Hello All,

 Today my friend and TSB member (thanks Lance!) shared a youtube post on my Facebook feed from a Vedic Astrologer Joni Patry about the September 1st solar eclipse. I watched her video which talked about how the eclipse was all about the theme of "major secrets revealed both personal and global" especially ones that follow full circle conclusion of the last 18 year cycle of the same astrological configuration.

This information, of course goes perfectly with our hunches about September being a special game changer type month.  We have a hunch, that September is going to be about disclosure and perhaps pretty big stuff regarding big juicy global secrets. Some have speculated that September was going to be about cataclysmic events and we could just not ever really feel that was going to happen (and it's not that we are scared of that) it's just it never really felt true, although we are perfectly aware that could be true after all and the need to be calm and balanced is essential. Anyway, as you know information can be incredibly powerful for initiating MASSIVE perceptual changes that ripple and that travel through this story. We just don't know exactly what will happen only that something is in store and we know full well than many of you are feeling that impending wave as well.  We are pretty excited for it, whatever is to come.

Now the youtube video prompted me to text Jason with that information and he called right away. He said, “what this information you just shared did was stimulate what this message is truly about for us and it has everything to do with what we can do to assist as a group this month working with this eclipse and the coming stuff in September.”

 Since we are a pretty potent bunch the message we got is this: Together, on a call our group dynamic can serve beautifully as a portal to bring through whatever needs to come through, whatever "our gang upstairs" as we like to say, wants to bring through us, as a bridge to this 3d level. I know many of you want to help earth and want to be of service and are always wondering how you can do that! Well, here is a prime opportunity to get with us and do something to balance the energies and usher in the codes! Who is with me?

What exactly will we do? We will gather together in Uberconference ( our private chat line) like we do for all of our conference calls and do the fabulous meditations that we do with Gspace. By being clear vessels through which this energy can express we can be this agent to bring through a vibrations necessary for earth of clarity, calm, balance and centeredness AND whatever else is needed for these next chapters of our journey September onward. It's what we do with the alchemy already but I think we can USE the powerful wave of the Eclipse to accomplish this in an amplified and harmonious way just in time for the September disclosures.

  So we will be holding our group calls this month on every Thursday at 7pm Mountain Time. Just be prepared to get comfy in meditation pose and have Gspace digital mandala open (totally optional if not near a computer or mobile phone it just amps the unity focus)  For Gspace digital mandala link go here:


You can access the conferences by phone OR computer, but not both. Here are the details for the conferences: 

BY COMPUTER: If you have issues try the Firefox or Chrome browser

Go to (input whatever you want, but only your name is required, and please do type your name or we'll hang you up) - MUST have microphone and speakers. If you have any noise in the background, please mute yourself. We will mute you if you do not as the software is VERY audio sensitive with Uberconference and that noise is distracting to those speaking and listening.


US Domestic Toll-Free: 877.741.7335 (no PIN needed)

International Callers: (a list of local numbers for your country) - at the prompt, dial 8777417335# for our conference (no PIN needed)

World Clock: - so you can sort out the time zone differences as compared to times in Utah

September Call Event Schedule

*ABS classes possibly subject to change.

September 1st Thursday – Group Conference Call 6pm pacific, 7pm mountain time, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern time zones

September 2nd Friday night Galactic Transmissions with Second Chance-7pm Pacific, 8pm Mountain, 9pm Central,10 Eastern

September 6th Tuesday night- Beginner ABS (Awareness Bilocation System) this is our remote viewing class- at 6pm Mountain,7pm Central, 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific time zones

September 8th Thursday Night-Meditation Conference Call Group meeting- 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain 8pm Central/9 pm Eastern

September 9th Friday night- Galactic Transmissions -7pm Pacific, 8pm Mountain, 9 pm Central/10 Eastern

September 13th Tuesday night ABS -5pm Pacific,6pm Mountain,7pm Central, 8pm Eastern

September 15th Thursday Night Conference Call -6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9 pm Eastern

September 16th Friday -Galactic Transmissions-7pm Pacific, 8pm Mountain,9pm Central,10 pm Eastern

September 20th Tuesday Night ABS- 5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern

September 22 Thursday Night Conference Call -6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm central, 9 pm eastern

September 23 Friday Night Galactic Transmissions-7pm pacific, 8pm mountain,9pm central,10 eastern

September 27th Tuesday Night ABS-5pm pacific, 6pm mountain, 7pm central/ 8pm Eastern

September 29th Thursday night conference call- 6pm pacific, 7pm mountain, 8pm central, 9 pm eastern

September 30 the Friday – Galactic Transmissions -7pm pacific, 8pm mountain,9pm central,10 eastern



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  • Great news
  • Thanks for sharing the info.  It will be good to get together each week. Love to all.

  • I'm excited to gather with you da Tribe tonight!

  • Yes!!!! I am so thankful! let's open the door 123ABC!!! What's the greatest possible outcome? 123 massive contribution how does it get any better than this?

    I AM Balance I AM Calm I AM LIGHT

  • Seems to me "Shadow" has everything to do with this and the coming days.  

    I just revealed a "secret" to someone a few days ago.  It was all dark, horrific, stupid and shameful.  Yet.....I see the beauty and higher design...NOW.  A full circle moment if ya know what I mean?

    ps...this trio of alchemies feel predominate for September or through the end of 2016.  I think there is a Lunar eclipse on the 16th?  

  • So, with the Zack "situation" behind us, I learned a ton. It's amazing to say this, but my "enlightenment" doesn't even remotely compare to what I'm learning now, especially about these incredible fictions on "light" and "dark" that naive consciousnesses, strenuously including myself, have foisted upon such simple principles.

    So, since we know many of you will be dealing with the same sorts of "encounters" a few of us have, including this very "public" one revolving around Zack, we'll be talking about many of the critical elements to understand on this Thursday's call.

    These are the "understandings" that lead to real power, and any true Adept would have to navigate these particularly elusive minefields. We'll be getting a notice out today or tomorrow.

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