
  • The key is in your Heart, looking for it anywhere else is pointless. I think that's what powers relationships of any kind.
  • Catholic/Relegious programming :) Get over it.

  • yeah, all the obvious possible statements aside, this is actually a more interesting question than might otherwise be apparent.

    let's embrace one singular truth, for the moment, that despite all that love and light b.s. that floats around these days, we are, at our core, first and foremost, mad scientists. always looking to create new chimera, combinations, and mutations. we are curiosity, not just curious beings, we are the heat and heart fire of curiosity itself.

    so, yeah, aside, from all the, "i'm lonely, don't wanna be alone, is there any one out there for me, netflix and chill, horniness of being human and feeling the need and craving of another body," there is also the, "there is no body else, it's all perception, it's only you, not just here on 'earth' but period. there is only YOU. not the small you, exclusively, cause that's as inaccurate as saying there is a real out there to begin with. there is no real, there is no 'you' at least in the obvious way that you're assuming is essentially true. but there is a something happening, like lighting inside a storm cloud, illuminating a space through refraction and shadow from within, hinting at form and structure but only in a veiled and ambiguous way, still distant enough to allow room for imagination and assumption to fill the gaps, enough distance in the intimacy of the being of you to allow the glue of personality to set in and hold the holographic vase, broken into it's many pieces, to cure the disjointed elements into a cohesive structure that simulates an awareness of being you that can be processed through the sensory system, the ones you know, sight, sound, taste, etc. and the ones that are not so obvious.

    in other words, this game reality, this test tube construct, this planetary field, this earth hive, is a constructed game space. it has rules, it has function and form, it is a system of systems, that are all artificial but are based on the same generalized forms of awareness that pervade all the levels of mind, and in it's own small way, demonstrate, in the microcosm, saying micro as in that it is an example of larger systems, but again, that is all a matter of perspective, of the larger essence of totality itself. which is you. or rather, "YOU."

    so, it is a lie, but that is only in as much that it is also the truth. it is what it is.

    now, here's the interesting part. in all the other aspects of your being, you know, in the assumed hierarchy of being of which from this level of existence as human being, that one can assume there are levels, that being an individual is something of an anomaly. sure, there are other semblances of a more localized self. but it's really not. self outside of this 3rd density notion, of humanity, as compared to what exists as "self or individualization," outside of 3rd density awareness, is akin to the idea of diabetic chocolate. sugarless, joyless clumps of dirt chemically simulating the idea of chocolate but hardly anything like the "real thing." so removed and divorced of the vitality of the experience that to call it "chocolate, or self," simply doesn't follow. it doesn't apply.

    so you're here, for you, to experience a discrete self, which really isn't possible anywhere else in the great one single mind. and for good reason, it's toxic and disruptive and dangerous really. well, that's not the only reason why you're here, but there isn't a one sense of the reason why you are here that doesn't bleed into and inform every other aspect of who and what you are and what that means regarding everything else that you are here to do. there simply is no such thing as containment. it like the notion of reality is a quaint human idea, but it simply isn't true. 

    everything touches everything else eventually, all we have every really been able to do in the construction of the universe is slow down or remix the same one idea, the same one me, or you or us, or it, from realizing the one true truth that is true no matter when or where or who you think you are.

    and that there is nothing and that nothing is all that is true. but that's boring! and not the point. being human, being peoples, being discrete simulated beings asleep to their true hive like functioning, which is always true, regardless of the level or completeness of the level of individuality dependent on the simulation and the density of mind that you would reside in to postulate such a notion, is the point. to interact with peoples. but in short, the point, is not odd ideas, constructs, gods, or even realization. realization is one of the really big lies. and the process of realizing that is a big step unto itself. the point here, is people. not planets. not anything but people.

    and so, relationships. the quick and easy answer is just to follow your intuition. don't think for a second that pursuing a relationship is somehow a cop out. cause it's not. if you ever wanted to know the fastest and most direct way to understanding what it meant to be human, get into a relationship. cause, in fact, when we individuate, when we become 'incarnate' when we take the simulation of a discrete and localized form, we do so for the explicit reason of forming through our own free will the intimate connections that beingness would otherwise automatically provide. or relationships.

    the key here is your free will, and taking the ideas discussed in this forum and mentioned in my little thought piece, into the fray, into the union you would otherwise think to make. because you're going to do what you are led to do anyhow. sure, you will choose what to do, when it feels right, and when the opportunity arises, but ultimately, the deck is stacked. living by the ocean makes it only a matter of time before you go for a swim, or at least, get wet. it's just a given. and a matter of time.

    so, let's set aside the coy and dishonest test tasting qualities of doubt and instead approach the question with a bit more honesty. so, you're pursuing a relationship. you're going to create that opportunity for yourself, you are attracting that scenario into your immediate concept of reality, or life, or story or consciousness. bottom line, the cute scenario of having the conversation or thought of kissing the person sleeping next to you one morning before or after brushing your teeth will become a topic of concern. as morning breath is one of the more hilarious issues tormenting modern human coupling reality. if not always, though, dental technology being what it is, does provide with an alternative option than simply grinning and bearing it.

    so now what? do you think you can fail? do you really mean, how do i manipulate, and control the scenario to limit qualities x and y, such as to produce desired effect z? to feel the intimacy without the drama? to feel another body without having to deal with their family? to sit through misunderstandings and television, eating food you can tolerate and not enjoy for the expressed benefit of facilitating communal harmony? it's an interesting idea. but bear in mind an essential truth. everything you see is you. and what you encounter in the lovers you attract reflects your inner thinking, attitudes and modalities of being. in short, what you see, what you get, is only what you are.

    now, the whole idea of being a mature and responsible lover, a compassionate and patient partner, an independent and joyous individual who is not looking for a missing piece, is not looking for a missing parent, is not looking for a task master, but another individual, who is mature and responsible and compassionate, and is not looking for their missing piece, but a complimentary mind. someone who adds to the cummulative realization of all that one is, bringing each partner to the next level and stage of their path, enjoying each other's company for as long as that may be, and parting with gratitude when it is time, accepting without condition, the sometimes maddening and meandering nature of the one great mind that like a humming bird or bee moves without attachment from one flower to the next in service to a larger system that serves that many systems of beauty that function the upkeep of being in the garden that may sometimes leave the toilet seat up?

    and if not that, if being petty and immature, small and jealous, claustrophobic and controlling, manipulative and demanding, is that anything worse, anything to avoid, is that too not the path? is that also, too, not part and parcel with the knowing of being a person, and being here to experience the smallness of  being and individual to be blind sided by what seemed love and then one day seems a burden? and something that was once pure and joyous became bitter and poisonous, is that also, too, not the point, an experience, a moment possible nowhere else but here and worthy in it's own right?

    but, who do you think is really in control of anything? even in the small ways of the decisions you make every day, do you think you can trick the hook of the fisherman? little fish? do you think you are something stronger against the weak? that you are more clever against feeble minded awareness vastly larger than you can conceive, that it is not you knowing at all times all possible responses and reactions and ploys you may think to create, and not anticipate every one? because it created them and watches with baited breath and popcorn excited to see which of the multiple choice of simulated actualities you may choose? while you earnestly thought you were the author of every one?

    bottom line, is it doesn't matter. do what you want, but i bet there is something wonderful waiting for you on the otherside of the concept of a distant dream, of the world you think belongs to the person you'd think yourself to become once you are in that relationship.

    and aside from that, i think it's a good idea. why not? what do you have to lose or gain? there is something fascinating to the game, to the idea of having a partner. you don't need one, you don't not need one. but it's something you can explore if it feels right, if you feel inspired to entertain. if you're open to it.

    infact, is not being here just another relationship? and to join the community not also just the willingness to entertain one kind of relationship with all those involved? but here's the secret, and the point in my venturing a reply to your sincere query at all. because we can be cranky and glib, i know.

    there is a truth, a symbiosis between the individual and the group. what makes the group strong is a strong individual. and so, there are certain aspects of being a successful group that have entirely do with how realized one is as an individual. aspects of being an individual that are only possible once one is in a similarly realized group. and so, exploring and wanting to engage in a relationship might not just be what you need, but what we all need.

    the only way to know for sure is to get out there. and maybe wear some deodorant. ;)

  • Dude.....Sweet!
  • This may not be a popular opinion (yeey love it, hihihi), but my take on it is that romantic relationships can and often do reinforce the structures/limits of the ego. They tend to have little in common with the kind of relationship this group is establishing, and my guess is that in many cases romantic/sexual relationships prevent individuals from committing fully to a collective goal, as it takes a lot of energy to compatabilize your illusory self to another earth body illusion on that level. (The opposite can also be true off course, but if you were in that kind of relationship you would not have posted this discussion).

    You have been in romantic relationships a bizillion times before, while you may not ever have been in a group like this one... :) Also, sexual energy is a powerful raw force that you may feel a lot more fulfilled if you use for other things.

    As an experiment, if you accept and rejoice in the fact that you truly are getting everything you will ever need or even desire on all kinds of levels already, maybe you live a wonderfully exiting life - even in this current madhouse - without romantic/sexual relationships for a while...?

  • I may be off topic here. I think there are various levels of romantic relationships. It can be the type of romantic relationship a man has with his favorite prostitutes to that Jesus had with Mary. They are each different, equally valid, and serve a particular purpose.
    The TSB share many great teachings one of which being to not be judgmental. So as Chance stated allow your intuition to guide you because there is no such thing as something is Right and something else is wrong.
    As Chance also mentions -- depending on the various elements that bind together to create a "you" play a major role in attracting partners with whom you form different types of relationships. Just to expand the discussion --- a romantic relationship is not only limited to a humanoid -- it can be one you have with the Universe itself. But that's another topic.
  • Universe <3

  • Thank you for the replies everyone. I am going to digest them, and reply in more detail. For now, I think the theme for me is figuring out how to feel, experience, and also detach in the same illusionary moments.

  • I'll chime in real quick here. Since you're aware to some degree or another that this mentalscape/virtuality is completely fictitious, there's no need to go too deeply into that. Like Chance (well, Roy) says above, why enter into a relationship with someone who doesn't actually exist? In light of that, however, since everything is just a type of energy, including would-be romantic lovers/relationships, then it can still warrant addressing on many levels, the least important of which being the satisfaction of personal emotional and carnal need. The first question is ALWAYS will everything else benefit by my taking on a harmonically balanced resonance otherwise thought of as a romantic love interest? If the answer is "not really," then it's cosmically immaterial as to whether or not you actually do other than to satisfy personal need.

    Satisfying personal need might actually have a necessary energetic component to it. So, to break it down to its simplest form:

    1. does a romantic love interest help everything else?

    2. if so, then fantastic (see below in dispensing with the Earth human relationship manual); if not

    3. does it further my own trajectory?

    4. if so, then fantastic; if not

    5. then drop it, but if so;

    6. then set up the attractor-net to bring in the counterpart who;

    7. completely understands now, or can be taught after meeting, the necessity to keep the standard Earth human relationship manual out of the equation, which can be reduced to the simplicity that absolutely no expectations or obligations or restrictions of any kind can be imposed upon either party to the relationship, ever.

    The Earth human relationship manual was designed specifically to cause stress, strife, resentment, anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, and the list goes on, which is why upon the occasion of virtually any murder the first suspect is always the spouse or significant other! (smile) The standard marriage contract is an absolutely idyllic exemplar of exactly what NOT to do if you're interested in unfettered expansion. With that knowing, 99.99% of all couples are each other's most potent limitations, which is precisely why the whole charade was invented and implemented to begin with. If you're a "bad guy elitest" and you want to keep things out of balance on a global scal, all you have to do is keep the male and the female out of balance with each other through the inculcation that you see everywhere every day. Entering into a relationship free of the Earth human contractual obligations manual, however, can make for an EXTREMELY powerful growth pattern for any two people who do it and use their alchemical blending rightly. I speak from direct experience.

    Indeed, a male and female, in perfect balance and accord with one another, can reach levels of being not available to individuals without counterparts. I'm not sure why that is, but it's true.


  • That's beautiful Boss-Man. Dr. Phil ain't got nothing on you. I honor you.

    I suppose, in the most succinct analysis, to my perspective, the equation, the function of relationship can be distilled to this. as an apparent something, of which we are, apparent somethings, at various levels of awareness, accepting of the truth that we do not exist, begin first from a nascent, default setting of assuming without conscious involvement, that there is existence and that we represent, in our perception of it, the pinnacle, the seed, the germinating singularity of all that is truly real, and apparent and so existent. anyone we encounter or locations we visit, or states of being we inhabit, in whatever level or aspect of totality physical, etheric or otherwise, is measured against our sense of reality as the truest beingness we know. ourself. its from where we draw all comparison. of this to that.

    and the realities function basically in that manner. and so, whatever you think you are, as a single discrete point in a larger perceptual field or matrix, you are really first and foremost a relationship. 

    between who you think you are what that means and where that is when that seems to happen to you as a moment of awareness discrete and identifying in the manner that serves best the notion of your uniquely qualifying version of experience, or life and well- nothing. between somethingness and nothingness.

    its always between something and nothing in a reality. in a mental framework, in a world space. mind is more fluid wrested free of the constraints and limitations of being physical, but in that way, also less 'realized.' but, i suppose, if one considered why that were true, its not to hard a leap to make.

    mind can do whatever you want. you need some convincing first. at least, initially. the more physical mind parts of you anyhow.

    so, my point is that if you really want to understand who you are you need to see the relationships you embody. because this is a more accurate depiction of your truer essence. and then from that, builds an even more complete picture of what you are, one that encompasses the infinite and the finite. the physical and mental. 

    so, to me, and this comes with no small amount of hypocrisy, the point is how you organize your relationships and how they are maintained. or, in a poetic sense, the gardener to the garden. the strength and quality of integrity of the individual to serve and maintain the systems of being that maintain the individual. how i am served by serving the all. as i am nothing without it.

    fun, isn't it? at least, i think so. fun enough to invest untold databases of eternity to merely explore.

    and to make a finer point, i suppose, in the end, everything becomes a romantic relationship. where the terminology becomes a bit more expansive from its original refinement. and a more generalized notion applicable to the wider and more encompassing notion of intimacy of being as relates any apparition of the self one may embody with the equally ghostlike quality of what seemed to be everything else.

    you know, the stuff we haunt.

    maybe its me, but this stuff is probably the most important topic we've broached for quite some time. nothing else matters without each other. real or not. why?

    well who else am i gonna share anything i find on my own with but you?


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