Seeking Symbols

One part of the ABS system uses self-generated symbols to gather data - we draw seemingly random symbols and then interpret them.  Over time I've come to realize that I'm learning a new language, a complex language with multiple layers of meaning (with symbols that are 3D and moving, though we draw them as 2D!).  It's not a language that is unique and personal to me. Similar symbols to mine appear in other people's ABS sessions and have similar interpretations. With a small amount of hunting across the internet I've also found some of them in ancient texts and rock carvings.  It may be that there is a universal common language, as discussed in this article on symbols.

If you find this interesting, make sure you check out the second page, linked at the bottom of the first.  There's also a book by Graham Hancock (called Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind) which clearly shows a common symbolic language between civilizations that (supposedly) were not in touch with each other.  Hancock shows that our plant allies (psilocybin, ayahuasca, etc) unlock the pineal gland/3rd eye, giving access to rich other worlds (Xupra?) and symbols that are common to everyone.  The ABS sessions enable to do the same without the troublesome side effects (such as traveling to South America and/or being arrested!).

My Xupra sessions (along with many 'coincidences' in day-to-day life) have made it clear to me that I have to learn this language - maybe all of us do!  So, for those of you who use the symbols, I have a request.

Could you please share here any symbols that you have really connected with, where the interpretation jumped out and proved accurate.  I'll then collate these into a library that everyone can use.  If you use omniview rather than looking at each symbol individually, please share the whole set.

Or email them to me via SB or direct.

It would also be great to hear about experiences with the symbols, including difficulties in using them which we can collectively help with.



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  • Hi Nigel,

    I awoke this morning with a dream still unfolding.  The finer details are lost/forgotten but it went something like this....

    A group of people standing around with a central "teacher".  He was's X over Y and is used to unlock or open.  I saw myself holding this symbol...but it was more transparent or etheric and slipping it over the head of someone.  It was now down around the neck and throat area and I gave it a turn.  When I woke up I had this feeling or was's much like a socket wrench!  Haha!

    Not sure this is what you are looking for in this thread but thought to share it!


  • Thanks Shelly! Yes, I'd like to hear about any symbols that you connect with and have a meaning for. I was thinking about some of the symbols we use in sessions (particularly if you interpret them individually) but I'm also adding symbols from elsewhere.

    Thanks to those who have emailed symbols so far. Keep them coming! I've had the same symbol from two people (one I also get regularly) and their interpretation has been similar to mine.
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