For those reading this who are somewhat new to this type and level of information, it might seem completely insane, but please just know that your insane is our rather typical way of life. We’re huge and we know it, and that’s about all there is to it. The only thing asked of anybody ever is to enter into the reading of anything with an open heart and mind. Accept or reject. We have no attachment to what you are willing, or not, to accept.

We have some decisions to make as a group, and we’d probably better make them fast. We have to get on the same page with this and be decisive. There is a total lunar eclipse coming up on September 28, the fourth in the famous tetrad of total Lunars stretching back to last year. In all but the Western-most US, it will be visible in totality upon or shortly after rising. Very fortuitous for those of us who enjoy the incredible sight that is a total lunar eclipse. This one is made even more special by the fact that it takes place during Luna’s closest approach to Earth as a Full Moon.

It’s made even more powerful, by many many times, because of a wave of energy, and other exotic epithets, that has begun to occur in our 3rd density dreamplane. In other words, it’s a wave that has not so much as arrived after crossing space, but is blossoming from within the core of Infinite Itself and simply BECOMING from within the DNA in the experience of those who know how to detect, collect, absorb and optimize its presence. The Merlin Lapis alchemies share in this way of becoming, straight from the core of Infinite Itself. This “wave” (for lack of better terminology) comes as energy, yes, but also as a superposed and invisible “froth” of somethings that we don’t have words for nor any sort of capacity for full comprehension within the framework of our language and attendant understandings and personal interpretive filters. It’s as high level as anything to have ever occurred in this dreamplane, and is almost sensually exotic. For our language, however, it prefers to be known, both its energy and its personality, as Calima, with a hard K sound. It’s just beginning the last couple of days (today is August 12) and will be in full blossom by mid-September and reaching a pinnacle of its effects by the time of the eclipse.

There are websites out there that report on this with varying degrees of marginal accuracy (some are just new age buzzfluff), and one of the more popular search results will direct you to what some people are calling X Waves. For confirmation, if you so need it, click around the gigantic misinformation highway if you like, but what we’ll be sharing here will be the real deal.

No matter where you are with our alchemies, I strongly suggest you acquire at least 7 Rays and whichever of the Merlins you’re financially able to. We have a few bucks in the slush fund for those financially strapped and can therefore help a few of the first-come-first-served, if necessary. Just drop Mary a note to get in the queue.

As a group, the power of our single-minded focus is many many times more potent when we’re in close physical proximity to each other, especially when we use our hands the way we did in our circle at the Solstice Gathering here in Utah’s mountains. And this is where we have to make some decisions. We have an enormous portal out at the north end of the Great Salt Lake and have had crazy high level gatherings within it, and so once again Salt Lake is as good a place as any to get together. But here’s the deal. If only six or eight of us were able to make it here by Monday, September 28, that might not be nearly as potent as it would be if we got, say, fifty of us together that night in a conference call.

There are additional options. Instead of having it in that portal, we could hold it a little closer to Salt Lake and open our own portal, and then use a single telephone hooked up to speakers to be in on the international conference, so that we’d have both physical proximity AND all those who can’t make it physically to Salt Lake. The ideal scenario is that we have 30 plus people fly in to Salt Lake and go out to that portal, but it’ll be what it’ll be.

So let’s decide between now and Monday the 17th our optimal course of action. We’ll chat about this on tomorrow night’s Roundtable Call.

We will be gathering one way or another for every eclipse in the coming years, and soon I’ll post a document explaining much more about what the first 102 people we need are doing, what it’s all for, how it relates to how we’ve done these things in the past, how Atlantis was a dress-rehearsal for what we’re going to be doing, and so on. If you want to have a look at an extremely potent opportunity a few years down the road, look into June 20-22, 2020.

Now let’s give you a little look behind the scenes. Last Sunday we had a group visit to Xupra, the 5th density world to which we’re rainbow bridging Earth. I include below my entire session. I do this because it became clear that I (not as Jason but as the cosmic superwizard layer of me that is on Xupra when need be) was presiding. It became clear that this superwizard was somehow involved in collecting the energies being generated, or otherwise flowed, by all the many peoples present from all corners of Creation. This energy was rotating as a vortex above a black plate-like thing in what we would perceive as a floor. And then “he” was using this rotund facility where this forum was taking place as the cauldron for the blending of all these energies. As the “energetic alloy” was blending, the vortex tightened into a column of energy, and then what we would perceive of as a “roof” opened and the column was “released,” if you will. Since Xupra is superimposed in, through and around Earth, this column wasn’t so much released as it was allowed to blend with Earth’s axial pole, which of course will be central (no pun intended!) to the collapse of the spacetime matrix when the opportunity is ripe sometime down the path.

This either coincides with the occurrence of Calima, or is in fact Calima itself, so I seemed to have landed in the “forum” where this was all taking place, and there was in fact a decision involved here. There was a point in it where I felt all eyes were on me, Jason, weirdly enough, and you’ll see how some of those impressions came through in the session below. I myself made no decision in the narrowband conscious wavelength occupied by Jason, at least that I was aware of, but a layer of me working closely with Earth, like saying a deeper psychical personality (what some would mislabel as “higher self”), most definitely did make a decision at this forum. I’m not rock-solid certain of this, but that decision had something to do with requalifying some of the properties and qualities of Earth’s axial pole. I think it had to do with elements of the coming pole shift, if not downright causality as a trigger point in the flow of time-as-energy. In other words, I can’t help thinking that “we” made the decision to bring on the pole shift in that meeting. Any input, visionary, intuitive or otherwise, is greatly appreciated. Interestingly, I had a very clear sense that my “bring it” attitude, as Jason, was involved at least to that extent.

Here I think it would be important to point out, as an example, that while it might seem as though giant galactic waves get sent out by a singular galactic intelligence, it’s actually a group of people making those decisions and then getting together to amalgamate their energies and then pulse them into creation. It’s never NOT people doing these kinds of things, in fact all kinds of Cosmic Everything, and we are simply their Earth-bound extensions through which their “sendings” flow. We're them. They're us. It’s important to know that.

This cosmic superwizard layer of the totality of me no question has access to the Infinite Itself, and this explains so much of the alchemical output through me of late, and so “his” presiding over this alchemical operation makes perfect sense to me, since alchemies spiraling right out of the heart of Mother-Father have come through the “Jason” layer to blossom into this dreamplane.

Here’s that session. I secretly (well, I guess that cat’s out of the bag!) hope this will encourage you all to get with the ABS program, and those of you who are in it get on the stick and get your sessions going. We need the 102 people ASA-friggin-P! For those of you in the training, don’t let this spoil your training, because you’ll be seeing things here that you have not yet been exposed to.

Coordinates: Xupra - 8915
Name: Jason
Date: 8/9/15
Begin Time: 2.00
End Time: 4.48
Session Form: Xupra
ENVIRONMENT: dry, temperate
ATMOSPHERE: exciting, focused, charged, purposeful, planned, political, summit-like
TOPOGRAPHY: open, undulating, depressions, hills...just Xupra-style urban
SOUNDS: humming, murmuring, silent, rhythmic
TASTE-SMELL: floral, fresh, pleasant, charged/electric
TEXTURES-SURFACES: urban Xupra style, populous, ample, extensive, immense, glorious architecture, big, open, wide, curving, bowl-like, spacious, natural, lighted, complex
P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I feel like I've landed in the middle of a summit meeting, with a room full of truly exotic people. It seems planned, important in some way, decisive in some way (as in votes and whatnot), and it seems as though all communication is taking place in silence, telepathically, but there are some way interesting rhythms to it, and timings, and wavelike patterns associated with different groups or something like that.

This "space" is not enormous, but big, golden, beautiful, tiered in some way with what appear to be tube-like protrusions. I am known here. I think I might be either presiding, or simply "speaking." Strange that it strikes me both as a learning experience and a decision-making process. And this could be attributable to the idea that there is feedback involved here with information involving Earth, maybe, and so both educational experience and decision-making fold into this. This also has the feel of this being a temporary meeting place, like for THIS meeting, for galactic management level personalities along with superbeings from "deeper" in the singularity.

This feels monumental, and important, and pivotal with respect to Earth.
P2 CONCEPTS: governance, choices, feedback mechanisms, opinions, group interests, 
P2 PURPOSE: decision, planning, implementation
P2 PHONETICS: chanting, ooooahhhhnnay, but not with audible vibration. It's as though the "structure" itself makes this sound in response to the psychic level communications.
P2 MOVEMENT 1: immerse with more local consciousness into this scene
P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: I guess since this impression continues to circle around on me I have to say it. This feels as though I am somehow the focal point of this, not as Jason, but as the composite of experience that I am and bring to this forum. As much as I attempt to set it aside, it feels as though a decision involving Earth is being made here, and this decision has something to do with the composite me.
P4 TELEPATHIC: "it's your call" which I don't believe at the moment, and I don't know if that is false modesty. This tells me that it's the call of those of us here that comprise a single mental unit.
P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: There is a "non-physical" representation, literally like delegates, that are in many ways archetypal "source" vibe and energy constituents for many features and programs of Earth. There is a big vortex here of many fabulous colors that seem in some sense to function as a way to blend the communicative information and feedback from all those present. It's an amalgamated decision-making process and it is perhaps the cosmic wizard me doing the "work" in the "cauldron" as it were, and this facility is cauldron-like in that respect.

In some ways this "facility" and all those constituent personality essences present are an ad hoc assemblage here to function as a single organism for a short space in what we perceive of as time. I don't know the astrology of Earth at this moment, but again this feels pivotal and perhaps working outside the strictures of Earth-based astrology. And so it's as though a decision made here could actually cause a change in "our heavens" instantly and we'd have no clue that it had even taken place without the benefit of this experience.

"Me, this me, Jason, is not big enough for that decision. "
"But you ARE the composite," something says.

P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: It's a bowl, golden, blue, shimmering, pearl-essence, iridescent, and the tiers in it are mechanically associated with how things are done through this medium/mechanism, in some ways how causal "portions" are separate but fed to the mix of the vortex. The way "unison" works here is stunning. Of course it has nothing to do with "personal" interest naturally because there is not a person here who is even capable of thinking of themselves in terms of individuality, and so it has that truly orchestral feel to it without the need of sheet music, as every constituent here is so superconsciously in resonance with messaging coming from deeper spheres of causal issuance. 

Something seems to be happening. It's as though the vortex is tightening into a column, and it also seems the "roof," which I didn't even know was there, opened and this column extended through it. 

As much as I am reluctant to go there, I have no question in my mind that this column, as I perceive it, is to bleed, to feed, into the Earth energy gestalt, and it might actually have something to do with the poles. The reluctance for me to go into this descriptive vein is that everything is always big these days, but whatever is happening here is truly BIG. I was called here to see this decision making and implementation in progress, and the wildest part about that is that I'm the composite, yes, but the narrowband consciousness Jason layer might have missed this appointment altogether, but the results of what comes from it Jason would most certain eventually become aware of. It's hard to explain these interlocking layers of beingness that ARE this composition.


Q: is the activity here associated with Earth's poles?
A: yes, and more
Q: are we deciding the fate of Earth?
A: not really...that fate is deciding itself through the organism of its people and we are simply the response and the causal impetus and pattern involved in bringing about the outcome of that decision. You are central to that pattern.
Q: are we "folding" Earth?
A: only on the surface, completely false level.
Q: is there more to understand with this?
A: there is much to understand, but nobody can see beyond the question they don't yet know exists.
Q: the cosmic wizard me there in this facility on Xupra is also an imaginal composite, yes?
A: of course. The ALL of you, is a composite of is the thread, or ray, upon which you vibrate through the spheres that can form into certain identity patterns, which find their sensed "appearance" strictly according to the initial conditions, rules, patterns, vibrations and laws of whatever plane your composite occurs from within. Your universal functionality could be said to be a pole, or hub, the place where it is always calm and from which all true power originates. It is the foci of Love, with a capital L, where the concept has no meaning, but is an is-ness only, reflective of individual and collective thought. It's limitations are all false, and the way the millions of types of humans all over Creation experience it is subject almost solely to how you have designed the various vessels' organic properties to interact in order to produce energy-laden chemicals to produce feelings to which to react. Those reactions are a matter of great study, as there is always mystery and unpredictability when the thoughts of so many people congeal into the "heat" of a single vessel, what many of Earth's people call the collective consciousness. You know all this. You are an author of this particular book. Just share with them the Truth and thus stay pure to what you are. You're doing a fine job of it.
Q: are we done here?
A: as you can sense we have dispersed, though you are seeing afterimages of the assemblage.
Q: is a geological pole shift coming?
A: it always was...with this assemblage certain elements were changed. Since you plan to share this with your group, and you no doubt should, no details may be given at this time. In due course. 

That’s it for the session. I then decided to do some more second awareness type work with it and lay down. I promptly went to “sleep” and it took hours for me to try to thrash my way back out of those depths. The dream I posted in the “Dreams…” thread is associated precisely to this entire event, as our world is without question going to disappear, at the very least for those of us capable of perceiving it in that way.

I imagine some of my close associates might feel as though I have committed something of a crime by posting the actual mechanics of an Adept ABS Session, but we kinda have to crack the whip and get this first mathematically critical 102 people together and in unison as soon as possible.

If any of the other Adept ABSers would like to post their session of last Sunday here in this thread, please feel free.

I have been in a truly bizarre “maelstrom” of multi-density AND –dimensional awareness of late and am seeing the overlapping patterning of everything, and even more so of the many “I” and/or “me” layers involved on many levels with all of this. To say it hasn’t been crazy and even somewhat disorienting would be a flat-out lie, but I’m a dang rock for a purpose, it seems, and how this is all congealing into a tighter focus of what is coming is startling, exciting, fun beyond my wildest dreams, and just head-shaking in wonderment. This, by the way, has all stepped up to a much higher and broader and deeper level with the Lapis alchemies. Just FYI, as of this writing, I have used the Lapis Exilis just ONCE. That is the measure of respect I have for these materials.

One last thing. During the making of the last batch of the Merlin Lapises, a black substance occurred in the flow of it all. The Yin, the universal feminine aspect of these, sacrificed herself to cause it to be. As soon as I possibly can I’ll start the process to make more Yin, but it could be a week or so. That pitch black alchemy, the core of Black Egypt as an alchemical milieu in what we falsely perceive of as ancient times, registered at 20 million on the Bovis Scale. The mysterious substance is at the very foundation of the alchemical imperative. Like the Lapis Exilis, it is the stuff of legend. The reason the Yin sacrificed herself, why it had to be the feminine principle, is because of the archetypal womb, the darkness, the mystery of the feminine, the void, the reason black is black, devoid of things and degrees and distances and identifiable falsities of form and substance.

Just thought I’d mention the level of stuff that is coming (wink).

Let the talks begin!




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  • Had feelin` something was boiling with you Jason :) Peter also involved I think in some way or another.Btw Kalima in Hindi is same as goddes Kali -

  • Mind blown.  I definitely have questions, but I need to integrate first.  Will discuss more on the call tomorrow.  Zurab I sent you a friend request with a private message attached.  Need some info! 

    Zurab Lezava said:

    Had feelin` something was boiling with you Jason :) Peter also involved I think in some way or another.Btw Kalima in Hindi is same as goddes Kali -

  • When I read the part "The ALL of you, is a composite of is the thread, or ray, upon which you vibrate through the spheres that can form into certain identity patterns, which find their sensed "appearance" strictly according to the initial conditions, rules, patterns, vibrations and laws of whatever plane your composite occurs from within." I was saying "I knew it I knew it I knew it!". Awesome great info. Looking forward to the call and Sept 28th.

  • Z, Peter was involved. I asked him what the wave wanted to be called, and he said "Calima." I would love it if he decided to be more involved in what we're doing, but the man can see and so nobody needs to question his motives or decisions. He knows what he's doing, and he by the way is going to blossom into something pretty dang special soon.

    Now to Kali..........THAT is intriguing. She's my sister, and yours of course, who else would be on the scene?

    Zurab Lezava said:

    Had feelin` something was boiling with you Jason :) Peter also involved I think in some way or another.Btw Kalima in Hindi is same as goddes Kali -

  • Still processing this level of tremendous experiential sharing - monumental. Suffice to say, apart from all the hundreds of things that are sorting themselves out to be expressed as a coherent response <3 .. I only want to add that Kali-Ma would indeed be appropriate for the wave that is coming, one of the effects of which will be a tremendous awakening of the feminine (That Which Shiva Bows To, the overwhelming power that is the only sustenance upon which all of creation itself is birthed and able to Be).. This intensity, but also the gentle nature of receptivity (known as the 'new energy' or 'tsunami of love' or 'wave x' in different circles)... is indeed upon us in all its glory now - as a multi-phase re-calibration and awakening within this Universe-facet of our totality self. And, especially for those sensitive to it and can ground in an awareness of it.. Massive changes do appear to be right on the horizon.

    The column and spacial influx, however.. Very curious ; ) What is the totality of us bringing forth for us to witness... I can only wonder!
  • WOW.


    And I want the Yin. 

    And I need at finish ABS now. 

    So glad you shared Jason. 


  • Had a crazy dream last night, that I was on a sort of du goen hunt mission. Kept going down levels or layers of "something". Hell i even saw ronald mcdonald at one point, intent as ever to get to the final level and he went by without a word! LOL!

    At the end I finally was able to fly like peter pan. I had a guide who I never saw his face. He kept kinda poking in and keeping me steered in the right direction.

    Cannnot explain much beyond that, but boy i what a thrill. Upon waking I read this post.......*twilight zone music ensues**
  • Gosh this is truly Greek n latin to me here in india. how can I participate from here. For contribution to the event and avail benefits. I have huge stuck painful energy at the back of my head. will this help anyway?
  • Hi Jason,

    I just read through and be profoundly touched by what you said and conveyed. The content says a lot. Today I just finished my second visit to Xupra. I feel really huge now.

    Great Love


  • Correct me if im wrong, please.

    The ABS systems's true power lies it its ability to filter all biased information, so only the "truest" self is filtered thru?
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