This is Shelly Merk's Xupra Session posting area.
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Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
Read more…We want to hear your experiences with the alchemy! Please, post your testimonial with everyone and don't be shy! We’ve all been at the edge of that pivotal moment before delving into the wonder that alchemy is and all it has to offer! It’s…
Read more…This thread is for any questions and discussion on the various alchemies available here.
Read more…This thread is for all tips on anything that can build wealth in the coming paradigmatic dynamics (you like those fancy words?). I decided to set this forum up because in the digital assets space/s there is a lot going on, and a lot of it is…
Read more…Hello Tribe! Blessings all! So I would like to invite folks that have a question they want answers to to put it here in this thread and I will inquire the I-ching about said query and do my best to interpret the answers. This is for entertainment…
Read more…On Monday last week my IonCleanse foot bath arrived and the next day started a focused cleanse, incorporating the Blue Emerald Alchemy method described on the Purazyme page, alongside the Medical Mediums 3-6-9 advanced cleanse. I am 8 days into the…
Read more…Hello, I have been wondering for awhile now why when you look into "new age" movements a hundred years ago and the way they talk about 4d is very similar to the way current movements or circles describe 5d when they discuss less dense experiences. …
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PSS only...
Scene opens with early twilight. Colors are soft blues, purples, greens and white. A natural setting that is quiet and serene but with an undertone of charged anticipation. Textures reveal slick, silky, smooth, soft, squishy and slippery. This feels very liquid like and rubbery. There is a distinct slow, ponderous churning type motion. Shapes are rounded, circular and smooth. ME1 brings in a closer view of this living, squirming orb. It is more below the surface than above. It starts to feel like a snake pit but I understand this is just a conscious association. ME2 and ME3 show more of this undulating ball that is below the surface in what feels like a clearing. I received "emotional wad" for telepathic communication. This brought in the idea of living cords or ropes creating a ball, like wound yarn. SA shows something like a slice of what is below the surface...see diagram. My questions show this to be emotional entanglement that is being sorted, digested, smoothed out and/or untangled.
I really do not understand what is going on here or how it works. There is much more that I cannot see or gather right now.
PSS only...
Outside on a hot, humid, bright and sunny day. The atmosphere feels heavy, charged and a storm could be gathering far away. This seems to be a open, wide area. Vast and spread out with hills around. Feel as if I'm standing up on a high hillside looking down. The area has a valley, bowl type topography and I see a lake below. Everything is super green, blue, white and shimmery. Very bright sunshine.
First movement exercise is to edge of lake. The water seems very blue, cool and reflective. There is a water horse. It is it's made out of the water. Beautiful. ME2 from top view shows this water horse moving. Long and circular....smooth...lazy like. ME3 to top of ridge. It becomes more windy here. Looking out and over I see pathways leading to a tree type village. It is pretty far in the distance but can see ropes and things hanging down from what appears to be tree house dwellings.
P4 Telepathic...come closer. P5 moves me back to waters edge and permission granted to focus my attention on water horse.
First question is to ask it's name. Sounds like Nimbra. Second question is to ask if he has a message for me. There is no message. I am told we just needed to meet. I am overcome with giddy laughter. Nimbra is all about fun, playfulness and joy. I thank him for coming forward. Feeling great honor to meet such a magnificent being. He kind of rears up, coming very close. He is gigantic, beautiful, liquid like and shimmering. Like a playful child he wants me to watch what he can do. With a splash he swims away swiftly...suddenly rising full up out of the if to me a full view of his totality. It's breathtaking as I watch full of laughter and fun. He dives head first back into the water and is gone!
Note....I feel that "Nimbra" was an introduction to help me see the intelligence or consciousness of the lake/water itself. In other words the shape of being that came forward could have been anything. The water is the being.
PSS only...
This is a very wild session. It is cool, damp and dark. I think it's night but this space could just be very dark as there are no windows or candles. Yet there is some illumination coming from somewhere. The space itself is quiet but hear a distant humming or perhaps chanting. Smells old but waves of incense. This feels like an enclosed room with a domed ceiling.....but yet it's not a "room" at all. It feels very dense, bulky and large made from maybe a stone material. Movement exercises reveal a circular disc like rotating or moving floor. I now see colored illuminated laser like patterns or symbols. The floor rotates as well as these patterns. So it's like double rotation or movement. The center of the floor opens up and a yellowish liquid starts to ooze out. It is covering the floor and everything on it. The liquid moves up to cover my totality of presence. It is thick cool and jelly like. It's covering me like a skin! It starts to glow. This feels like some kind of birthing liquid but a reverse process. Here are my questions....
Q-what is this place?
A-disertation and disposal?
Q-what is the yellow liquid?
A-a living coating
Q-For what purpose?
A-to insure......??????
I really do not understand these answers. I did not get a full measure of response to the last question.
Note...P4 for type I put vehicle. I'm not sure why as this place does not feel like a vehicle in normal context.
PSS only...
Outside, alone during the day or early morning. It is cool and damp with a charged, exciting atmosphere. A steady whirling sound can be heard. Taste and smells are friction, musty, pungent and bitter. Colors are muted grays, blacks and browns. Textures are rough, wooden, course, dry, hard, rigid, solid and built. Surfaces feel, hard, wooden, dry, rigid and course. Detect water. The overall shape is square and feels enclosed or boundaried. Motion is quick and spinning. Movement exercises reveal a small surrounded area with a central object. This is part of a much larger complex. The enclosure is like a wooden privacy fence. I keep seeing something that looks a bit like a windmill but involves water that is underground. There is a wooden box over a type of well. Extending up from the box is a pole with paddles like a windmill that spins around as a power source. This area feels private, protected and a bit sacred. Theme was encoding and spiritual. Here are my questions and answers..
Q-what is this machine doing?
A-encoding water source
Q-how does it work?
A-by pushing (stirring) inserted codes throughout the channels
I sense this to be a small protected area that is attached to a much larger complex. I feel that someone comes and inserts coded materials at this point. They (the coding) goes down into the well water and the machine stirs and pushes it into the various channels below.
PSS only...
The scene opens in a warm, dry well lit room. There is a leathery, singed smell and taste that permeates the area. I hear a pounding but the source is not detected. This area is very busy....bustling with activity. There is a lot of stuff. It's like all sensations are happening at once. Everything in regard to descriptors seems to apply here. First impressions was a kitchen or workshop. Concept and purpose is focused and creating. The idea of cooking or building something still sharp. I think the pounding (like a hammer) and the smell of charred meat is driving these visual. I swipe away kitchen/workshop and begin movement exercises. These prove to bring in a clearer picture of the area. This is a large to average size room with various work stations. ME2-announces science and a laboratory. There is a distinct rustic yet futuristic feel. A combination of wood and stainless steel. I know there are several if not many beings here working. I expect them to look human...but they are not. My mind tries to make them human but it will not stick. These beings appear to be somewhat tall, 2 arms and legs but more of a fish type face. I thought they had a greenish skin tone but did not put that anywhere in the form. There seems to be much focus on a blue liquid contained in glass beakers. Telepathic communication is researching. I'm going to copy and paste the rest of this session data.....
P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: Permission to focus my attention has moved me next to one of the beings. He? is pouring a yellow liquid into the blue creating a green substance. The liquid is thin and watery.
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Q-What is the nature of your research? A-testing for compatibility Q-In what regard? A-offspring, regeneration Q-I feel a sense of urgency. Can you explain? A-our race is in trouble. We need to find a proper component that will allow for reproduction. Q-Thank you! I wish you success!
I FEEL: This is making me cry with heartfelt compassion for these beings.
After thanking this gentle brilliant being and wishing him success I felt a mental "HUG" from him. I became overwhelmed with compassion so strong I started to cry!
PSS only...
I'm alone in what feels like an outside space. It's hot, humid, very charged and intense atmosphere. There is something like friction and the smell/taste of sulphur in the air. There is an immediate sense of movement like running through a maze. It's very dark/black. Devoid of any bright colors. This feels very narrow and surrounded. A sense of grainy like sand yet wet, semi-soft, natural and loose. It feels like I'm running through the corridors of my brain/mind. Like being/seeing inside myself but at the same time expanded to include all and nothing. P2 Purpose was "loyalty"...or that's what it sounded like. Movement exercises continue with this dark, narrow tunnel like space. There are these black ribbon like waves of energy moving about. Telepathic is black hole and point of all creation. It's like there is nothing to really see in's just blackness with these ribbon things. The getting here was fast and quick...but now it's a slow, lazy flowing movement. The feeling of being in a void or non-space very strong. With SA permission I feel an immense power/intelligence encompassing/surrounding the whole scene. The feeling of being watched rises up. Asking where I am results in the answer...the center. My second question was the center of the universe or all creation? No answer was given. I feel not ready to know more than what I have been shown.
PSS only...
Inside a darkish space with someone. It's cool and dry with a pleasant floral taste and smell. A distant cricket chirping can be heard and someone whistling. The whistling is echoing like inside a large empty room. The walls of the structure are hard, black polished type stone. Very reflective and shiny. This area is heavy, bulky, solid...cave like. There are no hard edges. It's all rounded and smoothish. The person here is doing some type of cleaning. He's very casual and slow. Whistling as he sweeps up. Yet there doesn't seem to be anything (in the normal sense) to sweep. There is a yellow flickering on the walls like from candle light but no candles can be detected. I feel confident this is the entry cave of Xupra although I have never been aware of it previous. Meaning...I know this is the starting point and then we go to the Crystal Temple but I have yet to "see" these spaces in any session. I just know it happens by following protocol.
Here are my questions to whom I am calling "The Doorman".
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Q-am I still in the entry cave of Xupra? A-you could say that Q-why have I stopped here? A-cleansing Q-We usually go to the crystal temple. This seems different can you explain? A-This is an entry point for more than you know.
I'm about to ask another question but he leaves by walking through a solid wall taking his broom with him!
Xupra-11016-Group visit
PSS only..
Scene opens in early twilight or daylight. Outside, alone on a warm day. This feels fun and active. Topography is open and undulating, surrounded or bordered by something. There is a sunny, dry and fresh taste/smell. See lots of greens, blues and yellows. Everything here feels silky and smooth. A very natural, flexible and loose flowing kind of feeling. Soft and easy. I do several movement exercises getting a better look. I seem to be standing in a field high above where the lake is located as I can see it in the distance below. I see a tree line up ahead and move to the edge. There is thick vegetation on the forest/jungle floor. I am standing directly in front of a pathway. ME5 moves me forward on the path. The forest/jungle opens to reveal a clearing. I see large rocks and a waterfall with collection pool. This looks intriguing but I feel it is time to move to group. ME6 takes me to beautiful meadow with high grasses. I hear laughter and see white horses grazing. P4 Telepathic is "we are one"! P5 permission granted to focus my attention zooms me out. I am now far away observing the scene. The horses look very small and I can see people sitting and frolicking in the high grasses. The sound of laughter echos to me. I feel like this is a gathering of women and children. I feel a sense of complete contentment. I do not ask any questions as I can think of none!
I'm going to copy and paste my data. This session is incomplete. I lost the signal line because I became annoyed with my husband. He came in this morning during my session having a fit because I washed his sweater and it shrunk! Ha Ha!
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: hot, parched
ATMOSPHERE: charged, heavy, intense
SOUNDS: rumbling
TASTE-SMELL: chalky, minerally
TEXTURES-SURFACES: natural, cavernous, hollow
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Inside a natural setting. Hot, parched, charged, heavy and intense with a chalky minerally taste. Hear rumbling.
P2 VISUAL: blacks, grays, purples
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: rough, course, dry, hard, natural, solid, hot
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: dense, bulky, solid, gigantic, A shaped
P2 MATERIALS: stone, mineral, gases, smoke
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: tall, towering, huge, triangles, pointy
P2 MOTION: power, quick, slow
P2 CONCEPTS: excitement, dominating
P2 PURPOSE: discovery
P2 MOVEMENT 1: ME1-move back 100ft and describe
P2 MOVEMENT 2: ME2-move to top of target and describe
P2 MOVEMENT 3: ME3-move to far left and describe
P2 MOVEMENT 4: ME4-look up and describe
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: ME1-dark, hollow, bubbling, red, yellow, black ME2-distance, smooth, sleek, rounded ME3-pool, hot, bubbling, orbs, coding, bursts, popping ME4-long, extended, open, circular
P4 THINGS: rock, liquid, orbs, bubbles
P4 NON-THINGS: hot, dry, darkish
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Inside a volcano like structure. There is a bubbling pool of liquid. The color of liquid keeps changing. Red, blue, yellow...etc. It (the pool) seems to be illuminated giving some light to the area. These large orbs or bubbles rise up from the churning and burst falling back into the pool.
Coordinates: Xupra-12016
Name: Shelly
Date: 01/20/2016
Begin Time: 8.24
End Time: 9.06
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: cool, damp
ATMOSPHERE: charged, exciting, intense, active
SOUNDS: scraping, scratchy
TASTE-SMELL: musky, antique, pungent
TEXTURES-SURFACES: shadowed, hollow, bulky, solid
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Inside a cool damp area. The atmosphere is charged, exciting, intense and active. A musky antique taste and smell that is pungent. I hear a scraping/scratchy sound. This feels shadowed, hollow and bulky. Very solid.
P2 VISUAL: grays, blacks, flat, shadowed, dull
P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: matte, dry, fur-like, hard, rigid, solid, built
P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: thick, substantial, dense, bulky, solid, large, wide, verticals, horizontals, diagonals
P2 MATERIALS: skin, cloth, stone, liquids, wood
P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: square, cube, squat, flat
P2 CONCEPTS: imposing, dominating
P2 MOVEMENT 1: ME1-move back 200ft and describe
P2 MOVEMENT 2: ME2-move far right and describe
P2 MOVEMENT 3: ME3-move to far left and describe
P2 MOVEMENT 4: ME4-move to center and describe
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: ME1-sorrow, sadness, trapped ME2-messenger, relief, consumption, strategy ME3-outdated, refresh, soothe, alleviate, activate ME4-no information
P4 THINGS: skin, cloth, stone, wood
P4 NON-THINGS: dark, dim
THEMES: spiritual, cleansing
TYPES: people
P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: Q-is this the cave for cleansing? A-yes Q-does this have to do with "other peoples" emotions vs my own? A-yes Q-would this be a service for them? A-in part Q-can you explain further? A-your recent absorbing of "grIef" emotions need to be removed. In so doing this will indeed assist those you are thinking of.
I FEEL: I feel satisfied.
This session begins and ends in the cave.
It feels a bit cool and slightly damp. The atmosphere is charged, exciting and intense. I hear a scraping scratchy sound. Almost like a caged animal clawing to get out of it's enclosure. The lighting is dim to dark. Very little illumination. All descriptors typical of being in the cave. With not much to "see" I started the movement exercises. ME1 was surprising to me with information given as sorrow, sadness and trapped. On a conscious level these do not feel like "my" emotions. ME2 was equally surprising with messenger, relief, consumption and strategy. ME3 giving outdated, refresh, soothe, alleviate and activate. ME4 gave no further information. Theme is spiritual and cleansing with Types being people.
This session is fascinating in it's simplicity and has everything to do with service here on Earth. This is my first visit to Xupra since returning from a funeral that was "awful" in it's grief for my relations. I knew prior to attending this that a service would be performed for their benefit. How that would be accomplished (in detail) I had no idea. It was just important to be there and the work would get done. From the question and answer session above I feel....
1-In my desire to serve/assist the grief energies were absorbed
2-these needed to be removed before further experiences would be allowed on Xupra
3-this translates to being a type of messenger or delivery person (of these emotions)
4-the removal/cleansing process received will somehow assist and bring a measure of relief to those that suffer so greatly in their loss.
I feel very satisfied that "something" happened that will in part or whole make a difference!