This Conscious Vitality interview with Austin Steinbart is quite interesting.
Austin describes one of the technologies that he is MOST excited about is a RNA editing device.
The RNA part of the interview start's @ 1:02:00 - 1:09:31
I encourage anyone reading this to watch the full interview, it's got some other interesting info you may not have heard of.
Here is the URL for the interview...
Would love to hear peoples thoughts on this technology and if anyone has heard more about it or has more extensive knowledge regarding this topic. Could this tech possibly be more effective than Alchemy? Or I wonder if it could work hand in hand with this tech. Very exciting times we're living in.
Biological systems have two foundational layers which can be immediately utilized by modern scientists:
One is the mysterious level of an electrical gradient giving rise to intracellular communication, giving the ability to a single cell to know its position amongst the myriad of other cells by having access to something that I would refer to as a joint consciousness but seems to only be functionally observed as an archetypical plan for all the other cells to flow in position. Altering this electric gradient, one can create fully functional limbs where there weren't any, simply because the DNA and cells use this map to achieve their form. This has been the work of Michael Levin published relatively recently. Here's his TED TALK and extensive presentation: &
Here's the view of an amiable physics team explaining some implications of electricity: .
This would somewhat loosely explain the prevalence of Storm Gods in world mythologies, no?
Now about RNA editing,this has been a thing for a while now and there's a whole field right now of people altering algae to eat plastic by changing up its DNA, which is the code for the creation of RNA that eventually creates proteins that are distributed to the cells of the body. CRISPR might be an evolutionary adaptation of micro-organisms to fight bacteria, who insert their own DNA into genome, whereby these foreign genomic additions would be identified and removed. Turns out, CRISPR is programmable, allowing us to unwind and remove any part of cellular DNA, at which point a desired addition to DNA sequence would be imminent. This is the foundation of bio-engineering. Check these out if you want more, there are many entrepreneurs too: ,, ,
Chromosome gets altered every time we do anything. Have you ever considered that your spit, is essentially a bearer of your epigenetically altered DNA, one could take it and study the way DNA is wound and determine what sort of live you were living in.
By the way, big companies are against this bio-engineering riff-raff. The aroma industry for example, dislikes how some people could make a solution that would be readily adopted by the microorganisms in our skin that would cause specific genetic changes that would trigger the long lasting beautiful aromas who could very easily be washed away with some antibacterial soap. Oh yeah, smell on the vital areas is largely owed to microorganisms living there. People have done wild things too, someone made money by selling cheese out of bacterial populations l... lol.
Taking an mRNA gene therapy does not sound safe. Personally, I wonder if it is the "mark of the beast"...
It's a crock, what you read on Atlantis. We were the Atlanteans, and we at that time were no more advanced than now, with 2 strands not even yielding what they are now in terms of information processing. In fact, in tons of ways, we're more advanced. They needed machines to do what many of us can do with our minds, as an example. The main difference is they were in open commerce with off-world species, mainly for the commercial trading in human products.
This system simulation will be the first system to have all 12 strands active in the same continuum, but that won't happen for tens of thousands of years as years are presently counted.
Katie Felten said:
This was a reply to someone who feels stuck and was asking for advice on what alchemy to use, but modified a little. The following is all you need to know. It contains every secret there is. Everything else is just window dressing.
Stop trying. Accept yourself exactly as you are from one moment to the next, and let absolutely everything go. Everything. Everything. Detach so completely from outcomes it was as though you never intended anything to begin with. Quit assuming your guides don't know what they're doing and put your trust in them completely. Nurture that relationship in all moments you're able to. Spend time in nature, and call them when you're out there. Work on becoming increasingly aware that everything is alive, aware, and wishes you'd acknowledge that. Just be a child: open, curious, sincere, and effortlessly loving. Above all, the most important three items on this list: Seek fun, excitement and laughter at all times. In fact, you can throw out everything above those last three, if you like! Hahahaha!
Yeah! Now I feel like everything important at all was just said! :D No more words needed. Thank you brotha for reminding me/us. It's funny how easy living is and how difficult the mind can make it looks.
These simple reminders always make me smile.
JD Aliix said: