
  • During times of "dreamlike" meditation I am beginning to recognize increases in frequency through the process of letting go of thoughts or by simply observing. These are actually physical feelings of frequency that I feel and it's due to the wonderful alchemy and the systems here. It's a wonderful process and the road to self-mastery is amazing and beautiful.
  • I found the passage below quite profound ---  not that performing miracles are of interest to me. But reaching higher levels of understanding is---   I thought the point raised by Jason on this page explained how reaching higher levels of understanding is a natural extension of our abilities and expansion of our capacity.  This is a quote from the "Daily Practice" from the Mastery document.  -- What do you think??

    "It isn’t about what you can do, but about what you know, what you understand, and that boils it right down to what we can help with here in our abbreviated Mastery System.

    To reach those levels of understanding takes Mastery of Self, and that is all there is to it, it really is. BUT, everything can be broken down into sub-contexts of that basic concept. Mastery of Self is in fact how you earn the engifting from higher level Teachers/Monitors of more responsibility, which is the same thing as Wisdom, which is the same thing as Understanding, which is the same thing as Knowing, which is what is needed to merge two continua in an isolated and temporary way in order to perform what are thought of as miracles."


  • You too!!!  Me too!!!   I noticed yesterday while doing my meditation with G-Space, I felt enshrouded by a amplifying and expanding field.  In this morning I woke feeling the same way.  It is as if I am walking in a bubble that expands and expands..  I thought the same -- must be the alchemy and mine generating the energy that puts it into even better use.  Thanks for sharing!! 

    Artemisprime said:

    During times of "dreamlike" meditation I am beginning to recognize increases in frequency through the process of letting go of thoughts or by simply observing. These are actually physical feelings of frequency that I feel and it's due to the wonderful alchemy and the systems here. It's a wonderful process and the road to self-mastery is amazing and beautiful.
  • Here’s a slightly different perspective, as I’m learning at a pace that is just breathtaking. Mastery is about self-mastery. Self-mastery is about mastering your mind. End of story. But now we can explain a few things as to the whats and whys of TSB.

    As we’ve said a zillion times, we live in a sea of thought. For the sake of example, let’s say it’s not a sea, but an enormous pool of programming language all in discrete (separate, distinct) packets. These distinct thought packets are all generated organically from within people’s own minds, or are artificially generated by those who use their technologies to control. Whatever their source, they attract like patterns, blend, reformulate, create new entities, or worst of all grow to enormous proportions, all of the same or similar patterning of any given thought packet. It’s the snowball effect. The enormous growth of certain thought patterns is what eventually creates Biblical scale demons in situations of, say, Christians facing great eeeevilllle. Bottom line: they attract it and construct it from the stuff of their own psyche. The thought-pattern blends with archetypal imagery held deep within the fearer’s psyche and arranges the thought-pixels into horrific visages of horned beasts with red eyes.

    The way you program an entire society to think a certain way is to jack into that pool of programming language and insert huge quantities of thought-code. Add to that all the conscious 3D imagery, such as the massive quantities of it in the various media that inspire fear, and you have a bulletproof method of controlling a society’s thinking. When new-agers say “Take back your power” or “sovereignty” or whatever, what they really mean, or SHOULD mean, is take back your mind. I wish more of them did say this, because that’s the purest way to put it. It would be far more to the point, and of course truer. To do that is on paper quite simple and straightforward conceptually, but it is no easy task. It’s literally like trying to swim to the surface of a pond with weights strapped to your ankles. It requires the clearing of the patterning that attracts unwanted thoughts, shielding, doing everything you can to stop thinking the attracting thoughts, realigning and readjusting all while doing the clearing, and so on. It would be a daily grind of epic proportions. This is why it would be nearly impossible to do without the alchemy while living in our busy Western Culture.

    Another foundational declaration upon which to build this paper: Very few (if any, actually) people are completely in charge of their own minds. The reason for this is that all are susceptible to this thought-flow. So, let’s give an example. When you have any given thought, let’s say one that inspires anger, you have actually done nothing but respond in your own individual and personality driven way to an anger-based thought packet that crossed your path. So, the thought isn’t your own, and it almost never is. Put another way, you’re the unique filter and either amplifier or transmuter of the current in the thought-pool that just crossed your path, and so your response is truly not your thought, but it is your responsibility.

    Let’s give a real world example. Let’s say two women, just divorced, friends for life, are looking for a home. They’re naturally fearful about life, but hopeful, even optimistic. It is a big change to strike out on your own after being separated from your hubby, but naturally inspires quite an array of fears. Since Christians are so unbelievably programmed, they’re the best to use in example. So in our story they’re both devout Christians, and both are in need of overcoming some deep-seated fears, the deepest of which (and which are always the most powerful) they’re not even aware of. They are also completely unaware they were sisters in a past life.

    Let’s stop there and ask why they’re in need of overcoming some deep fears. It’s simple. Being free of some of the heavier stuff way deep inside will make their transition into 4D much smoother, and even more importantly they won’t take those unwanted masses into the 4D mental environment with them to be dealt with yet again by everybody else. This is why there is so much clearing work being done on 3Ders who have transitioned out of here and visited  “spiritual clinics” for cleansing, relaxation, astral massage, and some who golf on courses where the ball always drops in for a par. All are getting cleansed and awaiting the time to take on the new 4D bodies in the new 4D world.

    Moving along. They’re driving around with their children looking at homes to rent. They’re both very attracted to a home. They find out it is suspiciously reasonable to lease, but immediately set aside their apprehensions and sign the lease anyway. Because of their financial situation, they’re stuck there, having gone “all in” with their choice. Even though they’ve driven to the home themselves, they’ve actually attracted it to them, since we know that motion doesn’t actually exist. But on the drama layer (this 3D layer) of multiselves, the story plays out that they moved through space on solid road in a solid car to that location.

    They move in. The children see things, like imaginary friends. The women start to sense presences. If they weren’t Christians, they’d have far less reason to assume they’re demonic, but since they’re Christians, they assume it is a malevolent force of Biblical programming. Because of the programmed thought-patterns, they begin attracting more of the imagery and energy associated with that deep-seated fear. Let’s say that in both of them it is deep-seated because their fire and brimstone Quaker father in the 17th century spent all day long every day casting demons out of the town-folk. They’re not aware of it because it’s from a past life. This is one of the very reasons the “bad guys” divorced Christianity from reincarnation: to keep future Christians from looking into clearing past-life stuff, thus prolonging, hopefully indefinitely, the clearing work that is going on everywhere today.

    Because these deep-seated fears require clearing, and they (no pun intended) must confront their demons, Metaself (or one of the lower level selves) utilizes the images from the depths of their own psyches to assemble The Beast with whom they must do battle. Throughout the process, their fears dissipate to some extent, they get stronger, more confident, with “If I can make it through that I can make it through anything” attitudes, thus ALSO clearing away, to at least some extent, the deep-seated fear.

    Whenever you hear someone say something like this: On the highest levels angels and demons are the exact same thing, and the above paragraph defines why that is true. Let’s put it another way. Find the worst thing you can think of. Be it Archon overlords, Reptilian task-masters, Hitler, whatever your idea of horribly bad is. Hop onto the thread of that idea, face, person, group, whatever, follow it back and back and back into the inner workings of Creation, and all you will find is your own face. But in a realm such as this one, this 3D Earth, where the good|bad duality is a crucial part of the experience, almost nobody can be in control of their own minds or none would be benefiting from the experience.

    Now let’s examine why this was not up to them, our ladies above, why they were not even in the least bit in control of their own minds. First off, if somebody had said to them “bad things happen in that house,” then of course they’d never have moved in and thus gone through the important clearing work. Secondly, Metaself caused the attraction to the house to make sure they’d move in. Third, the house itself didn’t actually exist prior to their finding it, but when they did (or more accurately when it found them), the house itself came into being in that moment complete with a history of being possessed by demons, even though all of those storyline elements came into being at the moment it was time for the two ladies to experience something that would clear an old density, program, emotional packet, fear gestalt, whatever you prefer to call it.

    Moral of that short story? There are no such things as demons. There is only the need for demons in order to have a needed experience, which uses the images within one’s own deep psyche to design the demon to be experienced. There is only the need to have an experience the surface layer self, the one reading these words, wouldn’t choose, and therefore can’t be left in charge of their own mind, and thus decisions.

    This literally goes for almost everything you see in so many of the storylines in today’s world. A woman drives her children into a lake, drowning them, while she swims away unharmed. Charged with murder, she can’t remember anything about the event. What she doesn’t know, is that the children themselves were involved in something they needed to experience. Had she been in charge of her own mind, she would not have done what the indwelling intelligences of the children required in terms of experience, so her own indwelling self took over the surface self’s mind in order to do the bidding of the children, which was to drown them.

    But no experience is one-sided. She will have had to benefit one way or another from the drama level story-line experience of drowning her children. This need is becoming one of the standard needs of today, when speaking about clearing work. Let’s say that she is a Wanderer/Volunteer, and so is from a high enough level of social memory complex that the concept of evil was left in spacedust 53 million of their years before. In one of her training (to be a Volunteer) lifetimes here on Earth, the indwelling visitor failed to awaken the surface self (see the Discussion, Alchemy – 2016 – Emptiness, for a more in-depth view of what that means).

    Let’s say that that Earth mission training lifetime was in the 1600s when she did a life as an Inquisitor, indiscriminately killing everybody he/she could find who even just hinted at heresy. This stint blurred the lines of good|bad, because mathematically how could God’s work call for indiscriminate mass murder? It was very confusing. And it did nothing but add to the accumulation of karmic mass. To balance it, the indwelling Volunteer self then did a stint as a nun and nurse in an orphanage ‘in the 1800s, developing an unbalanced and overweaning sense of good|bad, good|evil, and thus thought of herself as love and light, and a savior, even too good for the world. Once again, the indwelling Volunteer/Wanderer had failed to wake her up.

    To re-balance all of these simultaneous life experiences, the indwelling Volunteer/Wanderer decides that to break the bonds with karmic mass she must balance it with an experience that would once again blur the good|bad lines, therefore placing her firmly back onto the middle path, the path of greatest balance, least resistance, and absolutely free of karmic mass. She thus – not in control of her own mind – drowns her children in order to bring it all back into balance, following the dictates of Metaself.

    So, to summarize, what you see in the world, everywhere, are storylines being played out in order to bring balance on individual and collective levels through the erasure of karmic mass, and almost nobody can be in control of their own minds or none would ever choose the needed experience.

    There is one other important angle to understand. Frequently, Metaself (and all its parts) are far too big in energy, codes, knowledge, etc., in terms of timing for release in Earth and what the Earth project needs. The important thing to know is great effort is being exerted in order to keep any given Volunteer/Wanderer asleep, or distracted, or whatever else, until the time is ripe to open him or her up and let the huge stuff flow. So let’s say that our hypothetical subject has some sort of energetic parasite, and that parasite is causing her to be fatigued, with symptoms of fibromyalgia and even muscular dystrophy. A dozens lightworkers have seen and failed to clear away what is some sort of vile looking parasite attached to her energetic back and neck, and this entity also seems to be behind her rampant candida.

    Let’s say that despite all efforts by her and her network of lightworkers, she keeps making decisions that empower the parasitic entity, such as continuing to smoke cigarettes, continuing to judge and indulge in enger even though she’s trying very hard not to, continuing to make poor choices for partners, continuing to self-sabotage in all the many ways, and the list goes on and on. She’s not making these decisions because she’s weak, or stupid. She’s making these “poor” decisions because she HAS to, because it is necessary. And she has to because the time for her to be free of the entity, and thus free to hugely widen her own bandwidth, has not yet come. This is why she can’t be in charge of her own mind. Otherwise she wouldn’t make the necessary decisions.

    You’d probably be amazed at how often the entities can’t leave, and they can’t because they’re being held captive by the person, or in the case of the drama layer, victim. You’d probably be amazed how many entities you could talk to, and who if you asked them why they don’t leave, they’d say “I can’t leave. She’s holding me here. She’s doing this.” This is actually the case in the vast majority of parasitic entities, possessions, and so forth. The person is actually summoning the demon, arranging for the possession or attachment, applying the astral makeup and “dressing” the entity in the way they need a demon, parasite, whatever, to look.

    An excellent example is the story of the real Emily Rose:

    So let’s tie this all neatly up. On our level of expanded awareness, the objective is to get clear of everything, especially everything that has anything to do with Earth and all lives experienced here. The main reason to do that is so you don’t attract the thought-stuff that share the vibes of the thought-stuff you’re clearing, and therefore won’t infect your own perceptions or thought patterns. The buck therefore stops with you, as your own thoughts will stop adding to the etheric thought-toxins circulating around. The secondary reason to get clear of everything is so that Metaself and its denser parts (other selves) can more easily use you to access this “realm.”

    In doing this, here at TSB we are choosing our way to the middle-path balance, taking control of our own minds (mastering our own minds) to some degree or other, leaving the difficulties of experience through the good|bad duality to be balanced by others. The moment you yourself step on the middle path is the same moment, as just an example, another person in the world loses control of their own thoughts and begins storyline, drama level things in order to continue the pendulum action that is needed in a world of experiential balance between the illusion of good and the illusion of bad.

    Everything we do here, most especially the alchemy, is designed to elevate everyone who is ready onto the middle path, which is the highest possible path in this 3D “world.”

    Does that all make sense?

    The good news is that there is almost nobody among Volunteers/Wanderers who isn’t ready to be free of everything. We just thought it might be helpful for some of you to understand why things, healing, clearing, etc., don’t always work, and sometimes don’t work at all.

  • Hi Jason

    Yes your response makes sense to me although I will read it once more.  But what I am not grasping is the context of it -- I don't understand how my post connects to your response.  I wrote it - and perhaps I didn't it make it clear from the perspective of self mastery is indeed  owning your own mind.

    Is  the essence of your point that even that can not happen until it's the right time.  My practice for doing G Space is not for the purpose of healing or overcoming anything.  It is indeed to  free myself of programmings I feel the time has come to shed.  But I am sensing that even that can't happen until it is time.  So here were go again.....  what's the point of even sitting in front of G-Space ---  Perhaps it's time to check in to a mental asylum if everything is a creation of my mind and if there's nothing happening outside of me.  The line between madness and sanity is quite blurred...   (ok I'm not going toa mental asylum.. I don't quite like the life style and I've got bills to pay. :)   but really --- 

  • And I am in true acceptance that things haven't worked out for me .. because it is just that -- not because there is failure on my part --  And in I see it as a step towards owning my mind... due to hanging around here

  • Hi, Theo. The context is straightforward. You started a thread about self-mastery and I thought I'd dive in and cover a few things that are very precisely involved in that process. I wasn't actually referring to you, not specifically, in any of it, just FYI.

    I thought it might be useful for people to understand how infrequently most people are in control of their own minds.

    Theo said:

    Hi Jason

    Yes your response makes sense to me although I will read it once more.  But what I am not grasping is the context of it -- I don't understand how my post connects to your response.  I wrote it - and perhaps I didn't it make it clear from the perspective of self mastery is indeed  owning your own mind.

    Is  the essence of your point that even that can not happen until it's the right time.  My practice for doing G Space is not for the purpose of healing or overcoming anything.  It is indeed to  free myself of programmings I feel the time has come to shed.  But I am sensing that even that can't happen until it is time.  So here were go again.....  what's the point of even sitting in front of G-Space ---  Perhaps it's time to check in to a mental asylum if everything is a creation of my mind and if there's nothing happening outside of me.  The line between madness and sanity is quite blurred...   (ok I'm not going toa mental asylum.. I don't quite like the life style and I've got bills to pay. :)   but really --- 

  • Very helpful! Thanks for the info.
  • Thank you Jason for taking the time to share your knowledge (remembering), in such depth and yet in such a simple way -- truth isn't complicated is it.  I find that your insights really resonate with me. Lately, I've been practicing what I call "the art" of observing myself as I move through my day.  Sometimes its like I'm watching a play unfold.  When people or experiences that one would designate as "difficult" or "obstacles" occur -- and when I can remain centered (on the middle path) and not get caught up in the drama, -- I say to myself, "I am responsible for this."  And then I ask "Why did I create this?  Why did I attract this (event or person) into my experience?  What am I trying to remember or learn?"  It isn't always easy to take a cold hard look in the mirror, but once I "see" the image being reflected back at me and remain non-judgemental, non critical of myself, I can usually understand the "message" being presented.  As Shakespeare wrote, "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts..."  And the curtain opens to Act I Scene I of the play I am writing, directing and acting in!  :)

    Jason said:

    Here’s a slightly different perspective, as I’m learning at a pace that is just breathtaking. Mastery is about self-mastery. Self-mastery is about mastering your mind. End of story. But now we can explain a few things as to the whats and whys of TSB.

    As we’ve said a zillion times, we live in a sea of thought. For the sake of example, let’s say it’s not a sea, but an enormous pool of programming language all in discrete (separate, distinct) packets. These distinct thought packets are all generated organically from within people’s own minds, or are artificially generated by those who use their technologies to control. Whatever their source, they attract like patterns, blend, reformulate, create new entities, or worst of all grow to enormous proportions, all of the same or similar patterning of any given thought packet. It’s the snowball effect. 

  • Guys, please remember to snip your posts. Nancy, I did that for yours above. When you reply, you just snip off all but a few lines of the post you're replying to.

    Nancy, all of this is also precisely what was meant by the Greek "know thyself," what Socrates and Plato proselytized. Interestingly, what you describe is similar to what they would prescribe to achieve that, and if their student were a seer of some sort, they'd teach him or her to also watch the energy flow, which is of course nothing but thoughts in the forms of discreet, variously intelligent, self-aware entities.

    Nancy Lovell said:

    Thank you Jason for taking the time to share your knowledge (remembering), in such depth and yet in such a simple way -- truth isn't complicated is it.  I find that your insights really resonate with me. Lately, I've been practicing what I call "the art" of observing myself as I move through my day.  Sometimes its like I'm watching a play unfold.  When people or experiences that one would designate as "difficult" or "obstacles" occur -- and when I can remain centered (on the middle path) and not get caught up in the drama, -- I say to myself, "I am responsible for this."  And then I ask "Why did I create this?  Why did I attract this (event or person) into my experience?  What am I trying to remember or learn?"  It isn't always easy to take a cold hard look in the mirror, but once I "see" the image being reflected back at me and remain non-judgemental, non critical of myself, I can usually understand the "message" being presented.  As Shakespeare wrote, "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts..."  And the curtain opens to Act I Scene I of the play I am writing, directing and acting in!  :)

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