
  • I've been anticipating reading this all evening.  Finally finished with my projects and now, lo and behold, it's 11:11.  A deep breath, a big smile, and a heart radiating love for us, all.

    jaaaaaaaaysun!  lol, just felt like singing that out.  ok... here i go... deeper down the rabbit hole!

    (posting this a bit later, cuz ISP crashed right when i was posting)

  • "...The myth is that seekers must continue to seek and strive and try to become something better, higher, and so on (another clever victory of the controlling faction). But virtually all seekers are the helpers, which means that they are already way beyond what they think they're striving towards.

    When Superbeings members increasingly realize this, it will become a most powerful current of energy for the group. The reason for that is a couple of things: first that it is such a relief to make that realization and find out that you're here to help and have always been doing your part without even knowing it, and secondly it is such a waste of energy to continue to strive towards something you already are and have nothing to actually DO but awaken to that fact. Getting a group consciously into "help mode" on a global scale instead of "strive mode" towards self-improvement will generate incredible energy to direct to the evolutionary process."

    yes!  spoke with mary and susan about this the other day.  had strongly realized this about a week and a half ago.  it's a life changer.

    this is why we are coming/have come together here folks. it's all about our feeling tone and our signature our "job", why we are here on the planet, is to show up. once we realize that there is no "working towards", self-improvement, ascension initiation, blah blah blah..., once we get it that we are here to just be, even with the internal stuff we think is dark, THAT'S WHEN IT ALL STARTS HAPPENING.  everything starts to click. it's the code.

    seriously, jason, chance, so many have been saying this for a long time now. i'm really just now getting it on the aha level. every cell in my body is starting to relax and let go into the uniqueness that i am as part of this collective.  ;)


  • This point is so huge but REALLY powerful and yet subtle like a hidden door that has been now revealed and you could have run right past it but it IS the very thing.

    It is not that we are saying don't take that cooking class or continue to expand but maybe cause it excites you and you know you are being compelled to do it for the sheer joy of the experience and maybe even to spread them codes around! You are not out there trying to lose weight so your life can begin or then you will feel acceptance.

    I think the alchemy is a great tool to dissolve the stuff we accumulated but that all the things we have striving for were right there beneathe the dross. ALSO yes the realization becomes so deeply humbling. I am that. I always was. Right here. Right now. The best of you rising forth. You don't have to anything. It is counterintuitive perhaps. Also we do bring out each other's best. That is why we get together.The creativity the laughter the joy it's just outrageous. I am reminded when I am with you all. Inspired. It goes so deep. Ancient roots that always were. Primary. 

  • " We’re being told that we’ll remember how to counteract gravity with fields generated consciously by our bodies for things liketranslocation/teleportation, and possibly even how to effect instant manifestation.We’re being told that those skills are all so closely related to each other that remembering how to do one is essentially remembering how to do them all. "

    I can't help but being impressed with the above statement. My heart also knows that all of these (teleportation bi location instant manifestation) are in the grand scheme of things just small small abilities in us equivalent to walking and running. Though I am excited about the possibility of expressing
    these abilities I know it's not the destination. There's far more involved... but I have yet to read the full Superbeing document which is a masterful collaboration.
  • Happily admit that I resonated with all of the words in your recent sharings. The only underscore that I would suggest is that our purpose is, indeed, TWO-fold (as you know and mentioned): Not just to help the evolution(ers), but for the experience itself! That is just as important to remember. For each of us is our own autonomous reality which plays into the whole and has never been separate from, and each have our own different timings and experiences that we have chosen on deeper levels, to play out in our lifetime of learning. And the experience that we will gain from this tremendously transformative lifetime.. is as valid as any of these dreams that we've EVER dreamed as eternal dreamer-beings. :)

    Thank you all for sharing this one with me. <3  It is good to be with family... not just us here, but really, everyone we're helping out now. No matter how awake, or how resistant... we are all dear to each other. So much so.

  • Yes!!!... my favorite word these days.  :)

    The pure joy, laughter, inspiration, celebration and camaraderie of family that we are have and are when we are together... something for all of us to look forward to again, or for the first time this round.  Without exception everyone I meet is a big "oh here we are again".  Recognition on such a deep level.  

    Yes Eugene, the experience itself. Simple and so true!

    Winnie, I am sipping the document slowly, working through it bit by bit. I love reading about what is exciting you about it.  Looking forward to more...

  • I had to read it a couple of times cause well there is a lot of fabulous yummy code and deep understanding going on there.

  • Question for Jason-- I was thinking about the Prism and how much of great tool it is in one's expansion. It was not mentioned as an element in this unfolding process. I wondered why that was.
  • Prism and the fountains of code I think it would fall under the concept mentioned in the documents under- tools and alchemy and would be considered a kind of alchemy cause it most certainly is- it is a a kind of nourishment that one absorbs energetically and those symbols most certainly make and adjust our fields and flow code.

  • It's just in the interest of space. I was having to restrain myself to try to keep this document to the length it is. As I get this whole site to a more seamless state, PRISM will be under TOOLS as well.

    Winnie Ocean said:

    Question for Jason-- I was thinking about the Prism and how much of great tool it is in one's expansion. It was not mentioned as an element in this unfolding process. I wondered why that was.
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