Solstice Interval Initiations

This thread is for all things to do with our Solstice-to-Solstice Initiations. We're using the six month interval between the Winter Solstice 2014 and the Summer Solstice 2015 to radically raise our frequencies.

You can look more into that here.


Solstice Initiation - Sunday, December 21, 3:53 pm US Mountain Standard Time
Pin: 385281
Skype: freeconferencecallhd.5308811400
This last one is a computer-to-computer Skype option, which means it's free from anywhere in the world, but it's not 100% reliable. Sometimes it won't even show that it's online. You'd do a search for this contact, freeconferencecallhd.5308811400, add it to your contacts, and then simply call it at the appointed time.

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  • love & thanks

  • My sharesy...

    Got quiet and ready for flow codes. Felt a very strong palpable energy download type feeling. Forehead feels like I am wearing a crown? Felt the symphony being written on my inner body deepening sinking in. My hands are resting comfortably in my lap open and I had the distinct sensation that they were being held like we were sitting in our circle and either you all and the beings had my hands clasped in warmth and love. A new chapter has opened in my chest in my heart a portal. Warmth floods my being. I see us sitting in a primordial egg that glitters like the inside of an darkest furry amethyst cave.  The cosmos birthing sparkling nebulaes in my belly. I think of all I wish to accomplish this year along side WITH YOU various scenarios pass through my mind like flashes and  I make as offering and let go preferring to trust the true imagination of my highest self guiding the story in blessed and perfect beauty and wonder unfolding. I see imagery of brilliant light I see imagery of the dark light co existing in harmony. I align myself to the cosmos dancing. I feel sincere and connected to all. The ceremony ends and we toast and drink. As I drink Jason describes to perfection what I am tasting- floral and fruit fragrance and a depth of quenching. A gorgeous energy and ceremony I am honored to partake in in such royal company and communion. I feel giggly and excited for this year and what is to come and what is coming into being  even now this moment. Feel very humbled and grateful. New understanding. Poetry and what it is really FOR.  LOVE LOVE LOVE SO BIG. THANK YOU ALL!

  • I had imagery of walking the Earth, being able to command the forces of nature in ways that at present exceed my capabilities, but which are coming to life even as I write. It was wisdom, power, those two concepts being essentially the same. It was very grounding for me, unbelievably clear, unbelievably strong, meaning strength of being, all punctuated by the True Nobility that is what we are. Two traits will take you to the core of Creation: Sincerity and Nobility.

    We have an amazing group of people here, and now that the energetic environment has been so well established, we'll ultimately attract only more of US.

    We've just got started. I promise you...we will be doing some jaw-dropping stuff.

    Love from the Core.

  • Tonight's call was a delicious cap to a most outstanding week! 

    It all started after ordering the Helios Solstice alchemy Tuesday night.  The next morning things already had shifted.  Little did I know more changes were on the way.........

    Wednesday 17th of December the energies are running high.  Everyone is happy and uplifted.  Lots of giggly excitement.  The house is busy as people come and go.  I'm cruising the Superbeings site and see Jason's post about the "cuss" words cleanse.  No denying I need THAT!  So I rifle off a message to him per the instructions to get the ball rolling.  That small act of commitment creating an instant awareness and change. 


    Crystal and I are getting ready to go to the local coffee house.  The week before we planned a meeting and sent out notices to have a discussion there on Multi-dimensional consciousness.  Rhiannon and Charley arrive at the house.  Standing around waiting to leave I feel the presence of "many beings"!  Someone mentions they had found out it's "game night" at the coffee shop!  We all agree this very cool....should be lots of people.  Off we go!

    The 4 of us arrive, get our coffee, sit and are joined by 3 others.  The conversation flows nicely on intended topic for the first 15 minutes or so.  Suddenly this couple that had joined whips out a card game and asks the group if we want to play.  The game is called "Crimes Against Humanity".  Everyone but me knows this game and agree to play.  It's very get 10 cards with short phrases.  Each take a turn to pull the main card having a sentence that you must fill in the blank with a card in your hand.  The "it" person chooses the one they like best and if it's your card you get a point.  I'm shown a sample.  It looks silly and very funny.  The cards are dealt.  I take one look at my cards and understand the overtones, undertones and everything in between of this "word" game.  There were cuss words for sure....but it was more than that.  Alarm bells were going felt like some heavy "black magic"!  DO NOT PLAY.....I hear loud and clear.  I fold my cards and explain I cannot play.  The game begins and I watch.  There is no question how hilarious this game "seems"....the reaction of all players involved making a huge imprint.  Sitting there I'm grokking more and more.....but the timing....not correct...not now.  Let it play out......consume it all in white flame.  I do.  The coffee shop owners love this group....laughing, moaning, whooping and having so much fun with this game.  They take our picture for Facebook.  Oh man! 

    We get home.....Charley, Rhi and Crystal asking me if I'm "mad" they played the game?  Like "mad" because we ditched the conversation.   No......not mad I say...because I am not.  Thinking I must understand this fully explain to them....the "Crimes Against Humanity". 


  • The energy was good.

  • Yes, Mary, I felt pressure around my forehead as well, and can still feel a lighter version of the energy there now.

  • 2969553251?profile=originalHere's Sargon after I gave him some of the energized water.  He sat on the couch and did a solstice meditation, his eyes were all luminous and he was all sighing contentedly.       I had a good time with the energy myself.    Sat at the altar,   the only alchemy I could find was a bit of the old planetary alchemy that had the ant nest protein in it , remember the dark brown stuff?  Uranus?   Felt some strong downloads, quite pleasant and comforting.    All my sacred objects on the altar were buzzing.  Felt some long standing blockages in the body/mind/spirit being healed and softened.  It was/is really quite nice and I thank everyone for being part of it.   It was interesting, Sargons sighing sounds were different than usual, like a sort of guttural over tone that he doesnt usually do.   lol   :)

  • I enjoyed the initiation today.  Thank you everyone.  I didn't have the alchemy but toasted with a glass of water.  I'm still buzzing from the energy!  Very nice.

  • Thank you everybody for the wonderful Solstice Initiation. For my Alchemy I mixed Helios Gold and Platinum with some Lemurian Cristal. What a combo it was! Feelings of vastness, serenity and deep inner peace. I was able to merge with the ocean in front of me while basking in the warmth of the sun. Intense pain in my body was completely gone. Something very profound has shifted during our call and I feel energetically re-calibrated. Our group energy was very powerful and amazingly clear. I am connected to you all and truly grateful for this experience.
  • The solstice initiation was wonderful, very uplifting. My heart chakra sang and hummed. Several hours later I could feel that lovely humming and strumming had spread to my feet and legs. Always so delicious. Thank you Jason, Mary & Molly too!

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