtly. It was a softening of my edges. It was as though the defining lines between me and my surroundings were diffused. I would meditate and tune into this feeling and it felt like who I was expanded out into the everythingness of creation, but at the same time it felt like everything else was a part of me. Around this time I happened upon the teaching that to love something or someone is to take them as a part of you, so that their needs and wants and your needs and wants become a package deal and you joyously tend to them, and this resonated at a very deep level as I bonded with everyone’s needs and by meeting them to the best of my ability I met needs and desires deeply embedded in me that I didn’t even know I had. It was a beautiful time of giving and receiving. I tend to practice different breath techniques whenever I’m bored, so while watching a movie with my mom one night I was doing the three gold breath where you pull in light from your infinite light column above and from Gaia below and then have it mix with your heart energy and let it expand around you and this time while I was doing it I just started enveloping my mom in the energy I was pushing outward and then pulling her energy signature into the mix and I kept circulating the energy around like this and she cuddled in very close (which is unusual for her) and said that it felt good to be close to me. From my perspective it felt like we were hardly even different people. The lines were becoming so fuzzy and it feels like I want to keep intertwining my energy with more and everything. That’s just one example of an experience I’ve had with this alchemy and there are plenty more. I highly recommend it.
  • Beautifully put, Karen. Your empathic nature adores that alchemy. Please do continue sharing. It's both wonderful and informative, and will help people to make decisions on moving forward with the alchemies.

    Karen Denning said:

    Hi everyone, I haven’t seen a lot posted on people’s experience with Empathia, Shadow, and Sunshine, so I thought I would share mine. I bought all three at the same time, but started out with empathia first. Not knowing what to expect, the feeling began quite subtly. It was a softening of my edges. It was as though the defining lines between me and my surroundings were diffused. I would meditate 
  • This will be short and sweet. Figured I'd post it here. I live in Ohio very much near Lake Erie and decided to stop and relax a bit after visiting family. I went out to the edge of the water and closed my eyes, let the sunlight shower my third eye as it were. Just beyond this static I always tend to see while eyes are closed, I see what appears to be the "eye" on the Vision alchemy bottle. The last time this occurred it was also in an obvious night time cloud formation. Its crazy to think what powerful stuff is just beyond my perception.

  • so what do you make of it?

    Terry Jackson said:

    This will be short and sweet...Just beyond this static I always tend to see while eyes are closed, I see what appears to be the "eye" on the Vision alchemy bottle. The last time this occurred it was also in an obvious night time cloud formation. Its crazy to think what powerful stuff is just beyond my perception.

  • Maybe something big is coming around the corner ... "first" contact sort of deal perhaps. Sky's the limit.

    Street Poet said:

    so what do you make of it?

    Terry Jackson said:

    This will be short and sweet...Just beyond this static I always tend to see while eyes are closed, I see what appears to be the "eye" on the Vision alchemy bottle. The last time this occurred it was also in an obvious night time cloud formation. Its crazy to think what powerful stuff is just beyond my perception.

  • I been wanting to write about my exerience for awhile now.  Jan 2023 I was staying  in a Hotel room for a few days and I took a whole day to meditate. I had brought  Iphaz with me and was sitting on the floor with blankets. No music..... Just sitting peacefully during the day. My Charka's started spinning. This has never happened before!!! Then on top of my head ... Seemed like Huge Ball was Spinning... I went and layed down and it continued to spin then Beam of light...in my minds Eye... shot out... to the Heavens... Pure Love and Bliss....

    That was Cool Experience...

    • AMAZING share. Thank you sooo much for that. 

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