Self Mastery Workshop

These are the books we'll be using in our workshop:

“The Four Agreements Companion Book” by Don Miguel Ruiz 

“Living as God:  Nothing Is Simpler” by  Zoe Joncheere

“Super Accelerated Living: How to Manifest an Epic Life” by Bentinho Massaro 

All are available in paperback on

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  • Thank you  Nancy for sharing with us last night.  What a great time of year for a journey of new growth. I am  Clear, Open and Receptive to whatever is coming my way.

  • Yes, We will be starting with the 'Four Agreements Companion Book'.  The first chapter, "Domestication" should be read and the practical exercises should be completed for our first "working call" on May 22nd so everyone can share their experiences to doing them.

  • Is there a recording of the call for people that weren't able to attend live?

  • Mary helped me with the technical end of the Uber Conference call, since this was my first. I think I heard the "announcement" that the call was being recorded as I was talking.  If yes, I'm not sure how long it takes to get the link to the recording posted on the Call Recordings page under the Gathering menu.  Mary, can you help answer David's question?  Thanks!

  • Yeah we are working on it. I have the last two recordings to upload and one of them is giving me trouble. I will put them up and announce them. Just stay tuned. 

  • Now that many of you have had a chance to read Jason’s book “The Simple Truth” I wanted everyone to know (if you don’t already), that it is the Simple Truth Program which is the foundation of and reason for the new Self-Mastery Workshop. The workshop is intended to offer participants, who are committed to breaking free of all the “slime, sludge and toxicity of this 3D Earth system”, a way to be lovingly supported and helped to remain on track as we use tools, techniques and apply practical exercises to the illusion of our everyday reality until we regain our personal freedom and are restored to a purity of being which, as Jason points out in his book, is our innermost purpose. 

    If you missed the May 8th kick off call Mary has posted the link to the recording here:

    Our next call will be on May 22nd.  We will be starting with the 'Four Agreements Companion Book' by Don Miguel Ruiz.  The first chapter, "Domestication" should be read and the practical exercises completed so participants can come prepared to share their thoughts and experiences as they explored and applied them in their daily life.

    I'm excitedly looking forward to sharing this journey with all of you!

  • Hi Nancy

    I was going to get the kindle version of the Four Agreements Companion book.  The kindle version's title is

     the Four Agreements Companion: Using the Four Agreements to Master the Dream of your life.  Are they one and the same book?  thanks

  • Hi Winnie, I checked the Kindle Version on and yes, it is the same book.

  • thanks Nancy! Nancy Lovell said:

    Hi Winnie, I checked the Kindle Version on and yes, it is the same book.

  • Hi Cheryl,  Thank you for your feedback!  I want to take this opportunity to remind you and all the other workshop participants that this journey of self mastery is more of a marathon than a sprint.  The workshop is intended to help you uncover and realize who you truly are -- an eternal, infinite, ever evolving consciousness which is experiencing all that it is through your 3D physical journey.  This is accomplished by being "self aware" day-by-day, moment-by-moment until it becomes 2nd nature.  As I mentioned in our kick off meeting, self-mastery is a solitary journey of self-observation, self-correction, consistency and perseverance where you will find times when you take 1 step forward and then 2 steps back.  But just that one step forward will bring with it much joy, excitement and a feeling of success that will spur you onward.  So while there is quite a bit of "homework" in the first chapter, the practical exercises are meant to be a starting point and if you are like me you will find yourself going back to them as reminders of how we've been programmed. And they will continue to serve you and help you "dig deeper" as you "catch" yourself being sucked into the 3D illusion.  So everyone please don't be discouraged, dismayed or put off by what you may perceive to be a lot of work -- uncovering your true self is worth the effort!  If you aren't able to complete all the exercises before tonight's call, that's okay.  We can talk about whatever everyone has been able to get to and we can continue exploring the "revelations" in this chapter on the next call if need be.  See ya tonight!

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