Here we are, gazing through the looking glass, backwards. Wondering why everything is upside down, topsy turvy, backwards, warped. The more we learn, the more we see everything we've been taught is a lie. Do you ever wonder if our dreams are the "real" world, and this crazy place is the dream? Of course you do!!!

Okay then! Just for fun, let's pull those stories from the other side of the dream and bring 'em to "life". Who knows? They just might bring clarity to this crazy so-called existence.

Sooooo.... dreams, fantasies, visions, weird experiences. C'mon, you know you have some!

I've lit the campfire. Come sit 'round and share your "other" stories.

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  • 2954655603?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    We Are the Flower. We Are the Five-Pointed Star. We Drink the Nectar from the Vine.

    Precious visit from Medicine Woman, ancient one. Black hair that shines like the moon, beautiful wise wrinkled face, and eyes as bright as the sun. She calls me “Little Eagle”. With wings of Horus we journey into future past. It is the hour of anointing in the sacred temple(s). I kneel on the alter steps of the Ancient Temple of the Sun. Sacred oil is placed on my forehead by the thumb of the High Priest. His robe white with gold trim, his mask a water bird-like god. I am unified with my sister-self beings. I am an Egyptian Priestess, an Incan chantress, a blonde haired, dark-golden skinned desert dweller-singer. I am old Medicine Woman; I am a Caribbean dancer, drummer, and chanter. I am so many selves – a multidimensional being. Through the eye of the temple I transmigrate. Together we are anointed. We are even more one. The sky is a multi-faceted jewel. We are the five-pointed star. We are the flower. We drink water from the vine, and the sky is a multi-colored jewel, with every face reflecting a jewel in her temple. Together we are the soul, we are the whole. The eye in the jewel in the lotus. And we dance the sacred dance. Together, our breath is as fire. And in the fire light the jet-black jaguar with blazing eyes of blue-green emerald scratches me on the forehead, down my face. Protection from the Jaguar women. The anointment is complete. We are marked with the jewel in the five-pointed star. We are the flower. We drink the nectar from the vine. I honor you old Medicine Woman. And you smile.

  • Lovely.  "What if we died, and this is the afterlife? And we are longing to awaken from the dream?"  Worth pondering.  Our lives condensed to the frequency of lies told and retold to hush the whispers of soul locked in the third dimensional cross-contaminated chatter of animal survival strings.  Our DNA stunted with poisons intentionally put in our foods, or air, our water, to mute the higher mind"s antennae.  Our children herded like sheep into loyalties of Government and obedience, their evolved souls struggling for expression in an environment created to strangle imagination, dreaming, free will dancing, parallel world knowing.  What if, as the earth continues its evolution, its frequencies rising, with the sun, the galaxy, in natural harmony with the entire universe, we too are opening the continuum of our DNA to express more strands, which hold the memories of every human incarnation on this planet?  300 million years of human history, blotted out in the "official" documents fed to us, to keep us ignorant of our past, as well as our future.  We are only trapped in this illusion, this 5% perception of reality, when we believe the lies taught to us systematically, by the corporate elite, and cease to trust our own innate intelligence.  What if all we need, to know, to remember, to access, is right here within us?  What if we became the most powerful person we knew, by owning our soul truth and coming to know that nothing ever perpetrated upon us, by a person or a group. is more powerful than our ability to heal and create joy?  I say, enlightenment is not a group sport.  It is an individual journey of individual empowerment, one choice at a time.  A choice that empowers the soul awareness that is outside of time. The zero point is NOW, the only moment healing is possible.  

  • In 2010, A new alchemy had come out. It was called of all things Red Bull. I had just ordered Alkehm and was beginning to experience some major revelations in my life. I would occasionally get on the chat and email some new friends here on the forum and was amazed at the connections I was already feeling. The familiarity was starting to dawn. 

    One night I had I dream I was in a large medieval alchemical laboratory. Stone underground a bit messy with books and tables and lembics and glass copper stills etc alchemy equipment stuff around. There was a small still with a beaker filled with this crimson liquid bubbling away. I walk over to it and the liquid ( red bull) LEAPS out of the container and onto my lips. I am INSTANTLY high. Like someone had dosed me with a powerful psychedelic. I feel AMAZING energetically. There are people there that I know are my friends from the forum here. Someone turns on the playlist and  We break into a synchronized bollywood style choreography right there in the large lab and all the sudden now we are dancing under a large desert sky and huge luminous moon and brilliant stars.  It was the first of MANY dreams that I would have about you all for the next 5 years.

    I am in one now.

  • Michael, Thank you soooo much for your writing here. Here's a gift for you: what if?

    Michael Bohoskey said:

    Lovely.  "What if ...?  What if we became the most powerful person we knew, by owning our soul truth and coming to know that nothing ever perpetrated upon us, by a person or a group. is more powerful than our ability to heal and create joy?  I say, enlightenment is not a group sport.  It is an individual journey of individual empowerment, one choice at a time.  A choice that empowers the soul awareness that is outside of time. The zero point is NOW, the only moment healing is possible.  

  • Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!! I LOVE this!!!! oh yah darlin', we are DANCING!!!!!

    Mary Betts said:

    ...  and the liquid ( red bull) LEAPS out of the container and onto my lips. I am INSTANTLY high. Like someone had dosed me with a powerful psychedelic. I feel AMAZING energetically. There are people there that I know are my friends from the forum here. Someone turns on the playlist and  We break into a synchronized bollywood style choreography right there in the large lab and all the sudden now we are dancing under a large desert sky and huge luminous moon and brilliant stars.  It was the first of MANY dreams that I would have about you all for the next 5 years.

    I am in one now.

  • Not sure this qualifies under this topic...putting it here anyway!  Hehehehe!

    It's very cold here in Western PA.  That time of year with dormant trees and snow on the ground.  The world looks black, white and grey with mostly overcast sky.  Today however was one of abundant sunshine.  At 11:00 a.m. I found the SUN streaming through a window.  Turning the rocking chair to face the warmth I sat down to enjoy.  Holding Mr. Wu (cat) I sat back and absorbed this amazing energy.  After about a half hour I felt really recharged but wanted to stay a bit longer.  Turning my head I let my gaze rest out the opposite window.  I could see the blue sky through the holly leaves.  The blue started to change from light to medium to a deep vibrant almost neon blue.  I then noticed the snow.  It too was this most magnificent BLUE.  The shade of intensity would vary from where there were shadows to light.  Curious now I looked deeper to understand this change of vision.  I'm looking off to my left...the sun hitting the outer part of my right eye.  On the window ledge to which my gaze is directed sits a bag of cat food.  The bag is mostly green.  Looking at it...I now look through it...the color green only left to infuse my spectrum.  The blue I'm seeing now having a shaded line of green approaching.  I do this with several other colors around.  Pink fading into blue.  Blue to bluer....yellow to blue green then blue.  There was no effort involved to hold these colors in my gaze.  The prismatic spectrum of light revealed!  

  • 2969553590?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024A couple weeks ago I had dream of being on Zupera (SL).  It was a post apocalyptic time.  I was with a man and a woman living in the tree house there.  We were looking out and down.  On the ground by the base of the tree stood a very large male lion.  We were concerned he would climb up and get us.  At this point realizing my 2 companions had guns.  This shocked me as I had taken a vow long ago to never own a gun.  Suddenly the lion is in the tree house.  It jumps on the woman but in a playful way like a big kitty cat.  I see the lion has blood on his mane.  I explain to the woman he has already fed and will not harm us.  She stands up mother always told me, if a lion jumps on you... kill it.  She pulls out the gun and shoots the lion.  He is dead!

    End dream.

    A few days later it's Friday night and time for our SL party.  Logging in I see Molly is already in world.  Checking the mini map I find her under the sea.  Here she had created an amazing new under water world.  Exploring, I come across a picture of a LION!  I am blown away.  It's magnificent.  Unable to draw my attention away I plop down in front.  After awhile others show up and the party begins.  Next day I'm taking a swim remembering the dream and picture.  This "triggers" an opening of the heart chakra and experience of....."the lion laying down with the lamb"!   So much sadness, so much joy!


  • 2969553794?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Here's a brighter picture with Sooz in the foreground.

  • Thank you for this powerful reminder  to soft focus, relax, and sink into an experience. To have the "world" revealed without the brain filling in the blanks.

    Shelly Merk said:

    ...Blue to bluer....yellow to blue green then blue.  There was no effort involved to hold these colors in my gaze.  The prismatic spectrum of light revealed!  

  • MamaAya

    You came to me without ceremony, without warning, without tasting your brew touching my lips. Transdimensional opening of worlds between worlds. "Waking life dream". You appeared as a beautiful woman, merged with the jungle. You are the jungle. No beginning, no ending. You sat there looking at me, legs wide open - jungle Sheila-Na-Gig. You call me to you. I enter like Shiva dancing with Shakti. I am the sacred Lingam merged with the sacred Yoni. You draw me into you, I become you. We are one. I am your body, I belong to you. I see through your eyes and blink. I am you, you are me. You shoot me up your spine and out your crown. Like a cosmic fountain I burst out becoming millions of stars. We are the universe. I am everywhere, everything and yet I am little me, Molly, sitting at home in wonder.

    I am humbled. Sweet Mother of Fabaceae, you are here to help heal the world. You bless me with your gifts. I honor, respect and am in awe of you.

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