Hey Everyone.
I am truly curious. I would like to know... what do you desire these days? I think that the answer may be different than it was 5 years ago. Usually, when people find a group like this, they are looking for something. Maybe they are just looking for like-minded folks or community. Maybe they want more out of life? Direction? Understanding? Clarity? Techniques for living your best life? But these are generalizations. Maybe there is something very specific. And I want to know. I have always thought of TSB as a resource for people who wish to gain some mastery over their life. Is there anything you would like to see here? Do you miss our calls?
Is there anything that I personally can do to help you become a better you? How can I best serve you?
What types of things would you like to experience? If you can let me know down below so I can maybe help connect you to that. I just want to put my finger on the pulse of TSB to find out if we are serving in the best capacity.
Love to you,
Hi Mary, this is a thread so excellent that I cannot believe it wasn`t brought up until now, I love it!
I will tell you my piece but please tell me yours as well! I am intrigued to hear your life story, and other peoples too!
Five years ago, I was a different person altogether, I desired all kinds of stupid stuff and then when I got it, it made me even more miserable, even though I thought it would do the opposite.
Right at this moment, I feel like I arrived to a conclusion, that I desire what I need, but I do not really know what it is that I need, I mean I might think I know, but truth is, I don`t.
At the same time, I know that the self holding the reigns puts exactly what I need right in front of me and so, this vicious circle of desires is slowly losing its power over me, or put more accurately, I stopped giving it its power. I`ve just gotta keep my eyes open and look out for opportunities when they present themselves. Stop trying to beat the river into submission and surrender to its flow.
But yes, clarity, inner peace with myself and a certain serenity to life, those are definitely desirable qualities that help with seeing clearly.
Its funny because if you asked me this couple months ago, I would probably give you a list, I would wanna meet a woman that I could fall for romantically, because I felt so lonely, I would want to finally get where I want to with writing music, I would want to get more fit physically and I could go on forever really..
But now, I see things have to be the way they are for me right now, and that if they could be "better", they would. But there are lessons I need to learn and things I have to understand before I can move on.
So yeah, I would love to meet that woman and release my music tomorrow, but you know what, if it`s what I truly need, its gonna happen on its own and I will just be there to see it, almost like a spectator, saying and doing exactly what I need for it to happen without even thinking about it.
It is actually a very liberating feeling.
I remember first time I read Jason talking about surrender years ago and it just seemed so absurd to me then, but it makes perfect sense to me now. It`s so simple, it`s almost comical.
There is this sense of borderline irony to how the universe works, I personally find it hilarious.
On a lighter note to close this, I would appreciate more facial hair, I wanna grow a beard!
This time next year, I better have it haha
Love you guys,
Now that I`ve read it again, I realize I haven`t really understood what you were asking.
To answer your real question, no, I wouldn`t change anything about this place, I love it.
Discussions have incredible substance, I love chakra cuning, and puramyd and alchemy would be stories for pages.
I guess I would love to get on a call with you, as I`ve never experienced it, but we would have to coordinate some time in advance given that I live in an area of GMT+1 and most of you are (I assume) based in the states.
By the way as I think about that, do you have an idea how many members live in europe? Maybe we could meet up.
Yes Mary, I do miss our calls. It is always nice to hear everyone's voice. There is something special about the spoken word. Even over the phone our meditations were powerful. I remember when Sooz did a full body massage over the phone. I was so relaxed by the end of the call, I almost fell asleep. ( thanks Sooz ) One time we ended a call with everyone laughing. It is always nice to talk with like minded people. It was good to know that once a week or so, we would all get together. Sometimes just knowing that would help me through a difficult day. Thanks Mary for all the time you share with us.
Hello JaKub and Doe,
Jakub I think it's cool you read into the question the way you did. I am always interested to hear what you shared. I don't think there is anything wrong with desiring things and there is nothing wrong with going about the business of bringing them into being. We should go after what would improve our quality of life. But, spiritual maturity happens and we can find that we are attracted to perhaps different meaningful aspects of what's really precious in our world. I was hoping to see if what we offered was helping people achieve those aspects of fulfillment. Ultimately, it's our responsibility to choose our way to joy and a higher quality of life, but if we have good tools that can help us get there with less struggle then I think we have served our purpose. Doe, I absolutely loved that call you were referring to. It was really fun and relaxing. We shall see about starting up something like that again. If anyone has any suggestions of ways to improve or ideas for calls they would like to have then just put it in this thread.
Love to all,
I suppose that would be to remember what I am. To be whole.
Thank you for sharing Peter!
I started recognizing patterns in women that attracted me about 2 or 3 years ago and it took me some time to realize what was really happening, much of it actually had to do with my relationship with my mother. So yes, you are absolutely right!
It`s funny you talk about setting intention because that`s exactly what I did couple days ago.
I have this distinct feeling that there is one specific woman I have an agreement with to meet here, sometimes I see bits and pieces of her in women I meet but I haven`t met the real deal yet :-)
I`ve gotta say though, this phase where I learnt how to live single and depend on myself taught me a lot, I don`t regret a single day.
Peter Wu said:
Hi Mary and everyone
I'm a newbie here but I must confess I absolutely love it, since the day I found TSB I can't stay away. I'm so drawn like a mot to a flame. Everything on the site is super potent ! Smiles
For years I've been feeling ready, ready for what I didn't know, until now. I'm ready to help balance and strengthen the bridge, that's my desire. Just writhing that gets me excited and my body tingling Yipppeee
I would also love to experience the calls and join SecondLife.
Fatima, do look into SecondLife. It's really cool, and very pretty. Lots to explore in there. It's free, and as you learn to use the user interface, it will become much easier to join us when we get in.
Fatima Henstock said:
Thanx Jason, will do
JD Aliix said:
Second Life is a digital online reality that is not a game but an actual "second life" experience. It is this outrageous sometimes jaw-droppingly creative beautiful artistic world that allows you to experience at least hundreds of digital worlds in the body of an avatar that you can customize. The avatars are all like ridiculous super model types although they do have more "realisitic ones" of course. If you can think it, they probably have it. They have their own currency and marketplace so you can acquire that accessory you have always wanted.
You can also just use the free generic avatar and explore and there is a TON to explore. You can "scuba dive" and surf and play on toys that people build like little giant helicopters. Art galleries. Clubs. Music venues. Museums. Not sure what the hip places are anymore.
People build worlds that are themed and you can explore and at any given time there are like 40,000 people "in world" in SL from all over the world. We go to this place called DaVinci Gardens and it's a beautiful replica or someone's concept of the Egyptian pyramids. It's often just crazy cool and can be a hilarious experience. The learning curve in getting around, customizing your avatar can be a little challenging at times. Especially if you forget how to change your outfit. I will post some pics.
At one time we owned property and it was a beach with a giant tree club house and a grotto lagoon complete with an underwater sea dance disco party set up with glowing fish, landscaped to the nines with really cool little stone henge like meditation spots. Somehow we got out of the habit of going there and our lease on the property we built lapsed and so that is all gone now. Just life and business and other projects taking over our attention. I highly recommend people check out SL just for the eye candy.
youtube has endless tutorials on how to do everything.