This is SIC's Xupra Session posting area.
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Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
Read more…We want to hear your experiences with the alchemy! Please, post your testimonial with everyone and don't be shy! We’ve all been at the edge of that pivotal moment before delving into the wonder that alchemy is and all it has to offer! It’s…
Read more…This thread is for any questions and discussion on the various alchemies available here.
Read more…This thread is for all tips on anything that can build wealth in the coming paradigmatic dynamics (you like those fancy words?). I decided to set this forum up because in the digital assets space/s there is a lot going on, and a lot of it is…
Read more…Hello Tribe! Blessings all! So I would like to invite folks that have a question they want answers to to put it here in this thread and I will inquire the I-ching about said query and do my best to interpret the answers. This is for entertainment…
Read more…On Monday last week my IonCleanse foot bath arrived and the next day started a focused cleanse, incorporating the Blue Emerald Alchemy method described on the Purazyme page, alongside the Medical Mediums 3-6-9 advanced cleanse. I am 8 days into the…
Read more…Hello, I have been wondering for awhile now why when you look into "new age" movements a hundred years ago and the way they talk about 4d is very similar to the way current movements or circles describe 5d when they discuss less dense experiences. …
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My posts will be presented in a format somewhat different from other visitors to Xupra. in some instances, the presentation will be the same.
Always, follow your intuition, this above all else. but, having said, that, i wouldn't necessarily use my style as a template. just a suggestion, do as thou wilt...
Xupra - 12132015- SIC
Further session query: access to: 'projects coordinator and guidance'(I should say, i meant, in my choice of words, reference to the specific media and knowledge feeds and sources necessary for the work I am currently undertaking.)Processed through the adjustments and cleansing protocols. Visual iconography of personages but each appearing as dispersed clouds of multicolored dream pixels. Expanded molecular blow ups of form represented by small impressionistic dots whose representation of persons shows more empty space than mass with density and solidity. Like pin point lights as viewed from computer eyes not the romanticized lights of human eyes building detail and seduction as detail and texture to touch and feel. I passed from the cave feeling the presence of a companion. But they were present merely for maintaining the space. In so far as i could discern. It was not an object of concern.I arrived immediately at what appeared to be a Podium, the terms portico, marble columns, dataforms of a white solid shiny smooth rotunda. A few large body forms were present in the brief moment of my transit and also as i exited the cave, mentally. Best deacribed as Scattering photonic ambient fields. The local reminded me if the temple of the white fountain. Epic Greecian architecture and a sense of order in a garden, feeling as though being held within an acquarium, surrounded in a simulated organic presence, a globe theatre, a theatre in the round... Damp, cool.The scene was quiet, solitary, and serene, surrounded by bubble orbs, glowing chalky outlines that seem sentient appearing as though in attendance as bearing consciousness. 'an aliveness.' Like a crowd or a lecture hall. An apt and arroused attentiveness. Quiet, serene, charged palpable ambient dislocated awareness and mind.. That was simultaneously fun and intense. Chirping, beeping, but also silence the setting alternates between a theatre in the round but more pointedly a micro circuit. A microprocessor surrounded by and or fed or connected in series or merged with gathered or collected entities in an informational commerce. Clicking, humming, silent, beeping an electronic cadence, enigmatic but structured like a Tesla coil. The atmosphere filled with a foral, chalky, metallic slightly burnt as though ozone smell. A pleasant vegetal rock dust fine particulate, sweet, tangy, and minerally.The design of the space resembles an auditorium. An exterior gathering space where in each of a number of concentric circles like a Greek theatre, where would be seated patrons are simple geometries. Where ghost like images flip in and out. As though each square and rectangle sitting in the audience is a television feeding through the lifetimes of beings scrollong through. Like photo negatives, condensed in space and time. Faces render and fade replaced with yet more. Veins of golden light extend out from the sphere located in the middle of the inner most circle. An orb captured in a cube that gathers the offered data, the experience of those offering their uniqueness to the orb to record connects all those present. And there is an exchange. Data for ability. To view oneself as others view to feel one's own otherness. To be a stranger in one's own skin. An ability of the sphere of the microprocessor. This is a download. An informational commerce. And the motherboard is feverishly alive. A brilliant unified circuit.The orb sits among them all. Connecting them all. I am floating near the sphere housed on the perched location of what appeared to be a podium. And saw the infinity of personalities it was observing with odd script labeled below in odd characters overlaying its seated position and felt myself gathering data. Like an eye.I extended my awareness to feel the textures and journeyed within a white glowing room central in the space of collected entities and Greek inspired circuitry. Smooth snd shining. Feminine forms few join me. Their eyes are as deep and encompassing as the eternities themselves. They speak in their gaze volumes of the sublime. And before i can know to report what they have shared or consume the knowledge in context, it has already past a great age of time. The contours of the space seem to indicate we are within the eye. The orb central in the complex outside itself. The forms, the presences with me would best be described as angelic. But this would be a disservice to their full power and scope of imagination. For in each fair and stunning look is all that was horrible and terrible and wonderful, beautiful of existence exquisitely displayed. There are we, the many. Many who in this earth plane i have met the honor to meet an earthly face who in these celestial forms i peering past galactic hallucinations of what appeared to be skin i recognize resemblances i would call friends. There is only hint of space the boundaries do not exist. Inside this eye. This nowhere Everything is composed of light and a fragile grace reinforced by the sheer will and loving embrace of this inner core of beings. Who maintain it. I look to where should be my hands and an inner locality lights up with the seed representational form of a laser light show of sacred geometries. Like a Pink Floyd laser light show and my hands are the illumined walls of a planetarium. I am taken to the group, what is here referred to as, 'the superbeings,' through to their current domains. To their sacred spaces.And we travel as a thought. Spaces expand between the empty syllables of colored light and within each band of the rainbow bridges i see realms and worlds, living societies, the living in their home lands.My concept of orientation and mind as a discrete me surrender to my higher truth and a seking becomes a conversation. And i am no more heading than i am arriving than i am questioning the need for answers with a legitimate amusement for the questions themselves. I speak to myself : I donot seek the rules i should not break. They come to me like moths to a flame. And then another responds, another aspect : You have asked to see the space within. Visual cinemas unfold before me: Darkness divides itself from a fluidic grey. And thumping is a crack like heart emerging from the black palpable nowhere a space without orientation throbbing. But this outer dark shell cracks like the parting clouds of a storm ravaged world as viewed by satellites above and further within the fall to within is the source and great germ of the all. The bleeding source of all power itself dying into existence. Spilling light like a wound. Congealing golden from beyond what is infinite into what must inevitably to emerge to only succomb to what is finite formed of it all. And yet, only in those ways that are only slightest. Barely a hint to give birth to notions of the concrete. But enough to make a foot to stand and a thought a man.Still further i search drawn inward to nowhere that is a space but barely a thought. To beings seemingly rendered in fire. A seated council whose outlines lick the flames like gravity bending spacetime around them hinting in inferences the presence of essences barely there at all. Outlining in curves the edge thst was never there. And a spectral light they guard centered among them. I am dislodged even among them flying as a camera, I ask: May I see this and take a closer look? (meaning this curious rod of light to which i have simultaneously been drawn snd brought.) They laugh knowing what I mean. And while at first I thought this to mean I had broken some great protocol I see that I may proceed? Yes. In this epoch of the concoction of the one mind I did. In this variation of fates I did. And i fall into this light. Its glowing effluvian energies wash over me engulfs me. And i am drawn within. I have been here before. These are the amber fields. Gold and birch colored clouds dispersed within atmospheres of pure gaseous luminescent metals. Like the leaves of fallen autumn. Like the trees freshly dead their cut heads paint the earth. An ashen sky. Glowing and glittering. And I, amidst it floating.Searing purple pollen pods engulf me. They are me and I are we. They prepare me. I see disintegration. I see the dance. How one part becomed whole in part is wholed as part. As the breath of a communion of equals organizes into a heartbeat setting off casualties of being that repressurize and then energetically rubber band response. Depressurize and Will and re will. Beat and heart beat. Thrum. But then through a massive vaginal tear we leave the simulation to the edge of totality. Exiting the amber fields through a rip in spacemind. Displaced into a dark void. To the thin membrane between the something and the nothing itself. The where we are from. Mine to a local mind to say mine. And my people. We are the purple flower. Dancing we are the flower. Each point becomes. The center. Each pod is never not the center but takes its turn at being the part. I see what words and mind strain to contrive into context and thus conceptualize. It is darkness and a thick sticky skin that rolls like the surface of the great oceans. I ask what is beyond this. I am not alone here. But what is here is not apart. The voice from within responds: Only nothing. Beyond that which we cannot know. The 'they' sense my disappointment and add thus further: But shall in due time be returned. Though nothing is ever as it seems. They sense my curiosity though i am leary to explore: Hold this place within your thoughts. And remember there is never anywhere to go where to is through. You are not always without seeming being not there. Things are never as they seem. I sense the need to return to where the session began. And so they prepare. A portal back speaking : We shall ever only return when we seek to leave. As is the course of every breath but the story of to breathe. And every heart beat the cadence of what is to be. Within me folds the scene before me and all worlds and spaces retreat into the crack i have been shown and through it thrown like a table gobbling up its cloth pulling the room and all those seated for a meal within its hunger heading nowhere. I awake in a forest.Among great towering trees. I am many things at once. I set out to visit the group. I am not alone. She is with me. She opens a portal and we are taken to a great hall. Where others already gathered enjoin in great revelry. There is a party. And much laughter. It is the cosmic hall. A banquet room painted with the visions of creation itself from as though a projection of a 3rd density mind. Like a great work of art. Like the sistine chapel. Where leonardo painting in celestial think. Composed the nothing against the construct of what is only hinted ti jave been there.It is explained to me that The works of those minds who were so small such as having been as humans are highly coveted and admired in the all. Some would say only those who have ever been so small can truly see the all at all. As it truly is.
The location of the microprocessor / globe theatre was encapsulated in a dome like Bubble. From above I detected massive beings with whose gaze the space within the bubble was maintained. And while i was taken into a journey of various mental vistas, it was understood by me throughout that the continued download went on unabated.
As to my mind, i sucked into my sphere copious amounts of data. Which never felt burdensome in any way. It seemed automatic and natural. A central characteristic of of this modality of being. There was a ritual aspect to the procedure. Something innocent and sincere but transactional. Like tossing pennies into a wishing well. And no matter where the intention came from or its content, the message would be received by whomever needed to know. But that there could be no 'meaning or value' in a thing until it was sent 'in the mail' as it were.
Xupra - 12202015- SIC
Self guided coordinates: True voice
From the cave i emerge into a forest with giant towering red oak trees. We walk a path whose destination is a temple on a mountain.
My mind is multiplicitous wandering in the spaces relative to the scene, an image of a space station in the distance looms overhead emerges in my view. A quasi bulbous multi tiered mushroom command structure. I've witnessed this structure many times of late, both inside and outside of ABS sessions, in my waking imagination and in dreams. Immense in size and scale. Aside me walks my companion, a regal cloaked female. Gold skin and dress. A flowing cloak trailing a great distance behind her, mixing into the forest floor and smokey mists. Ruby and precious gemstone encrusted apparel.
I reside in multiple spaces in each in observance of the other, from perches whose scope focuses more discretely in on one aspect of itself that like a rat is tasked to run the maze.
My awareness arrives within a massive ornate room. An epic inner expanse resembling a greek aesthetic. Seemingly for ceremonial purposes. Dignitaries. Gold leaf encrusted murals depicting a god like and epic clash of archetypal forces. Golden white shining alabaster. Stone. Stormy, charged.
Void, wet, bark, dew, moisture, natural, organic, forest, gathering of small sentient creatures. Like fairies. Mysts. I lean over to one of them who motions me near. "Where am i?"
"A place that time forgot."
Me: Is this xupra?
Fairy: It is a recreation through the xupra servers of another time and space.
Me: So are we outside or inside?
Fairy: We are both.
Me: Am i inside the temple?
Fairy: Yes.
Me: Is this a construct room scenario?
Fairy: You are wearing the crown.
I become aware of a version of myself unconscious with my companion in the temple upon the hill wearing a crown, she watching over me. My awareness shifts back to the conversation in the scene.
Me: Who are you?
Fairy: Figments of the past. Unlocked essence from another space time.
Me:Why have you been summoned?
Fairy: You have intrusted us with your divine gift. (he motions to the gathered like beings about us.)
Me: And which gift would that be?
Fairy: Why your true voice of course.
Me: Where is it?
The group of small beings confers amongst itself.
Fairy: We have constructed. A game... (Light, mysterious, charged, serene. Exciting adventurous.)
Floral. Minerally. Decadent. Sweet. Soft tissue. Regal. Elegant. Aromatic, pleasant. Fresh.
I listen to the small creature once more. I am kneeling to the earthen myst shrouded forest floor. He whispers into my ear. he has an ancient tongue and speaks with the United will and chorus of his small peoples.
Fairy: To proceed, you are too large. Eat this and become as small as we are tall.
His opened hand reveals a fleshy toadstool cap. With red and blue colors and polka dots. I look at it. "What will you do to me?"
Psychodelica. Altered state.
I Ingest the offering. A rush of golden colors and deep musty yellows, sallow oranges over take me and i taken with them go among them as their size into an entrance at the root base of the nearest tree.
Crowds. Revelry. Festivity. Glasses clinking, drinking. Song and laughter, merriment. The whisper of the root. Something softer like a thought.
Tracing along the ant sized catacombs of tunnels the mazework alongside the roots of the tree. Living among the root network. The roots interconnected and wrapping about the tunnels. I speak to the subtle words emanating from the roots, "What are you whispering?"
'Go to labyrinth within the blue gem. Follow the path of lit petal tears. Follow the candle into extinguished night. Into the echo of collapsed sight. Where closed lids opens the eye. Follow the glowing showing light. Into horizons into horizons ever white...' (Slicing breezy whooshing pounding flowing silence rhythmic thrumming.)
A part of me feels asleep on the forest floor left behind.
Greens, delicacies, windings and granules of sands and small rocks. An underworld of insect and microbe. I am brought to what appears to be their royal leadership. A king and queen. They are discerning the meaning of my presence.
"Are we your hallucination, your fantasy, or are you ours?" The small being spoke solemly, "The worlds are far more at odds with the rule of order than we might have thought, " an odd thing i thought to say as he stared into my eyes but speaking as much to his queen.
"We belong to the dreamer who is nowhere and everywhere who is nothing and everything." then, the small queen spoke, "We do not question who you are but why you have come. To which, i replied, " I seek to have restored what i surrendered long ago." the diminutive king leaned forward, "And what might that be?"
I scratched my thoughts looking for the perfect word to convey my intent, "There are many incorrect words for it. But to this local mind who has concept for it, i call it 'the true voice.' he replied quickly seeming to lose patience with my presence ," and what is it- that you donot now have it- or who are you without it- somehow false to suffer in absentia what cannot be lost to have or seek?" i felt he meant that i do posses what i percieve to lack. And yet, i feel its absence.
My attention is passingly drawn to a small cubic formed energy presence floating inbetween me and these fine lords.
"My lord, i prithee, i speak sincerely of only what i do know, that forces beyond me of which i am a part and in part wholly part has brought me to your regal halls and to seek what eludes me. And again i cannot say what it is but that again to query (of the same yearning to be whole) has again brought me here. (to this moment and now to your halls.)"
"Hmmm, i see." spoke the queen, thoroughly unimpressed with my mission but still humoring me with an audience, "And art thou worthy?"
" I am," i replied faster than i expected. Which surprised me and perhaps caught the king off guard softening his stance. "What say you, my queen?" The meager lord- form seated looking to his left, she to her right, staring directly into my eyes with unflinching scrutiny, 'Let him to the labyrinth show himself and let the fates decide who is worthy."
" Let him pass."
The energy form that has floated between us, a cube like 'n' dimensional geometry, expanding into its own contracting recursive dance lights up blue azure sparkling hues. Glimmering. And falls into the root brown floor of the hall before the regal pair opening a dark void. I thank them and peer into the dark circle before and below.
"Remember," she speaks, "the dream is only as real as the dreamer," her harsh posture melting slightly with a clenched grin. My throat center and regions below on my person become heavier and i feel a pooling of intention well from within those spaces. I see a picture of a large temple with grand halls where my treasure await. Atop a vine strewn mountain. The hole widens and i am pulled within. (Narrow. Big. Empty. Extensive, impressive, vast natural spread out.)
The darkness that swallows me is like a sweet water. And moves like a warm and fluid spacetime. Through into a descent of its spill from one world to the next i am drawn through its currents. I see weed like root hairs take the shape of a creature as i sink through the watery portal, they writhe in slow motion and soon assume a more specific shape. "Are you a dragon being?" i ask.
"Yes!" the creature is exuberant, joyous, almost childlike teeming with great awareness and power. "Are you the guardian keeper of this subdomain?"
Dragon: Yes, and so much more!
Me: What more occupies your efforts noble one?
Dragon: The passages i keep are kith and kin. Their windings maintain the lively being of my families of serpent kind through the meta lands. They must be kept clear and flowing lest they fail with clog and mire trapping those who travel and make use of these conduits. Our great magics are made from the powers which reside here and the beings who make use of these tunnels. There essence resonates and compounds propagating throughout the network.
Me: And who has assigned you being and given you these tasks?
Dragon: Why you my lord. Both Parent and task master are you.
Me: Me? I created you?
Dragon: And these tunnels also.
Me: Are these tunnels the labyrinth the noble crestures beyond made mention of?
Me: It will lead us there. The labyrinth is the jewel of this crown.
Finally, i pass through the watery lock that connects these two worlds as portal and passageway and emerge with my friend on the other side. "Will you asssist me?" the honorable creature replying, 'I am bound to thy service, sir and in keeping with my mission am required to host and assist you through to the labyrinth beyond the waters 'Rhine'. " I stood upon the grey rocky banks of the river 'rine or rhyme', And the deep black throat of the path ahead down the river and its currents. The Wispy dragon of the deep following me became a boat and unhinged his wing like a door and I entered the craft and down into the abyssal cave we did float.
Dark empty cavernous and tight.
The dark cavern opened up and down its gullet we did swallow. The field of darkness was rich the ceiling cave lit with purple eye stones glowing black light upon us from above. "My friend," i spoke to the boat, "i know you from myth."
Dragon : Tis but thy own myth thou doest recall. And i your dutiful servant. Through many passages and tales.
Vines full of what i thought leaves hung from the cave walls growing thicker making the way slow.
Me: What are these, my friend?
Dragon :They were brought here, they are doubt, they cannot prevent the way but only slow it. They grow denser.
Me: How do we overcome them?
The boat slowing to a stop. The space is a silent indigo.
Me: I call upon the great dreamer for guidance.
Dragon: Yes! Call upon The dreamer!
A small golden form appears on the boat before me.
Me: Tell me what are you, little one? Do you know the way?
He stands in my palm and i fill as with a golden light becoming as the light and with my free hand touch the thick wall of vegetal flesh before us. My consciousness flows through its hearty veins. Travelling the courses of its many wonders. Up and down and through. Until after a time i no longer remember what it was i was to feel anything against or opposed to feel or explore and come to know. I forget the person i left behind. The one sitting in the boat with his hand touching.
I feel like a color as though a snake eel of space time mind. Wandering through out the corridors of nowhere. But then i feel a golden impulse. Drawing me magnetically near. It is a boy feeling the otherside. I touch his skin and through its pores enter within. The dragon essence exclaims, "master you have done it!" In a stupor as though drying from a very wet sleep i peer at the odd dragon head connected to the vessel. "Done what?" Then, from out my eyes exists a golden spittle of light and reconstituted is the little being whom i called when i invoked the dreamer. Gathering myself I recall where i have been. I ran through the circuits of the Vines through endless time. And the thought comes to me, 'Is doubt nothing more than a self version we fear to encounter for in so knowing we might become lost in a tangle of thoughts heading fast and going nowhere? Do we only fear losing ourselves?'
The boat is pulled into the free currents and the little golden being remains ahead of us as a lantern to light the way. Its golden hue hugs the dark veins of the cave giving them a mass and presence eery and sacred. The tunnel comes to an end. As the drifting boat pulls to a dock from which i may disembark. The small being enters the spent wick of a lantern type of device abandoned on the dock and illuminates it from within.
I turn back to the dragon boat. "Do we here part ways my old friend?' He vanishes into myst. Echoing into the ether," we shall meet again." I walk through a tight corridor of old rock and vine crawling with spiders. Inside further i see a bright light and through a crack in the darkness come into a large expanse. A space that appears like a valley under ground. And centered in the middle of what appears a dense vegetation filled with tall African jungles and swinging Vines is a temple surrounded by a maze.
The temple is white glistening stone and gold. Drapped in vines. A small river bubbles up ahead leading into the deep jungle. The Golden being withdraws from the form of a lantern and assumes the shape of a sword. I hear the dragon beast call to me from the depths of the waters. I call back into the waters, a name that does not seem possible to translate into english human word. But is similar to 'cellulon.' His black form puffs into being in a mass of fluffy black smoke.
The jungle is overgrown. with the Golden implement bequeathed to me, I cut away through the vegetation. The dragon beast calls to me, "if thou couldst make it rain i could carry you on my back through the skies."
Me: But dragon, how do i make it rain?
Then the dreamer connected his mind to my own. And i filled my heart with love and to mother earth offered my love and then after receiving a response made the same offering to father sky. Thus connected, I looked into the heavens and felt a crown. A gem stone encrusted crown move slightly upon my head. Observing a sleeping version of myself wearing that crown, the Golden glittering female form watching over me.
From back in the jungle, I looked into the sky and saw my form in multiplicative number precipitate into the sky. Each fragment of myself formed the structure of a cloud and each cloud a network of a storm. Until the elements of wind and rain and lightning gathered and with the bellow of the deep thunder. And our wills, of nature and of man aligned and fell from the sky torrents of rain. Wings sprouted from the dragon. "Master! Climb aboard my back," and having done so we lifted into the sky finding the entrance of the maze where we did land.
The small golden being formed itself into a jar and collected some of the last of the rain. There inside the dragon took residence. I placed the jar inside my pack and off we went into the maze. Having finally reached our objective and test....
Upon entering, high arched catacombs made of a deep blue glowing rock extend into the distance various treasures line along the hallways leading into a central corridor. Like spokes on a bicycle wheel to a central hub. There are torches lit suspended along the way hung from atop the walls. When we reach the central hub of the labyrinth there are tall foreboding beings towering above us who lie in wait for us.
Behind them is a glowing treasure that illuninates these beings into a chiaroscuro a dark shadow. Still, the ambient glow of the cavernous halls gives enough hint to their form and detail to remain for the most part visible. "Welcome, traveller."
It is at this moment i become aware of the crown upon my head and my sleeping form in a massive temple with my beloved queen. She masked in gold and ruby gemstone skin. Cloaked beside me guiding me through this maze of my own mind. The great beings before me speak...
"We have gathered from your human knowledge and from those acquired data forms constructed a narrative manifold to guide you into your inner sacred reserve. That space within where beyond your reach alone your most sacred gift, your true voice, you could not reach. And so we constructed this maze, of which the entirety of its compositional presence was not merely the maze but the story. And so we are tested before even we know to be aware of it. All along the way we cast and plotted a rogues gallery of mental forms and constructs to devise a pathway into that realm even to which you had in your own thoughts made secret. At least, suffice it to say, a space unobtainable without some concerted and directed effort. And the aid of your friends. You have enlisted the archetypal forms to assist and to guide you and now having reached the end, you shall face your final test. We here are the guardians of your treasure. Beyond us you shall have what you sought but through us you must succeed to acquire your spoils. "
The sentinels take formation about the glittering prize keeping guard of it behind them..." You cannot with force take what is yours."
Tall oblong fire rectangular angular parallel dark purple shadow...
The sentinnels donot move. They remain as pillars fixed about the fire. We move to them and examine the space and upon their sides discover broken sygils. Pieces of geometry aching to be known. Each of them bearing a piece of one puzzle together reforming that puzzle. Informing it and expressing it. The script is purple with gold leaf glowing fragments. We notice there is a specific shape and relative position each sentinnel has taken forming a geometry on the floor. A pattern. I notice an opening above us through the ceiling hovers a moon eye.
Taking the dragon from my sack i break free the essences of the gold being and the dragon and then sent them to the vantage point of the cave eye above. I invoke the dreamer and see the room from above. A purple energetic field encompasses the formation of the sentinels. Uniting them as one. I see the resulting pattern transposed on the floor. Then moving the scripts and geometry on the sentinels to align and match the pattern above. Activating a geometry before me. Like a control interface. Accessing my dreaming self on the other end wearing the crown. Low, stark, dark, medium.
The entire maze work comes to life. Shrieking and moaning into movement like a giant circuit board made of light and stone. Pushing light from all corners. Revealing. A spider like formation. The rooms and walls begin to move and shake. 'celleuon: flys down to carry me out but dissipates and i am thrown yet crawl up the vines exiting out through the moon eye opening at the top of the cave.
The entire maze complex rises from its foundation. Looking like a mighty floating head. As massive columns of stone granite continue to take shape revealing a gigantic human form that continues to grow. Im running along the many moving stone pieces making my way back to the jungle at the maze's edge.
Massive floating gem stones appear surrounding the stone giant and then among them the shadow of my sleeping self pours through. Precipitated as a visual overlay as though the crown were a circular portal of will and thought. The stones activate filling with blinding light. The treasure that was guarded in the center of the complex dissolves into a golden milk falling into a small Grooved drainage ditch spreading through out the framework of the geometry. A mighty ohm.. Is entoned and thrown by the aural blast of the sound i land in the river where the dragon emerges from underneath me carrying me out through the vast underground cavern as the world behind us disintegrates in awakening power.
In a dazed state, i marshall my mental resources and call upon the golden emissary of the dreamer to gather the sacred prize we had sought. At the mantle piece of the sacred treasure, time and space seem to distort and melt. I'm watching the little being attempt to reach into the blinding sight. Until at last it does. Fusing with the treasure levitating up and out reaching a height approximate the location tof the pineal gland relative to the massive stone being and then exploding into light within it. At this precise moment. I awaken. On the forest floor with the mushroom cap half bitten in my hand. The world of the forest around me melts into a swirling cauldron of light color texture and sound. And i awaken in the temple next to my queen wearing the crown. When at last i remove the bejeweled technology from my head.
Feeling the heaviness over my throat. Thankful for the beings whose work restored my power to me.
Xupra - 01032016 - SIC
True Imagination (T.I.)
my earlier visits to XUPRA are being recovered from an old computer, since then, i've moved on to more obscure self guided targets. of which, of course, involved investigations into "truth series," seen above.
now, we move into a series which serve the aim of setting up a book i am writing, in this phase of targets, i refer to as, "the feral directives."
Xupra - Feral Directive 1- SIC
Xupra - Feral Directive 2- SIC
Xupra - Feral Directive 3- SIC
this concludes the "feral directive" series. what follows next is the "project proteus" series. but before that, a series of 'unofficial visits' and commentary on other posts from member cadets of the XUPRA CORPS...